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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 23, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 23, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ournal Poulsbo, or consumption of alto- • Edow s, c00'00We.ok zey. 'i lng • M 'd Lled  ane, a Clays, 3 oa Chapp ms , m.,Aven ue, suspended, Udgments in Mason County m trict Court Judge Victoria jurisdiction during the i Week include: under the influence: C. MacKenzie, 7643 Man- Olympia, $1,530.50, 364 suspended; Lindsay 6502 East Port- Tacoma, $1,121,365 363 suspended, $408 costs; A. Defevers, 4883 North- Road, Belfair, $1,546, 365 f :230 suspended, $168 costs• ;ekless driving: Joseph M. n'Sreaux, 11716 241st Avenue i c0f!rt East, Buckley, $500, 365 Ld , 364 suspended, $556 costs, ne. jl no seatbelt, $80; Ivan M. ie' 761 NE Toonerville Road, : eair, $500, 365 days, 364 sus- s ;ded, and driving while license ,nded, third degree, $300, 90 p suspended, $726.50 costs; Ty- hi, Samuel Stitzer, 195 NE State ite 308, Poulsbo, $500, 365 c zl, 364 suspended, $43 costs• rolFegligent driving: Barbara l lQuintana, 300 SE Alpine Av- oidS, Shelton, first degree, $500, , ldays, 89 suspended, $465 costs; dn G. Rodgers, Brunswick, spa'as, second degree, $538; Rich- tel l P. Schneider, 180 North Finch k ,Road, Hoodsport, first de- le., $200, 365 days, 364 suspend- rid and driving while license sus- ded or revoked, second degree, Ls, 90 days, 89 suspended, $86 htj, '$ d i0 i;s )  :lu°:ke vi : id costs. u triving while license sus- raided or revoked: Anthony ,rkhael Martin, 401 NE Bear r; ek-Dewatto Road, Belfair, ld degree, $150, 90 days sus- >.dtded, and violation of an order $43 costs• Other offenses: Mitchell L. Thompson, 2030 West Eells Hill Road, Union, operating a nonhigh- way vehicle while under the influ- ence of intoxicating liquor or nar- cotics, $250, 90 days suspended, $283 costs; Joaquin Pedro Miguel, 160 NE Santa Maria Lane, Bel- fair, failure to register potentially dangerous dog, $250; Gene Leon Yount, 43 NE Belfair Street, Bel- fair, violation of a no-contact or- der, two counts, $300, 365 days, 355 suspended and $300,365 days, 345 suspended• SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munici- pal Court Judge Amber Finlay's jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Tautiaga I. Tausa, 2064 Lake Bou- levard, Shelton, $866, 365 days, 364 suspended, $250 costs; Cheryl Lee Lawton, 609 California Lane, Shelton, $866, 365 days, 364 sus- pended, $250 costs; Antonio Perez Perez, $1,121, 365 days, 330 sus- pended, $350 costs, and no valid operator's license, no liability in- surance, no seatbelt and operating a vehicle without headlights after darkness, $938. Hit and run: Jessica Lynn Watson-Howell, 1841 Dickinson Avenue, Shelton, unattended vehi- cle, $300, 90 days, 75 suspended. Obstructing a law enforce- ment officer: Aslan Martin Jef- fery, 800 East Old Farm Road, Shelton, $500, $43 costs. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divorces Granted Dennis Radtke and Kathy Radtke. Rachel Helveston and Billy Ray Helveston Sr. Jonie E. Bean and Jeffrey H. Bean. New Cases Washington Department of Revenue against Mark L. Stogdill, Patricia A. Stogdill and Town and Country Gas and Food Mart, tax warrant. Unifund CCR Partners against Anthony Ondich III, commercial. Richard Beckman Realty Group, Limited Liability Compa- ny, against Marty Byford, unlaw- ful detainer. Washington Department of La- bor and Industries, tax warrants against Town and Country Home and Mortgage; Tami Suzanne Eng- strom and John Doe Engstrom. Amber Low and Robert Low against Richard York, unlawful detainer. The Collection Group, Limited Liability Company, against David Ellis and Jane Doe Ellis, commer- cial, and against Linwood Ballard and Buffy Lee Ballard, transcript of judgment. Capital One against John L. Brennan and Julie Brennan, ab- stract of judgment. Marcella Ridge against Cory Close, Christina Vine and other residents, unlawful detainer. GESA Credit Union against Daniel "Sonny" L. Roger, commer- cial. Michael W. Thompson and Kim A. Thompson against Johnnie R. Cary and Gary M. Gordon, com- mercial. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: Lon Stamper, 325 East Pointes Drive East, Shelton, garage, ae .Jts; Joseph J. Tindall, 147 West iaken y Road, Elma, third de- .a' $150,90 days, 89 suspended, costs; Ellis M. Anderson, 251 rdale Lane, Hoodsport, third Caee, $300, 90 days suspended, 163 costs; Ormond John Dodge, . counts, second degree, $250, U e .P nded, and fourth-degree as- 'lt, domestic violence, $250, 365 Yt, s, 305 suspended, $43 costs. _o valid operator's license: ' bra Ann Dewberry, Belfair, and Seatbelt and no liability insur: , $360; Brian T. Brush, 3721 th Ferdinand Street, Tacoma, ']38; Teresa H. Bisser, 70 East / .,Yton Place, Shelton, and no li- ;--,ltY insurance, $1,076; Richard ',k Logan, 110 Kodiak Drive ., Shelton, and failure to dim 'dlights, $674. o liability insurance: An-  Marie Willard, 31 NE Sailloft ]tlrt, Belfair, and driving with els off roadway, $701; Bradley 1 Torrent, 343 Tracey Avenue, t Orchard, and speeding and sirig license plate, $833; Da- .i?mes Hliboki, 760 East Road :talee, Shelton, and speeding, ther traffic offenses: Randy eibert, 221 North Union Drive, tSport, hit and run unattended cle, $250, 90 days suspended, !3 costs. alawful fishing in the sec- degree: Richard D. Creek- Ira, 9 Elma Gate Road, Oakville, pt to exceed chinook salmon it, ,150 szstmg arrest. Charlene AlVarado, 3000 Johns Prairie kl, Shelton, $300, 90 days, 85 aded, $47 costs. $15,927.84; Dennis McComber, I riminal trespass: Richard L. 701 East Wood Lane, Shelton, es, 421 SE Arcadia Road, Shel- residence, $123,861.70; Matthew !i Second degree, $100, 90 days Ames, 1051 NE Southridge Drive, b/rMed, $160 costs. Belfair, residence, $214,410; Kev- lZrlor in possession: Ryan J. in Boling, 260 SE Cape Cod Point lton, garage, $37,944; .... We will be CLOSED Labor Day Weekend Sat.Sun.Mon, Sept. 1-2-3 00gNXOn'UM I00I00iERS & TAILORS 'QrVln ¢ts" g Sheton and County for 82 years Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. 215 South Second 426.3371 cord Alden Eaton, 1500 NE Haven Way, Tahuya, garage, $49,327.20; Trina Morris, 888 East Miracle Heights Drive, Shelton, addition, $70,080; Lisa Lewis, 18561 East State Route 106, Belfair, sky- lights and doors, $13,000; Berger Hansen, 351 East Alderbrook Ridge Drive, Union, residence, $186,414•65; Murray Hocker, resi- dence, $138,298.50; John Mills, 201 East Grape Drive, Grapeview, addition, $24,090.95; Curt Har- mon, 120 SE Crescent Drive, Shel- ton, residence, $178,772; Brian Payne, 15271 East State Route 106, Belfair, repair bulkhead, $16,478; Dan Kempton, 801 West Delight Park Road, Shelton, addi- tion, $28,032; Calvin Moran, 1400 West Satsop Maple Glen, Elma, manufactured home, $83,537. Also: Marvin Berlin, 471 East Ballantrae Drive, Shelton, ga- rage, $107,119.20; Ronald Szalay, 240 East Soderberg Road, Allyn, porch, $7,840.80; David Morris, 260 East Grapeview Point Road, Allyn, residence, $135,926; Don- ald Jarvey, 1611 East Timber- lake West Drive, Shelton, deck, $7,615.50; Steve McLain, 144 East Leffler Loop Road, Grapeview, pole building, $26,560.80; Bill Lemp, 81 East Wokojance Lane, Shelton, residence, $152,189.60; William Phipps, 222 SE Cook Plant Farm Road, Shelton, deck, $11,434.50; David Blowers, 341 East Ballantrae Drive, Shelton, carport, $8,712; David Loser, 120 West Stardust Lane, Shelton, ga- rage, $40,473.60; Jerry Reed, 150 North Fairway Drive East, Hood- sport, garage, $34,149.60; Mason County Department of Utilities and