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Frances Allen
Frances Allen, 99. died
on Aug. 14, 2012.
She was born Frances
Fern Gilbert on Jan. 19,
1913, in Lake Stevens to
Alton E. Gilbert and Fran-
ces M. Gilbert.
After living in British
Columbia as a child, she
moved to Shelton when she
was 9.
She married Walter
"Gene" Allen and the two
were to-
gether for
69 years
until his
passing in
lived on
Frances Bay most
Allen of her life,
where the
raised their daughter Joan
Allen (Haas). Her family
shared that she liked life
on the bay with her family,
which included her grand-
children Shirley Chappell
(Fox), Linda Chappell (Ma-
bey) and Maralee Hass.
She was a member of the
Skookum Bay Ladies Club.
Kamilche Progress Grange
and Silver Sthr Riders• She
loved to cook. hunt, fish and
ride her horses• She was an
avid gardener with her hus-
band, and worked beside
him in their oyster business
-- Skookum Bay Oyster
Company -- for 19 years•
She played guitar with
friends and played for the
local grange dances. She
also played cribbage.
She is survived by
brothers Donald Gilbert
of Arlington and John
Gilbert of Las Vegas. Her
great-grandchildren include
Walter Allen Fox, Marshall
Paul Fox, Jessica Maybe
(VanWoerkoml and Erica
Mabey. She also had five
A private family memorial
will be held at a later date.
Arrangements are being
handled by Forest Funeral
Clinton Kruger
Clinton Dean Kruger,
55, died on Aug. 15, 2012,
at Mason General Hospital•
He was a resident of Shel-
He was born on Oct. 4,
1956. to Pete Kruger Sr.
and Donna Pierce.
He attended Weather-
wax High School in Aber-
/~ger was
to Cherie
and Sadie
Both mar-
Clinton riages
Kruger ended in
He was
a roofer with OK Roofing
and with family-owned Kru-
ger Roofing for 12 years.
He was a member of the
Squaxin Island Tribe and
enjoyed hunting, fishing,
clamming, baseball, softball.
beading and playing pool.
Kruger is survived by fa-
ther Pete (Lillie) Kruger Sr.
of Shelton; son Dustin Kru-
ger of Olympia; daughters
Misty Kruger of Shelton and
Janessa and Shawnee Kru-
ger of Chiliwack, B.C.; broth-
ers Michael, Pete Jr. and
Tully Kruger of Shelton" sis-
ters Kathi Nielsen of Enum-
claw and Michelle Buechel of
Olympia; step-sisters Rene
Klusman and Treasa Ryan
of Olympia; three grand-
children, numerous nieces.
nephews and cousins.
He was preceded in
death by brother Eric Kru-
ger and mother Donna
A service was held on
Aug. 20 at Squaxin Island
Tribal Cemetery in Ka-
milche. Arrangements are
under the direction of Mc-
Comb Funeral Home.
Donations can be made
to the charity of the donor's
Paul Thielman
Paul M. Thielmani 59. a resident of Shelton. died on Aug.
i2, 2012, at Providence St. Peter H0spital in Olympia. Ar-
rangements :are by Funeral Alternatives of Washington in
Lacey under the direction of Andrew Kill•
Robert =Smith
Robert M. Smith, 93, of Shelton. died on Aug. 21, 2012, at
Alpine Way ~tirement Center AiTangements are by Me-
Comb Funeral Home under the direction ofDebbie Hurst.
Martha Lawson
rangements are by McComb Funeral Home under the di-
rection of Debbie Hurst.
Richard Johnson
Richard Lyle Johnson, 86, of Shelton. died on Aug. 21,
2012, at Shetton Health & Rehabilitation. Arrangements
are by Forest Funeral Home under the direction of Dave
Clarence Fairbanks
Clarence Wilbur "Miff'
Fairbanks, 91, died on Aug.
16, 2012, at his home in
He was born on Aug.
23, 1920, in West Concord.
Minn., to Lewis and Marie
(Knobel) Fairbanks.
He married Donna L.
He originally enrolled
in the University of Min-
nesota to study medicine.
During World War II. he
left college and enlisted in
the U.S• Army• He spent
the majority of his active
duty as a medical corpsman
in the South Pacific. He
concluded his service at the
rank of Mas~er Sergeant.
He spent most of his
working life as an employee
of the Hormel Company,
headquartered in Austin.
Minn. He worked there for
37 years and progressed
from livestock buyer to
plant manager and retired
as vice president of the live-
stock buying division.
The couple moved to
Shelton in 1982. They were
active at St. David's Episco-
pal Church and attended a
number of church functions,
including volunteering at
the local food bank.
He also had a short stint
in the real estate business.
