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August 23, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 23, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE AND SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Dependency ACTION REQUIRED L NOS. 07-7-00180-0 ,L_ 07-7-00181-8 rIJERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON v COUNTY OF MASON JUVENILE COURT m1the Dependency of: . d=HUA ESPINOZA mll. &apos;. 11/03/05 ;IA ESPINOZA • : 07/I 8/02 :r,  110r Children. .;.( JORGE MENDEZ Alleged Father of i spinoza; ,=AS PASQUEL, Alleged Father of OI- noza; i it may concern, unknown biologi- r, or anyone expressing a paternal the above-named children: oi.. I. NOTICE OF HEARING SE TAKE NOTICE that a petition u°lPen filed in this court by the Washington he0spartment of Social and Health Ser- m.0n June 1, 2007, in which it is alleged tlqndency should be established on lI.'lFof the above-named child. t,FACT-FINDING HEARING WILL BE .(Onhis matter on: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, I:00 RM. .,JKE: Mason County Juvenile Court- YJ,D N. 4th'Im Street, Shelton, WA 98584 I rllSU DO NOT APPEAR the court may Order In your absence which: s dependency, placing the above- oll¢lchild in the custody of DSHS. nL II. SUMMONS ,ARE SUMMONED AND REQUIRED ' E I.E AR at the hearing on the date, time ice indicated. The purpose of the hear- t  hear and consider evidence on the 11. 1 IU HAVE THE RIGHT to be repre- I Iby an attorney at any hearings on the rt regarding the above-named child, il Iluce evidence, to be heard on your I, bhalf, to examine witnesses, to receive =on based solely on the evidence ad- at the hearing, and to an unbiased !( Ider. €  HAVE THE RIGHT, if you are indi- ]L ind cannot afford an attorney, to have _rney appointed for you by the court. mler to apply for a court-appointed attor- l,COntact Mason County Juvenile Court hone at 360-427-9670 or in person ..9 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA 98584. ",:"rney can look at the social and legal -!his case, talk to the social worker, tell ttbout the law, help you understand your )Eand help you at trial. iIU MAY BE responsible for the finan- rnrt of the above-named child if the , ll_ = placed in out-of-home care, 4L U SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS :(!/NG." If you do not come, the judge will Ilt_rI .what you have to say. If you desire .al information about your child, you y IJ ntact the Department of Social and 1 t,Services at 360-432-2050. IO/_ICE: A DEPENDENCY PETITION i;1111.88 A PROCESS WHICH, IF THE )0IS FOUND DEPENDENT, MAY RE- IN PERMANENT TERMINATION PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP 06 MONTHS OF A FINDING OF DE- CY. pIIl, TED: 8-9-07 ,$TSWARTOS, County Clerk e Scares, Deputy Clerk NOTIFICACISN Y ORDEN DE I COMPARECER ; PUN PUBLICACION Dependencia rl BE REOUIERE LA ACCION DEL ' ACTUARIO No. 07-7-00180-0 p 07-7-0018t-8 ERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON /t COUNTY OF MASON Su :)er Crossword JUVENILE COURT 0I'IE SUPERIOR DE WASHINGTON ¢J CONDADO DE MASON CORTE JUVENIL II rsferencia a la Dependencia de: Itl.HUA ESPINOZA ii.N.: 11/03/05 "JVIA ESPINOZA R:), N: 07/18/02 or de edad. A: JORGE MENDEZ, Padre ategado I. Ua Espinoza; KUMAS PASQUEL Padre alegado de ESpinoza; I r en corresponda, a pad e biolbg'co IE'Cido o a cualquier persona que ex- I inte'rSs paterno en los niros meno- Ll°a nombrados: LOTIFICACIC)N DE AUDIENCIA FAVOR TOME NOTA de que el De- Into de Servicios Sociales y de Salud "=o de Washington ha registrado una I;;",u en esta carte en fecha junto 1,2007, I e alega que se debe establecer de- ,lia en favor del/de la nio/a mencio- IF. ti arriba. el/la trabajador/a social, informarle sabre asuntos legales, ayudarle a entender sus derechos y ayudarle en unjuicio. USTED PODRJA ser responsable de la manutencibn financiera del/de la niSo/a men- cionado/a anteriormente, si sta es colocada en atencibn fuera del hogar. USTED DEBE ESTAR PRESENTE EN ESTA AUDIENCIA. Si no se presenta, el juez no escucharl Io qua usted tenga que decir. Si desea inforniacibn adicional sabre su(s) niho(s), debe ponerse en contacto con el Departamento de Servicios Sociales y de Salud al (360) 432-2050. NOTIFICACION: UNA SOLICITUD DE DEPENDENCIA INICIA UN PROCESO QUE, SI SE DETERMINA QUE EL/LA NIIRO/A ES DEPENDIENTE, PODRJA RESULTAR EN UNA FINALIZACION PERMANENTE DE LA RELACION ENTRE LOS PADRES Y EL/LA NIIqO/A DENTRO DE UN PLAZO DE 6 ME- SES DESPUES DE UNA DETERMINACION DE DEPENDENCIA. FECHADO Actuaria del Condado Actuario suplente 8/23-30-9/6 3t MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO: 97-07 AMENDING RESOLUTION 123-05 COUNTY ROAD PROJECT NO. 1859 WHEREAS, on Mason County Road No. 01420, known locally as the Beeville Loop Road, and more specifically, located in Sec 32, T 21N, R 6W, WM, at the approximate mile posts listed below; work defined as "con- struction" in the BARS Manual, Page 11-63, et seq, is determined to be necessary and proper; and, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS that it is their intention to: Remove existing metal cross culvert and replace with aluminum box culvert. Work to be performed at approximately milepost 3.08. SAID WORK is to be performed by day labor in accordance with Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as adopted by Mason County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the described County Road Project is necessary and proper, and the estimated costs of said project are herewith set out as follows: Construction: $282,000 * Right of Way: $5,000.00 * The County Road project herein de- scribed