August 23, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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FlED "15 words or less- $6.50 •Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday
• 10 cents for each additional word over 15 •Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday
RATES • Four insertions for the price of three ,Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday
(360) 426-4412
to Place Ad
In multiple insertion ads,
The Journal will be responsible
for errors In the first
insertion only.
E}],FED beef $2 pound, hanging PRIDE CELEBRITY XL electric scooter, SATURDAY ONLY 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 1901
;-}843. F8/16-9/6 ramps, trailer, $1,400 all. $1,200 scoot- W. Railroad Avenue. Kids stuff. $8/23
iNoPYY-shobed, black, slid- er, $300 trailer. (360) 426-7389. R8/23- MOVING SALE Friday, Saturday 9 a.m.-
w_ $350 (360)877-6609. 9/13 3 p.m. Dresser, davenport, chairs, din-
D, DRY, you haul, $130 cord.
F8/16-9/6 ____
iolE WASHER and dryer unit,
k. Condition, $300. (360) 877-
.6 ........
L_I gig memory, 3.0 ghz Pen-
I gig hard drive, XP home ser-
Ill, 2 DVD rom and DVD RW (2
813 . n-1 card reader 2 speakers
,. i'.Very upgradeable. $750 OBO.
-7935; (360) 789-5570, ask for
Lake (1085 East Picker-
Iii110 across from Spencer Lake
Ccepts Visa/MasterCard --
,L?) announces the Anniversary
ust 3rd-6th that will feature
il seasonal clothing including
iI, hats and sandals! In addi-
. 9use" items will be discounted
% including table and floor
P Well as chandeliers! Carpets,
and runners will be discount-
d wicker, bamboo and patio
will be discounted 40-50%!
l this sale! New items coming
nth include a single pedestal
lll,und light oak table with leaf
ional) and an antique dark
IPf. oct buffet and matching dou-
!saf table with 4 chairs. August
iWill feature a 30% discount on
Illl/sets including Japanese litho-
lish chintz and Mary Engetb-
llst 17th-20th and 24th-27th will
11 things bedroom' to help you
tlat college-bound child's room
Iuest room you've dreamed of!
llr=?-ounts will be taken on beds,
-.: vanities, mirrors, armoires,
ll and morel The Labor Day
11:Sale, August 31st-September
a huge summer clearance
. II as the introduction of spec-
lill st0ckl Open Friday-Monday,
ND ramps wrlze in cus-
mll stock sizes too. Wood-
20. L6/29tfn
LOVESEAT, wine colored,
$275. (360) 432-2883.
MENT CENTER, oak fin-
i',4-door computer/TV center,
drawer, cherry finish, $75; 2-
ik file cabinet, $5. All very nice.
160) 426-0824, please leave
00lns • Currency
• Militaria
!Harrison Ave. NW
i Olympia
!352 8848 .)
• No Rocks • No Clay
• Sprinklers
Plants • Bark
Backhoe • Dozer
MAPLE TREE, in yard, cut in lengths,
needs to be cut into firewood. $125, u-
cut, u-haul. (360) 427-1601. M8/23
KENMORE WASHER, dryer 80 Series,
$500 for set. Lift chair, $100. Oreck XL2
vacuum, $140. Samsung 204B flat pan-
el monitor, $150. Call (360) 877-6280.
CLEARANCE SALE: 25% off peeled
furniture logs. The more you buy, the
greater the discount. (360) 877-0602.
GO KARTS, four commercial grade, all
run, extra parts: body, motor, bumpers,
tires, tubes. $3,000 takes all. (360) 877-
0602. H8/9-30
rieties, reasonably priced. (360) 426-
8487. T8/9-30
MISSION CREEK Antique Gallery in
Belfair. Fabulous finds in over 4,000
square feet of primitives to fine an-
tiques. New inventory daily. We buy
estates. One of the largest selections
of Native American jewelry. New addi-
tions: Gourmet Coffee, Tea and Choco-
lates, Scented Soy Candles, Gift Cards,
Gourmet Seafood, Specialty Pancake
Mix and Syrup. 23611 NE Highway 3.
