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August 23, 2007 |
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Block watches boy with bubbles
This youngster enjoys one of the lighter
moments at an ice cream social hosted
by the Block Watch on Mountain View in
Shelton. This is a program of the Shelton
Police Department that helps people
take steps to make their neighborhoods
safer for young and old alike. The social
was held at Faith Lutheran Church.
Officer Mike Fiola is starting his second
year as point man for crime prevention
for the SPD. His telephone number is
Belfair woman to prison
for spanking teenage girl
A 38-year-old Belfair woman
was sentenced to 53 months in
prison for her part in the chastis-
ing of a teenage girl with an ax
Renee Arlene Field was charged
with domestic violence against
Audrey Moody, the 15-year-old
daughter of her live-in boyfriend,
and convicted of assault in the
third degree after a four-day trial
in Mason County Superior Court.
The father of the child, 42-year-
old Dorsey Richard Moody, pled
guilty to assault in the third de-
gree. He was sentenced on March
12 to two months in the Mason
County Jail for assault in the
third degree and ordered by Judge
James Sawyer to have no contact
with his daughter for the next two
Dorsey Moody was the first
witness to testify against Field,
whom he described as "his girl-
friend and also former sister-in-
law." He said his daughter came
home on November 12 after be-
ing gone for several days and he
told her "there had to be some
consequence for not letting me
as a parent know where she had
been." The victim testified that
she remembered being "picked up
by my pony tail and being thrown
onto the bed by Renee. I was face
down. Renee was on the bed hold-
ing me down while my dad was
standing over me. He was beating
me with the ax handle on my rear
and my back and the back part of
my thigh."
Other witnesses called to tes-
tify included two deputies from
the Mason County Sheriffs Of-
rice, Larry Ellis and Richard Ger-
meau, and Terry Cousins, who is a
corrections officer in King County
and the aunt of the victim, who is
the daughter of her twin sister.
Judge Toni Sheldon sentenced
Field on August 9, with the prison
term based in part on Field hav-
ing an extensive criminal history
and numerous prior felony con-
victions. Sheldon ordered Field to
pay $500 to the victims compen-
sation fund and $843.77 in court
costs. Field will be in the commu-
nity custody of the Washington
Department of Corrections for
18 months after her release from
Not-guilty pleas:
Driver charged with homicide
A Belfair man who denied being
at the wheel of a vehicle involved
in a fatal crash August 4 near
Lake Cushman was arraigned on
Monday in Mason County Supe-
rior Court.
Douglas David McDonald,
29, entered not-guilty pleas to
charges of vehicular homocide and
driving under the influence. Mc-
Donald, who gave an address of
P.O. Box 384, Union, at booking
but indicated in court he lived at
30 East Falls Place, Belfair, is ac-
cused of causing the death of Mi-
chael L. Jines of Bremerton. '
According to a report by offi-
cers of' the Washington State Pa-
trol who responded to the scene of
the crash, a man who was camped
nearby had pulled Jines from the
passenger seat of the vehicle after
McDonald left the scene. Trooper
M.T. Bauer reported a smell of
intoxicants about the vehicle and
blood on McDonald's person when
iii iiii III I I I I
Warrants were issued for the
arrest of the following people who
failed to appear August 20 for
proceedings in Mason County Su-
perior Court: William Charles
Williams, $50,000; Ian Wayne
Mottinger, $2,882.86; William
Asbury Jordan II, $1,759.85; Da-
vid Bradley Tillman, $1,376.25;
William Charles Amahs II,
$1,361.61; Charles Edward
Boylan, $2,670.48; and Lamonte
Lloyd Peters, $2,711.34. Jack
Lynn Wilson failed to appear for
a trial readiness hearing on Au-
gust 17 and Judge James Sawyer
issued a $30,000 warrant for his
he reappeared at the crash scene.
Trooper Tim Knopp reported
taking McDonald to the hospital
and watching him submit to blood
testing. Bauer's report identified
McDonald as the driver and indi-
cated he had the car keys in his
pocket, However, his report also
indicated McDonald told troopers
he and Jines had changed places
and Jines began driving the car
shortly before it crashed.
