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August 25, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 25, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JOURNALEDITORIAL g" t loss Mason County is reeling following the unexpected death of Jerry Lingle. Some will always remember him sim- ply as Jerry while others took to calling him Uncle Jerry. Others will think of him first as Commissioner Lingle or Officer Lingle. Here at the Journal. Mr. Lingle will always be remembered as a straight on Friday is still hard to believe. Mr. here at the Journal can't help remem- shooter. Lingle was a role model for countlessbering his moving eulogy at Officer Tina His recent foray into politics didn't re- kids. peers and folks older than himself Griswold's memorial after her life was ally change him much, in this community and our hearts go out cut tragically short in a Lakewood coffee He always called us back promptly to them all. shop. or shared a few minutes before or af- Jerry could be a big, bad-lookin' dude Jerry, who was Griswold's reserve ter a board meeting. He made himself when he scrunched up his eyebrows andtraining officer when she started her ca- available throughout the week and on scowled at you or a mere teddy bear of reer here in Shelton, said this at her me- weekends. He loved Shelton and Mason a man when his eyes twinkled and his moriah "This giant of a woman will live County and served both with everything smile lit up whatever room he was m. in our memories fbr as long as you hold he had, It seems that just about everyone hasher in your hearts. I'm proud to say she Jerry seemed like the perfect picture a favorite story or anecodote about Jerry was my friend." of health last week and his sudden death following his untimely death. Some of us The same. of course, is true for Jerry. LETTERSTOTHEEDITOR ry G1 respect, a man's man. not be- Ave urg.D es cause of his formidable physi- cal bearing, but because he voters to had the strength and charac- ter to be sensitive, kind and s u p po rt carmg without relinquishing authority. In this era of cyni- cism and indulgence, it may Dick Taylor be some time before they make another Jerry Lingle, and we should all feel hon- Editor, the Journal ored to have known a man This letter is to the sitting who possessed those qualities commissioners and two can- to which so many aspire yet didates for the Port of Shel- so few achieve. ton. I kilow you all to be hon- Tom Davis orable men as you have cho- Shelton sen to represent the voters of the Port District and the call of public service is a no*" ,~y"ommun"*'" ble one. Please give up your shortsighted ibcus on the airport. While I agree that has lost an Sanderson Field is the Port's most impo ant asset, it is icon not the only asset. Comple- tion ot'the master plan for the Oakland Bay Marina would Editor, the Journal bring much needed tourisnt It is 9 p.m. and about one dollars into the local economy hour ago I was informed that and should not take a back~ Sgt. Jerry Lingle has passed seat to other projects. Also, away. Our community has upgrading the Johns Prairie lost an icon. He will always radhead l~ over due. I urge be in our hearts', he will be you, as one of the concerned greatly missed. voters, to consider these re- Jerry was a huge part of quests. FurLhe~, I would ask our community. Nobody will that you give up your op-be able to fill that void. We position to the Shelton Hills were important to him as he project. Airports and develop- was to us. ment's co-exist in many corn- Thanks for sharing him munities. I have met with Mr. with us, Lingle family. Jerry Adams of Hall Equities and if always talked about his kids they do half' of what they are and how proud he was of his plaiming, the economic ben- kids. Rest in peace Jer Bear, efit to the Port ofShelton arad we will be seeing you one Mason Comity would be we,'ll day. worth the effort. This compa- Mary Johnson ny seems genuine in its claim Shelton to want to help our commu- nity grow and if they make a profit fi'om it, well that is the Regrets for American way and there is nothing wrong with making money. Jerry Finally to the voters who supported me in the primary /-" .,,I n.. thank you fbr your vote. The -,ng,e~ bickering at the port has to end and since I will not be rDassin~ the one to end it, please sup- r " port the only candidate who can -- Dick Taylor. Our lo- Editor, the Journal cal economy is battered and I feel deep regret for the bleeding it istime to stammh passing of our commissioner, the blood loss. Jerry Lingle. My condolences Brian E. Avery to his family and loved ones. Shelton: Hopefully Brenda Hirschi will be available and will- " ing to step in and serve out I will Jerry's term. Allen Roth couple that appeared out of