Sunday 12:30-6 p.m. Monday 12-6 p.m.
Closed Tuesday. Wednesday-Saturday
10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Lisa Moss, owner.
Come experience the warmth. (360)
277-9108. M8/23-9/13
RAY'S AUCTION Service specializing
in liquidations, estates and benefits. Ev-
erything I touch turns to sold. (360) 495-
3004. R8/23-2/14
Force and lien seized moving and stor-
age. Saturday, August 25 at 4 p.m.
Preview noon-sale at Johnny's Auction,
Hwy. 12 and Pecan, Rochester. johnny- or (360) 791-6085. #2155.
is back
00DCK WALLS Sept. 15, oct. 20,
EUlkheads" Ripraps N°v" I tTo reserveeC" 15 fr
liveriesAn;wh'ere Nott oearly aspace o
,_ - " the Annual Shelton Christmas
B flOASCAPERS, Dec 1st & 2nd
IpORTHWEST 6Ol Franklin
E 426-992242 - 22 ca, 360-898-4937 or 432-0815,
LAND203B-4 d 8123-91 3
ing table/6 chairs, kitchen items, garden
tools, misc. 6 Holly, Christmas Village.
HUGE RUMMAGE and Bake Sale in St.
David's Parish Hall, September 7th and
8th, from 9 a.m-3 p.m. both days. Half-
off all rummage at noon Saturday. 218
N. 3rd, Shelton. $8/23-9/6
FRIDAY, SATURDAY, Sunday, 9 a.m.-
5 p.m. 110 Mt. Noyes, Lake Cushman.
Table saw, tools, scooter, something for
everyone. B8/23
SATURDAY 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 3 families.
Dressers, freezer, young boys' clothes,
lots of other stuff. 1431 E. Shelton
Springs Road (backyard). J8/23
MULTI FAMILY yard sale. Saturday-
Sunday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 319 W. Harvard
(3 blocks up from KFC). A8/23
NEXT TO new, no junk! Friday-Satur-
day 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 40 E. Prairie Court, off
Johns Prairie Road. D8/23
SATURDAY, SUNDAY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.,
1201 West Harvard. 2004 KTM 50cc
Pro Senior, great condition. All wood
dresser/mirror, almost new. Lots misc.
LARGE SALE, some furniture, lots of
miscellaneous. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Friday-
Saturday, E. 690 Krabbenhoft Rd., off
Hwy. 3. W8/23
SATURDAY ONLY. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 720
E. Island Lake Drive. Big sale, lots of
good stuff, no early birds. W8/23
a.m.-3 p.m. Havencrest Subdivision on
His Way, 5.25 miles out Lynch Road
from Taylor Towns. L8/23
SATURDAY ONLY, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., 210
E. Island Lake Drive. 4-family sale.
Too much to list. Misc. small furniture
items including coffee table, dresser,
TV stand, headboard. Tons of clothes -
men/women/back-to-school. Household
items, glassware, fishing poles, outdoor
items. T8/23
YARD SALE - small kitchen appliances,
boy's large Mariner jacket, Minolta cam-
era with extra lenses and tripod, smooth-
ie maker, full meal pressure cookers,
breadmakers, 100s of VHS movies and
many other nice things. No junk! Friday-
Sunday, 8 a,m.-7 p.m. 1252 E. Agate
Road. Follow signs. K8/23
sures" sale, August 25, 26, 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. at Hunter Farms Store, 1921 East
Highway 106. Collectibles, glassware,
odds and ends, books, clothing, etc.
Table space available to other non-profit
organizations for $10. Proceeds form
sale to benefit Grange Dictionary proj-
ect for Hood Canal School third grade
students and repairs to Grange hall. For
further information call (360) 426-1020
or 426-1925. H8/23
HABITAT FOR Humanity ReStore open
Saturday August 25, noon-5 p.m. 3280.
Pickering Road. B8/23
SATURDAY 8 a.m.-2 p.m. 2119 Jeffer-
son, 3 families, something for everyone.
FRIDAY ONLY 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Chairs, ot-
toman, loft bed, small couch, dresser,
lots of movies, clothes, toys. 763 SE Old
Arcadia. P8/23
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., multi
family sale. 924 Valley Road off Arcadia.