McDonald and the following
defendant in an unrelated case
are scheduled for omnibus hear-
ings September 17, pretrial hear-
ings on Ocotober 1, trial readiness
hearings on October 5 and trials
during the jury term beginning
October 9.
* Ryan Kim Johns, 24, of 52
North Salish Court, Shelton, pled
not guilty to two counts of assault
in the third degree.
He was arrested on August 4 in
the 2500 block of Olympic Highway
North by Deputy Jeff Rhoades of
the Mason County Sheriffs Office,
who reported seeing a vehicle driv-
en in a reckless manner. Rhoades
said there was a Washington De-
partment of Corrections warrant
for the man's arrest.
Johns allegedly stuck an officer
of the Shelton Police Department
as he was being taken into cus-
tody. He is also accused of cutting
a person with a razor blade dur-
ing an altercation at an address on
Wallace Kneeland Boulevard.
Also on Monday, August 20'
• Jason Richard Giles, 34, of
528 Cascade Street, Shelton, pled
not guilty to felony eluding and is
scheduled for an omnibus hear-
ing October 15, a pretrial heaing
on Ocotober 29, a trial readiness
hearing on November 2 and trial
during the jury term beginning
November 6.
Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 23, 2007,
He was arrested around 6
o'clock on August 9 by Officer
Mike Fiola of the SPD. The officer
said he saw Giles traveling south
on Olympic Highway North when
Giles turned quickly onto Ellinor
Avenue without using his turn
signal. "The turn was at a high
rate of speed, and debris from the
road got kicked up," the officer
wrote. Fiola reported that before
pulling over, Giles reached speeds
approaching 50 miles per hour in
a 25-mph zone.
On Monday, August 13:
* Christopher Russell
Thornton, 43, of 261 SE Craig
Road, Shelton, was arraigned on
a charge of theft in the second
degree. He is accused of using a
Wells Fargo Visa card belonging
to Sorren J. Engle to make cash
withdrawals totaling $1,700 from
automatic teller machines be-
tween January 21, 2006 and Feb-
ruary 13, 2006.
The card was reported stolen
from Engle's residence at 3325
West Cloquallum Road, where
Kristine Vanderwal also resides.
Thornton reportedly said he had
been at the residence a number of
times with his girlfriend, Brenda
Nolan, when they were babysit-
ting. He allegedly told Nolan he
had taken the card.
Judge James Sawyer appoint-
ed Ronald Sergi to represent him.
The court ruled that conditions
established previously were to
remain in effect, including that
Thornton have no contact with
Engle, Vanderwal, Nolan or the
residence on Cloquallum Road.
Sawyer accepted Thornton's not-
guilty plea and set an omnibus
hearing for October 1, pretrial
and readiness hearings for Oc-
tober 15 and 19, and trial in the
term beginning October 23.
Gunplay leads t
m an s arre s t aft e
camping conflict
Bail was set at $10,000 for an
Olympia man arrested over the
weekend after allegedly beating
up another man at a camping area
along the Skokomish River.
Josef Wade McConkey, 30,
of 1315 71st Avenue SE, Olympia,
was identified on Monday, August
20, in Mason County Superior
Court in an investigation of as-
sault in the second degree. He said
he would hire an attorney. Charles
Lane, who said he had been con-
tacted by McConkey's family, ap-
peared at the hearing.
McConkey was arrested around
2 a.m. on August 18 at 1921 East
State Route 106 by deputies of the
Mason County Sheriffs Office who
said they were responding to a re-
port of an assault on property at
Hunter Farms in Union. Deputies
described the alleged victim Aaron
Douglas Smith as "holding his left
side and wincing in pain" with a
partial shoeprint on the back of
his shirt and numerous scratches
and abrasion on his arms. Smith
was transported to Mason General
Hospital and reportedly had sus-
tained broken ribs as well as other
less serious injuries.
