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By NATALIE JOHNSON participation in the Know Your Govern-
ment Conference.
The 4-H Harvest of Hope fundraiser col- "The funding is used for a spectrum of
lected about $8,000 last Friday, helping to things," Simmons said. "All the money stays
provide money for 4-H programs through- in the community."
out Mason County for the next year. Mason County 4-H gets most of its fund-
"It was great," said Bob Simmons, direc- ing from donations, but gets some from Ma-
~or of the WSU Extension Office in Mason son County. Funding from Mason County
County. "It was great ~o see a whole cross- goes toward funding 20 percent of the sal-
section of the community come out." cry of a WSU 4-H agent.
About 149'people showed up last Friday In fact, Mason County should get a new
mght at the Shelton Civic Center to support WSU 4-H agent soon. The new agent, Dan
4-H in Mason County, which provides after- Teutenberg, will arrive from Wisconsin
school ancl summer programs for children soon.
and teens. In addition, local 4-H gives up- Although 4-H always needs funding,
proximately 40 groups of members a place Simmons said even in the best economy, the
to learn about horses, dogs, horticulture program couldn't survive without its loyal
and other farming-related topics, volunteers.
"We have something like 37 clubs here "We need to raise funds for the core sup-
as well as an after school program in two port of the program, but we also need volun-
schools and the summer program and for- teers and we're thankful to have about 150
es~ry program," Simmons said. "All of the volunteers," he said. "It's about the whole
pro, grams need support." community being involved ... if we just had
The money raised will go toward train- the money, we couldn't hire all those peo-
mg and screening volunteers, funding the ple."
monthly 4-H newsletter, maintaining a di- To donate to Mason County 4-H, go to
rectory of 4-H Clubs and improving youth
Continued from page A-1
fraternal organizations such as the Ma-
sons, and had five children and two
grandchildren. He ran as an independent
candidate for the county commission seat
in the 2010 elections, beating out five
opponents to win the November general
"I think in all the boards of county com-
missioners I've known. I think Jerry was
more ready for that position than anybody
else, myself included," McGee said. "Most
of his life he's dedicated to the public, to
people of all walks of life. The first seven
months he hit the ground running."
He previously served in the Shelton
Police Department for almost 25 years,
reaching the rank of Sergeant.
"He was Uncle Jerry to everybody,"
said Sergeant Virgil Pentz of the Shelton
Police Department.
Pentz said he first met Lingle in 1991
and worked with him at the police depart-
ment for many years. He shared one in-
cident in particular, which was infamous
had a sweet personality with children. He
would put them at ease and make them
feel safe."
Morgan said many of her students came
to view Lingle as a surrogate father fig-
"He said he wanted to make a differ-
ence in the world." she said. "I don't think
this town is going to be the same again."
After his retirement from the Shelton
Police Department, Lingle worked for
some time in private security services and
owned his own company, Safelite Security
Corp. He also gave self-defense classes to
teens and adults, McGee said.
"He was a natural-born teacher," she
within the department ............ said. "He had a heart as
for many ye~r~:;: known ~*~rr~ h~ ~aid big as he:was."
only as the: "rnbiintain .......~ Lingle'§: fellow Mason
beaver story." hi~ life on the County politicians made
Pentz recalled a 911 public statements about
f their fallen colleague and
call about a wild "moun- [[ne
tain beaver" in a back- their time serving with
yard in residential Shel- ~e~a~y peopie in himi
ton years ago. Lingle re- had the opportunity
sponded to the call, and thisL~VV~E~*~'~, itgN of knowing Jerry for a
while calming down the long time ... he always
home's owner, the animal iocred[b[e Sg had a smile on his face,"
crawled on his boot and ~ Shelton Mayor John Tar-
looked up at him. rant said on Monday. "I
Pentz said Lingle instinctively reached think the community has lost a tremen-
down to pet the animal, which immediate- dous person in Jerry Lingle."
ly bit him on the hand. For years, Shel- Tarrant spoke during Monday's city
ton police officers kept plush beaver toys commission meeting about Lingle's ser-
in the office and a wanted poster for the vice in the Shelton Police Department,
beaver as a joke. saying that he admired how Lingle treat-
"Jerry was one of those guys -- larger ed everyone on the streets of Shelton with
than life was one of the ways people de- respect.
scribed him," Pentz said. "It's a sad thing "It's a reminder that life is short - he
when somebody that young goes away."died way too young," said City Commis-
Mason County Sheriffs Office Chief sionerDawn Pannell.
Deputy Dean Byrd also shared his memo- Mason County Commissioners Lynda
ries of' Lingle. Ring Erickson and Tim Sheldon sent out a
"We handled a lot of things togetherpress release on Monday on Lingle's death,
and had a lot of fun doing it," Byrd said. and also briefly discussed his loss during
"He truly cared about the community, he their commission meeting Tuesday.
cared about the city he policed, the county The county commission plans to make
he lived in." arrangements to appoint a replacement
During his time with the Shelton Police for the District 3 commission seat by Oc-
Department, Lingle served as a school re- tober 18.
source officer, often at the middle school. A memorial for Lingle has been sched-
Former middle school counselor Jennyuled for 10 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 28 at
Morgan remembered Lingle as an adultthe Little Creek Casino's Events Center.
every teenager in the school trusted and Those that would like to join a police and
looked up to. fire service procession to the memorial
"He had this presence about him -- kind should arrive at the Port of Shelton at 7
of a super-hero presence," she said, "He a.m. on Sunday.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, August 25, 2011 - Page A-7