YARD SALE, Saturday and Sunday, 10
a.m.,5 p.m. 1830 SE Binns Swiger Loop
Road. B8/23
SATURDAY-SUNDAY 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Furniture, tools, kitchen items. N 300
Dow Creek Drive, Hoodsport. K8/23
ing, shoes, coats. Brand-name mer-
chandise that's easy on the budget.
Thursday-Wednesday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
(360) 427-3797. 1051 SE State Rt. 3
(next to Del's). H8/23
SATURDAY, SUNDAY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.,
no earlier sales both days. 8950 W.
Shelton-Matlock Road. 34 years of ac-
cumulation. Something for everyone.
Clothes (petite and regular sizes), dress
formals, like new. Crib sheets, casserole
dishes, dishes, desk, computer desk,
too much to mention. H8/23
ESTATE SALE -tools, electronics, vid-
eo games, lamps, chairs, much more.
Friday-Saturday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 31 N.
Kokanee Park Court (Division 17 Lake
Cushman). D8/23
Call 426-4412
WANTED: CHILDREN ages 3 to 5 years
old (and toilet trained) for the Grapeview
Community Preschool 2007-08 school
year. Call Barbara Denny at (360) 275-
6211 for further information. G8/2-23
WANTED: TRUCKER with suitable
equipment to haul two 45 foot metal
beams from Longview to Matlock. 12K
total weight. Flexible timing. Contact me
to earn extra $. Greg. (360) 943-8694.
WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a
singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit coun-
try and a little bit '80's metal/powerbal-
lad. I like music that delivers a positive
message and emphasizes the value of
morals. Some would call me lame be-
cause I don't listen to bands with names
like Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the
shoe fits I'll wear it and walk a mile." I'm
looking for a group that's happy just to
be heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton. (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
within 20 miles of Shelton
CARING PEOPLE neededl You can
make a difference in the lives of seniors.
Come join our team. Home Instead Se-
nior Care, (360) 570-0049. H8/23-10/1 i
FOOD SERVICE Worker I. 2 positions
available. 2.5 hours per school day. For
complete job description, go to www. and click on Employ-
ment Opportunities, or contact Shelton
School District, (360) 426-1687, 700 S.
1st Street, Shelton, WA 98584. EOE.
CAREGIVER FOR handicapped lady,
Mondays through Fridays, 8 a.m.-noon
and 1-5 p.m. daily. If interested call
(360) 427-9146 for an appointment for
an interview. In addition to personal
care, the job involves meal preparation
and light housekeeping. Pay is from the
Area Agency On Aging. B8/23
CAN YOU get back to sleep after wak-
ing to the alarm? Man in wheelchair
needs caregiver, night shift 6 p.m.-6
a.m. Experienced preferred but can
train. COPES with benefits. Union area,
(360) 898-0001. B8/23-9/13
P/T CUSTODIAN - Southside School,
$12.12/hr. first 30 days, $14.01/after
30 days, benefits, call (360) 426-8437.
PLANNER I, II, or III for Mason County
Department of Community Develop-
ment. $3,619-$4,442/month. Primarily
responsible for code enforcement of land
development. Minimum Qualifications:
Prefer a Bachelor's degree in planning,
environmental science or related field for
Level I, degree with two years planning
experience for II, degree with 4 years ex-
perience for III. Two-year degree my be
acceptabtewith additional years of plan-
ning experience. Different combination of
education and experience may be con-
sidered for any level. Valid WSDL and
physical ability to work outside in variable
terrain. Application available at Human
Resources, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA,, (360) 427-7265.
Closes 8/31/07. D8/23
THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to
hire a Shellfish Harvest Management
Biologist. The Shellfish Harvest Manage-
ment Biologist will manage the Skokom-
ish Tribe's shellfish program, provide
technical advice and assistance to the
fisheries manager and fish committee,
provide analysis of complex shellfish is-
sues and provide the services necessary
to maintain, perpetuate, and enhance the
Tribe's treaty guaranteed shellfish re-
sources. Conduct inter-tidal shellfish pop-
ulation surveys. Development of annual
tribal/state shellfish management plans.