Deputies were told Smith was
sleeping in a van when he was
attacked at about 12:30 a.m. He
reportedly was with Edward and
Anthony Gloyne, who were sleep-
ing in a tent near the van and wit-
nessed the attack by McConkey.
Edward Gloyne reported the al-
leged assault.
The Gloynes said they had been
sitting around a campfire drink-
ing alcohol with Smith, who went
to sleep in the van. They said two
men, one named Joe, came over
from another campsite and, while
they were there, Smith opened the
side door of the van holding an AK
47 assault rifle.
The Gloynes said they teased
Smith about coming out and that
they thought Smith did it because
they had been banging on the van
earlier. They offered Joe and the
other man a few beers and told
them the rifle was not loaded. The
men went back to their campsite
and the Gloynes went to sleep in
the tent.
About an hour later, the Gloynes
said, they heard a commotion out-
side and saw Joe, a female and
about six other males standing
beside the van. The female opened
the sliding door and McConkey
reached in and began punching
Smith with his left hand while
holding a gun in his right hand,
according to the arrest report.
McConkey then allegedly pulled
Smith from the van and continued
beating him. Smith allegedly said
he had done something stupid and
it had been misinterpreted.
McConkey claimed he and a
man he knew as "Mike" went to
the campsite and Smith assaulted
him when he jumped out of the
van with the rifle and threatened
them. He claimed the rifle was
loaded and Smith threatened to
kill everyone in the place. McCon-
key said he got his pistol from his
motorhome for self-defense.
Judge James Sawyer set bail at
$10,000 and noted second-degree
assault is a "strike" offense un-
der the state's persistent-offender
sentencing law which mandates a
sentence of life in prison without
the possibility of parole for per-
sons convicted of three "strike" of-
The judge ordered McConkey to
have no contact with the alleged
victim or potential witnesses iden-
tified in the police reports. He also
ordered McConkey to stay away
from the camping site on Hunter
Farms property but did allow him
to go there to remove his 34-foot
motorhome. Sawyer also ordered
McConkey to surrender all fire-
arms "for safe keeping" to the
sheriffs office here or in Thurston
McConkey's arraignment is
scheduled for August 31.
Also on Monday, August 20:
• Roland Kenneth Douglas,
19, of 1215 Thomas Avenue, Shel-
ton, was identified in an investiga-
tion of rape of a child in the third
He was arrested August 17 by
detectives from the sheriffs office
investigating a report that Doug-
las was having intercourse with
a 15-year-old female identified by
the initials "D.T.L." She reported-
ly said they had been dating since
July 18 and he was living with her
at her parents' house on Hidden
Horse Court. Douglas is more than
48 months older than the alleged
victim, this age differential being
a component of the alleged cr
Judge Sawyer appointed
aid Saerg i as defense attornee
bail t $7,500 and schedul
raignment for August 31. Sal
ordered Douglas to have no
tact with the alleged victim,
residence or other people t
the age of 16.
On Friday, August 17:
• Lucas Gerou, 20, of
East Trails End Road, Belfair
identified in an investigation 0
hicular assault. H declined a
appointed counsel. "My dad
he's going to hire one for me,
reported. "I did get in trouble
juvenile but I showed up for
court date and paid my fines.
Gerou was arrested arot
a.m. on August 17 and appe
in court after signing a promi|
appear. He was allegedly drivi
pickup truck on Rasor Road,
ing over the centerline and r
the pickup throwing Dustin
iel Germaine out of the bed
truck. Germaine sustained a I
laceration on his head and !
transported to Harrison Hos
according to a report by De
Duain Dugan. Brent M.
was a passenger in the vehi
Jeremiah R. Donovan was ri
in the bed with Germaine.
Scan M. Turner said he was
traveling on Rasor Road and t
to avoid the pickup truck whe
crossed the centerline. He said
vehicle went into a ditch but
was able to get it back on the r
He said the pickup rolled over i
identified Gerou as the driver.