is HEREBY DECLARED to be a pub- lic necessity, and the County Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon as by law, pro- vided and in accordance with WAC 136-18. ADOPTED this 14th day of August, 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Lynda Ring Erickson Lynda Ring Erickson, Chair /s/Tim Sheldon Tim Sheldon, Commissioner /s/Ross Gallagher Ross Gallagher, Commissioner ATTEST: /s/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 8/23 It CORTE SUPERIOR DE WASHINGTON CONDADO DE MASON DIVISON JUVENIL En ref. ala Dependencia: LUKAS PABLO FECHA DE NAC.: 5-27-06 Un menor de edad PARA: CARLOS PABLO; Padre recono- cido I. NOTIFICACION DE AUDIENCIA PUN FAVOR TENGA EN CUENTA que la peticibn de Terminecibn de sus Derechos Paternos ha sido presentada en esta carte par medic del Departmento de Servicios So- ciales y de Salud del Estado de Washington el de Julia 2007, en la qua se declara qua sus derechos paternos sabre el menor de edad anteriormente mencionado, deberian ser terminados, SE LLEVARA A CABO UNA AUDIENCIA DE TERMINACION DE DERECHOS PA- TERNOS sabre este asunto el: FECHA: Jueves, 13 de Septembre de 2007 HORA: 1:00 p.m. LUGAR: Mason County Courthouse 419 N 4th Street, Shelton, Washington 98584 Sl USTED NO COMPARECE, la carte puede Ingreeur una orden en su ausen- cla la cual: puede terminar sue derechos paternos sabre el manor mencionado ante- riormente, quien se encuentra bajo custodia de DSHS. II. EM'rPLAZAMIENTO A USTED SE LE CITA Y SE LE EXIGE COMPARECER en la audiencia en la fecha, horay lugar indicados. El proposito de la au- diencia es escuchar y considerar la evidencia sabre la peticibn. USTED TIENE EL DERECHO a ser rep- resentado par un abogado en todas las au- diencias sabre esta solicitud concerniente al menor mencionado, a presenter evidencia, a ser escuchados en su propia representacibn, a interrogar a los testigos, a recibir una de- cisibn basada 0nicamente en la evidencia aportada en la audiencia y a una determi- naciSn de hechos imparcial. USTED TIENE EL DERECHO, si no tiene recursos econdmicos y no puede pagar los servicios de un abogado, a que sele designe un abogado par la carte. Para poder solicitar un abogado designado par la carte, comuni- quense con la Carte Juvenil del Condado de Mason par telSfono al (360) 427-9670 ext. 337 oen persona, acuda a Mason County Juvenile Courthouse ubicada en 615 W AI- der Street, Shelton, WA 98584. Un abogedo podr8 revisar los archivos sociales y legales de su caso, hablar con la trabajadera social de la agencia, informarios acerca de la lay, ayudarlos a comprender sus derechos y ayudarlos en el juicio. PUEDE SER que usted sea responsable de la manuteucibn econbmica del menor mencionado anteriormente si 61 es coiocado en atencibn fuera del hogar. USTED DEBERiA COMPARECER EN ESTA AUDIENCLA. Si no se presenta el juez no podr& escuchar Io qua usted tiene que decir. Si desea informacibn adicional sa- bre su nitro, deber, ponerse en contacto con el Departamento de Servicios Sociales y de Salud at (360) 432-2050. FECHADO: ,Actuario del Condado ,Actuario Suplente. 8/9-16-23 3t NO. 07-7-00216-4 NOTICE AND SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Termlnatlon *CLERK'S ACTION REQUIRED SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF MASON JUVENILE COURT In re the Welfare of. LUKAS PABLO DUB: 5-27-06 Minor Child. TO: CARLOS PABLO; Acknowledged Father; I. NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a petition for Termination of your Parental Rights has been filed in this court by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, on July 2007, in which alleges that your pa- rental rights should be terminated as to the above-named child. A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS HEARING WILL BE HELD on this matter on: DATE: Thursday, September 13, 2007 TIME: 1:00pm PLACE: Mason County Courthouse 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA 98584 IFYOU DO NOT APPEAR the court may enter an order In your absence which: may terminate your parental rights as to the above-named child who is in the custody of DSHS. II. SUMMONS YOU ARE SUMMONED AND REQUIRED TO APPEAR at the hearing on the date, time and place indicated. The purpose of the hear- ing is to hear and consider evidence on the petition. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to be repre- sented by an attorney at any hearings on the Case No. 07-4-145-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARK R CORLEY, Deceased The Persona/Representative named be- low has been appointed as Personal Repre- sentative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any other- wise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Per- sonal Representative or the Personal Repre- sentative's attorney at the address stated be- low a copy of the claim and filing the odginat of the claim with the Court. The claim must be presented within the later ot: (1) Thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in Section 11 of this act and RCW 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedents' probate and nonprobate assets. DATE of filing copy of Notice to Creditors with Clerk of Court: 8/07/07 DATE of first publication:8/9/07 JOAN CORLEY Personal Representative ROBERT W. JOHNSON P. O. Box 1400 Shelton, Washington 98584 8/9-16-23 3t ,REALIZARA UNA AUDIENCIA DE '.