Bachelor's degree in biological sciences
and one year of experience working as
a biologist in shellfish research/manage-
ment programs. A master's degree in a
related field may be substituted for one
year in shellfish research/management.
Open until filled, $38,000-$42,000. For a
full job description and required applica-
tion visit our webstte at www.skokomish.
org or contact Winona Plant, personnel
manager at (360) 426-4232 x209. S8/23
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col-
lege is seeking a Workfirst Assessment
and Transitions Coordinator, position
closes 5 p.m. Wednesday, September
12, 2007. For specific position require-
ments and application packet, visit the
website at An em-
ployment application packet can also
be obtained in the Human Resources
Office, South Puget Sound Commu-
nity College, 2011 Mottman Road SW,
Olympia, WA 98512. Phone (360) 596-
5500; or call the Human Resources
Job Line at (360) 596-5473; or e-mail TDD access call
(360) 596-5439. AA/EOE. $8/23
dates should be a qualified Journeyman
Line Clearance Tree Trimmer, have
completed a 2-year apprentice tree trim-
mer program or district-approved equiv-
alent and have a high school diploma
or equivalent. $28.93 per hour plus an
excellent compensation and benefits
package. Applications will be accepted
until the position is filled. For more infor-
mation on each job, application packets
and job descriptions visit our website
at or contact us at
(360) 565-3228. EOE. C8/23
DATABASE TECH for Mason County
Public Health. $3,371-$3,535 monthly.
Responsible for database maintenance
and clerical support. Minimum qualifi-
cations: high school diploma or GED,
knowledge of data base development,
maintaining, upgrading, and trouble-
shooting through experience and/or
technical classes. 2 years experience in
office support working with public. Open
until filled. Candidate selection week
of 8/27. Application available at 411
N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584, www., or (360) 427-7265.
OLYMPIC COLLEGE, Shelton campus.
Nursing Assistant Faculty, Fall quar-
ter. Part-time Nursing Assistant Fac-
ulty position opening for Fall quarter on
the Shelton campus for Lab Instructor,
classroom instruction and/or clinicals.
RN is required. BS in nursing preferred.
One year long-term care experience re-
quired. Open until filled. Salary DOQ.
For application form and application
requirements, visit our web site, www. or stop by the
Human Resource Services Office, dur-
ing office hours, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-
4:30 p.m. Human Resources is located
at the Bremerton campus on the 5th
floor of the College Service Center or
call (360) 475-7300. EOE. 08/23
serve. Operate the GTS food bank gar-
den. Educate youth and adults about
gardening and nutrition, and assist with
the small farms program. $925/mo. plus
benefits and education award. 10.5
month position with WSU Extension be-
gins 9/17/07. Call (360) 427-9670 x688
for application. W8/23-30
(360) 432-8837. E8/23-9/13
compiled. Must be 18 years or older,
available to work Wednesday evening
6+ hour shift starting 4:30 p.m., reliable
way to contact, able to stand for hours,
and lift bundles of newspapers. Apply in
person only. The Journal, 227 W. Cota
Street. J8/23-30
shier/clerk, 20-30 hours week, maybe
more. Fun place to work/low stress.
Must be 21. Send resume to P.O. Box
498, Union, WA 98592. A8/23tfn
physical therapy clinic is looking for a full
time technician. Duties include monitor-
ing the patient care area to ensure that
rooms and gym are prepared and/or
cleaned after each patient visit, assisting
at the front desk as needed, archiving
discharged patient charts, maintaining
clinic maintenance logs and all other
tasks as assigned by the Clinic Direc-
tor or Business Manager. All interested
applicants must be able to read and in-
terpret documents such as safety rules,
operation and maintenance instructions
and policy and procedure manuals. In-
terested applicants may apply by faxing
a resume with cover letter to Jennifer at
(360) 427-3616. P8/23
Gillis Auto Center
Shelton, WA
has a position open for a
Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep or Ford
Great pay and working conditions,
vacation plan and full benefit package.
