August 23, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 23, 2007 |
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AND moving, large diesel
available. (360) 432-7881. J8/2-
9,IGARCIA Landscaping. Brush/
rry clearing. Hauling, trimming,
dsl, pruning. Flowerbed cleanup,
rog. Free estimates. Year round.
aI.,PAUL Handy Person. 26 years
i'dnce, reasonable rates. Refer-
us, LL-----C. Home
-.,/remodel/new construction.
;I surewashing, painting, roof
5 J gUtter
cleaning. One call for your
)1.. maintenance. (360) 490-0228.
lHOHR933LN S8/2tfn
lepruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe-
52 landscaping consultant. Benjamin
=PREP -land clearing, driveways,
moval, excavating, utility ditches.
R Construction, ROANCC 941PB
"J 426-7181. J3/8tfn
GUN AND Knife Show, August 25, 26,
Centralia Fairgrounds. I-5 Exit 79. Sat-
urday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m.-3
p.m. For information call 1-503-363-
9564. K8/23
16' GLASPLY with 70 hp Johnson, 7.5
Mercury kicker, E-Z Loader trailer, an-
chor system, fish finder, $2,500. (360)
426-6855. N8/23
18' REINELL 1972, EZ Loader, many
extras, $3,500. (360) 898-5115. G8/23
1984 PLYMOUTH Reliant, good shape, WE ARE accepting applications for low
new brakes/tires/tune-up/shocks/blades, income/HUD subsidized 1 bedroom
$1,500 OBO. (360) 427-2621 or (360) apartments for elderly. Controlled ac-
339-1103. C8/23-30 cess, minutes from downtown shop-
............................................. ping. Equal Housing Opportunity. Golds-
2001 SUZUKI XL7, great family car, seats borough Creek Apartments, 303 South
7, $5,700. (360) 432-2883. H8/23-9/13
2001 TOYOTA Echo, 86,000 miles, well
maintained. Great commuter. $5,400.
(360) 427-4207, leave message. F8/23-
1989 CHEVY 1 ton with canopy, auto-
matic, bedliner, extra rims, tow package,
$3,600. 1987 Chevy S-10, 4x4, new ste-
reo, bedliner, bed toolbox, CB, $1,600.
(360) 427-0940 after 4 p.m. J8/23
14' BLUE Fin aluminum fishing boat, OBO. (360)349-6615. $8/23
15 hp Johnson. Just serviced, runs .................................................
like new. Fish finder, galvanized trailer,
swivel seats, $2,200. Bob. (360) 229-
0399. Mc8/16-23
1989 21.5 foot Mirage, open bow, 5.7L
MerCruiser'engine, rebuilt in 2006 (less
than 10 hours use). Full canvas covers,
OUR full bimini top. Tandem EZ Loader trailer,
breakaway tongue. Garaged in winter.
__ c00o! c00Oi w!
€./4.2.6-O824, for more information.
=Will be returned in the evening.
AN up or haul anything. (360)
lOSorO(360)°C'LEAN I: 426-6805, ask for
IY • P7/12-8/30
Safe, secure & dean
[asy acc.s off Hwy. I 01
Ffr key
AUTO Center Service Depart-
Open Monday thru Saturday,
key to any automotive services."
and models including mo.-
Call us - some services re-
no appointment. W. Hulbert Road
Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426-
HURT Masonry and roofing, new
, -,
]Ituction and repairs. 50 years expe-
nse, free estimates. (360) 432-8663.
g'#WHURTM*208PN W5/4tfn
CompleteLandscape J
Lawn Maintenance J
1: Bush & Tree Trimming I
| B Licensed • Bonded Insured J
, 0060-426 31491
Irt I Bill Perreault J
Lic #PROSE**931LQ I
i] COmplete Automotive
Service & Repair
, Foreign & Domestic Auto,
/;,, Light Truck & RV
.:IServtce & Repair Trailers, Toot
/ Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Open Sat 9-3
L Nationwide Warranty ==
4624)403 CB00M)
e Rd., Shelton
8/9 30
2004 CRF50 Honda, low hours, BBR ex-
haust, $1,500. (360)432-1250. H8/23
2002 HONDA GL1800 Goldwing. Black.
New tires, battery. Under 14K miles,
excellent condition, $12,900. (360) 898-
4540. C8/2-23
1995 TOYOTA Forerunner, automatic,
2-wheel drive, air, power windows and
door locks, good tires, new front brakes
and rotors. Set of studded tires and rims.