¢RMINACISN DE HECHOS sabre este petition regarding the above-named child, E.t: to introduce evidence, to be heard on your Summons by Publication l, l&: JUEVES, A DE SEPTIEMBRE own behalf, to examine witnesses, to receive (SMPB) a decision based solely on the evidence ad- No. 07-3..00189-9 : a Is 1:00 p.m. duced at the hearing, and to an unbiased Superior Court of Washington, County AR: Mason County Juvenile Court- fact-finder, of MASON YOU HAVE THE RIGHT, if you are indi- In re the Marriage of: ROBERT ELLIS ' N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA 98584 gent and cannot afford an attorney, to have DALLY, Petitioner, UTED NO COMPARECE, la carte an attorney appointed for you by the court. In And .llstrer una arden en su ausencla, order to apply for a court-appointed attorney, FRANCHESCA LEE DALLY, Respon- d| establece dependencia, colocando contact Mason County Juvenile Court by tele- dent. =) nio(s) mencionado(s) arriba bajo phone at (360) 427-9670 ext 337 or in person To the Respondent FRANCHESCA LEE de DSHS. . at 615 W. Alder Street, Shelton, WA 98584. DALLY , II. CITACION An attorney can look at the social and legal 1. The petitioner has started an action in LE CITA Y EXIGE QUE COMPAREZ- files in this case, talk to the social worker, tell the above court requesting that your marriage la audiencia, en la fecha, horay luRer you about the law, help you understand your be dissolved. as. El propbsito de la audiencia es rights, and help you at trial. 2. The petition also requests that the Court Y considerar la evidencia sabre la YOU MAY BE responsible for the finan- grant the following relief: ]. cial support of the above-named child if the Other: iED TIENE DERECHO a ser repre- child is placed in out-of-home care. No other relief is requested. ! Par un abogado en todas las audlen- YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS 3. You must respond to this summons by e la peticibn respecto al/a la nifo/a HEARING. If you do not come, the judge will serving a copy of your written response on ado/a enter ormente, a presentar not hear what you have to say. If you desire the person signing this summons and by fil- !is, a ser escuchado a su propio nom- additional information about your child, you ing the original with the clerk of the court. If aminar a los testigos, a recibir una should contact the Department of Social and you do not serve your written response within rl basada nicamente en la evidencia Health Services at (360) 432-2050. 60 days after the date of the first publication en la audiencia, y a una detemi- DATED: 7-26-07 of this summons (60 days after the day of de hechos. TIENE DERECHO si se eticuen- de indigencia y no puede servicios de un abogado, tiene qua la carte le asigne un abogado. aun abogado designado par Puede ponerse en contacto con la del Condado de Mason par via a1360 427-9670, o personalmente 4th Street, Shelton, Washington puede ver los registros legales de este caso, hablar con Pat Swartos, County Clerk Debbie Stone, Deputy Clerk NO. 07-7-00216-4 NOTIRCACION Y EMPLAZAMIENTO PARA PUBLICACION Termlnacl0n *SE REQUIERE LA ACCION DEL AC- TUARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF MASON JUVENILE DIVISION July, 2007), the court may enter an order of default against you, and the court may, with- out further notice to you, enter a decree and approve or provide for other relief requested in this summons. In the case of a dissolution of marriage, the court will not enter the final decree until at least 90 days after service and filing. If you serve a notice of appearance on the undersigned person, you are entitled to notice before an order of default or a decree may be entered. 4. Your written response to the sum- mons and petition must be on form WPF DR 01.0300, Response to Petition (Domestic Relations). Information about how to get this form may be obtained by contacting the clerk of the court, by contacting the Administra- tive Office of the Courts at (360) 705-5328, or from the Internet at the Washington State Courts Homepage: 5. tf you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be served on time. 6. One method df serving a copy of your response on the petitioner is to send it by cer- tified mail with return receipt requested. 7. Other This summons is issued pursuant to RCW 4.28.100 and Superior Court Civil Rule 4.1 of the State of Washington. Dated 7/11/07 /s/James Boldt 32225 James Botdt Signature of Petitioner or Lawyer/WSBA No. File Original Of Your Response with the Clerk of the Court at: Clerk of the Court Mason County Superior Court P.O. Box 340 Shelton, WA, 98584 Serve a Copy of Your Response on: Petitioners Lawyer James Boldt P.O. Box 1605 Shelton, WA 98584 7/19-26-8/2-9-16-23 6t FIRST AMENDED SUMMONS No. 06-2-00650-3 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY MAGGIE LAKE MAINTENANCE COR- PORATION, a Washington nonprofit mainte- nance corporation, Plaintiff, V. KENNETH D. TAANING and JANE DOE TAANING, husband and wife and the mari- tal community composed thereof, THE ES- TATE OF KENNETH D. TAANING, assigns and other persons or parties unknown claim- ing any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint herein,' Defendants. TO: KENNETH D. TAANING and JANE DOE TAANING AND TO: THE ESTATE OF KENNETH D. TAANING A lawsuit has been started against you in the above-entitled Court by MAGGIE LAKE MAINTENANCE CORPORATION, a Wash- ington nonprofit maintenance corporation. The Plaintiffs claim is stated in the written First Amended Complaint, a copy of which is served upon you with this First Amended Summons. In order to defend against this lawsuit, you must respond to the First Amended Com- plaint by stating your defenses in writing, and serving a copy upon the person signing this First Amended Summons within ten (10) days after service of this First Amended Summons if served within the State of Washington, and within sixty (60) days if served outside of the State of Washington, excluding the day of service, or a default judgment may be en- tered against you without notice. A default judgment is one where the Plaintiff is entitled to what they ask for because you have not re- sponded. If you serve a notice of appearance on the undersigned person, you are entitled to notice before a default judgment may be entered. A copy of all responsive pleadings must be filed with the Court. You may demand that the Plaintiff file this lawsuit with the Court. If you do so, the de- mand must be in writing and must be served upon the person signing this First Amended Summons. Within fourteen (14) days after you serve such a demand, the Plaintiff must file this lawsuit with the Court, or the service on you of this First Amended Summons arrd First Amended Complaint will be void. If you wish to seek the advice of an attor- ney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be served and filed with the Court on time. This First Amended Summons is issued pursuant to Rule 4 of the Superior Court Civil Rules of the State of Washington. DATED this 1 day of February, 2007. GOODELL LAW, INC., P.S. /s/Daniel L. Goodell Daniel L. Goodell, WSBA No.14790 Attorneys for Plaintiff FILE YOUR RESPONSE WITH: Clerk's Office Mason County Courthouse 419 N 4th Street, 2nd Floor PC Box 340 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 275-4467 x. 346 SERVE A COPY OF YOUR RESPONSE ON: Daniel L. Goodell GOODELL LAW, INC., P.S. 10 NE Creelman Lane PC Box 1821 Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-9505 8/16-23-30-9/6-13-20 6t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing at the Mason County Courthouse Building I, Commission Cham- bers, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584 on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. SAID HEARING will be to consider the franchise applications between Mason County and the Cherokee Strip Homeowners Association and Water Company, Kamilche Point Community Club, Holiday Beach Home Tracts, and Belfair Water District for their water systems located in the County right of way. If questions contact Rick Hirschberg, 360- 427-9670, Ext. 748 or if special accommoda- tions are needed, contact the Commission- ers' office, at 360-427-9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 14th day of August 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Kelle R. Medcalf, Office Manager 8/16-23 2t Change of Meeting Notice The Board of Fire Commissioners of Ma son County Fire District #13 have approved to change the regularly scheduled Fire Commis- sioner's Meeting start time to 5:30pm begin  ning Friday, September 14, 2007. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th-Friday of every month at 5:30pm at Station 13-1, 13375 W Cloquallum Rd Elma WA, 98541. 8/16-23 2t HAW STOP I HORSIN" < AROUND Check out the Journal Classifieds! Answers are on page 33. ACROSS $2 Bdghl of "Sirens" 1 DoJicps 64 Pa1 of MST 110 Word Iom S Rmman GS Mediocre for "minute" miar 67 Mason's 111 Salo S '87 Peace need request Ptlze winner 68 Any 112 La-ia iaed4n 14 Incur, 119 Deplores 114 Castle 12 Lie llne as bills 70 StandinG- malarial wine II "Thanks wan 117 Cotamitta 13 TulSa type --r computer? 121 NSAmmdi- 14 Brit. fliers 221 Din W dig= 73 Puts cappers? 1S Psychic Jargon another 127 "One really Geltar L;rO I) worm on thick freak. I$ Mo 23 Clothing the hook? i::ease'? congenial store? 76 Comser 121) Simpaml of 17 PC 25 Gary Cooser Janagek lashion enthusiasts in -.,,, ," tl Woody'i "Amerln peps N,H 76 Chip Off 130 Pau! of 18 Parisian 27 Asian nation block raffltr" Z4 Mats -- 8 Jab 78 Arcl..aeo- 131 Cumer's  Singer 30 Genetic info logical are partner GeOrgia 31 Poetic 81 Glal rng? 13 Segmeller 1) tllfiS cant reporulloe 82 Galley or Wl =2 s,o,z or tu ,. a U "rm - Sevareid 83 Alotutaly sandwiches leave ff" 34 Actels =,dated 134 Altanta 5 Sounded Perlman 84 "-- Gay" mlmpus Itl a 38 Ieziat blti INi SoOalffe 11 AME, X rhtal r' 41 Seats Perle IN Take-out 36 Sore's so picked up n gO Anlt-lmock order? 37 Evstuale the Senate? st 3 Divulge, 4S Bank (o) 92 Glisten DOWN with "out" 46 Tel -- I)4 Cheol 1  40 Bront (toenail art) tt Puplteer el heroine 47 Recru- Lewis | Dairy-case 41 DMctlve Io-be 96 Ilrml= dnce r0l= 411 Basball's 97 Counmffe 2 ,lmmy tO States, for 4 Of TRICKY BUSINESS S Stink Sl Entire range bgtnning 9 "-- of You" S| Senator 8 Ignites ('84 hit) Kalluwlr 101 Condgctor 1 0 i Bran€o, 53 Cozy rooms Ktemperer Brazil .5 Pants 102 Christie 11 Canlvanlmf S6 Each sleuth Charlie "Melrose 61 NOflttn Pill=" contraction 88 "Guarding 4,1 A n was --- ('94 Monty's 104 Bndleeder milieu Brown ss Loan's 105 3311 relatrve 10 Laughed (il Demi or loudly Dudley 107 Dteautable M It multiplies 108 AquaGc Dy dhnng animal 86 Declare 111 Unexpected (ill Bendix role obstacle 70 TV hol 113 "Excuse Rotoln me" 71 Major artew 116 Exiled 72 Swanky dictator 74 SOprano 11S Dark blue Gluck 118 Run in 7S See nelral 83 Down 119 Sadaka or 77 Block Simon 711 GO off track 120 Dendmlo- 79 Print-shop glst's mupply ooncem 13 Emulltas 122 Arallt's grp O'Melra 123 Part of 13 With USAR 75 Down, 124 Funnyman "Gig" ethor Phillps 85 Turn pages 12S Prepare to 17 Andrmv  feather? IL Farm feature 128 Natunality suffix . ,.,.pla=, 100 .i.. m. ",,,,.'. her.*,tn t) Bedroom 113 Mama Room" 44 Counlry star I FIoc 0' 0C$ Brooke Sl Irish Island urniture staliatics? 6 Evln if. 59 Elbow -- 107 Cat.Ill intofmlllfy  Comic lro.O S0 AvlUiate €orniSh S Tract Mergerot 93 gand sea Sl PhOtO finiih 10 Me(;phemon 7 As *,1 49 5trunk, luJIt 14 .! Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 41 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE AND SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Dependency ACTION REQUIRED L NOS. 07-7-00180-0 ,L_ 07-7-00181-8 rIJERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON v COUNTY OF MASON JUVENILE COURT m1the Dependency of: . d=HUA ESPINOZA mll. '. 11/03/05 ;IA ESPINOZA • : 07/I 8/02 :r,  110r Children. .;.( JORGE MENDEZ Alleged Father of i spinoza; ,=AS PASQUEL, Alleged Father of OI- noza; i it may concern, unknown biologi- r, or anyone expressing a paternal the above-named children: oi.. I. NOTICE OF HEARING SE TAKE NOTICE that a petition u°lPen filed in this court by the Washington he0spartment of Social and Health Ser- m.0n June 1, 2007, in which it is alleged tlqndency should be established on lI.'lFof the above-named child. t,FACT-FINDING HEARING WILL BE .(Onhis matter on: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, I:00 RM. .,JKE: Mason County Juvenile Court- YJ,D N. 4th'Im Street, Shelton, WA 98584 I rllSU DO NOT APPEAR the court may Order In your absence which: s dependency, placing the above- oll¢lchild in the custody of DSHS. nL II. SUMMONS ,ARE SUMMONED AND REQUIRED ' E I.E AR at the hearing on the date, time ice indicated. The purpose of the hear- t  hear and consider evidence on the 11. 1 IU HAVE THE RIGHT to be repre- I Iby an attorney at any hearings on the rt regarding the above-named child, il Iluce evidence, to be heard on your I, bhalf, to examine witnesses, to receive =on based solely on the evidence ad- at the hearing, and to an unbiased !( Ider. €  HAVE THE RIGHT, if you are indi- ]L ind cannot afford an attorney, to have _rney appointed for you by the court. mler to apply for a court-appointed attor- l,COntact Mason County Juvenile Court hone at 360-427-9670 or in person ..9 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA 98584. ",:"rney can look at the social and legal -!his case, talk to the social worker, tell ttbout the law, help you understand your )Eand help you at trial. iIU MAY BE responsible for the finan- rnrt of the above-named child if the , ll_ = placed in out-of-home care, 4L U SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS :(!/NG." If you do not come, the judge will Ilt_rI .what you have to say. If you desire .al information about your child, you y IJ ntact the Department of Social and 1 t,Services at 360-432-2050. IO/_ICE: A DEPENDENCY PETITION i;1111.88 A PROCESS WHICH, IF THE )0IS FOUND DEPENDENT, MAY RE- IN PERMANENT TERMINATION PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP 06 MONTHS OF A FINDING OF DE- CY. pIIl, TED: 8-9-07 ,$TSWARTOS, County Clerk e Scares, Deputy Clerk NOTIFICACISN Y ORDEN DE I COMPARECER ; PUN PUBLICACION Dependencia rl BE REOUIERE LA ACCION DEL ' ACTUARIO No. 07-7-00180-0 p 07-7-0018t-8 ERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON /t COUNTY OF MASON Su :)er Crossword JUVENILE COURT 0I'IE SUPERIOR DE WASHINGTON ¢J CONDADO DE MASON CORTE JUVENIL II rsferencia ala Dependencia de: Itl.HUA ESPINOZA ii.N.: 11/03/05 "JVIA ESPINOZA R:), N: 07/18/02 or de edad. A: JORGE MENDEZ, Padre ategado I. Ua Espinoza; KUMAS PASQUEL Padre alegado de ESpinoza; I r en corresponda, a pad e biolbg'co IE'Cido o a cualquier persona que ex- I inte'rSs paterno en los niros meno- Ll°a nombrados: LOTIFICACIC)N DE AUDIENCIA FAVOR TOME NOTA de que el De- Into de Servicios Sociales y de Salud "=o de Washington ha registrado una I;;",u en esta carte en fecha junto 1,2007, I e alega que se debe establecer de- ,lia en favor del/de la nio/a mencio- IF. ti arriba. el/la trabajador/a social, informarle sabre asuntos legales, ayudarle a entender sus derechos y ayudarle en unjuicio. USTED PODRJA ser responsable de la manutencibn financiera del/de la niSo/a men- cionado/a anteriormente, si sta es colocada en atencibn fuera del hogar. USTED DEBE ESTAR PRESENTE EN ESTA AUDIENCIA. Si no se presenta, el juez no escucharl Io qua usted tenga que decir. Si desea inforniacibn adicional sabre su(s) niho(s), debe ponerse en contacto con el Departamento de Servicios Sociales y de Salud al (360) 432-2050. NOTIFICACION: UNA SOLICITUD DE DEPENDENCIA INICIA UN PROCESO QUE, SI SE DETERMINA QUE EL/LA NIIRO/A ES DEPENDIENTE, PODRJA RESULTAR EN UNA FINALIZACION PERMANENTE DE LA RELACION ENTRE LOS PADRES Y EL/LA NIIqO/A DENTRO DE UN PLAZO DE 6 ME- SES DESPUES DE UNA DETERMINACION DE DEPENDENCIA. FECHADO Actuaria del Condado Actuario suplente 8/23-30-9/6 3t MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO: 97-07 AMENDING RESOLUTION 123-05 COUNTY ROAD PROJECT NO. 1859 WHEREAS, on Mason County Road No. 01420, known locally as the Beeville Loop Road, and more specifically, located in Sec 32, T 21N, R 6W, WM, at the approximate mile posts listed below; work defined as "con- struction" in the BARS Manual, Page 11-63, et seq, is determined to be necessary and proper; and, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS that it is their intention to: Remove existing metal cross culvert and replace with aluminum box culvert. Work to be performed at approximately milepost 3.08. SAID WORK is to be performed by day labor in accordance with Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as adopted by Mason County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the described County Road Project is necessary and proper, and the estimated costs of said project are herewith set out as follows: Construction: $282,000 * Right of Way: $5,000.00 * The County Road project herein de- scribed is HEREBY DECLARED to be a pub- lic necessity, and the County Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon as by