Call Bob Albaugh
or email =2i
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33
FlED "15 words or less- $6.50 •Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday
• 10 cents for each additional word over 15 •Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday
RATES • Four insertions for the price of three ,Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday
(360) 426-4412
to Place Ad
In multiple insertion ads,
The Journal will be responsible
for errors In the first
insertion only.
E}],FED beef $2 pound, hanging PRIDE CELEBRITY XL electric scooter, SATURDAY ONLY 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 1901
;-}843. F8/16-9/6 ramps, trailer, $1,400 all. $1,200 scoot- W. Railroad Avenue. Kids stuff. $8/23
iNoPYY-shobed, black, slid- er, $300 trailer. (360) 426-7389. R8/23- MOVING SALE Friday, Saturday 9 a.m.-
w_ $350 (360)877-6609. 9/13 3 p.m. Dresser, davenport, chairs, din-
D, DRY, you haul, $130 cord.
F8/16-9/6 ____
iolE WASHER and dryer unit,
k. Condition, $300. (360) 877-
.6 ........
L_I gig memory, 3.0 ghz Pen-
I gig hard drive, XP home ser-
Ill, 2 DVD rom and DVD RW (2
813 . n-1 card reader 2 speakers
,. i'.Very upgradeable. $750 OBO.
-7935; (360) 789-5570, ask for
Lake (1085 East Picker-
Iii110 across from Spencer Lake
Ccepts Visa/MasterCard --
,L?) announces the Anniversary
ust 3rd-6th that will feature
il seasonal clothing including
iI, hats and sandals! In addi-
. 9use" items will be discounted
% including table and floor
P Well as chandeliers! Carpets,
and runners will be discount-
d wicker, bamboo and patio
will be discounted 40-50%!
l this sale! New items coming
nth include a single pedestal
lll,und light oak table with leaf
ional) and an antique dark
IPf. oct buffet and matching dou-
!saf table with 4 chairs. August
iWill feature a 30% discount on
Illl/sets including Japanese litho-
lish chintz and Mary Engetb-
llst 17th-20th and 24th-27th will
11 things bedroom' to help you
tlat college-bound child's room
Iuest room you've dreamed of!
llr=?-ounts will be taken on beds,
-.: vanities, mirrors, armoires,
ll and morel The Labor Day
11:Sale, August 31st-September
a huge summer clearance
. II as the introduction of spec-
lill st0ckl Open Friday-Monday,
ND ramps wrlze in cus-
mll stock sizes too. Wood-
20. L6/29tfn
LOVESEAT, wine colored,
$275. (360) 432-2883.
MENT CENTER, oak fin-
i',4-door computer/TV center,
drawer, cherry finish, $75; 2-
ik file cabinet, $5. All very nice.
160) 426-0824, please leave
00lns • Currency
• Militaria
!Harrison Ave. NW
i Olympia
!352 8848 .)
• No Rocks • No Clay
• Sprinklers
Plants • Bark
Backhoe • Dozer
MAPLE TREE, in yard, cut in lengths,
needs to be cut into firewood. $125, u-
cut, u-haul. (360) 427-1601. M8/23
KENMORE WASHER, dryer 80 Series,
$500 for set. Lift chair, $100. Oreck XL2
vacuum, $140. Samsung 204B flat pan-
el monitor, $150. Call (360) 877-6280.
CLEARANCE SALE: 25% off peeled
furniture logs. The more you buy, the
greater the discount. (360) 877-0602.
GO KARTS, four commercial grade, all
run, extra parts: body, motor, bumpers,
tires, tubes. $3,000 takes all. (360) 877-
0602. H8/9-30
rieties, reasonably priced. (360) 426-
8487. T8/9-30
MISSION CREEK Antique Gallery in
Belfair. Fabulous finds in over 4,000
square feet of primitives to fine an-
tiques. New inventory daily. We buy
estates. One of the largest selections
of Native American jewelry. New addi-
tions: Gourmet Coffee, Tea and Choco-
lates, Scented Soy Candles, Gift Cards,
Gourmet Seafood, Specialty Pancake
Mix and Syrup. 23611 NE Highway 3.