As a young man, Clar-
ence aspired to play the
trombone, his family
shared• He was often com-
pared in jest to Irving Miff
Mole -- a great jazz trom-
bonist. The name stuck and
he was known to many as
"'Miff' Fairbanks.
He is survived by his
wife Donna of Shelton: son
Charles Fairbanks !J~c-
elyn); grandsons Dusty,
Landon, Alex, Nick and
Cody; and granddaughters
Stacey and Stephanie.
He was preceded in
death by his parents and
son Bill.
A celebration of life
was held on Aug. 18 at St.
David of Wales Episcopal
Church in Shelton.
Arrangements were
under the direction of Mc-
Comb Funeral Home.
Memorial donations can
be made to St. David of
Wales Episcopal Church•
324 W. Cedar St., Shelton.
WA 98584 in Memory of
Clarence (Miff) Fairbanks.
Online condolences can
be made to the family at
Rodney Flakus
Rodney Flakus died on
July 22, 2012.
He was born to Rudy and
Gladys Flakus in 1938 in
He spent his early years
in Bellingham with his
mother, Gladys, who com-
pleted her education to be-
come a teacher.
The family then moved
to Shelton. where Flakus
graduated from Irene S.
Reed High School in 1956.
"He served a tour in the
Army, with most of his
service time spent in Ger-
many. After his military
commitment ended, he at-
tended Western Washing-
ton University in Belling-
ham. He spent his summers
working in construction to
pay expenses, most often
Graveside services will
be held at 1 p.m. Thursday
at Fern Hill Cemetery in
Menlo. with luncheon to fol-
low at the Willapa United
Arrangements are in
care of Steller's Mortuary in
as a roofer for a company
owned by his father. Rudy,
in Shelton. After 10 years,
he graduated.
Flakus moved back to
Shelton and Hood Canal.
where he lived the last 30
years of his life.
He lived across the street
from his mother and helped
her maintain her indepen-
• He is survived by broth-
ers Merlyn (Ruth) Flakus
and Richard (Carol)
Flakus; nephew Mike (Su-
san ~ Flakus; nieces Susan
Flakus and Kathy (Flakus)
and Judd Hardy; and nu-
mereus cousins.
He was preceded in
death by his parents and 16
of his 18 aunts and uncles.
A celebration of life will
take place from noon-3 p.m.
on Saturday at the Robin
Hood Restaurant and Pub
in Union. A remembrance
cruise will also occur on
the Lady Alderbrook at 5
p.m. on Monday. All are in-
vited to attend one or both
In lieu of flowers, the
family suggests donations
be made to Habitat for Hu-
Margaret Warren
Margaret Addle War-
ren. 86. former Willapa
Harbor resident, died Aug.
18. 2012. at her home in
Margaret was born on
Robert Stotler
Robert Stotler, 77, died
on Aug. 13• 2012.
He was born on Feb. 4,
1935. in Chelan and raised
in Seattle•
He was educated at Roos-
evelt High School, where
he was the owner of a band
that in-
I cluded the
of Wash-
music pro-
with the
U.S. Air
Robert Force in
Stotler the control
tower of
Korea, got
married on his 21st birth-
day and became a husband
for 26 years and a father of
five children.
He worked as a computer
programmer/analyst and
was the CEO of 13 Sea Gal-
ley restaurants and Star-
liner Camper Co. He then
designed and wrote the
software program for Rx
Net of Northwestern Drug
He re-married in 1985
for 27 years and parented
two stepchildren• He com-
pleted his career managing
national and international
sales at Sims Vibration
Laboratory / Steven Sims
Inc., then retired on Lake
Limerick Golf Course m
He was a softball coach
for more than 30 years•
He showed interest in all
sports, favoring golf, bowl-
ing, basketball, football and
baseball. He was a dedicat-
ed UW season ticket holder
for 30-plus years, as well as
a Mariners and Seahawks
He contributed to his
community in Shelton with
season tickets and never
missed a horne game of
Feb. 21. 1926. in Willapa high school football, where
to Walter he supported and was loved
~lScott and
Flora El-
len (Ells-
worth) Al-
from Wil-
Margaret lapa Val- ley High
Warren School.
married her husband of 65
years, Ray Warren on Aug.
20. 1947. in Seattle.
Margaret and Ray owned
and operated Warren's
Jewelry, retiring when she
was 78.
She was a member of the
Willapa Ladies Aid, Wil-
lapa Valley Booster Club
and in years past taught
Sunday school at the Wil-
lapa Methodist Church.
She was a fabulous cook
and loved to sew. her fam-
ily shared. She also enjoyed
spending time in her flower
Hawaii was her favor-
ite vacation spot and she
talked about the beautiful
islands often. She lived on
Phillips Lake. where she
loved to swim.
