August 25, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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On August 13tn the sun was shinning, the clowns
were ready, the hotdogs were cooking, and the
games were set up awaiting the children. They
came running for 3 hours of fun, laughter, balloons
and prizes for everyone. The Harstine Island
Women's Club would like to thank the following
business, individuals, and volunteers for all their
donations, gifts, time and support in makingthis
years Kids Carnival another great success.
Bud Glasser Family
Mason General Hospital
Deer Creek Chevron
McDonalds (Walmart)
Fred Meyer
Pro Build
Gateway Rentals
Red Apple
Green Diamond Resources
Robert and Eleanor Clark
Harstine Island Community Club
S & S Produce
Harstine Island Theater Club
Safewsy of Shelton
Jarrells Cove Marina
Spencer Lake Barand Grill
Les Schwab
Margaret Loughlin
and of course a big "Thanks" to all of the fun loving, crazy
acting, doing anything to help, volunteers on the Island.
-- Judy L. Moore, Carnival Chairman
Journal DnOlO oy Natafle Johnsor
The City of Shelton and the Shelton Mason County Chamber of
Commerce are considering a partnership to change the landscaping
on the corner of First St. and Railroad Ave. These two large evergreen
trees would be removed in the process.
City, chamber look to remove
tree~ at First and Railroad
Two large and historic
trees in the landscaped area
at the corner of First Street
and Railroad Avenue may
soon have to go, city officials
said Monday.
While the large trees
have historic and senti-
mental value, one is in poor
health, and both are com-
promising the sidewalk,
said Steve Goins. commu-
nity and economic develop-
ment director for the City of
"The thought was we
could replace the landscap-
ing, repair the sidewalk and
add some signage." he said.
The city plans to partner
with the Shelton-Mason
County Chamber of Com-
merce go complete the work
as par~ of downtown revital-
ization efforts.
According to a briefing
given to the city commis-
sion Monday, "A strategic
plan element of the 2011
Community and Economic
Development Work Plan
was to 'suppor~ downtown
revitalization as a means to
increase city tax base and
expand revenue.'"
In order to achieve this
goal, the chamber of com-
merce government affairs
committee has formed a
subcommittee called the
Shelton Alliance for Vi-
able Economic Revitaliza-
tion or SAVER. chaired by
Bob Buhl. The committee
has asked the city to con-
sider the project, which is
described in the briefing as
the committee's "kick off'
Chamber president Pat-
ti Case addressed the city
commission Monday and
stressed the importance of
collaboration between the
two entities.
"I think I've probably
talked to each of you a~
some point about being pro-
active with these things,"
she said. "We think this is
an easy project."
If the project is approved,
Goins said city crews would
be responsible for the tree
removal and excavation
of the damaged sidewalk.
which is estimated ~o cost
between $3.000 and $5,000,
and the chamber of com-
merce would be responsible
for replacing the sidewalk
and landscaping with some-
thing more appropriate.
In a letter addressed to
Goins, chamber executive
director Heidi McCutcheon
suggested adding landscap-
ing that is maintenance-
free and more inviting to
the downtown core than the
large and sickly trees.
"The landscaping at First
and Railroad was installed
many years ago without
regard for the negative im-
pac~s caused by inappropr~-
ately scaled s~reet trees,"
she wrote. "Today, their size
and appearance are more of
a barrier than an invitation
~o the downtown area."
The committee included
several suggestions in their
proposal, including smaller
flowering fruit trees, peren-
nial shrubs, stone trails and
a seating area. The cham-
ber also wants ~o add some
kind of signage welcoming
potential patrons to the
downtown business core.
The tree removal is not
only an aesthetic issue.
Goins explained.
"Those trees may stand
another ten years, and they
may blow down next winter.
It's a safety issue," he said.
The city commission
agreed to consider the proj-
ect for the future, potential-
ly next spring.
"I know it's a sentimen-
tal thing with those trees."
Mayor John Tarrant said.
"If there is a way ~o en-
hance the corner and en-
hance safety and enhance
the welcoming to the down-
~own core, it sounds like a
good project."
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Road-opening ceremony set
The Board of Mason County Commis-
sioners will host a road-opening ceremony
at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 30, for the newly
Classes begin Monday, September 19th.
Call 432-5400 or visit our web site today!
• START HERE. GO ANYWHERE? ..... realigned Capital Hill Road.
On February 13, 2007, county commis-
Olympic College ~ 1::-: :- I sioners held a public hearing authorizing
937 W. AIpine Way ~" ~- :5- ~_-- 1 the realignment of a portion of Capital Hill
Road and development agreements among
Mason County and Manke Family Resourc-
es:, L.P., Manke Lumber, Inc. and a similar
, " ~: agreement with the Port of Shelton.
Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, August 25, 2011 1 ' :
As a result of the road realignment, the
county vacates a portion of the current road
in exchange for a newly constructed road
section. This new road section is constructed
and funded by Manke ~o the county's speci-
fications and includes right-of-way ease-
ments from Manke and the Port of Shelton.
The new road allows Manke better ac-
cess and more flexibility for the business
they conduct on their property, as well as,
allowing the port an improved access public
roadway to their commercial undeveloped