Sunday 12:30-6 p.m. Monday 12-6 p.m.
Closed Tuesday. Wednesday-Saturday
10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Lisa Moss, owner.
Come experience the warmth. (360)
277-9108. M8/23-9/13
RAY'S AUCTION Service specializing
in liquidations, estates and benefits. Ev-
erything I touch turns to sold. (360) 495-
3004. R8/23-2/14
Force and lien seized moving and stor-
age. Saturday, August 25 at 4 p.m.
Preview noon-sale at Johnny's Auction,
Hwy. 12 and Pecan, Rochester. johnny- or (360) 791-6085. #2155.
is back
00DCK WALLS Sept. 15, oct. 20,
EUlkheads" Ripraps N°v" I tTo reserveeC" 15 fr
liveriesAn;wh'ere Nott oearly aspace o
,_ - " the Annual Shelton Christmas
B flOASCAPERS, Dec 1st & 2nd
IpORTHWEST 6Ol Franklin
E 426-992242 - 22 ca, 360-898-4937 or 432-0815,
LAND203B-4 d 8123-91 3
ing table/6 chairs, kitchen items, garden
tools, misc. 6 Holly, Christmas Village.
HUGE RUMMAGE and Bake Sale in St.
David's Parish Hall, September 7th and
8th, from 9 a.m-3 p.m. both days. Half-
off all rummage at noon Saturday. 218
N. 3rd, Shelton. $8/23-9/6
FRIDAY, SATURDAY, Sunday, 9 a.m.-
5 p.m. 110 Mt. Noyes, Lake Cushman.
Table saw, tools, scooter, something for
everyone. B8/23
SATURDAY 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 3 families.
Dressers, freezer, young boys' clothes,
lots of other stuff. 1431 E. Shelton
Springs Road (backyard). J8/23
MULTI FAMILY yard sale. Saturday-
Sunday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 319 W. Harvard
(3 blocks up from KFC). A8/23
NEXT TO new, no junk! Friday-Satur-
day 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 40 E. Prairie Court, off
Johns Prairie Road. D8/23
SATURDAY, SUNDAY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.,
1201 West Harvard. 2004 KTM 50cc
Pro Senior, great condition. All wood
dresser/mirror, almost new. Lots misc.
LARGE SALE, some furniture, lots of
miscellaneous. 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Friday-
Saturday, E. 690 Krabbenhoft Rd., off
Hwy. 3. W8/23
SATURDAY ONLY. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 720
E. Island Lake Drive. Big sale, lots of
good stuff, no early birds. W8/23
a.m.-3 p.m. Havencrest Subdivision on
His Way, 5.25 miles out Lynch Road
from Taylor Towns. L8/23
SATURDAY ONLY, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., 210
E. Island Lake Drive. 4-family sale.
Too much to list. Misc. small furniture
items including coffee table, dresser,
TV stand, headboard. Tons of clothes -
men/women/back-to-school. Household
items, glassware, fishing poles, outdoor
items. T8/23
YARD SALE - small kitchen appliances,
boy's large Mariner jacket, Minolta cam-
era with extra lenses and tripod, smooth-
ie maker, full meal pressure cookers,
breadmakers, 100s of VHS movies and
many other nice things. No junk! Friday-
Sunday, 8 a,m.-7 p.m. 1252 E. Agate
Road. Follow signs. K8/23
sures" sale, August 25, 26, 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. at Hunter Farms Store, 1921 East
Highway 106. Collectibles, glassware,
odds and ends, books, clothing, etc.
Table space available to other non-profit
organizations for $10. Proceeds form
sale to benefit Grange Dictionary proj-
ect for Hood Canal School third grade
students and repairs to Grange hall. For
further information call (360) 426-1020
or 426-1925. H8/23
HABITAT FOR Humanity ReStore open
Saturday August 25, noon-5 p.m. 3280.
Pickering Road. B8/23
SATURDAY 8 a.m.-2 p.m. 2119 Jeffer-
son, 3 families, something for everyone.
FRIDAY ONLY 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Chairs, ot-
toman, loft bed, small couch, dresser,
lots of movies, clothes, toys. 763 SE Old
Arcadia. P8/23
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., multi
family sale. 924 Valley Road off Arcadia.