nowhere. That man was won- derful ... checked to see if I'd broken anything, fixing my glasses, while calmly explain- ing what was happening and suggesting we call 911. At one point he was holding my back to help me sit up. He helped me with my cell be under 350 words and provide contact and phone to call my husband. His wife was in front of me dress information for the )ournal. forever Shelton Out of work remember Shelton is a Jerry wonderful and need Lingle place help Editor, the Journal Editor, the Journal Editor, the Journal I am 46 years old. I have The early passing of Jerry On Saturday, Aug. 13, I lived and worked on my own Lingle, who I will forever re- tripped over an uneven curb since I was 16 years old. I member as Commissioner across the street from Neil's was taught at an early age LmRtt~ marks one of the sad- Pharmacy and fell flat on my what it was like to work. I & t: days in Mason County face. Hard. Here is what hap- was a logger for seven years history. From humble begin- pened alterward. When I fell, and an auto mechanic for nings he rose to achieve one the lady I had been walking 10 years. I recently lost my of the most powerful post- around with and her three job and am looking hard for tions in our county, and did teenage grandchildren ran another one with no success it all with honor and dignity, over from across the street, yet. I have had no income Jerry Lingle was, in every arriving just behind some whatsoever forthreemonths ott~ring encouragement. A Mason County transit driver stopped. The sales person from Neil's pharmacy came now. I know when you quit over with Kleenex, a box of or lose your job you have to wet wipes and ice. Did I men- wait five weeks to get any- tion that I'd split my lip and thing. I have no problem there was blood everywhere? with that. but three months? Faces bleed so well. No one My mother has been making asked if I had HIV or any my car and insurance pay- other communicable disease, ment and paying for my gas ]'hey just kept handing me so that I can look for work. more Kleenex and wet tis- I recently went to the sues. Then a jogger stopped emergency room because l to check if we needed help. have back pain and it was Another Mason County busthe only way I could get stopped. Someone called 911. looked at. That's what they The pharmacist came out did was look at me and writ and checked me for possible a prescription fbr pain and brain damage. Then theretell me I need to see a doctor. was a fire engine, complete I have no insurance let alone with rescue team. And last money; so I went to DSHS to but not least the ambulance, see ifI could get some medi- with another team. The guy cal to have my back checked. behind me - I think it was I was told that because I him, that's where my stuff was physically able to work was scattered - collected ev- they couldn't help me. Un- erything and got it into my employment won't give me purse - even the partly eaten my unemployment. I have cookie that one of the kids nothing but my mother and rescued from wherever it had I shouldn't have to depend landed. Someone made sure on her after thirty years. She that my purse came with me has her own bills and used to the ambulance. So many to live alone K/ff~she's all I people willing to help some have. I cannot~t help from old lady they didn't even anybody. know. Truly amazing. A huge People on welfare live all contrast to all the negative around me and they live bet- things one hears about pub- ter than most people that lic response to a person that work. I don't understand. needs help. Neil's pharmacy Please help. has my business forever. To Duanne Morton top it all off, the lady with the Shelton kids called my house later that day to see if I was OK. Wow. I haven't lived here all Kudos to that long, but if this is com- mon behavior, Shelton is a the wonderful place. I really wish I knew who that first couple was. I owe them many, many community thanks. I know this is a long letter, Editor, the Journal but I want folks to know the kind of people who live here. As a hobby artist, I was Thank you; thank all of you recently asked to design an again for everything you did outdoor portrait and cedar stand for a dear friend. for me. Diana Findley i would like this com- Shelton munity to know what out- standing employees and citizens we have. Without their heartfelt, professional, untiring and courteous help, I could not have completed this project. The companies who helped me are as fol- lows: Pro Build of Shelton put up with my count- less trips to see what was needed and many questions; Walmart had one-inch nails I needed; Toziers answered questions; Kulps Custom Crafts of Pennsylvania had the slate for the portrait; Home Depot of Olympia suggested hardy backer board; Art Talks ordered