Waste Management, 111 East Rustle Way, Grapeview, plant im- provements, $121,197• No value was listed for the fol- lowing projects: Debra Freund, 201 NE Sun- down Drive, Tahuya, manufac- tured home; Allen Pierce, 181 East Kuhn Avenue, Union, mobile home; Leonard Hurst, 440 East Is- land Lake Road, Shelton, demoli- tion; Suchamas Kumlue, 2421 NE State Route 3, Belfair, demolition. CITY BUILDING PERMITS New construction and other projects receiving permits during the past week include: Shelton School District, 543 K Street, 900 West Franklin Street and 305 University Avenue, fire protection systems, no value list- ed. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT August 14:5:55 a.m., smoke investigation, West Cots Street; 7:01 p.m., smoke investigation, 106 South Seventh Street. August 17:5:33 p.m. brush fire, Capitol Hill. August 19:12:23 p.m., injury, West Railroad Avenue. August 20:6:22 p.m., injury, East Batstone Cutoff Road. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, August 14 A caller from Safeway said someone found a bag of suspected marijuana in the store. Vehicle prowls in the area of South llth Street and West Rail- road Avenue and in the 100 block of West Cota Street were report- ed. An assault between two detain- ees at the Mason County Juvenile Detention Center on North Fifth Street was reported• An alleged sex offense was re- ported. Police responded to reports of disturbances at 11:10 p.m. in a parking lot in the 100 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard and at 11:32 p.m. in the 1300 block of Holman Street. Wednesday, August 15 A caller from a business in the 2200 block of' Olympic Highway North reported possible embezzle- ment by an employee. A burglary at a residence in the 1700 block of Monroe Street was reported. Vandalism at a residence in the 600 block of Wyandotte Avenue was reported. A caller fom the 1700 block of Stewart Street reported the theft of' pain medication. At 8:50 p.m. a caller reported seeing someone inside a business in the 300 block of South First Street• Harassment complaints came in from callers in the 300 block of South Third Street and the 2400 block of North 13th Street. Thursday, August 16 Vandalism to a window at the community kitchen in the 100 block of South Second Street was reported. A theft at a business in the 900 block of Railroad Avenue was re- ported. A caller from the 500 block of Laurel Street said the caller's daughter had received death threats on "My Space," a Web site on the Internet. A burglary at a residence in the 1600 block of Jefferson Street was reported. A caller from a business in the 100 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard reported embezzle- ment. Police responded at 10:35 p.m. to a report of a disturbance in a parking lot in the 300 block of Raih'oad Avenue. Friday, August 17 A gray 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe was reported stolen from the 400 block of East Fir Street. A caller from the 1900 block of Summit Drive reported receiv- ing threats and a caller from the Washington Department of Cor- rections office in Shelton reported threats to a community corrections officer. Saturday, August 18 Just be/bre 1 a.m. a caller com- plained about noise in the 2000 block of Summit Drive• Around 9:45 a.m. two callers said a man in a wheelchair was attempting to siphon gas from ve- hicles in the area of Fourth and Franklin streets. Vandalism to a window of a residence in the 500 block of Ot- ter Street and to a vehicle in the 300 block of East F Street was re- ported. A 1985 blue and white Chevro- let S10 pickup truck was reported stolen from the 700 block of East Pine Street. A caller from the 1900 block of Olympic Highway North reported forgery involving a vehicle title. At 7:37 p.m. and again at 8:40 p.m. callers complained