Good condition. $4,000 OBO. (360) 701-
0608. C6/28tfn
1999 CHEVY Tahoe 4x4. Leather, air
with rear air, power windows, new tires,
$9,500 OBO. (360) 426-8336. $8/2-23
JEEP WRANGLER, 1986, navy with tan
interior. 4 door, 4x4, low mileage, $1,600
NOW SELLING consignments. Cars,
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton, (360)426-2907. S1/25tfn
CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en-
gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO. Call
Chris (360) 490-0792. D12/14tfn
1997 FORD Expedition, Eddie Bauer
Edition. 4x4, leather interior, top grade
Michelin tires, well maintained. $8,500
1997 FORD conversion van, new engine
with warranty, $5,500 or trade for ? (360)
427-2655. M8/23
1991 AEROSTAR XL van, electronic 4
wheel drive, V-6, automatic, 177,000
miles. $1,400 or best offer. (360) 898-
3738. K8/23
1981 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbit convertible,
155,000 miles. Gas, standard 4-cylinder
fuel-injected, manual transmission, $700.
(360) 898-3738. K8/23
2001 CHEVY Astro van. Very good con-
dition, all power with air front and back,
3rd seat, new tires plus 4 new stud tires,
85,000 miles. $10,250 OBO. (360) 898-
2165. W8/23-30
1980 BMW 528i. Front-end damage,
strong engine, headers, great modern
alloy wheels, fixable. Best offer. (360)
426-9692. A8/9tfn
1990 - 30' Pinnacle
made by Airsfream
Low rnileage (54,693) New
fires, clean bed, loaded, ready
fo fravel. $14,000 OBO
(360) 790-1234
Bluebook, priced to sell fast at $7,000.
(360) 427-6000. R8/2-23
CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection.
Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3.
!1 • Brush and roll Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426-
;J * 25* years experience
Ui • References 2907. S3/ltfn
Jl':: " Free estimates II
. • Senior discounts I1
360-432-8847 II
360-490-4985 II
New houses • Excavation • Framing
Additions . Foundations • Siding
' Remodels • French drains • Roofing
,'Garages • L:nd clearing. Finish work I
i 360 4.323147 I
! e estimates Visa/MasterCard accepted
7th, (360) 426-3903. G2/15tfn
apartments available, $420 per month.
W/S/G paid. Pets okay under 25 pounds.
Call: (360) 426-0674. Address: 711 W.
Pine Street. P6/14tfn
3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, Timberlakes. $40
credit/criminal check. No pets. 1 year
lease. $875 first/last/S500 damage deposit.
1-206-818-4489. Mc5/3tfn
TWO BEDROOM, two bath townhome,
$700 monthly. Pets OK. Quiet coun-
try setting. (360) 352-9223; (360) 701-
5855. T8/2-23
2 BEDROOM, 2 bath mobile in small,
friendly park south of Shelton. W/S/G
paid, rent $625, deposit $625, screening
$25. (360)426-3169. B8/2-23
RV SPACE $365 monthly. Historic Rob-
in Hood Village on Hood Canal. Walk
to oysters, crabbing, fishing. 8 minutes
to Wat-Mart. or
(360) 927-1105. B7/19-12/27
SHELTON'S FINEST. These newer one
and two bedroom sixplex units come
with their own dishwasher, washer,
dryer, and spectacular view of Oakland
Bay. W/S/G paid. Very low heat bills.
$795-$895. (360) 490-0569, (360) 275-
5240. C8/9tfn
HARSTINE ISLAND. Small 2 bedroom,
1 bath, W/D, beach access, no pets,
$700 monthly, $600 deposit, refer-
ences, credit check. (360) 789-0555.
ALLYN DOUBLEWlDE mobile on acre-
age. 2 bedroom, 2 bath available Sept.
1. $900 monthly plus deposit. No dogs.