YARD SALE, Saturday and Sunday, 10
a.m.,5 p.m. 1830 SE Binns Swiger Loop
Road. B8/23
SATURDAY-SUNDAY 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Furniture, tools, kitchen items. N 300
Dow Creek Drive, Hoodsport. K8/23
ing, shoes, coats. Brand-name mer-
chandise that's easy on the budget.
Thursday-Wednesday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
(360) 427-3797. 1051 SE State Rt. 3
(next to Del's). H8/23
SATURDAY, SUNDAY, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.,
no earlier sales both days. 8950 W.
Shelton-Matlock Road. 34 years of ac-
cumulation. Something for everyone.
Clothes (petite and regular sizes), dress
formals, like new. Crib sheets, casserole
dishes, dishes, desk, computer desk,
too much to mention. H8/23
ESTATE SALE -tools, electronics, vid-
eo games, lamps, chairs, much more.
Friday-Saturday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 31 N.
Kokanee Park Court (Division 17 Lake
Cushman). D8/23
Call 426-4412
WANTED: CHILDREN ages 3 to 5 years
old (and toilet trained) for the Grapeview
Community Preschool 2007-08 school
year. Call Barbara Denny at (360) 275-
6211 for further information. G8/2-23
WANTED: TRUCKER with suitable
equipment to haul two 45 foot metal
beams from Longview to Matlock. 12K
total weight. Flexible timing. Contact me
to earn extra $. Greg. (360) 943-8694.
WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a
singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit coun-
try and a little bit '80's metal/powerbal-
lad. I like music that delivers a positive
message and emphasizes the value of
morals. Some would call me lame be-
cause I don't listen to bands with names
like Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the
shoe fits I'll wear it and walk a mile." I'm
looking for a group that's happy just to
be heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton. (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
within 20 miles of Shelton
CARING PEOPLE neededl You can
make a difference in the lives of seniors.
Come join our team. Home Instead Se-
nior Care, (360) 570-0049. H8/23-10/1 i
FOOD SERVICE Worker I. 2 positions
available. 2.5 hours per school day. For
complete job description, go to www. and click on Employ-
ment Opportunities, or contact Shelton
School District, (360) 426-1687, 700 S.
1st Street, Shelton, WA 98584. EOE.
CAREGIVER FOR handicapped lady,
Mondays through Fridays, 8 a.m.-noon
and 1-5 p.m. daily. If interested call
(360) 427-9146 for an appointment for
an interview. In addition to personal
care, the job involves meal preparation
and light housekeeping. Pay is from the
Area Agency On Aging. B8/23
CAN YOU get back to sleep after wak-
ing to the alarm? Man in wheelchair
needs caregiver, night shift 6 p.m.-6
a.m. Experienced preferred but can
train. COPES with benefits. Union area,
(360) 898-0001. B8/23-9/13
P/T CUSTODIAN - Southside School,
$12.12/hr. first 30 days, $14.01/after
30 days, benefits, call (360) 426-8437.
PLANNER I, II, or III for Mason County
Department of Community Develop-
ment. $3,619-$4,442/month. Primarily
responsible for code enforcement of land
development. Minimum Qualifications:
Prefer a Bachelor's degree in planning,
environmental science or related field for
Level I, degree with two years planning
experience for II, degree with 4 years ex-
perience for III. Two-year degree my be
acceptabtewith additional years of plan-
ning experience. Different combination of
education and experience may be con-
sidered for any level. Valid WSDL and
physical ability to work outside in variable
terrain. Application available at Human
Resources, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA,, (360) 427-7265.
Closes 8/31/07. D8/23
THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to
hire a Shellfish Harvest Management
Biologist. The Shellfish Harvest Manage-
ment Biologist will manage the Skokom-
ish Tribe's shellfish program, provide
technical advice and assistance to the
fisheries manager and fish committee,
provide analysis of complex shellfish is-
sues and provide the services necessary
to maintain, perpetuate, and enhance the
Tribe's treaty guaranteed shellfish re-
sources. Conduct inter-tidal shellfish pop-
ulation surveys. Development of annual
tribal/state shellfish management plans.