about noise in the area of 12th Street and Railroad Avenue. Sunday, August 19 At 12:28 a.m. a caller com- plained about noise at a residence on West Alder Street. Police responded at 2:40 a.m. to a report of a "combative subject" at the Mason County Jail. Vandalism to the play area at the apartment complex in the 200 block of Turner Avenue was re- ported. Just after 2 p.m. a disturbance in the 1400 block of Ellinor Avenue was reported. At 8:32 p.m. a disturbance in a parking lot in the 300 block of South First Street was reported. Monday, August 20 Vandalism to windows of a vehi- cle and a trailer in the 1800 block of Summit Drive and to a vehicle in the 100 block of West Univer- sity Avenue was reported. A caller from a business in the 1500 block of Olympic Highway North filed a fraud complaint. At 11:43 a.m. police responded to a report of a disturbance outside the Mason County Courthouse. A burglary at a residence in the 1900 block of Ferry Street was re- ported. A caller from the 300 block of Chestnut Street reported harass- ment. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPULATION The Mason County Jail record- ed populations as follows during the past week: Wednesday 120, Thursday 120, Friday 117, Saturday 114, Sunday 117, Monday 117, Tuesday 117. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, August 14 Fire District 2 responded to three reports of illegal burns: at 7:50 p.m. and again at 10:05 p.m. at 90 NE Jolly Roger Lane, and at 8:48 p.m. on NE Panther Lake Road. A caller from milepoint 1.5 of West Railroad Avenue just outside Shelton city limits reported the theft of two chainsaws and lawn tools. A caller from NE Lorna Lee Way, Belfair, reported identity theft and a caller from NE Wanda Court, Belfair, said someone had withdrawn funds from the caller's bank account. Skokomish tribal officers re- ceived a report of a vehicle prowl on North Reservation Road. The theft of copper wire was reported from a place about three miles out East Johns Prairie Road near Shelton. The theft of forest products was reported on property on West Ha- ven Drive. A caller complained about a ski boat operating in an "unsafe man- ner" on Panther Lake near Bel- fair. Squaxin Island tribal officers (Please turn to page 28.) I I I I I IIIIIIIIII Casey Salisbury ~ Sheriff HERIFF------" II I SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF RESIDENCE If you have any information regarding current criminal activity of this or any other offender, please call 911. For other information on sex offenders, ADANTE JOSEPH MANUEL THORNTON WHITE MALE - DOB: 03/20/94 - 6' 00" - 150 LBS. BLACK HAIR & BROWN EYES Adante THORNTON has recently been released from the Kitsap County Juvenile Detention Center, moved to Mason County with his parents and is required to register as a sex offender due to his 7/25/07 conviction of Rape of a Child 1st Degree, Kitsap County Superior Court cause # 07-8-0000494-1. This conviction stems from THORNTON raping a 5 year old boy and again raping a 10 year old boy. Both victims were unassociated or related to THORNTON. On 09/06/07, THORNTON will again stand trial in Kitsap County Superior Court for a completely different and unassociated charge of Rape of a Child I st Degree. In this case, THORNTON allegedly raped a 6 year old boy that was unassociated or related to THORNTON. During an interview, THORNTON disclosed that he had a total of 5 victims that he either sexually molested or raped. Due to these factors THORNTON is considered a HIGH RISK. THORNTON is assessed by thc Mason County Sheriff's Office as a Level 3 Sex Offender. This is the HIGHEST LEVEL given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. THORNTON has tiven his address within Mason County as: Within the 100 block of N. Fairway Dr. E., Hoodsport, WA Paid for by the Mason County Sheriff's ()ffice Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27 ournal Poulsbo, or consumption of alto- • Edow s, c00'00We.ok zey. 