Gerou allegedly said he and
friends had gone into the woo '
drink some beer and he was pi
to drive when they got ready
leave. He said he tried to a
colliding with another vehicle
the next thing he knew the t
was on its side." Gerou said
"freaked out and ran home." De
ties reported finding a can of b
which was still cold next to
truck with the name "Luke" v
ten on a wrapper around the ca
Judge James Sawyer set
raignment for August 27. A
condition of release, he requi
Gerou to take Antabuse, a t
scription which induces vomit
when alcohol is consumed and
dered him to have no contact
potential witnesses.
On Thursday, August 16:
• Richard J. BarnacaS'
35, of Shelton, was identified i
investigation of malicious misC!
in the second degree and diso
ly coduct. He was listed as t
sient at booking.
Barnacascel was arrested
August 16 by officers of the
ton Police Department who
they responded at 7:14 a.r. i
a report of a disturbance at!
Community Kitchen, 114 S
Second Street. Ken BenjamiS
portedly said Barnacascel
broken a window at the facil
which serves meals to home
persons, and "was acting cr
during hours of operation. Ba
cascel allegedly became combS!
and refused to comply with ord
from the officers when he waSl
Judge Sawyer appointed J
Foley as defense attorney,
Foley asked for a mental-h#
evaluation. The judge said |
nacascel will be held pending.
evaluation and set a review
of September 10. '! '
00Irrested bU
not charged i
forged checks from the Fla '
Suites Hotel in Arizona turn
at the Wal-Mart in Sheltoe
told no charges had been fil
Mason County Superior Court'
Maggie Lynn Huston, '
6391 West Shelton-Matlock
appeared for arraignment
Monday, August 20, after
arrested on numerous allegs.
of forgery and theft. Judge
Sawyer told her no charges
been filed and released her
conditions imposed by the
He said if the state does file c
es against her, she would recOl
summons in the mail.
Judge Sawyer had found
able cause for her arrest in 1
tential crimes: four counts of
cry, four counts of identify i
two counts of theft in the s
degree, six counts of possessi01
stolen property in the seco'd
gree and one count of possessi¢
false identification.
Block watches boy with bubbles
This youngster enjoys one of the lighter
moments at an ice cream social hosted
by the Block Watch on Mountain View in
Shelton. This is a program of the Shelton
Police Department that helps people
take steps to make their neighborhoods
safer for young and old alike. The social
was held at Faith Lutheran Church.
Officer Mike Fiola is starting his second
year as point man for crime prevention
for the SPD. His telephone number is
Belfair woman to prison
for spanking teenage girl
A 38-year-old Belfair woman
was sentenced to 53 months in
prison for her part in the chastis-
ing of a teenage girl with an ax
Renee Arlene Field was charged
with domestic violence against
Audrey Moody, the 15-year-old
daughter of her live-in boyfriend,
and convicted of assault in the
third degree after a four-day trial
in Mason County Superior Court.
The father of the child, 42-year-
old Dorsey Richard Moody, pled
guilty to assault in the third de-
gree. He was sentenced on March
12 to two months in the Mason
County Jail for assault in the
third degree and ordered by Judge
James Sawyer to have no contact
with his daughter for the next two
Dorsey Moody was the first
witness to testify against Field,
whom he described as "his girl-
friend and also former sister-in-
law." He said his daughter came
home on November 12 after be-
ing gone for several days and he
told her "there had to be some
consequence for not letting me
as a parent know where she had
been." The victim testified that
she remembered being "picked up
by my pony tail and being thrown
onto the bed by Renee. I was face
down. Renee was on the bed hold-
ing me down while my dad was
standing over me. He was beating
me with the ax handle on my rear
and my back and the back part of
my thigh."
Other witnesses called to tes-
tify included two deputies from
the Mason County Sheriffs Of-
rice, Larry Ellis and Richard Ger-
meau, and Terry Cousins, who is a
corrections officer in King County
and the aunt of the victim, who is
the daughter of her twin sister.
