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August 23, 2012 |
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Moose lodge to hold open house
8:05 a.m., gentle, restor-
ative yoga, donation of $1
9 a.m.-noon, EZ Craft-
9 a.m., intermediate/ad-
vanced line dancing
10:30 a.m., blood pres-
sure checks, free
10:45 a.m., Zumba fit-
ness classes
12:30 p.m., Bridge, par-
ticipants are asked to sign
up at least one day prior
1 p.m., Mahjong, bingo
8 a.m., gentle Tai Chi
9 a.m.-noon, fabric do-
nation sorting
9-11 a.m., open line
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.,
piano bar with John Rosen-
1 p.m., Mason County
Senior Activities Associa-
tion is offering a members-
only movie at Shelton Cin-
emas. Cost is $3.50 at the
1 p.m., bingo, $1 for
three cards
5-9 p,m., a pig roast and
downtown country hoe-
down fundraiser will take
place at the Mason County
Senior Activities Asso-
ciation, located at 826 W.
Railroad Avenue, Shelton.
A variety of entertainment
and music will be offered.
8 a.m., gentle Tai Chi
9 a.m., beginning line
10 a.m., intermediate/
advanced line dancing
10 a.m.-4 p.m., Mason
County Senior Activities
Association is offering a
van trip to Bremerton Na-
val Museum. Cost is $24
per person. Lunch includ-
ed. Current MCSAA mem-
bership is required .........
12:30 p.m., game day
1 p.m, chess, cribbage,
8:05 a.m., gentle, restor-
ative yoga, donation of $1
9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., sew-
ing circle
9 a.m., intermediate/ad-
vanced line dancing
10:45 a.m., Zumba fit-
ness classes, no classes
held third Tuesday of each
12:30 p.m., bridge, par-
ticipants are asked to sign
up at least one day prior
I p.m., bingo with Adele,
every fourth Tuesday of
the month, no charge
The Shelton Moose Lodge will holdpublic.
an open house from noon-7 p.m. on Sat- Free hot dogs and Pepsi products
urday, will be available. No alcohol will be
The event, which will take place at served.
930 W. Golden Pheasant Road, Shel- For more information, call 426-6917.
ton, gives residents a chance to see the After 9 a.m. on Aug. 25, call 427-2337
lodge's new location. It is open to the to reach the lodge.
City of Shelton Animal Shelter
Adoptions cost $75, which includes day through. Friday. The Shelter is
vaccine, wormer, spay/neuter and a $10 closed Saturday through Monday.
city license. New dogs are brought in all Current listings:
the time. Call 427-7503 or visit the shel- Pit bull mix, female, 2 years old
ter at 902 W. Pine St. Shepherd mix, male, 4 years old
Dogs may be viewed at Corgie/pit bull mix, female, 5 years old
Hours are from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tues- Labrador, male, 7 years old
Ginger is looking for a loving family that will adopt her, love her and keep her
safe. She is a 7-year-old Australian shepherd/chow mix that was very frightened
when she first came to us. In a short time she had become a happy and playful girl
that loves people, loves to play in the pool and enjoys taking walks and naps. She
came in with her brother Scamp who is also posted on our website adoptapet-wa.
org. They can be adopted together or separately. If you would like to meet one or
both of these wonderful dogs call 432-3091 email
New signs show up at Schafer State Park
New interpretive signs were recently The park's plan includes several in-
erected at Schafer State Park in Elma. terpretive hubs, a National Historic
Wednesday The signs, which were paid for inSite plaque, a Schafer Historic District
8 a.m.. gentle Tai Chi part through donations from Greenwalking tour and an information cen-
9 a.m.. beginning line Diamond Resource Company and the ter.
dancing Friends of Schafer and Lake Sylvia The effort is spearheaded by Wash-
10 a.m., intermediate/ (FOSLS). mark the beginning of an en- ington State Parks. the Washington
advanced line dancing hanced interpretive plan for the park, Sate Parks Foundation and FOSLS.
1 p.m., pinochle officials said. For more information, call 482-2551.