(360) 275-4300. A8/16-23
WATERFRONT WITH view of Pickering
Passage. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, nice deck,
new carpet, paint, washer/dryer. Paid
water and garbage. $800 per month,
$450 deposit, 1 year lease. (360) 239-
4720. L8/16-23
The Largest RV dealer in the Northwest gets even BIGGER!
Due to our NEW store, we're celebrating our Grand Opening
at every Poulsbo RV location! Don't miss this chance to SAVE!
08 Thor Rainier
MSRP $16,569
Sale Price $12,995
1 IRTc! 869
! 07 Fleetwood
Pegasus 21.OFQ
MSRP $19,641
Sale Price $13,995
VIN tt4(F2F212172319124
Mmllld lime Eve.ll
08 Thor Denali
MSRP $ 38,9.54
Sale Price $ 32,995
VIN # 4 ?C, FD 1P258319822
08 Fleetwood
Ranger 25G
MSRP $77,233
Sale Price $64,995
VIN #1 FDXE45S77DA87401
08 Winnebago
Sightseer 29R
MSRP $106,015
Sale Price $79,995
VIN # 1F'6MF53Y5/OA05335
't -36G,7-444,5 !
19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA
" to crodlt approval Payments based on 20% down cash or trade, plus taxes, licensing and POI Clsarges with tier 1 'sdit
rating O approval by ler Terms: 1.8.75% for 168 rags., 2.8.25% for 180 mos. 3. 8.25% for 240 mot, Prices and p
® Include tax, IIe or mandtmy PDI charge $525 to $2,000 (POt charges are included k all Ralnl mo¢s), All units
may be dtffel from kllages shown alld are I mdy, The dealer nk/darge a Imtvloe f l,tl,Wl'l,
not =pflibl to dealars o ruellars, de ends 8/26/07. All offers not to be combined wilh any othar ofts, Ind xe not valid orl
prevtou= deals. Ses dealer lot compt detalb,
APARTMENT - 2 bedroom, fireplace
and balcony, quiet country living, half-
way between Shelton/Olympia just off
Hwy. 101. A pet allowed. Free laundry
room, W/S/G paid, WlFI Internet. $700
month by month. Call (360) 427-7499.
NEW CONSTRUCTION. Timberlakes, 3
bedrooms, 2 baths. Double'car garage.
Great looking house. $1,000 per month
plus deposit. Lease option available.
(360) 701-3888. R8/16tfn
UNION. GREAT view, 1 bedroom apart-
ment, carport, laundry facilities, W/S/G,
$500 monthly, references required.
(360) 898-2593. G8/23-9/13
DOUBLEWlDE MOBILE home on 1 acre
in Grapeview. Unfurnished, 3 bedrooms,
2 baths with woodstove. $650 monthly
plus utilities, 1st and last. References.
Call (253) 426-2006 or (360) 310-0848.
NEW, LARGE 3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths,
double car garage on quiet 1/4 acre in
beautiful Timberlakes. All appliances
included. $1,095 monthly plus deposit.
Available 9/1/07. (253) 691-3317, Ruth.
ROOMMATES WANTED for waterfront
home on Lake Limerick. Shared kitchen,
entrance. Private living space. Mature
adults only. $700 monthly includes utilities.
(360) 427-0202, mornings. D8/23-9/13
NEWLY REMODELED 2 bedroom, 2
bath home on acreage near soccer
fields, double car garage. $900. (360)
432-1024. G8/23
LARGE 1 bedroom house, 2 baths, de-
tached garage, $700 monthly. Possible
rent reduction for services. (360) 490-
1982; (360) 427-4174. O8/23-9/13
COZY 2 bedroom, 1 bath house located
in quiet family park. Walking distance
to downtown, $650 monthly plus water.
1st/last/security deposit at signing. (360)
432-0699. R8/23
WANT TO live in a castle? 3,000 sq.ft.,
2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment, $1,000
monthly, no pets, year's lease. (360)
432-7918. R8/23
BRADY/MATLOCK, pristine acreage,
riverfront. Spacious, smoke-free, 4 bed-
room, 2 bath, formal dining, deck views,
pets. (360) 877-9234. $8/23-9/16
2 BEDROOM, 11/2 bath rental unit.
Close-in Shelton location. Excellent
condition. $685 per month plus deposit.