Judge Toni Sheldon sentenced
Field on August 9, with the prison
term based in part on Field hav-
ing an extensive criminal history
and numerous prior felony con-
victions. Sheldon ordered Field to
pay $500 to the victims compen-
sation fund and $843.77 in court
costs. Field will be in the commu-
nity custody of the Washington
Department of Corrections for
18 months after her release from
Not-guilty pleas:
Driver charged with homicide
A Belfair man who denied being
at the wheel of a vehicle involved
in a fatal crash August 4 near
Lake Cushman was arraigned on
Monday in Mason County Supe-
rior Court.
Douglas David McDonald,
29, entered not-guilty pleas to
charges of vehicular homocide and
driving under the influence. Mc-
Donald, who gave an address of
P.O. Box 384, Union, at booking
but indicated in court he lived at
30 East Falls Place, Belfair, is ac-
cused of causing the death of Mi-
chael L. Jines of Bremerton. '
According to a report by offi-
cers of' the Washington State Pa-
trol who responded to the scene of
the crash, a man who was camped
nearby had pulled Jines from the
passenger seat of the vehicle after
McDonald left the scene. Trooper
M.T. Bauer reported a smell of
intoxicants about the vehicle and
blood on McDonald's person when
iii iiii III I I I I
Warrants were issued for the
arrest of the following people who
failed to appear August 20 for
proceedings in Mason County Su-
perior Court: William Charles
Williams, $50,000; Ian Wayne
Mottinger, $2,882.86; William
Asbury Jordan II, $1,759.85; Da-
vid Bradley Tillman, $1,376.25;
William Charles Amahs II,
$1,361.61; Charles Edward
Boylan, $2,670.48; and Lamonte
Lloyd Peters, $2,711.34. Jack
Lynn Wilson failed to appear for
a trial readiness hearing on Au-
gust 17 and Judge James Sawyer
issued a $30,000 warrant for his
he reappeared at the crash scene.
Trooper Tim Knopp reported
taking McDonald to the hospital
and watching him submit to blood
testing. Bauer's report identified
McDonald as the driver and indi-
cated he had the car keys in his
pocket, However, his report also
indicated McDonald told troopers
he and Jines had changed places
and Jines began driving the car
shortly before it crashed.
McDonald and the following
defendant in an unrelated case
are scheduled for omnibus hear-
ings September 17, pretrial hear-
ings on Ocotober 1, trial readiness
hearings on October 5 and trials
during the jury term beginning
October 9.
* Ryan Kim Johns, 24, of 52
North Salish Court, Shelton, pled
not guilty to two counts of assault
in the third degree.
He was arrested on August 4 in
the 2500 block of Olympic Highway
North by Deputy Jeff Rhoades of
the Mason County Sheriffs Office,
who reported seeing a vehicle driv-
en in a reckless manner. Rhoades
said there was a Washington De-
partment of Corrections warrant
for the man's arrest.
Johns allegedly stuck an officer
of the Shelton Police Department
as he was being taken into cus-
tody. He is also accused of cutting
a person with a razor blade dur-
ing an altercation at an address on
Wallace Kneeland Boulevard.
Also on Monday, August 20'
• Jason Richard Giles, 34, of
528 Cascade Street, Shelton, pled
not guilty to felony eluding and is
scheduled for an omnibus hear-
ing October 15, a pretrial heaing
on Ocotober 29, a trial readiness
hearing on November 2 and trial
during the jury term beginning
November 6.
Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 23, 2007,
He was arrested around 6
o'clock on August 9 by Officer
Mike Fiola of the SPD. The officer
said he saw Giles traveling south
on Olympic Highway North when
Giles turned quickly onto Ellinor
Avenue without using his turn
signal. "The turn was at a high
rate of speed, and debris from the
road got kicked up," the officer
wrote. Fiola reported that before
pulling over, Giles reached speeds
approaching 50 miles per hour in
a 25-mph zone.
On Monday, August 13:
* Christopher Russell
Thornton, 43, of 261 SE Craig
Road, Shelton, was arraigned on
a charge of theft in the second
degree. He is accused of using a
Wells Fargo Visa card belonging
to Sorren J. Engle to make cash
withdrawals totaling $1,700 from
automatic teller machines be-
tween January 21, 2006 and Feb-
ruary 13, 2006.
