August 23, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 23, 2007 |
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WDFW extends comment period
for steelhead management plan
The public will now have until the Fish and Wildlife Commission production, artificial production, Since August 13, WDFW has
.... the end of the day on September to consider in determining which fisheries management, habitat conducted seven public meetings
10 to comment on a draft environ- policies will be included in WD- restoration, enforcement, moni- in Sequim, Olympia, Mill Creek
mental impact statement (DEIS) FW's statewide steelhead man- toring and education to conserve and Vancouver, Wenatchee, Mo-
on a new statewide steelhead agement plan." and restore the state's wild steel- ses Lake and Richland.
management plan being developed head populations.
by the Washington Department of THAT MANAGEMENT Both the draft EIS and the cur-
Fish and wildlife (WDFW). plan, scheduled for action by the rent draft steelhead management
The department is extending commission next February, will plan are posted on WDFW's Web
its comment period by 11 days af- provide policy guidance for de- site at http'd/
ter receiving several requests by velopment of regional steelhead WDFW will consider public Experienced bookkeeping settees
citizens for more time to review management plans that support comments on the draft EIS re-
the draft EIS, said Jim Buck, salmon recovery plans around the ceived in writing through Septem- State and federal tax preparation
vl Katy Nuttman statewide steelhead EIS manager state, her 10 at 5 p.m., as well as those
for WDFW. The draft EIS, developed under received at public meetings ached- 0uickB00ks training and consulting
,00ttman we want to make sure this provisions of the State Environ- uled around the state. Written Kitsap, Mason, Piercec0unties
draft gets a full airing, because we mental Policy Act (SEPA), assess- comments should be addressed to
want to make sure it reflects all SEPA/NEPA Coordinator, Regu-
its S 500 ,, es the potential benefits and risks
the relevant issues, Buck said. of various strategies proposed in latory Services Section, Habitat (360) 871"3207 {253} 225"3226
"Once completed, the EIS will the current draft management Program, 600 Capitol Way North, --
provide important information for plan on such issues as natural Olympia, WA 98501.
]l Nuttman is the 2007 re-
Jofa$500 scholarship for Blue T[I umb Gardening
eatrical arts given by the
Island Theatre Club. °
['.man is a 2006 graduate of
Y,NasonHighSchool. Cur-workshc)p runs tonight '"='"'°"
f, Bhe is starting her sopho- EXTERIOR at Washington State {
Locally owned • Licensed
ity where she is attending 15 years experience
rllors College andis listed on Residents looking for a way to 3 in Belfair. Hood Canal watershed rest- 1-360-277-9241
.ident's Honor Roll. She is dispose of faded blossoms, expired Janis McNeal of Washington dents attending the workshop will Ceil 1-360-401-0048
,.,!ulg in English, with a minor garden plants and lawn clippings Sea Grant, out of the University of receive a free compost bin. Pre- HOODCCP979NN
[IFtter arts. can find out how to turn yard Washington, will guide workshop registration for the workshop is
graduation, Nuttman waste into black for the to that adequate
',teach English and theater at a free Blue Thumb Gardening of turning yard and garden debris materials and bins are available Ally View RP Park
'high-school level. She is ac- workshop set for next week. into soil-enriching compost. Top- for all workshop participants. Senior park
)the Nuthouse Improv Com- The workshop will run from 6:30 ics will include finding the right Those that would like to reg-
lUPe at Washington State to 8:30 p.m. this evening, Thurs- compost bin, the proper mix of tater should contact McNeal by located in quaint
It.lart of the Student Theater day, August 23, at the North Ma- ingredients, vermiculture (worm calling her at 360-432-3054 or by beach community.
tion for Gaining Experi- son Timberland Regional Library, composting) and using compost as sending her an e-mail at jmcne- SOUND VIEWS!
AGE). located at 23081 NE State Route a soil conditioner or mulch, alC/
The Blue Thumb Gardening Walk to shopping,
tegistrati0n on at schools program is produced through beach&restaurants.
funding from the Puget Sound Ac- 14,it e-w 4
tion Team and Washington Sea OU) t'|20
$7'hstudent registrati°n is Sch°°l staffwill be available M°ndaythr°ughFriday"
"uerway at all North Mason to help families register at each To register, parents must pro-
I0r' school from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. vide a copy of each childs birth
certificate and up-to-date immuni-
zation records. Registration pack-
ets will be available at each school TRUCKING
office and are currently available
at the district office, located at 71 l LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, INC.
East Campus Drive in Belfair. Topsoil, Bark * Mulches * Fill Dirt •Rockery Rock * Crushed Rock * Washed Rock
Parents are encouraged to con- Land Clearing • Free Estimates • Certified Scales
tact the school to assure immuni- * Accepting Stumps, Brush and Concrete *
Winds of Change Ninjutsu Temple has added a 24- zation requirements are met prior
tegYm to its operation at the south end of Belfair on State to the first day of school. Belfair 27S-3465 Mon.-Fri." 7-5
3 just north of Sweetwater Creek. The grand opening Officials note that going back to
^ ........................ school can sometimes be a stress-
-u mls pas rnaay Ine publiC lS ST,1LI lnwea o cnecK ..............