She is survived by her
husband Ray: son Buddy
(Janice) Warren of Ray-
mond: daughters Geraldine
I Jim) Kaech of Mount Ver-
non. Kathleen Warren of
Olympia and Colleen War-
ren of Shelton: sister Ger-
aldine Huffer of Milwaukie.
Ore.: many nieces and
nephews: nine grandchil-
dren: 12 great grandchil-
dren and was expecting her
first great-great grandchild
in January.
She was preceded in
death by a brother Floyd
and sisters Jeane, Dixie
and Shirley.
by many student athletes.
families and staff• He loved
music and all forms of in-
struments, favoring the
piano, the saxophone and
big bands.
He is survived by his
brother Rod; sister Char-
maine; first wife Carolyn
and their children Roger,
Russell (Valaurie p, Randy
(Michelle), Roberta (Steven)
and Roxanne (Jerry); sec-
ond wife Dee and two step-
children Stacy and Mike;
grandchildren Laurie,
Tasha. Shawna. Bryanna,
April, Michael, Alisha,
Robbie, Jessica, Amanda,
Jacob, Bradley and Kiana;
and great-grandchildren
Caleb, Kaleah and Jessa.
He was preceded in
death by his parents Wal-
lace and (Eva) Stotler,
mother Rose Johnson and
brother Richard Stotler.
Memorial and funeral
services will be held at 2
p.m. Friday at Acacia Me-
morial Park, 14951 Both-
ell Way NE, Seattle, WA
It will be open to all his
family and friends•
Richard Simms
Richard E. Simms. 78.
died July 23. 2012, in
Marysville. He was a Lake
Stevens resident.
He was born on June 19,
1934. in Tacoma to Freda
Simms ~ Benneckerl and Er-
nest Simms•
He graduated from
North Kitsap High School.
where he met his wife. Don-
na, in 1953.
Simms was employed as
an air balancing technician
for most of his career, work-
ing for several orgamza-
tions. He raised his family
of five children in Poulsbo,
with the exception of the
time he spent in Alaska in Bingay of Camano Island:
the mid-1960s, children Rich (Ingrid)
He and his family were Simms of Mukilteo. Don
long-time members of Simms of Poulsbo, Dean
the North Kitsap Baptist (Beth) Simms of Hansville.
Church and the Eagles Club. DeeAnn (Steve) Varner of
They spent time at Tim- Marysville and Doug (Mei-
ber Lake. near Shelton, ka) Simms of Rochester:
where the family spent a 11 grandchildren and five
number of weekends and great-grandchildren.
holidays. He was preceded in
Simms was an avid Se- death by his wife Donna,
attle sports fan. especially his brother Bob Simms and
of the University of Wash- his parents.
ington Huskies and Seattle A service will take place
Seahawks. in September in Ocean
He is survived by sisters Shores.
Janice (Jerry) Minear of
Camano Island. Judy (Dick) See Obituaries on page B-6
Evalyn Kretschmar
Evalyn Kretschmar died at her home on August llth
2012 after a short battle with cancer.
Born May 2nd. 1918 in Tamms. Illinois. The daughter of
Tulla and May(Lee) Dillow.
She is survived by her son David Kretschmar of Boise.
Idaho. daughter-in-law Paula Kretschmar of Columbia.
SC. Grandchildren Kimerie Joye (Rodney), Kendall
Kretschmar also of Columbia SC.. and Kevin Kretschmar
of Dallas. TX. Great grandchildren Channing Joye and
Carlie Joye.
She is also survived by her brother Carl Dillow (Galen)
of Tallahassee. F1. and several nieces and nephews,
Evalyn was predeceased by her husband Oscar
Kretschmar, son Carl Kretschmar. brother Harold Dillow.
sisters Rosena Oldin, and Ruth Johnson.
Evalyn attended Southern Illinois University and
earned a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree from
The University of Puget Sound in Tacoma. WA. where
she also served as a lecturer in Comparative English
Literature until her retirement. During retirement Evalyn
and Oscar traveled extensively having visited England,
France, Germany, Italy. Australia. New Zealand. China.
Japan, Egypt and Greece.
Prior to moving to Tallahassee. Evalyn mad Oscar
enjoyed golf at Fircrest Country Club in Tacoma and the
Alderbrook Golf and Yacht Club in Union. WA.
Evalyn was an avid bridge player and enjoyed countless
hours of friendly competition at the bridge table with her
many friends.
She was a member of the United Methodist church in
Shelton. Wash. and the Fellowship Presbyterian church of
Tallahassee, F1.
Memorial contributions in her memory may be made
to the Boys and Girls Club of Tacoma. Washington, Big
Bend Hospice of Tallahassee, Florida. or the charity of
the donors choice.
Interment will be at a later date at New Tacoma
Cemetery, University Place, Washington.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012 - Page B-5