(360) 701-3888. R8/23tfn
VERY NICE large 3 bedroom, 2 bath
home with 2-car garage plus huge shop.
Hood Canal, Skok Valley and mountain
views. 2 decks, 1.5 acres fully fenced
and morel Pets negotiable. $1,350
month plus deposit. Call Melissa at John
L. Scott (360) 426-3319. J8/23
RETAIL/OFFICE space for lease con-
veniently located on Hwy. 3 between
Tupper's and Ders next to the new Hack-
ney Dental Clinic (open in August). Com-
pletely remodeled 1,250 square feet, po-
tential for 5+ office spaces, 2 entrances,
large meeting room and storage room,
and partial kitchen area. Lots of parking!
$1,500 per month, rent negotiable de-
pending on length of lease. Call Melissa
at John L. Scott (360) 426-3319. J8/23
Saratoga Springs
Accepting Applications
! & 2 bdrm. apts.
Income limits do apply
Basic rents start at:
$465 1 bdrm.
s560 2 bdrm.
Must be elderly or disabled
TDD 1-800-833-6388
! I100 North 12th St.l
All real estate advertising in this news-
paper is subject to the Fair Housing Act
which makes it illegal to advertise "any
preference, limitation or discrimina-
tion based on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status or national
origin, or an intention, to make any such
preference, limitation or discrimination."
Familial status includes children under
the age of 18 living with parents or le-
gal custodians, pregnant women and
people securing custody of children
under 18.
This newspaper will not knowingly
accept any advertising for real estate
which is in violation of the law. Our
readers are hereby informed that all
dwellings advertised in this newspaper
are available on an equal opportunity
basis. To complain of discrimination call
HUD toll-free at 1-
800-669-9777. The
toll-free telephone
number for the hear-
ing impaired is 1"
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35
AND moving, large diesel
available. (360) 432-7881. J8/2-
9,IGARCIA Landscaping. Brush/
rry clearing. Hauling, trimming,
dsl, pruning. Flowerbed cleanup,
rog. Free estimates. Year round.
aI.,PAUL Handy Person. 26 years
i'dnce, reasonable rates. Refer-
us, LL-----C. Home
-.,/remodel/new construction.
;I surewashing, painting, roof
5 J gUtter
cleaning. One call for your
)1.. maintenance. (360) 490-0228.
lHOHR933LN S8/2tfn
lepruning. Skilled labor. Irrigation spe-
52 landscaping consultant. Benjamin
=PREP -land clearing, driveways,
moval, excavating, utility ditches.
R Construction, ROANCC 941PB
"J 426-7181. J3/8tfn
GUN AND Knife Show, August 25, 26,
Centralia Fairgrounds. I-5 Exit 79. Sat-
urday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m.-3
p.m. For information call 1-503-363-
9564. K8/23
16' GLASPLY with 70 hp Johnson, 7.5
Mercury kicker, E-Z Loader trailer, an-
chor system, fish finder, $2,500. (360)
426-6855. N8/23
18' REINELL 1972, EZ Loader, many
extras, $3,500. (360) 898-5115. G8/23
1984 PLYMOUTH Reliant, good shape, WE ARE accepting applications for low
new brakes/tires/tune-up/shocks/blades, income/HUD subsidized 1 bedroom
$1,500 OBO. (360) 427-2621 or (360) apartments for elderly. Controlled ac-
339-1103. C8/23-30 cess, minutes from downtown shop-
............................................. ping. Equal Housing Opportunity. Golds-
2001 SUZUKI XL7, great family car, seats borough Creek Apartments, 303 South
7, $5,700. (360) 432-2883. H8/23-9/13
2001 TOYOTA Echo, 86,000 miles, well
maintained. Great commuter. $5,400.
(360) 427-4207, leave message. F8/23-
1989 CHEVY 1 ton with canopy, auto-
matic, bedliner, extra rims, tow package,
$3,600. 1987 Chevy S-10, 4x4, new ste-
reo, bedliner, bed toolbox, CB, $1,600.