law, pro- vided and in accordance with WAC 136-18. ADOPTED this 14th day of August, 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION- ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/Lynda Ring Erickson Lynda Ring Erickson, Chair /s/Tim Sheldon Tim Sheldon, Commissioner /s/Ross Gallagher Ross Gallagher, Commissioner ATTEST: /s/Rebecca S. Rogers Rebecca S. Rogers, Clerk of the Board 8/23 It CORTE SUPERIOR DE WASHINGTON CONDADO DE MASON DIVISON JUVENIL En ref. ala Dependencia: LUKAS PABLO FECHA DE NAC.: 5-27-06 Un menor de edad PARA: CARLOS PABLO; Padre recono- cido I. NOTIFICACION DE AUDIENCIA PUN FAVOR TENGA EN CUENTA que la peticibn de Terminecibn de sus Derechos Paternos ha sido presentada en esta carte par medic del Departmento de Servicios So- ciales y de Salud del Estado de Washington el de Julia 2007, en la qua se declara qua sus derechos paternos sabre el menor de edad anteriormente mencionado, deberian ser terminados, SE LLEVARA A CABO UNA AUDIENCIA DE TERMINACION DE DERECHOS PA- TERNOS sabre este asunto el: FECHA: Jueves, 13 de Septembre de 2007 HORA: 1:00 p.m. LUGAR: Mason County Courthouse 419 N 4th Street, Shelton, Washington 98584 Sl USTED NO COMPARECE, la carte puede Ingreeur una orden en su ausen- cla la cual: puede terminar sue derechos paternos sabre el manor mencionado ante- riormente, quien se encuentra bajo custodia de DSHS. II. EM'rPLAZAMIENTO A USTED SE LE CITA Y SE LE EXIGE COMPARECER en la audiencia en la fecha, horay lugar indicados. El proposito de la au- diencia es escuchar y considerar la evidencia sabre la peticibn. USTED TIENE EL DERECHO a ser rep- resentado par un abogado en todas las au- diencias sabre esta solicitud concerniente al menor mencionado, a presenter evidencia, a ser escuchados en su propia representacibn, a interrogar a los testigos, a recibir una de- cisibn basada 0nicamente en la evidencia aportada en la audiencia y a una determi- naciSn de hechos imparcial. USTED TIENE EL DERECHO, si no tiene recursos econdmicos y no puede pagar los servicios de un abogado, a que se le designe un abogado par la carte. Para poder solicitar un abogado designado par la carte, comuni- quense con la Carte Juvenil del Condado de Mason par telSfono al (360) 427-9670 ext. 337 oen persona, acuda a Mason County Juvenile Courthouse ubicada en 615 W AI- der Street, Shelton, WA 98584. Un abogedo podr8 revisar los archivos sociales y legales de su caso, hablar con la trabajadera social de la agencia, informarios acerca de la lay, ayudarlos a comprender sus derechos y ayudarlos en el juicio. PUEDE SER que usted sea responsable de la manuteucibn econbmica del menor mencionado anteriormente si 61 es coiocado en atencibn fuera del hogar. USTED DEBERiA COMPARECER EN ESTA AUDIENCLA. Si no se presenta el juez no podr& escuchar Io qua usted tiene que decir. Si desea informacibn adicional sa- bre su nitro, deber, ponerse en contacto con el Departamento de Servicios Sociales y de Salud at (360) 432-2050. FECHADO: ,Actuario del Condado ,Actuario Suplente. 8/9-16-23 3t NO. 07-7-00216-4 NOTICE AND SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Termlnatlon *CLERK'S ACTION REQUIRED SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF MASON JUVENILE COURT In re the Welfare of. LUKAS PABLO DUB: 5-27-06 Minor Child. TO: CARLOS PABLO; Acknowledged Father; I. NOTICE OF HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a petition for Termination of your Parental Rights has been filed in this court by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, on July 2007, in which alleges that your pa- rental rights should be terminated as to the above-named child. A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS HEARING WILL BE HELD on this matter on: DATE: Thursday, September 13, 2007 TIME: 1:00pm PLACE: Mason County Courthouse 419 N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA 98584 IFYOU DO NOT APPEAR the court may enter an order In your absence which: may terminate your parental rights as to the above-named child who is in the custody of DSHS. II. SUMMONS YOU ARE SUMMONED AND REQUIRED TO APPEAR at the hearing on the date, time and place indicated. The purpose of the hear- ing is to hear and consider evidence on the petition. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to be repre- sented by an attorney at any hearings on the Case No. 07-4-145-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARK R CORLEY, Deceased The Persona/Representative named be- low has been appointed as Personal Repre- sentative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any other- wise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Per- sonal Representative or the Personal Repre- sentative's attorney at the address stated be- low a copy of the claim and filing the odginat of the claim with the Court. The claim must be presented within the later ot: (1) Thirty days after the Personal Representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(3); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in Section 11 of this act and RCW 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedents' probate and nonprobate assets. DATE of filing copy of Notice to Creditors with Clerk of Court: 8/07/07 DATE of first publication:8/9/07 JOAN CORLEY Personal Representative ROBERT W. JOHNSON P. O. Box 1400 Shelton, Washington 98584 8/9-16-23 3t ,REALIZARA UNA AUDIENCIA DE '.