The card was reported stolen
from Engle's residence at 3325
West Cloquallum Road, where
Kristine Vanderwal also resides.
Thornton reportedly said he had
been at the residence a number of
times with his girlfriend, Brenda
Nolan, when they were babysit-
ting. He allegedly told Nolan he
had taken the card.
Judge James Sawyer appoint-
ed Ronald Sergi to represent him.
The court ruled that conditions
established previously were to
remain in effect, including that
Thornton have no contact with
Engle, Vanderwal, Nolan or the
residence on Cloquallum Road.
Sawyer accepted Thornton's not-
guilty plea and set an omnibus
hearing for October 1, pretrial
and readiness hearings for Oc-
tober 15 and 19, and trial in the
term beginning October 23.
Gunplay leads t
m an s arre s t aft e
camping conflict
Bail was set at $10,000 for an
Olympia man arrested over the
weekend after allegedly beating
up another man at a camping area
along the Skokomish River.
Josef Wade McConkey, 30,
of 1315 71st Avenue SE, Olympia,
was identified on Monday, August
20, in Mason County Superior
Court in an investigation of as-
sault in the second degree. He said
he would hire an attorney. Charles
Lane, who said he had been con-
tacted by McConkey's family, ap-
peared at the hearing.
McConkey was arrested around
2 a.m. on August 18 at 1921 East
State Route 106 by deputies of the
Mason County Sheriffs Office who
said they were responding to a re-
port of an assault on property at
Hunter Farms in Union. Deputies
described the alleged victim Aaron
Douglas Smith as "holding his left
side and wincing in pain" with a
partial shoeprint on the back of
his shirt and numerous scratches
and abrasion on his arms. Smith
was transported to Mason General
Hospital and reportedly had sus-
tained broken ribs as well as other
less serious injuries.
Deputies were told Smith was
sleeping in a van when he was
attacked at about 12:30 a.m. He
reportedly was with Edward and
Anthony Gloyne, who were sleep-
ing in a tent near the van and wit-
nessed the attack by McConkey.
Edward Gloyne reported the al-
leged assault.
The Gloynes said they had been
sitting around a campfire drink-
ing alcohol with Smith, who went
to sleep in the van. They said two
men, one named Joe, came over
from another campsite and, while
they were there, Smith opened the
side door of the van holding an AK
47 assault rifle.
The Gloynes said they teased
Smith about coming out and that
they thought Smith did it because
they had been banging on the van
earlier. They offered Joe and the
other man a few beers and told
them the rifle was not loaded. The
men went back to their campsite
and the Gloynes went to sleep in
the tent.
About an hour later, the Gloynes
said, they heard a commotion out-
side and saw Joe, a female and
about six other males standing
beside the van. The female opened
the sliding door and McConkey
reached in and began punching
Smith with his left hand while
holding a gun in his right hand,
according to the arrest report.
McConkey then allegedly pulled
Smith from the van and continued
beating him. Smith allegedly said
he had done something stupid and
it had been misinterpreted.
McConkey claimed he and a
man he knew as "Mike" went to
the campsite and Smith assaulted
him when he jumped out of the
van with the rifle and threatened
them. He claimed the rifle was
loaded and Smith threatened to
kill everyone in the place. McCon-
key said he got his pistol from his
motorhome for self-defense.
Judge James Sawyer set bail at
$10,000 and noted second-degree
assault is a "strike" offense un-
der the state's persistent-offender
sentencing law which mandates a
sentence of life in prison without
the possibility of parole for per-
sons convicted of three "strike" of-
The judge ordered McConkey to
have no contact with the alleged
victim or potential witnesses iden-
tified in the police reports. He also
ordered McConkey to stay away
from the camping site on Hunter
Farms property but did allow him
to go there to remove his 34-foot
motorhome. Sawyer also ordered
McConkey to surrender all fire-
arms "for safe keeping" to the
sheriffs office here or in Thurston
McConkey's arraignment is
scheduled for August 31.