Bachelor's degree in biological sciences
and one year of experience working as
a biologist in shellfish research/manage-
ment programs. A master's degree in a
related field may be substituted for one
year in shellfish research/management.
Open until filled, $38,000-$42,000. For a
full job description and required applica-
tion visit our webstte at www.skokomish.
org or contact Winona Plant, personnel
manager at (360) 426-4232 x209. S8/23
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col-
lege is seeking a Workfirst Assessment
and Transitions Coordinator, position
closes 5 p.m. Wednesday, September
12, 2007. For specific position require-
ments and application packet, visit the
website at An em-
ployment application packet can also
be obtained in the Human Resources
Office, South Puget Sound Commu-
nity College, 2011 Mottman Road SW,
Olympia, WA 98512. Phone (360) 596-
5500; or call the Human Resources
Job Line at (360) 596-5473; or e-mail TDD access call
(360) 596-5439. AA/EOE. $8/23
dates should be a qualified Journeyman
Line Clearance Tree Trimmer, have
completed a 2-year apprentice tree trim-
mer program or district-approved equiv-
alent and have a high school diploma
or equivalent. $28.93 per hour plus an
excellent compensation and benefits
package. Applications will be accepted
until the position is filled. For more infor-
mation on each job, application packets
and job descriptions visit our website
at or contact us at
(360) 565-3228. EOE. C8/23
DATABASE TECH for Mason County
Public Health. $3,371-$3,535 monthly.
Responsible for database maintenance
and clerical support. Minimum qualifi-
cations: high school diploma or GED,
knowledge of data base development,
maintaining, upgrading, and trouble-
shooting through experience and/or
technical classes. 2 years experience in
office support working with public. Open
until filled. Candidate selection week
of 8/27. Application available at 411
N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584, www., or (360) 427-7265.
OLYMPIC COLLEGE, Shelton campus.
Nursing Assistant Faculty, Fall quar-
ter. Part-time Nursing Assistant Fac-
ulty position opening for Fall quarter on
the Shelton campus for Lab Instructor,
classroom instruction and/or clinicals.
RN is required. BS in nursing preferred.
One year long-term care experience re-
quired. Open until filled. Salary DOQ.
For application form and application
requirements, visit our web site, www. or stop by the
Human Resource Services Office, dur-
ing office hours, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-
4:30 p.m. Human Resources is located
at the Bremerton campus on the 5th
floor of the College Service Center or
call (360) 475-7300. EOE. 08/23
serve. Operate the GTS food bank gar-
den. Educate youth and adults about
gardening and nutrition, and assist with
the small farms program. $925/mo. plus
benefits and education award. 10.5
month position with WSU Extension be-
gins 9/17/07. Call (360) 427-9670 x688
for application. W8/23-30
(360) 432-8837. E8/23-9/13
compiled. Must be 18 years or older,
available to work Wednesday evening
6+ hour shift starting 4:30 p.m., reliable
way to contact, able to stand for hours,
and lift bundles of newspapers. Apply in
person only. The Journal, 227 W. Cota
Street. J8/23-30
shier/clerk, 20-30 hours week, maybe
more. Fun place to work/low stress.
Must be 21. Send resume to P.O. Box
498, Union, WA 98592. A8/23tfn
physical therapy clinic is looking for a full
time technician. Duties include monitor-
ing the patient care area to ensure that
rooms and gym are prepared and/or
cleaned after each patient visit, assisting
at the front desk as needed, archiving
discharged patient charts, maintaining
clinic maintenance logs and all other
tasks as assigned by the Clinic Direc-
tor or Business Manager. All interested
applicants must be able to read and in-
terpret documents such as safety rules,
operation and maintenance instructions
and policy and procedure manuals. In-
terested applicants may apply by faxing
a resume with cover letter to Jennifer at
(360) 427-3616. P8/23
Gillis Auto Center
Shelton, WA
has a position open for a
Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep or Ford
Great pay and working conditions,
vacation plan and full benefit package.
Call Bob Albaugh
or email =2i
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33