(360) 427-0940 after 4 p.m. J8/23
14' BLUE Fin aluminum fishing boat, OBO. (360)349-6615. $8/23
15 hp Johnson. Just serviced, runs .................................................
like new. Fish finder, galvanized trailer,
swivel seats, $2,200. Bob. (360) 229-
0399. Mc8/16-23
1989 21.5 foot Mirage, open bow, 5.7L
MerCruiser'engine, rebuilt in 2006 (less
than 10 hours use). Full canvas covers,
OUR full bimini top. Tandem EZ Loader trailer,
breakaway tongue. Garaged in winter.
__ c00o! c00Oi w!
€./4.2.6-O824, for more information.
=Will be returned in the evening.
AN up or haul anything. (360)
lOSorO(360)°C'LEAN I: 426-6805, ask for
IY • P7/12-8/30
Safe, secure & dean
[asy acc.s off Hwy. I 01
Ffr key
AUTO Center Service Depart-
Open Monday thru Saturday,
key to any automotive services."
and models including mo.-
Call us - some services re-
no appointment. W. Hulbert Road
Shelton exit, Hwy. 101. (360) 426-
HURT Masonry and roofing, new
, -,
]Ituction and repairs. 50 years expe-
nse, free estimates. (360) 432-8663.
g'#WHURTM*208PN W5/4tfn
CompleteLandscape J
Lawn Maintenance J
1: Bush & Tree Trimming I
| B Licensed • Bonded Insured J
, 0060-426 31491
Irt I Bill Perreault J
Lic #PROSE**931LQ I
i] COmplete Automotive
Service & Repair
, Foreign & Domestic Auto,
/;,, Light Truck & RV
.:IServtce & Repair Trailers, Toot
/ Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Open Sat 9-3
L Nationwide Warranty ==
4624)403 CB00M)
e Rd., Shelton
8/9 30
2004 CRF50 Honda, low hours, BBR ex-
haust, $1,500. (360)432-1250. H8/23
2002 HONDA GL1800 Goldwing. Black.
New tires, battery. Under 14K miles,
excellent condition, $12,900. (360) 898-
4540. C8/2-23
1995 TOYOTA Forerunner, automatic,
2-wheel drive, air, power windows and
door locks, good tires, new front brakes
and rotors. Set of studded tires and rims.
Good condition. $4,000 OBO. (360) 701-
0608. C6/28tfn
1999 CHEVY Tahoe 4x4. Leather, air
with rear air, power windows, new tires,
$9,500 OBO. (360) 426-8336. $8/2-23
JEEP WRANGLER, 1986, navy with tan
interior. 4 door, 4x4, low mileage, $1,600
NOW SELLING consignments. Cars,
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton, (360)426-2907. S1/25tfn
CUSTOM S-10 1991 Chevy, 350 en-
gine, too much to list. $3,200 OBO. Call
Chris (360) 490-0792. D12/14tfn
1997 FORD Expedition, Eddie Bauer
Edition. 4x4, leather interior, top grade
Michelin tires, well maintained. $8,500
1997 FORD conversion van, new engine
with warranty, $5,500 or trade for ? (360)
427-2655. M8/23
1991 AEROSTAR XL van, electronic 4
wheel drive, V-6, automatic, 177,000
miles. $1,400 or best offer. (360) 898-
3738. K8/23
1981 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbit convertible,
155,000 miles. Gas, standard 4-cylinder
fuel-injected, manual transmission, $700.
(360) 898-3738. K8/23
2001 CHEVY Astro van. Very good con-
dition, all power with air front and back,
3rd seat, new tires plus 4 new stud tires,
85,000 miles. $10,250 OBO. (360) 898-
2165. W8/23-30
1980 BMW 528i. Front-end damage,
strong engine, headers, great modern
alloy wheels, fixable. Best offer. (360)
426-9692. A8/9tfn
1990 - 30' Pinnacle
made by Airsfream
Low rnileage (54,693) New
fires, clean bed, loaded, ready
fo fravel. $14,000 OBO
(360) 790-1234
Bluebook, priced to sell fast at $7,000.
(360) 427-6000. R8/2-23
CARS UNDER $2,000. Good selection.
Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3.
!1 • Brush and roll Buy, sell, trade or consign. (360) 426-
;J * 25* years experience
Ui • References 2907. S3/ltfn
Jl':: " Free estimates II
. • Senior discounts I1
360-432-8847 II
360-490-4985 II
New houses • Excavation • Framing
Additions . Foundations • Siding
' Remodels • French drains • Roofing
,'Garages • L:nd clearing. Finish work I
i 360 4.323147 I
! e estimates Visa/MasterCard accepted
7th, (360) 426-3903. G2/15tfn
apartments available, $420 per month.
W/S/G paid. Pets okay under 25 pounds.
Call: (360) 426-0674. Address: 711 W.
Pine Street. P6/14tfn
3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, Timberlakes. $40
credit/criminal check. No pets. 1 year
lease. $875 first/last/S500 damage deposit.
1-206-818-4489. Mc5/3tfn
TWO BEDROOM, two bath townhome,
$700 monthly. Pets OK. Quiet coun-
try setting. (360) 352-9223; (360) 701-
5855. T8/2-23
2 BEDROOM, 2 bath mobile in small,
friendly park south of Shelton. W/S/G
paid, rent $625, deposit $625, screening
$25. (360)426-3169. B8/2-23
RV SPACE $365 monthly. Historic Rob-
in Hood Village on Hood Canal. Walk
to oysters, crabbing, fishing. 8 minutes
to Wat-Mart. or
(360) 927-1105. B7/19-12/27
SHELTON'S FINEST. These newer one
and two bedroom sixplex units come
with their own dishwasher, washer,
dryer, and spectacular view of Oakland
Bay. W/S/G paid. Very low heat bills.
$795-$895. (360) 490-0569, (360) 275-
5240. C8/9tfn
HARSTINE ISLAND. Small 2 bedroom,
1 bath, W/D, beach access, no pets,
$700 monthly, $600 deposit, refer-
ences, credit check. (360) 789-0555.
ALLYN DOUBLEWlDE mobile on acre-
age. 2 bedroom, 2 bath available Sept.
1. $900 monthly plus deposit. No dogs.
(360) 275-4300. A8/16-23
WATERFRONT WITH view of Pickering
Passage. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, nice deck,
new carpet, paint, washer/dryer. Paid
water and garbage. $800 per month,
$450 deposit, 1 year lease. (360) 239-
4720. L8/16-23
The Largest RV dealer in the Northwest gets even BIGGER!
Due to our NEW store, we're celebrating our Grand Opening
at every Poulsbo RV location! Don't miss this chance to SAVE!
08 Thor Rainier
MSRP $16,569
Sale Price $12,995
1 IRTc! 869
! 07 Fleetwood
Pegasus 21.OFQ
MSRP $19,641
Sale Price $13,995
VIN tt4(F2F212172319124
Mmllld lime Eve.ll
08 Thor Denali
MSRP $ 38,9.54
Sale Price $ 32,995
VIN # 4 ?C, FD 1P258319822
08 Fleetwood
Ranger 25G
MSRP $77,233
Sale Price $64,995
VIN #1 FDXE45S77DA87401
08 Winnebago
Sightseer 29R
MSRP $106,015
Sale Price $79,995
VIN # 1F'6MF53Y5/OA05335
't -36G,7-444,5 !
19705 Viking Ave NW Poulsbo, WA
" to crodlt approval Payments based on 20% down cash or trade, plus taxes, licensing and POI Clsarges with tier 1 'sdit
rating O approval by ler Terms: 1.8.75% for 168 rags., 2.8.25% for 180 mos. 3. 8.25% for 240 mot, Prices and p
® Include tax, IIe or mandtmy PDI charge $525 to $2,000 (POt charges are included k all Ralnl mo¢s), All units
may be dtffel from kllages shown alld are I mdy, The dealer nk/darge a Imtvloe f l,tl,Wl'l,
not =pflibl to dealars o ruellars, de ends 8/26/07. All offers not to be combined wilh any othar ofts, Ind xe not valid orl
prevtou= deals. Ses dealer lot compt detalb,
APARTMENT - 2 bedroom, fireplace
and balcony, quiet country living, half-
way between Shelton/Olympia just off
Hwy. 101. A pet allowed. Free laundry
room, W/S/G paid, WlFI Internet. $700
month by month. Call (360) 427-7499.