'i lng • M 'd Lled  ane, a Clays, 3 oa Chapp ms , m.,Aven ue, suspended, Udgments in Mason County m trict Court Judge Victoria jurisdiction during the i Week include: under the influence: C. MacKenzie, 7643 Man- Olympia, $1,530.50, 364 suspended; Lindsay 6502 East Port- Tacoma, $1,121,365 363 suspended, $408 costs; A. Defevers, 4883 North- Road, Belfair, $1,546, 365 f :230 suspended, $168 costs• ;ekless driving: Joseph M. n'Sreaux, 11716 241st Avenue i c0f!rt East, Buckley, $500, 365 Ld , 364 suspended, $556 costs, ne. jl no seatbelt, $80; Ivan M. ie' 761 NE Toonerville Road, : eair, $500, 365 days, 364 sus- s ;ded, and driving while license ,nded, third degree, $300, 90 p suspended, $726.50 costs; Ty- hi, Samuel Stitzer, 195 NE State ite 308, Poulsbo, $500, 365 c zl, 364 suspended, $43 costs• rolFegligent driving: Barbara l lQuintana, 300 SE Alpine Av- oidS, Shelton, first degree, $500, , ldays, 89 suspended, $465 costs; dn G. Rodgers, Brunswick, spa'as, second degree, $538; Rich- tel l P. Schneider, 180 North Finch k ,Road, Hoodsport, first de- le., $200, 365 days, 364 suspend- rid and driving while license sus- ded or revoked, second degree, Ls, 90 days, 89 suspended, $86 htj, '$ d i0 i;s )  :lu°:ke vi : id costs. u triving while license sus- raided or revoked: Anthony ,rkhael Martin, 401 NE Bear r; ek-Dewatto Road, Belfair, ld degree, $150, 90 days sus- >.dtded, and violation of an order $43 costs• Other offenses: Mitchell L. Thompson, 2030 West Eells Hill Road, Union, operating a nonhigh- way vehicle while under the influ- ence of intoxicating liquor or nar- cotics, $250, 90 days suspended, $283 costs; Joaquin Pedro Miguel, 160 NE Santa Maria Lane, Bel- fair, failure to register potentially dangerous dog, $250; Gene Leon Yount, 43 NE Belfair Street, Bel- fair, violation of a no-contact or- der, two counts, $300, 365 days, 355 suspended and $300,365 days, 345 suspended• SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munici- pal Court Judge Amber Finlay's jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Tautiaga I. Tausa, 2064 Lake Bou- levard, Shelton, $866, 365 days, 364 suspended, $250 costs; Cheryl Lee Lawton, 609 California Lane, Shelton, $866, 365 days, 364 sus- pended, $250 costs; Antonio Perez Perez, $1,121, 365 days, 330 sus- pended, $350 costs, and no valid operator's license, no liability in- surance, no seatbelt and operating a vehicle without headlights after darkness, $938. Hit and run: Jessica Lynn Watson-Howell, 1841 Dickinson Avenue, Shelton, unattended vehi- cle, $300, 90 days, 75 suspended. Obstructing a law enforce- ment officer: Aslan Martin Jef- fery, 800 East Old Farm Road, Shelton, $500, $43 costs. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divorces Granted Dennis Radtke and Kathy Radtke. Rachel Helveston and Billy Ray Helveston Sr. Jonie E. Bean and Jeffrey H. Bean. New Cases Washington Department of Revenue against Mark L. Stogdill, Patricia A. Stogdill and Town and Country Gas and Food Mart, tax warrant. Unifund CCR Partners against Anthony Ondich III, commercial. Richard Beckman Realty Group, Limited Liability Compa- ny, against Marty Byford, unlaw- ful detainer. Washington Department of La- bor and Industries, tax warrants against Town and Country Home and Mortgage; Tami Suzanne Eng- strom and John Doe Engstrom. Amber Low and Robert Low against Richard York, unlawful detainer. The Collection Group, Limited Liability Company, against David Ellis and Jane Doe Ellis, commer- cial, and against Linwood Ballard and Buffy Lee Ballard, transcript of judgment. Capital One against John L. Brennan and Julie Brennan, ab- stract of judgment. Marcella Ridge against Cory