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August 23, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 23, 2012
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Climber runners hope to lead pack By EMILY HANSON With a strong boys' cross country team and high- er numbers for the girls' team, the Highclimbers ex- pect to lead the pack this fall. "The boys this year will be real strong," head coach Daryl White said. "In my mind, we're the league favorites. We have a lot of talent with the girls but there are a lot of new girls." White, in his 12th season as the head coach, is assisted this year by John Johnson of the Shelton Harriers. He also has two volunteer coaches in Jen- nifer Ford and Robert Larribas. Together, the Shelton cross country coaches are overseeing 10 girls and 18 boys this fall, with six re- turning seniors. For the boys, the team has Nathan Newell, Zac Taylor, Payton Wheeler, Jonathan Andrewski and Kevin Givens. Girls' team captain Bonnie Casper is the only returning senior. Junior Cody Williamson is the captain of the boys' team this fall. "Cody Williamson is one of the top runners, if not the top runner, in the league," White said. "Zac Taylor will run well this year and Darius Burke was an outstanding freshman last year. For the girls' team, Lindsey Goldsby and Bonnie Casper are both having a good start and Katie Morgan is our top returning girl." Casper said she thought the team has a lot more runners this year and that more people participat- ed in the summer program. "We're more in shape and that'll help us be more successful," she said. "I think we'll be m~ore at the front of the race than the back in the 3A. We still have a challenge, though." White said he was happy to be in the 3A Nar- rows League this year. "Our chances of doing something exciting are good, we just need to keep everyone injury-free," he said. Besides the league change, the only change for the team this year is a new home course. In years past, the Highclimbers ran on the Huff'n Puff Trail across the street from Shelton High School. This year, the home course will be Lake Isabella State Park. "We love the course," White said. "John's had some Harriers races there. Because it's such a great See Cross Country on page C-4 i~iii~iiiiii!iiiiiiZ~iiii~iiii!iii~i~li~i~iiiiii!iiiii~iiiii!iiiii~iii~iii~iii!~ii~!~ii!i~iiiiiiiii!iiiii!i~iii!iii!i~ii!i!~!ii!ii!i!iii!iii!ii!iiii!iii!iii!iii!iiii!!iiiiiiii!iii!ii!iii!!i!i~iii!!iiii~i!i~iiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiii~iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiii:iii~i~iiiiiiiiii!i!~!iiiiii~!i~iiii~iiiiiizi!~ii~i~iiiiii~iiiii~iii~i~iiiiii~i~iiiii!ii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i~ Journal photo by Emily Hanson Shelton senior Bonnie Casper starts a trail run during cross country practice 6 on Tuesday at the Huff n Puff Trail. Shelton co-head girls' swim Tuesday. coach Chad Youngquist talks to Journal photos by Emily Hanson the team during practice on Shelton diver Lanna Keltner works on her jumping form. By EMILY HANSON With Shelton competing in the 3A Narrows League this year, the girls' swim team is anticipating a strong dual meet season. "North Thurston and Wilson are cra- zy hard with a lot of state-level swim- mers but everybody else is fair game," co-head coach Chad Youngqnist said. "We could come out of our dual meet season looking pretty good but league and districts won't be much different from last season." Now in his 12th season with the Lady Highclimbers, Youngquist continues to co-head the program with Rob Phelan, who is beginning his 20th season with Shelton swimming. The two are overseeing 25 girls this fall, with six returning seniors: Sarah Myers, Jordan Crossan, Jamie Chavez, Rebecca Dodge, Bailey Kirk and Danielle Ewart, who returns after a two-year break. "We nearly made it to state in the re- lay last season," Youngquist said. "We lost some of the members on the team but we have talented freshmen coming in with foundation knowledge. I don't have a beginning lane with swimming lessons this year." Phelan said there are two returning divers this fall, Kirk and Lanna Keltner, who dove for the junior varsity team last year. "Hopefully we'll pick up one or two more," he said. "It's pretty early at this point in the season to say how we'll do. Both girls have to pick up a lot more dives to be able to compete." Youngquist named several girls as swimmers to watch this fall. "Sarah Myers is within reach of state and so is Hannah Garcia," he said. "Ca- risa Kunkle really improved a lot and has high goals for herself and Bailey Kirk has the potential to be a state diver." As a team, Youngquist said there are enough swimmers to fill all the events at a dual meet. "Any team with weak spots we can take advantage of," he said. He said the team will work on improve- ment in order to make the state level. Football season. Hinkle named Ajamu, Continued from page C-1Kinne, Welander, full back Bell, running back Gettle and but this offense takes a load off junior wide receiver Michael the quarterback's shoulders." Sobotka as offensive players He said the team is excit- to watch. ed about the new offense and He said he expects de- it fits well with them.fensive end Lindley, comer At starting quarterback, Frakes, defensive tackle An- Welander brings experience, derson and sophomore guard having thrown most of Shel- Brian Nault to lead the de- ton's snaps last fall. fense unit. "Welander's experience at "The team is looking good the position will definitely help so far this season," Hinkle the team succeed," Hinkle said. said. '~¢'e have a lot of expe- The team is looking to im- rience and our athleticism is prove on last year's 2-8 finish, very good. We're excited to "Last year, a lot of kids got see what goes on." a lot of varsity experience," He named the team's lack Hinkle said. "They competed of confidence based on the at a high level at times and previous years' records as the they developed good leader- main weakness. ship qualities and traits." The Highclimbers play their He said the team's record annual Red vs. Black scrim- was the main defeat of the mage at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. o Zumba Toning o Zumba Classes • Sauna/Steam Room • Personal Training o Weight Training • Swimming • Aerobics Classes , Tae Kwon Do Classes Every Saturday at 11.:00 a.m. FREE with membership . Kettlebell Classes Now in progress- See schedule at • Racquetball o Tanning • Cardio. Massage Just South of Downtown Shelton on Highway 3 Stop in today at 707 South First Street Call 426-1388 or email us; sac@hctc,com Check us out on the web at sheltonathleticclub,com Hours: Mon-Fri 4:30am-9pm. Sat & Sun 7am-3pm SHELTON Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Aug. 23, 2012 - Page C-3