;its • ,. -o ".., . _. ... .... . . iui mcuauon ior a cnua, DU par-
selection oliree welgnts ano machines, lne wlnctsoI ents can hel children eliminate NORTH MASON
geis also offering a special monthly rate for those who some ofthoseVstre- sacs. For helv'm FIBER COMPANY
tq soon. this regard, contact the district of- P.O. Box 275 RE 431 Lo Yard Rd. Belfair, WA 98528
rice by calling 277-2300.
}o lunteers needed for The YARD Place & WOOD To Take Waste Your
• • •
l wide variety o:fjobs
etired and Senior Volun- can make a big difference. The are a variety of needs: household
J0gram has several volun- fall and winter are especially busy chores, meal preparation, house- OPEN DALLY 7 A.M.o 5 P.M.
JvlOrtunities for North Ma- times tbr the area's food banks, hold repairs, lawn work, or shop 275=0228 elease call for directions and more information
[!dents.hrl Anyone interested, (2031-2039). for seniors, etc. (2006-2104) NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE
[ g out can call 360-426- Youth Mentor/Tutor: Do you
L J0r information, referring have a hobby or skill thatyou would
.Utabers at the end of the like to teach to youth? Many would
[!ated below, enjoy adult mentors to teach them
racy Tutors: Tutor North games and skills (chess, knitting,
dults in reading, math, card games, etc.). Tutor youth in
'ting, GED preparation, reading, writing and math. The
I| as a Second Language North Mason branch of the Boys
Looking for people with and Girls Clubs of South Puget
II , sensitivity, enthusiasm Sound helps to inspire and enable
bilityto work with people all youth to realize their full po-
ILpZerent cultures Past expe- tential as caring, productive and
a tutor is not needed. Ex- responsible citizens. (3229-5213)
]005) , is also provided. * Chore Itelper: Keep North Ma-
. son seniors and the disabled inde-
Bank Volunteer: Help pendent. Low-income seniors and
-rleed by handing out food, the disabled need help to main-
r picking up donations tain their independence. Giving a
orth Mason Food Bank couple hours when convenient can
era. A few hours a week help make a big difference. There
Dr. Nancy Isbell
now practicing at
A Country
Veterinary Clinic
eneral small animal medicine/surgery
* Acupuncture certified
• Internal medicine residency
* 10 minutes from Hwy. 16
• 0.2 miles south of the stoplight at Safeway ::'
Open M-F 8 am-6 pm
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3
WDFW extends comment period
for steelhead management plan
The public will now have until the Fish and Wildlife Commission production, artificial production, Since August 13, WDFW has
.... the end of the day on September to consider in determining which fisheries management, habitat conducted seven public meetings
10 to comment on a draft environ- policies will be included in WD- restoration, enforcement, moni- in Sequim, Olympia, Mill Creek
mental impact statement (DEIS) FW's statewide steelhead man- toring and education to conserve and Vancouver, Wenatchee, Mo-
on a new statewide steelhead agement plan." and restore the state's wild steel- ses Lake and Richland.
management plan being developed head populations.
by the Washington Department of THAT MANAGEMENT Both the draft EIS and the cur-
Fish and wildlife (WDFW). plan, scheduled for action by the rent draft steelhead management
The department is extending commission next February, will plan are posted on WDFW's Web
its comment period by 11 days af- provide policy guidance for de- site at http'd/
ter receiving several requests by velopment of regional steelhead WDFW will consider public Experienced bookkeeping settees
citizens for more time to review management plans that support comments on the draft EIS re-
the draft EIS, said Jim Buck, salmon recovery plans around the ceived in writing through Septem- State and federal tax preparation
vl Katy Nuttman statewide steelhead EIS manager state, her 10 at 5 p.m., as well as those
for WDFW. The draft EIS, developed under received at public meetings ached- 0uickB00ks training and consulting
,00ttman we want to make sure this provisions of the State Environ- uled around the state. Written Kitsap, Mason, Piercec0unties
draft gets a full airing, because we mental Policy Act (SEPA), assess- comments should be addressed to
want to make sure it reflects all SEPA/NEPA Coordinator, Regu-
its S 500 ,, es the potential benefits and risks
the relevant issues, Buck said. of various strategies proposed in latory Services Section, Habitat (360) 871"3207 {253} 225"3226
"Once completed, the EIS will the current draft management Program, 600 Capitol Way North, --
provide important information for plan on such issues as natural Olympia, WA 98501.