Close, Christina Vine and other residents, unlawful detainer. GESA Credit Union against Daniel "Sonny" L. Roger, commer- cial. Michael W. Thompson and Kim A. Thompson against Johnnie R. Cary and Gary M. Gordon, com- mercial. COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS New construction over $5,000, shoreline work and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: Lon Stamper, 325 East Pointes Drive East, Shelton, garage, ae .Jts; Joseph J. Tindall, 147 West iaken y Road, Elma, third de- .a' $150,90 days, 89 suspended, costs; Ellis M. Anderson, 251 rdale Lane, Hoodsport, third Caee, $300, 90 days suspended, 163 costs; Ormond John Dodge, . counts, second degree, $250, U e .P nded, and fourth-degree as- 'lt, domestic violence, $250, 365 Yt, s, 305 suspended, $43 costs. _o valid operator's license: ' bra Ann Dewberry, Belfair, and Seatbelt and no liability insur: , $360; Brian T. Brush, 3721 th Ferdinand Street, Tacoma, ']38; Teresa H. Bisser, 70 East / .,Yton Place, Shelton, and no li- ;--,ltY insurance, $1,076; Richard ',k Logan, 110 Kodiak Drive ., Shelton, and failure to dim 'dlights, $674. o liability insurance: An-  Marie Willard, 31 NE Sailloft ]tlrt, Belfair, and driving with els off roadway, $701; Bradley 1 Torrent, 343 Tracey Avenue, t Orchard, and speeding and sirig license plate, $833; Da- .i?mes Hliboki, 760 East Road :talee, Shelton, and speeding, ther traffic offenses: Randy eibert, 221 North Union Drive, tSport, hit and run unattended cle, $250, 90 days suspended, !3 costs. alawful fishing in the sec- degree: Richard D. Creek- Ira, 9 Elma Gate Road, Oakville, pt to exceed chinook salmon it, ,150 szstmg arrest. Charlene AlVarado, 3000 Johns Prairie kl, Shelton, $300, 90 days, 85 aded, $47 costs. $15,927.84; Dennis McComber, I riminal trespass: Richard L. 701 East Wood Lane, Shelton, es, 421 SE Arcadia Road, Shel- residence, $123,861.70; Matthew !i Second degree, $100, 90 days Ames, 1051 NE Southridge Drive, b/rMed, $160 costs. Belfair, residence, $214,410; Kev- lZrlor in possession: Ryan J. in Boling, 260 SE Cape Cod Point lton, garage, $37,944; .... We will be CLOSED Labor Day Weekend Sat.Sun.Mon, Sept. 1-2-3 00gNXOn'UM I00I00iERS & TAILORS 'QrVln ¢ts" g Sheton and County for 82 years Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. 215 South Second 426.3371 cord Alden Eaton, 1500 NE Haven Way, Tahuya, garage, $49,327.20; Trina Morris, 888 East Miracle Heights Drive, Shelton, addition, $70,080; Lisa Lewis, 18561 East State Route 106, Belfair, sky- lights and doors, $13,000; Berger Hansen, 351 East Alderbrook Ridge Drive, Union, residence, $186,414•65; Murray Hocker, resi- dence, $138,298.50; John Mills, 201 East Grape Drive, Grapeview, addition, $24,090.95; Curt Har- mon, 120 SE Crescent Drive, Shel- ton, residence, $178,772; Brian Payne, 15271 East State Route 106, Belfair, repair bulkhead, $16,478; Dan Kempton, 801 West Delight Park Road, Shelton, addi- tion, $28,032; Calvin Moran, 1400 West Satsop Maple Glen, Elma, manufactured home, $83,537. Also: Marvin Berlin, 471 East Ballantrae Drive, Shelton, ga- rage, $107,119.20; Ronald Szalay, 240 East Soderberg Road, Allyn, porch, $7,840.80; David Morris, 260 East Grapeview Point Road, Allyn, residence, $135,926; Don- ald Jarvey, 1611 East Timber- lake West Drive, Shelton, deck, $7,615.50; Steve McLain, 144 East Leffler Loop Road, Grapeview, pole building, $26,560.80; Bill Lemp, 81 East Wokojance Lane, Shelton, residence, $152,189.60; William Phipps, 222 SE Cook Plant Farm Road, Shelton, deck, $11,434.50; David Blowers, 341 East Ballantrae Drive, Shelton, carport, $8,712; David Loser, 120 West Stardust Lane, Shelton, ga- rage, $40,473.60; Jerry Reed, 150 North Fairway Drive East, Hood- sport, garage, $34,149.60; Mason County Department of Utilities and Waste Management, 111 East Rustle