August 23, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 23, 2012 |
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7 p.m., Music in the Park
sponsored by Skookum Ro-
tary at Post Office Park in
Shelton. This week's musi-
cal guest is PoleBaBa, aka
Paul Barber and Ron Grin-
9 a.m.-5 p.m., the Har-
mony Hill Retreat Center
will hold its third annual
Survivorship Fair and
Open House at Harmony
Hill Retreat Center, located
at 7352 E. State Route 106,
Union. The cost is free and
includes free lunch. Those
with a cancer diagnosis,
caregivers and anyone in-
terested in cancer preven-
tion and wellness can at-
tend. To pre-register, call
11 a.m.-2p.m., Spring
Road Chapel, located at
1113 Shelton Springs Road,
is having a free school sup-
plies drive for elementary
school-age children. For
more information, call 427-
Noon-4 p.m., Mason
County Fire District 9 will
hold a community day.
Attendees can view fire
"Voted #1 by all of our
customers as the best
automotive repair shop in
Western Washington."
Pictured: Jason Banks, Dan
Moldenhauer and Noel Longan,
2033 Olympic Highway North ° Sheltoz
trucks, turnout gear
and tools. Hotdogs and
hamburgers will be pro-
9 a.m.-2 p.m., the
Shelton School District
Early Learning Pro-
gram is offering free
development screen-
ings for children up to 5
years old. For more in-
formation and to sched-
ule an appointment,
call 426-2151.
9 a.m.-4 p.m., the
Shelton School District
Early Learning Pro-
gram is offering ECEAP
enrollment appoint-
ments for 3- and 4-year-
old children from low-
income households. For
more information and
to schedule an appoint-
ment, call 426-2151.
9 a.m.-2 p.m., the
Shelton School District
Early Learning Pro-
gram is offering free
development screen-
ings for children up to 5
years old. For more in-
formation and to sched-
ule an appointment,
call 426-2151.
9 a.m.-4 p.m., the
Shelton School District
Early Learning Pro-
gram is offering ECEAP
enrollment appoint-
ments for 3- and 4-year-
old children from low-
income households. For
more information and
to schedule an appoint-
ment, call 426-2151.
6:30-7:30 p.m., Shel-
ton Timberland Library
(William G. Reed Public
Library) presents "Rock
the Night Summer Con-
cert Series: Dan Dan
The Music Man" for all
ages. Join local favorite
Dan Triplett for some
family-style music. For
more information call
9 a.m.-2 p.m., the
Shelton School District
Early Learning Pro-
gram is offering free
development screen-
ings for children up to 5
years old. For more in-
formation and to sched-
ule an appointment,
call 426-2151.
9 a.m.-4 p.m., the
Shelton School District
Early Learning Pro-
gram is offering ECEAP
enrollment appoint-
ments for 3- and 4-year-
old children from low-
income households. For
more information and
to schedule an appoint-
ment, call 426-2151.
Thursday, Aug. 30
7 p.m. The last in-
stallment of Music in
the Park sponsored
by Skookum Rotary
at Post Office Park in
Shelton. The musical
guest is the Songs of
Freedom Choir, which
traditionally performs
patriotic songs on Vet-
erans Day.
IITo send in calendar
email pr@masoncounty.
Annual Corndoggle event takes
to Hoodsport this weekend
Hoodsport's annual Corndoggle is just college-bound high school seniors.
around the corner, with a variety of commu- What is a Corndoggle?
nity activities scheduled for Friday and Sat- While the term may not be found in any
urday, dictionary, the colloquial definition suggests
All activities occur at 600 Lake Cush- a summer gathering where individuals and
man Road in Hoodsport (at St. Germain's families meet to enjoy fresh local corn on the
Church). cob (from the Skokomish Valley's Hunter
The Corndoggle is St. Germain's annual Farms), grilled polish sausage and hot dogs
community outreach fundraising activity, and a bake sale, organizers said.