Also on Monday, August 20:
• Roland Kenneth Douglas,
19, of 1215 Thomas Avenue, Shel-
ton, was identified in an investiga-
tion of rape of a child in the third
He was arrested August 17 by
detectives from the sheriffs office
investigating a report that Doug-
las was having intercourse with
a 15-year-old female identified by
the initials "D.T.L." She reported-
ly said they had been dating since
July 18 and he was living with her
at her parents' house on Hidden
Horse Court. Douglas is more than
48 months older than the alleged
victim, this age differential being
a component of the alleged cr
Judge Sawyer appointed
aid Saerg i as defense attornee
bail t $7,500 and schedul
raignment for August 31. Sal
ordered Douglas to have no
tact with the alleged victim,
residence or other people t
the age of 16.
On Friday, August 17:
• Lucas Gerou, 20, of
East Trails End Road, Belfair
identified in an investigation 0
hicular assault. H declined a
appointed counsel. "My dad
he's going to hire one for me,
reported. "I did get in trouble
juvenile but I showed up for
court date and paid my fines.
Gerou was arrested arot
a.m. on August 17 and appe
in court after signing a promi|
appear. He was allegedly drivi
pickup truck on Rasor Road,
ing over the centerline and r
the pickup throwing Dustin
iel Germaine out of the bed
truck. Germaine sustained a I
laceration on his head and !
transported to Harrison Hos
according to a report by De
Duain Dugan. Brent M.
was a passenger in the vehi
Jeremiah R. Donovan was ri
in the bed with Germaine.
Scan M. Turner said he was
traveling on Rasor Road and t
to avoid the pickup truck whe
crossed the centerline. He said
vehicle went into a ditch but
was able to get it back on the r
He said the pickup rolled over i
identified Gerou as the driver.
Gerou allegedly said he and
friends had gone into the woo '
drink some beer and he was pi
to drive when they got ready
leave. He said he tried to a
colliding with another vehicle
the next thing he knew the t
was on its side." Gerou said
"freaked out and ran home." De
ties reported finding a can of b
which was still cold next to
truck with the name "Luke" v
ten on a wrapper around the ca
Judge James Sawyer set
raignment for August 27. A
condition of release, he requi
Gerou to take Antabuse, a t
scription which induces vomit
when alcohol is consumed and
dered him to have no contact
potential witnesses.
On Thursday, August 16:
• Richard J. BarnacaS'
35, of Shelton, was identified i
investigation of malicious misC!
in the second degree and diso
ly coduct. He was listed as t
sient at booking.
Barnacascel was arrested
August 16 by officers of the
ton Police Department who
they responded at 7:14 a.r. i
a report of a disturbance at!
Community Kitchen, 114 S
Second Street. Ken BenjamiS
portedly said Barnacascel
broken a window at the facil
which serves meals to home
persons, and "was acting cr
during hours of operation. Ba
cascel allegedly became combS!
and refused to comply with ord
from the officers when he waSl
Judge Sawyer appointed J
Foley as defense attorney,
Foley asked for a mental-h#
evaluation. The judge said |
nacascel will be held pending.
evaluation and set a review
of September 10. '! '
00Irrested bU
not charged i
forged checks from the Fla '
Suites Hotel in Arizona turn
at the Wal-Mart in Sheltoe
told no charges had been fil
Mason County Superior Court'
Maggie Lynn Huston, '
6391 West Shelton-Matlock
appeared for arraignment
Monday, August 20, after
arrested on numerous allegs.
of forgery and theft. Judge
Sawyer told her no charges
been filed and released her
conditions imposed by the
He said if the state does file c
es against her, she would recOl
summons in the mail.
Judge Sawyer had found
able cause for her arrest in 1
tential crimes: four counts of
cry, four counts of identify i
two counts of theft in the s
degree, six counts of possessi01
stolen property in the seco'd
gree and one count of possessi¢
false identification.