Way, Grapeview, plant im- provements, $121,197• No value was listed for the fol- lowing projects: Debra Freund, 201 NE Sun- down Drive, Tahuya, manufac- tured home; Allen Pierce, 181 East Kuhn Avenue, Union, mobile home; Leonard Hurst, 440 East Is- land Lake Road, Shelton, demoli- tion; Suchamas Kumlue, 2421 NE State Route 3, Belfair, demolition. CITY BUILDING PERMITS New construction and other projects receiving permits during the past week include: Shelton School District, 543 K Street, 900 West Franklin Street and 305 University Avenue, fire protection systems, no value list- ed. SHELTON FIRE DEPARTMENT August 14:5:55 a.m., smoke investigation, West Cots Street; 7:01 p.m., smoke investigation, 106 South Seventh Street. August 17:5:33 p.m. brush fire, Capitol Hill. August 19:12:23 p.m., injury, West Railroad Avenue. August 20:6:22 p.m., injury, East Batstone Cutoff Road. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, August 14 A caller from Safeway said someone found a bag of suspected marijuana in the store. Vehicle prowls in the area of South llth Street and West Rail- road Avenue and in the 100 block of West Cota Street were report- ed. An assault between two detain- ees at the Mason County Juvenile Detention Center on North Fifth Street was reported• An alleged sex offense was re- ported. Police responded to reports of disturbances at 11:10 p.m. in a parking lot in the 100 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard and at 11:32 p.m. in the 1300 block of Holman Street. Wednesday, August 15 A caller from a business in the 2200 block of' Olympic Highway North reported possible embezzle- ment by an employee. A burglary at a residence in the 1700 block of Monroe Street was reported. Vandalism at a residence in the 600 block of Wyandotte Avenue was reported. A caller fom the 1700 block of Stewart Street reported the theft of' pain medication. At 8:50 p.m. a caller reported seeing someone inside a business in the 300 block of South First Street• Harassment complaints came in from callers in the 300 block of South Third Street and the 2400 block of North 13th Street. Thursday, August 16 Vandalism to a window at the community kitchen in the 100 block of South Second Street was reported. A theft at a business in the 900 block of Railroad Avenue was re- ported. A caller from the 500 block of Laurel Street said the caller's daughter had received death threats on "My Space," a Web site on the Internet. A burglary at a residence in the 1600 block of Jefferson Street was reported. A caller from a business in the 100 block of Wallace Kneeland Boulevard reported embezzle- ment. Police responded at 10:35 p.m. to a report of a disturbance in a parking lot in the 300 block of Raih'oad Avenue. Friday, August 17 A gray 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe was reported stolen from the 400 block of East Fir Street. A caller from the 1900 block of Summit Drive reported receiv- ing threats and a caller from the Washington Department of Cor- rections office in Shelton reported threats to a community corrections officer. Saturday, August 18 Just be/bre 1 a.m. a caller com- plained about noise in the 2000 block of Summit Drive• Around 9:45 a.m. two callers said a man in a wheelchair was attempting to siphon gas from ve- hicles in the area of Fourth and Franklin streets. Vandalism to a window of a residence in the 500 block of Ot- ter Street and to a vehicle in the 300 block of East F Street was re- ported. A 1985 blue and white Chevro- let S10 pickup truck was reported stolen from the 700 block of East Pine Street. A caller from the 1900 block of Olympic Highway North reported forgery involving a vehicle title. At 7:37 p.m. and again at 8:40 p.m. callers complained about noise in the area of 12th Street and Railroad Avenue. Sunday, August 19 At 