For more than 30 years; funds raised at this There's also a silent auction, live music,
weekend before the Labor Day weekend event unique "attic treasures," face-painting (to ob-
have been used to Support local families, stu- serve or participate in), a prize-winning fish-
dents and human services agencies, pond and more.
Past recipients include Hoodsport's food A yard sale will be from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. on
bank, Save Our County's Kids (SOCK), Turn- Friday. The Corndoggle also runs 11 a.m.-3
ing Pointe Domestic Violence Shelter, Jeffer- p.m. on Saturday.
son and Mason County PUD energy assistance Volunteers are needed to help with set-up
funds, St. David's (Shelton) Cold Weather and clean-up both days. Call St. Germain's at
Shelter, Camp Michael, family Thanksgiving 877-9879 or contact Sarah Granberg at 877-
and Christmas baskets and scholarships for 5007.
Continued from page B-1
funds for Skookum Rotary and other area
The original poster will be auctioned off
at OysterFest.
Waite said her art has already gotten ex-
tra attention from the community since the
poster was chosen.
"I'm a little nervous," she said. "Just the
networking alone seems to already make a
You can view more examples of Waite's
art at
Continued from page B-I
As part of the Skookum Rota-
ry Club of Shelton's annual West
Coast Oyster Shucking Champion-
ship and Washington State :Sea-
food Festival (OysterFest) on Oct.
6 and 7, the club is hosting its an-
nual Seafood Cook:Off.
The Seafood Cook-Off will fea-
ture competition spread over two
days for chefs.
The categories are soups and
stews, main dish and appetizers.
Finalists in each category will be
selected by a panel in advance of
the October competition.
As a popular event at Oys-
terfest that attracts crowds of
The winner of the Iron Chef
will compete on Oct. 7 against last
year's winner, Kerin Lee Lewis of
To suggest a chef to compete,
contact the Skookum Rotary.
Entries must include Cook-Off
category, recipe name, number
served, preparation on time, ingre-
dients and complete preparation
instructions with entrant's name,
address and telephone number
legibly printed on 8 1/2-by-lYinch
Entries from copyright publi-
cations may not be used unless
the copyright is held by the en-
All winners in each category
will receive medals at the Oyster-
Fest awards ceremony.
In addition, monetary prizes of
about 25,000 from throughout the $600 for first, $400 for second and
Northwest, the Cook-Off finals $300 for third will be awarded to
I feature the preparation of the the overall winners.
dishes for a panel of expert judg- More information is available
es in full view of the OysterFest at
crowd. All recipes will be published by
At 4 p.m. on Oct. 6' OysterFest OysterFest and will be available
will feature an Iron Chef Competi- at the event.
tion. Entries and inquiries may be
With unknown ingredients pri-sent to John F. Hinck, S.E. 31 Em-
or to the competition, two chefs erald Drive, Shelton, WA 98584: i ~i~d~!!bUt~tto~four the~ide
must prepare a menu, prepare For more information, call
the meal and serve to the judging 426-4856 or email piceah@gmail.
team within one hour. com.
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
206 East Wyandotte Avenue
Children and
St. DaMd of es
A price where all are welcome
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472 •
7:30 & 10:30 a.m, Christianity Class
9:15 Conversational Bible Study Saturday 10:30 a.m.
~age B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012
Sunday August 26
Outdoor Service @ 10:30 am
at Kneeland Park
• AUGUST: Sunday Mornings
10:00 am
2 SERVICES in September
Office 426-6353
New Community
Church of Union
~!~ Sunday Gatherings
....... I Meets at new PUD#3 bui ding [::
ii~::iiii::ii] on Johns Prairie Rd~ [!!i .... at t'he ....
;ii!iii!l Sun.- 10:30 am. Thurs.- 7:00 pm [t] Union Fir© ttall
~!~!~;i~!1 [i~l 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
~ii~| Church info line:[~1 ..........
] 1360) 427-4033
i I