the museum Plexiglas; Brady's Trucking and Landsege provided the gravel; Daylite Construction and family took care of the cedar shingles, son. fbllow Commissioner Last but not least, my son Sheldon's lead and have this dug the hole, poured concrete contract reviewed by the At- and assembled it. torney General. My friend and I are ex- Stan Walster tremely gratethl. Thank you Grapeview one and all. Martha Plumbing Shelton Fire Chief Patti Graeber gets a 3 percent raise? Editor, the Journal Much is being made of the employment cuntract recent- ly granted to Belihir Water District M~g~i" Dave Tip- ton. While his contract is un- conscionable, here in Grape- view we have Tipton light in the fbrm of the contract recently granted to District 3 Fire Chief Patti Graeber. At a time when many public employees are being asked to take a pay cut, the fire com- missioners granted the chief a 3 percent raise ammally for the next five years. They also granted her use of a staff car, which she may use for her personal use. At a time when many employees are being required to pay fbr part of the cost of their medical benefits Chief Graeber was granted full medical and dental cover- age without cost to her. She was granted un- limited jury duty pay, pay fbr unused sick leave and two years' severance pay, which would amount to over $126,000. And last but not least the Commissioners gave up their right to dis- miss the Chief by majority vote. They have by agree- ment bound them selves and future commissioners to a stipulation that the chief can only be removed by unani- mous decision. At a recent meeting I in- formed the commissioners that I have been involved in the formation of many labor/ management agreements but this is the ~'st one I have seen where it seems to have been tbrmulated with labor and management both sitting on the same side of the table. Please Lynda Ring Erick- stand right here in Shelton Editor, the Journal It's hard saying how many times this summer my wife and I rushed by Jay's Pro- duce Stand on Old Olympic Highway. But this week we slowed down and checked it out. We're glad we did. The quality of fnfits and vegetables put our regular grocery store to shame and the prices were substantially lower. We browsed the out- door venue and found that the peaches taste the way they're supposed to taste, the broccoli was green (not blue- tinted) and the plums were neither soft nor hard, but just right. I wondered wheth- er the hothouse tomatoes were as good as they looked, so I asked if I could taste one. I wasn't impressed with the taste (having been spoiled by our own home-grova~ ones from years past) but I was pleasantly surprised that the cashier promptly ushered me over to the tomatoes and gave me a slice of one. This is first-rate service. We discovered they have a great selection of bulk herbs and we were able to buy some sage right there, some- thing we have had trouble getting our normal outlet to get for us. We even bought some gourmet red licorice from Australia. They get much of this product fresh from Yakima or wherever the stuff is get- ting ripe. I know people who make a special trip over the mountains to get theirs, but Jay's Produce has eliminated that hassle and expense. what a treat to have this produce stand right here in Shelton. I urge you vegetable and fruit lovers to give them a look-see. I think you'll be as impressed as my wife and I were. Bill Young Shelton She lt°niMai°n C°unty ,:lh She~ton-Mason County Journal is a member of U,~P~ 492-800 Washington Nevvspaper Publishers' Association. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Shelton-Mason SUBSCRIPTION RATES: County Journal, P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. $37 per year for Mason County addresses, Published weekly by Shelton-Mason County Journal, inc. $51 per year in state of Washington but outside at 227 West Cota Street, Shelton, Washington Mason County, $61 per year out of state. Mailing address: p.o. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584 Telephone (360) 426-4412 • Owned and published by P,:riodicals postage paid at Shelton, Washington Shelton-Mason County Joumal, Inc Rick Kennedy, publisherAdvertising: Jesse Mullen, general mgr. Dave Pierik, advertising manager Harvey Morris, ad representative Newsroom: Kevan Moore, managing editor Front office: Aria Shephard, North Mason~ Donna Kinnaird, bookkeeper environment, reporter Margot Brand, circulation Natalie Johnson, reporter Emily Hanson sports reporter Cricket Carter, mailroom supervisor Adam Rudnick, copy ed tor Composing room: William Adams, graphics Koleen Wood, classifieds/legals Becky Corr, typing Pressroom: Kelly Riordan, production manager Travis Miller press operator Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 25,2011