¢RMINACISN DE HECHOS sabre este petition regarding the above-named child, E.t: to introduce evidence, to be heard on your Summons by Publication l, l&: JUEVES, A DE SEPTIEMBRE own behalf, to examine witnesses, to receive (SMPB) a decision based solely on the evidence ad- No. 07-3..00189-9 : a Is 1:00 p.m. duced at the hearing, and to an unbiased Superior Court of Washington, County AR: Mason County Juvenile Court- fact-finder, of MASON YOU HAVE THE RIGHT, if you are indi- In re the Marriage of: ROBERT ELLIS ' N. 4th Street, Shelton, WA 98584 gent and cannot afford an attorney, to have DALLY, Petitioner, UTED NO COMPARECE, la carte an attorney appointed for you by the court. In And .llstrer una arden en su ausencla, order to apply for a court-appointed attorney, FRANCHESCA LEE DALLY, Respon- d| establece dependencia, colocando contact Mason County Juvenile Court by tele- dent. =) nio(s) mencionado(s) arriba bajo phone at (360) 427-9670 ext 337 or in person To the Respondent FRANCHESCA LEE de DSHS. . at 615 W. Alder Street, Shelton, WA 98584. DALLY , II. CITACION An attorney can look at the social and legal 1. The petitioner has started an action in LE CITA Y EXIGE QUE COMPAREZ- files in this case, talk to the social worker, tell the above court requesting that your marriage la audiencia, en la fecha, horay luRer you about the law, help you understand your be dissolved. as. El propbsito de la audiencia es rights, and help you at trial. 2. The petition also requests that the Court Y considerar la evidencia sabre la YOU MAY BE responsible for the finan- grant the following relief: ]. cial support of the above-named child if the Other: iED TIENE DERECHO a ser repre- child is placed in out-of-home care. No other relief is requested. ! Par un abogado en todas las audlen- YOU SHOULD BE PRESENT AT THIS 3. You must respond to this summons by e la peticibn respecto al/a la nifo/a HEARING. If you do not come, the judge will serving a copy of your written response on ado/a enter ormente, a presentar not hear what you have to say. If you desire the person signing this summons and by fil- !is, a ser escuchado a su propio nom- additional information about your child, you ing the original with the clerk of the court. If aminar a los testigos, a recibir una should contact the Department of Social and you do not serve your written response within rl basada nicamente en la evidencia Health Services at (360) 432-2050. 60 days after the date of the first publication en la audiencia, y a una detemi- DATED: 7-26-07 of this summons (60 days after the day of de hechos. TIENE DERECHO si se eticuen- de indigencia y no puede servicios de un abogado, tiene qua la carte le asigne un abogado. aun abogado designado par Puede ponerse en contacto con la del Condado de Mason par via a1360 427-9670, o personalmente 4th Street, Shelton, Washington puede ver los registros legales de este caso, hablar con Pat Swartos, County Clerk Debbie Stone, Deputy Clerk NO. 07-7-00216-4 NOTIRCACION Y EMPLAZAMIENTO PARA PUBLICACION Termlnacl0n *SE REQUIERE LA ACCION DEL AC- TUARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF MASON JUVENILE DIVISION July, 2007), the court may enter an order of default against you, and the court may, with- out further notice to you, enter a decree and approve or provide for other relief requested in this summons. In the case of a dissolution of marriage, the court will not enter the final decree until at least 90 days after service and filing. If you serve a notice of appearance on the undersigned person, you are entitled to notice before an order of default or a decree may be entered. 4. Your written response to the sum- mons and petition must be on form WPF DR 01.0300, Response to Petition (Domestic Relations). Information about how to get this form may be obtained by contacting the clerk of the court, by contacting the Administra- tive Office of the Courts at (360) 705-5328, or from the Internet at the Washington State Courts Homepage: 5. tf you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be served on time. 6. One method df serving a copy of your response on the petitioner is to send it by cer- tified mail with return receipt requested. 7. Other This summons is issued pursuant to RCW 4.28.100 and Superior Court Civil Rule 4.1 of the State of Washington. Dated 7/11/07 /s/James Boldt 32225 James Botdt Signature of Petitioner or Lawyer/WSBA No. File Original Of Your Response with the Clerk of the Court at: Clerk of the Court Mason County Superior Court P.O. Box 340 Shelton, WA, 98584 Serve a Copy of Your Response on: Petitioners Lawyer James Boldt P.O. Box 1605 Shelton, WA 98584 7/19-26-8/2-9-16-23 6t FIRST AMENDED SUMMONS No. 06-2-00650-3 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY MAGGIE LAKE MAINTENANCE COR- PORATION, a Washington nonprofit mainte- nance corporation, Plaintiff, V. KENNETH D. TAANING and JANE DOE TAANING, husband and wife and the mari- tal community composed thereof, THE ES- TATE OF KENNETH D. TAANING, assigns and other persons or parties unknown claim- ing any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the Complaint herein,' Defendants. TO: KENNETH D. TAANING and JANE DOE TAANING AND TO: THE ESTATE OF KENNETH D. TAANING A lawsuit has been started against you in the above-entitled Court by MAGGIE LAKE MAINTENANCE CORPORATION, a Wash- ington nonprofit maintenance corporation. The Plaintiffs claim is stated in the written First Amended Complaint, a copy of which is served upon you with this First Amended Summons. In order to defend against this lawsuit, you must respond to the First Amended Com- plaint by stating your defenses in writing, and serving a copy upon the person signing this First Amended Summons within ten (10) days after service of this First Amended Summons if served within the State of Washington, and within sixty (60) days if served outside of the State of Washington, excluding the day of service, or a default judgment may be en- tered against you without notice. A default judgment is one where the Plaintiff is entitled to what they ask for because you have not re- sponded. If you serve a notice of appearance on the undersigned person, you are entitled to notice before a default judgment may be entered. A copy of all responsive pleadings must be filed with the Court. You may demand that the Plaintiff file this lawsuit with the Court. If you do so, the de- mand must be in writing and must be served upon the person signing this First Amended Summons. Within fourteen (14) days after you serve such a demand, the Plaintiff must file this lawsuit with the Court, or the service on you of this First Amended Summons arrd First Amended Complaint will be void. If you wish to seek the advice of an attor- ney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be served and filed with the Court on time. This First Amended Summons is issued pursuant to Rule 4 of the Superior Court Civil Rules of the State of Washington. DATED this 1 day of February, 2007. GOODELL LAW, INC., P.S. /s/Daniel L. Goodell Daniel L. Goodell, WSBA No.14790 Attorneys for Plaintiff FILE YOUR RESPONSE WITH: Clerk's Office Mason County Courthouse 419 N 4th Street, 2nd Floor PC Box 340 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 275-4467 x. 346 SERVE A COPY OF YOUR RESPONSE ON: Daniel L. Goodell GOODELL LAW, INC., P.S. 10 NE Creelman Lane PC Box 1821 Belfair, WA 98528 (360) 275-9505 8/16-23-30-9/6-13-20 6t NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing at the Mason County Courthouse Building I, Commission Cham- bers, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584 on Tuesday, September 4, 2007 at 9:30 a.m. SAID HEARING will be to consider the franchise applications between Mason County and the Cherokee Strip Homeowners Association and Water Company, Kamilche Point Community Club, Holiday Beach Home Tracts, and Belfair Water District for their water systems located in the County right of way. If questions contact Rick Hirschberg, 360- 427-9670, Ext. 748 or if special accommoda- tions are needed, contact the Commission- ers' office, at 360-427-9670, Ext. 419. DATED this 14th day of August 2007. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION ERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Kelle R. Medcalf, Office Manager 8/16-23 2t Change of Meeting Notice The Board of Fire Commissioners of Ma son County Fire District #13 have approved to change the regularly scheduled Fire Commis- sioner's Meeting start time to 5:30pm begin  ning Friday, September 14, 2007. Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th-Friday of every month at 5:30pm at Station 13-1, 13375 W Cloquallum Rd Elma WA, 98541. 8/16-23 2t HAW STOP I HORSIN" < AROUND Check out the Journal Classifieds! Answers are on page 33. ACROSS $2 Bdghl of "Sirens" 1 DoJicps 64 Pa1 of MST 110 Word Iom SRmman GS Mediocre for "minute" miar 67 Mason's 111 Salo S '87 Peace need request Ptlze winner 68 Any 112 La-ia iaed4n 14 Incur, 119 Deplores 114 Castle 12 Lie llne as bills 70 StandinG- malarial wine II "Thanks wan 117 Cotamitta 13 TulSa type --r computer? 121 NSAmmdi- 14 Brit. fliers 221 Din W dig= 73 Puts cappers? 1S Psychic Jargon another 127 "One really Geltar L;rO I) worm on thick freak. I$ Mo 23 Clothing the hook? i::ease'? congenial store? 76 Comser 121) Simpaml of 17 PC 25 Gary Cooser Janagek lashion enthusiasts in -.,,, ," tl Woody'i "Amerln peps N,H 76 Chip Off 130 Pau! of 18 Parisian 27 Asian nation block raffltr" Z4 Mats -- 8 Jab 78 Arcl..aeo- 131 Cumer's  Singer 30 Genetic info logical are partner GeOrgia 31 Poetic 81 Glal rng? 13 Segmeller 1) tllfiS cant reporulloe 82 Galley or Wl =2 s,o,z or tu ,. a U "rm - Sevareid 83 Alotutaly sandwiches leave ff" 34 Actels =,dated 134 Altanta 5 Sounded Perlman 84 "-- Gay" mlmpus Itl a 38 Ieziat blti INi SoOalffe 11 AME, X rhtal r' 41 Seats Perle IN Take-out 36 Sore's so picked up n gO Anlt-lmock order? 37 Evstuale the Senate? st 3 Divulge, 4S Bank (o) 92 Glisten DOWN with "out" 46 Tel -- I)4 Cheol 1  40 Bront (toenail art) tt Puplteer el heroine 47 Recru- Lewis | Dairy-case 41 DMctlve Io-be 96 Ilrml= dnce r0l= 411 Basball's 97 Counmffe 2 ,lmmy tO States, for 4 Of TRICKY BUSINESS S Stink Sl Entire range bgtnning 9 "-- of You" S| Senator 8 Ignites ('84 hit) Kalluwlr 101 Condgctor 1 0 i Bran€o, 53 Cozy rooms Ktemperer Brazil .5 Pants 102 Christie 11 Canlvanlmf S6 Each sleuth Charlie "Melrose 61 NOflttn Pill=" contraction 88 "Guarding 4,1 A n was --- ('94 Monty's 104 Bndleeder milieu Brown ss Loan's 105 3311 relatrve 10 Laughed (il Demi or loudly Dudley 107 Dteautable M It multiplies 108 AquaGc Dy dhnng animal 86 Declare 111 Unexpected (ill Bendix role obstacle 70 TV hol 113 "Excuse Rotoln me" 71 Major artew 116 Exiled 72 Swanky dictator 74 SOprano 11S Dark blue Gluck 118 Run in 7S See nelral 83 Down 119 Sadaka or 77 Block Simon 711 GO off track 120 Dendmlo- 79 Print-shop glst's mupply ooncem 13 Emulltas 122 Arallt's grp O'Melra 123 Part of 13 With USAR 75 Down, 124 Funnyman "Gig" ethor Phillps 85 Turn pages 12S Prepare to 17 Andrmv  feather? IL Farm feature 128 Natunality suffix . ,.,.pla=, 100 .i.. m. ",,,,.'. her.*,tn t) Bedroom 113 Mama Room" 44 Counlry star I FIoc 0' 0C$ Brooke Sl Irish Island urniture staliatics? 6 Evln if. 59 Elbow -- 107 Cat.Ill intofmlllfy  Comic lro.O S0 AvlUiate €orniSh S Tract Mergerot 93 gand sea Sl PhOtO finiih 10 Me(;phemon 7 As *,1 49 5trunk, luJIt 14 .! Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 41