12:28 a.m. a caller com- plained about noise at a residence on West Alder Street. Police responded at 2:40 a.m. to a report of a "combative subject" at the Mason County Jail. Vandalism to the play area at the apartment complex in the 200 block of Turner Avenue was re- ported. Just after 2 p.m. a disturbance in the 1400 block of Ellinor Avenue was reported. At 8:32 p.m. a disturbance in a parking lot in the 300 block of South First Street was reported. Monday, August 20 Vandalism to windows of a vehi- cle and a trailer in the 1800 block of Summit Drive and to a vehicle in the 100 block of West Univer- sity Avenue was reported. A caller from a business in the 1500 block of Olympic Highway North filed a fraud complaint. At 11:43 a.m. police responded to a report of a disturbance outside the Mason County Courthouse. A burglary at a residence in the 1900 block of Ferry Street was re- ported. A caller from the 300 block of Chestnut Street reported harass- ment. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPULATION The Mason County Jail record- ed populations as follows during the past week: Wednesday 120, Thursday 120, Friday 117, Saturday 114, Sunday 117, Monday 117, Tuesday 117. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, August 14 Fire District 2 responded to three reports of illegal burns: at 7:50 p.m. and again at 10:05 p.m. at 90 NE Jolly Roger Lane, and at 8:48 p.m. on NE Panther Lake Road. A caller from milepoint 1.5 of West Railroad Avenue just outside Shelton city limits reported the theft of two chainsaws and lawn tools. A caller from NE Lorna Lee Way, Belfair, reported identity theft and a caller from NE Wanda Court, Belfair, said someone had withdrawn funds from the caller's bank account. Skokomish tribal officers re- ceived a report of a vehicle prowl on North Reservation Road. The theft of copper wire was reported from a place about three miles out East Johns Prairie Road near Shelton. The theft of forest products was reported on property on West Ha- ven Drive. A caller complained about a ski boat operating in an "unsafe man- ner" on Panther Lake near Bel- fair. Squaxin Island tribal officers (Please turn to page 28.) I I I I I IIIIIIIIII Casey Salisbury ~ Sheriff HERIFF------" II I SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF RESIDENCE If you have any information regarding current criminal activity of this or any other offender, please call 911. For other information on sex offenders, ADANTE JOSEPH MANUEL THORNTON WHITE MALE - DOB: 03/20/94 - 6' 00" - 150 LBS. BLACK HAIR & BROWN EYES Adante THORNTON has recently been released from the Kitsap County Juvenile Detention Center, moved to Mason County with his parents and is required to register as a sex offender due to his 7/25/07 conviction of Rape of a Child 1st Degree, Kitsap County Superior Court cause # 07-8-0000494-1. This conviction stems from THORNTON raping a 5 year old boy and again raping a 10 year old boy. Both victims were unassociated or related to THORNTON. On 09/06/07, THORNTON will again stand trial in Kitsap County Superior Court for a completely different and unassociated charge of Rape of a Child I st Degree. In this case, THORNTON allegedly raped a 6 year old boy that was unassociated or related to THORNTON. During an interview, THORNTON disclosed that he had a total of 5 victims that he either sexually molested or raped. Due to these factors THORNTON is considered a HIGH RISK. THORNTON is assessed by thc Mason County Sheriff's Office as a Level 3 Sex Offender. This is the HIGHEST LEVEL given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. THORNTON has tiven his address within Mason County as: Within the 100 block of N. Fairway Dr. E., Hoodsport, WA Paid for by the Mason County Sheriff's ()ffice Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 27