NEW CONSTRUCTION. Timberlakes, 3
bedrooms, 2 baths. Double'car garage.
Great looking house. $1,000 per month
plus deposit. Lease option available.
(360) 701-3888. R8/16tfn
UNION. GREAT view, 1 bedroom apart-
ment, carport, laundry facilities, W/S/G,
$500 monthly, references required.
(360) 898-2593. G8/23-9/13
DOUBLEWlDE MOBILE home on 1 acre
in Grapeview. Unfurnished, 3 bedrooms,
2 baths with woodstove. $650 monthly
plus utilities, 1st and last. References.
Call (253) 426-2006 or (360) 310-0848.
NEW, LARGE 3 bedrooms, 11/2 baths,
double car garage on quiet 1/4 acre in
beautiful Timberlakes. All appliances
included. $1,095 monthly plus deposit.
Available 9/1/07. (253) 691-3317, Ruth.
ROOMMATES WANTED for waterfront
home on Lake Limerick. Shared kitchen,
entrance. Private living space. Mature
adults only. $700 monthly includes utilities.
(360) 427-0202, mornings. D8/23-9/13
NEWLY REMODELED 2 bedroom, 2
bath home on acreage near soccer
fields, double car garage. $900. (360)
432-1024. G8/23
LARGE 1 bedroom house, 2 baths, de-
tached garage, $700 monthly. Possible
rent reduction for services. (360) 490-
1982; (360) 427-4174. O8/23-9/13
COZY 2 bedroom, 1 bath house located
in quiet family park. Walking distance
to downtown, $650 monthly plus water.
1st/last/security deposit at signing. (360)
432-0699. R8/23
WANT TO live in a castle? 3,000 sq.ft.,
2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment, $1,000
monthly, no pets, year's lease. (360)
432-7918. R8/23
BRADY/MATLOCK, pristine acreage,
riverfront. Spacious, smoke-free, 4 bed-
room, 2 bath, formal dining, deck views,
pets. (360) 877-9234. $8/23-9/16
2 BEDROOM, 11/2 bath rental unit.
Close-in Shelton location. Excellent
condition. $685 per month plus deposit.
(360) 701-3888. R8/23tfn
VERY NICE large 3 bedroom, 2 bath
home with 2-car garage plus huge shop.
Hood Canal, Skok Valley and mountain
views. 2 decks, 1.5 acres fully fenced
and morel Pets negotiable. $1,350
month plus deposit. Call Melissa at John
L. Scott (360) 426-3319. J8/23
RETAIL/OFFICE space for lease con-
veniently located on Hwy. 3 between
Tupper's and Ders next to the new Hack-
ney Dental Clinic (open in August). Com-
pletely remodeled 1,250 square feet, po-
tential for 5+ office spaces, 2 entrances,
large meeting room and storage room,
and partial kitchen area. Lots of parking!
$1,500 per month, rent negotiable de-
pending on length of lease. Call Melissa
at John L. Scott (360) 426-3319. J8/23
Saratoga Springs
Accepting Applications
! & 2 bdrm. apts.
Income limits do apply
Basic rents start at:
$465 1 bdrm.
s560 2 bdrm.
Must be elderly or disabled
TDD 1-800-833-6388
! I100 North 12th St.l
All real estate advertising in this news-
paper is subject to the Fair Housing Act
which makes it illegal to advertise "any
preference, limitation or discrimina-
tion based on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status or national
origin, or an intention, to make any such
preference, limitation or discrimination."
Familial status includes children under
the age of 18 living with parents or le-
gal custodians, pregnant women and
people securing custody of children
under 18.
This newspaper will not knowingly
accept any advertising for real estate
which is in violation of the law. Our
readers are hereby informed that all
dwellings advertised in this newspaper
are available on an equal opportunity
basis. To complain of discrimination call
HUD toll-free at 1-
800-669-9777. The
toll-free telephone
number for the hear-
ing impaired is 1"
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35