6-6 Mon-Fri • 7-7 Sat-Sun
Est. 1991
Raven's Brew
Torani Syrup
Smoke Stack BBQ
Est. 2007
• Ribs • Pulled Pork • Brisket
10-6 M0n-Th, 10-7 Fri-Sun
15230 N. Hwy. 101,
just N of Shelton
Low cost gelding clinics set in Mason County
Three of the region's non- area's top equine veterinar- or risk the horrors of equine
profit rescue sanctuaries, in ians for $75. a fraction of the slaughter," Puga said.
collaboration with National standard fee for this surgi- NERN ran a pilot pro-
Equine Resource Network cal procedure, organizers gram for the low-cost clin-
(NERN), will host a two- said. The local equine veter- ic~ in California last year,
day gelding clinic Sept. 8-9 inarians who are volunteer- gelding a total of 92 horses
for the benefit of local horse ing their services are Dr. m eight separate locations
owners. Jan Richards of Chimacum, around the state. So far in
The clinics aim to help ec- Dr. Cary Hills of Poulsbo 2012, it has already held 12
onomieally challenged horse and Dr. Be Weeks of Portmore clinics, and castrated
owners affordably castrate Orchard. another 150 stallions, which
their stallions and to reduce NERN Executive Director will no longer be used for
the future population of Shirley Puga said her orga- breeding.
horses in the area nization's goal for 2012 is to "At a time when many
The Sept. 8 clinic will be geld 250 stallions through horse owners are struggling
held at Sunrise Equine Res- the program, potentiallyjust to feed their animals.
cue in Grapeview. On Sept. reducing the future equine we felt that providing finch-
9. Horse Harbor Founda- population by 1.250 horses cial relief in this area would
tion in Poulsbo will host in coming years. This figure be one of the most impor-
another. Center Valley Ani- is based on privately owned taut contributions we could
mal Rescue of Quilcene, the stallions siring an average of make. not only for existing
third local nonprofit par- five foals in their lifetimes, horses, but for the future,"
ticipating in this event, will "The current economy Puga said.
provide volunteers for both has dictated that we re-In addition to the two-day
clinics, duce America's future horse clinic. NERN is working to
Private horse owners population or watch moreset up clinics in Nevada and
can have their stallions and and more of these animals other western states.
colts gelded by some of the become victims of neglect This is the second co-
Max is an attk~ctionate young kitten. He enjoys
attention and will share rub and purrs, kitty play
and happy meows. Max is looking fi~r a sunny win-
dowsill, daily food and water and a safe warm bed.
He would like to have a tbrever home and family
of his own. Max would really like one of his f~iends
to share a home with hiin too. For information on
Max and other indoor-only kitties call 584-0594 or
leave a message at 426-2455.
Saturday, August 25th
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
at the theater.
Donations to help fund
our digital conversion.
Questions? Call Rebecca
36o~ 868-2307 82s7
Put on your
it's time for the annual
• Time trials 3 p.m.. Races 4 p.m.
operative community ser-
vice effort between Sunrise
Equine, Center Valley and
Horse Harbor, which often
work together on individual
rescue cases in their three-
county area. Two years ago
they teamed up to provide
the Project Safety Net for
Horses. an owner assistance
program designed to keep
horses in safe homes with fi-
nancially struggling owners
during the height of the re-
cession. More than 60 hors-
es were kept in safe homes
in that effort, essentially
doubling the combined sanc-
tuary capacity of the three
To participate in either
of the clinics, horse own-
ers can contact NERN at
or 760-419-2462. For more
information on the gelding
program, please go to www.
Where's The Fun?
In Our
Dining &
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C%unty Journa
24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000
Daily 4:45, 7:00pm
Additional Shows
Fri-Sat 9:00pm
Sat-Sun 2:45pm
Hit & Run
Daily 5:00, 7:lOpm
Additional Shows
Fri-Sat 9:lOpm
Sat-Sun 3:00pm
5 ~helton ~ Gates open at 7:00pn, SHOW AT DUSK]
~~movie 426-47071
I FRI 8/24 -THuR 8/30 I
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~Continenial.~i~ Wlrnpy Kid.
Ice.Age 4, ~ i;~ :~ aryofa.
-Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012 - Page B-3