]l Nuttman is the 2007 re-
Jofa$500 scholarship for Blue T[I umb Gardening
eatrical arts given by the
Island Theatre Club. °
['.man is a 2006 graduate of
Y,NasonHighSchool. Cur-workshc)p runs tonight '"='"'°"
f, Bhe is starting her sopho- EXTERIOR at Washington State {
Locally owned • Licensed
ity where she is attending 15 years experience
rllors College andis listed on Residents looking for a way to 3 in Belfair. Hood Canal watershed rest- 1-360-277-9241
.ident's Honor Roll. She is dispose of faded blossoms, expired Janis McNeal of Washington dents attending the workshop will Ceil 1-360-401-0048
,.,!ulg in English, with a minor garden plants and lawn clippings Sea Grant, out of the University of receive a free compost bin. Pre- HOODCCP979NN
[IFtter arts. can find out how to turn yard Washington, will guide workshop registration for the workshop is
graduation, Nuttman waste into black for the to that adequate
',teach English and theater at a free Blue Thumb Gardening of turning yard and garden debris materials and bins are available Ally View RP Park
'high-school level. She is ac- workshop set for next week. into soil-enriching compost. Top- for all workshop participants. Senior park
)the Nuthouse Improv Com- The workshop will run from 6:30 ics will include finding the right Those that would like to reg-
lUPe at Washington State to 8:30 p.m. this evening, Thurs- compost bin, the proper mix of tater should contact McNeal by located in quaint
It.lart of the Student Theater day, August 23, at the North Ma- ingredients, vermiculture (worm calling her at 360-432-3054 or by beach community.
tion for Gaining Experi- son Timberland Regional Library, composting) and using compost as sending her an e-mail at jmcne- SOUND VIEWS!
AGE). located at 23081 NE State Route a soil conditioner or mulch, alC/
The Blue Thumb Gardening Walk to shopping,
tegistrati0n on at schools program is produced through beach&restaurants.
funding from the Puget Sound Ac- 14,it e-w 4
tion Team and Washington Sea OU) t'|20
$7'hstudent registrati°n is Sch°°l staffwill be available M°ndaythr°ughFriday"
"uerway at all North Mason to help families register at each To register, parents must pro-
I0r' school from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. vide a copy of each childs birth
certificate and up-to-date immuni-
zation records. Registration pack-
ets will be available at each school TRUCKING
office and are currently available
at the district office, located at 71 l LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, INC.
East Campus Drive in Belfair. Topsoil, Bark * Mulches * Fill Dirt •Rockery Rock * Crushed Rock * Washed Rock
Parents are encouraged to con- Land Clearing • Free Estimates • Certified Scales
tact the school to assure immuni- * Accepting Stumps, Brush and Concrete *
Winds of Change Ninjutsu Temple has added a 24- zation requirements are met prior
tegYm to its operation at the south end of Belfair on State to the first day of school. Belfair 27S-3465 Mon.-Fri." 7-5
3 just north of Sweetwater Creek. The grand opening Officials note that going back to
^ ........................ school can sometimes be a stress-
-u mls pas rnaay Ine publiC lS ST,1LI lnwea o cnecK ..............
;its • ,. -o ".., . _. ... .... . . iui mcuauon ior a cnua, DU par-
selection oliree welgnts ano machines, lne wlnctsoI ents can hel children eliminate NORTH MASON
geis also offering a special monthly rate for those who some ofthoseVstre- sacs. For helv'm FIBER COMPANY
tq soon. this regard, contact the district of- P.O. Box 275 RE 431 Lo Yard Rd. Belfair, WA 98528
rice by calling 277-2300.
}o lunteers needed for The YARD Place & WOOD To Take Waste Your
• • •
l wide variety o:fjobs
etired and Senior Volun- can make a big difference. The are a variety of needs: household
J0gram has several volun- fall and winter are especially busy chores, meal preparation, house- OPEN DALLY 7 A.M.o 5 P.M.
JvlOrtunities for North Ma- times tbr the area's food banks, hold repairs, lawn work, or shop 275=0228 elease call for directions and more information
[!dents.hrl Anyone interested, (2031-2039). for seniors, etc. (2006-2104) NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE
[ g out can call 360-426- Youth Mentor/Tutor: Do you
L J0r information, referring have a hobby or skill thatyou would
.Utabers at the end of the like to teach to youth? Many would
[!ated below, enjoy adult mentors to teach them
racy Tutors: Tutor North games and skills (chess, knitting,
dults in reading, math, card games, etc.). Tutor youth in
'ting, GED preparation, reading, writing and math. The
I| as a Second Language North Mason branch of the Boys
Looking for people with and Girls Clubs of South Puget
II , sensitivity, enthusiasm Sound helps to inspire and enable
bilityto work with people all youth to realize their full po-
ILpZerent cultures Past expe- tential as caring, productive and
a tutor is not needed. Ex- responsible citizens. (3229-5213)
]005) , is also provided. * Chore Itelper: Keep North Ma-
. son seniors and the disabled inde-
Bank Volunteer: Help pendent. Low-income seniors and
-rleed by handing out food, the disabled need help to main-
r picking up donations tain their independence. Giving a
orth Mason Food Bank couple hours when convenient can
era. A few hours a week help make a big difference. There
Dr. Nancy Isbell
now practicing at
A Country
Veterinary Clinic
eneral small animal medicine/surgery
* Acupuncture certified
• Internal medicine residency
* 10 minutes from Hwy. 16
• 0.2 miles south of the stoplight at Safeway ::'
Open M-F 8 am-6 pm
Thursday, August 23, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3