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Olympic College Shelton
offers basic education,
GED program
Need to refresh your basic math and writing skills
o1' work on obtaining your GED? The Olympic College
Shelton Adult Basic Education/GED program is pilot-
ing two intensive, five-week classes this fall, which in-
clude instruction in writing, math, science, social stud-
ies and reading. Classes in both sessions start at 8:30
a.m. and end at 1:30 p.m.
The first session runs on Mondays and Wednes-
days from Sept. 9 through Oct. 19, the second Monday/
Wednesday session starts Oct. 31 and ends Dec. 7 at the
Olympic College Shelton campus.
In addition to these programs, other GED prepara-
tion classes are also offered tbr the entire fall quarter
schedule. Math classes will be offered on Tuesday and
Thursday mornings starting Sept. 20 and ending Nov.
29. This class will be held at WorkSource. Classes in
writing, science, social studies and reading will also be
held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings on the Olym-
pic College Shelton campus.
A one-time free orientation session is required prior
to registering for these classes. Please call the Olympic
College Shelton campus at 432-5400 or the ABE/GED
office at 432-5471 fbr dates and times. Olympic College
Shelton is located at 937 W Alpine Way.
Time to apply to attend CHOICE
The CHOICE Alterna- fi-om 8-11 a.m. the week of
tive School office is now Aug. 29 at CHOICE High
open fl'om 7:30 a.m. to School. Students who sue-
3:30 p.m. cessfully pass orienta-
New students who wish tion will be ready to start
to attend CHOICE in the school on Sept. 7.
thll must fill out an ap- The school is located at
plication, turn it in to the 807 W. Pine St. Please
CHOICE office and sign contact the school at 426-
up tbr orientation. Orien- 7664 for more intbrma-
tation classes will be held tion.
Ashley Culver and Leina June
Simpson awarded scholarships
Pomona Grange of Mason County has award-
ed scholarships to two Mary M. Knight High
School graduates. The scholarships, amounting
to $400 each, are for the 2011-2012 school year.
Ashley Culver plans to attend Grays Harbor
College and is enrolled in the criminal justice
program. While at Mary M. Knight she was
active in 4-H and Future Farmers of America
(FFA). In addition, she was a volunteer firefight-
er for Mason County Fire District 12, worked at
the Old Timer's Fair, Mason Area Fair and was
a 4-H horse camp counselor.
Culver is the foster daughter of Kendall and
Karalee Skye of Matlock. She plans to live at
home while attending college.
Because animals have always been special
to her, she would like to be an animal control
officer. She graduated with honors from Mary
M. Knight.
Leina June Simpson has plans to attend
Western Washington University in Bellingham.
At Mary M. Knight, she was Associated Student
Body President during her junior year and par-
ticipated in school government for three years.
She has been active in 4-H and FFA. Simpson is
a member of the Gateway Christian Fellowship.
Olympic College
Shelton Fall Continuing.
Education Classes
To register call 432-5400 or stop by the Olympic Col-
lege Shelton campus located at 937 W Alpine Way.
Buying & Selling on Craig's List, 9:30 a.m.-l:30 p.m.
Saturday, 10/8, $49
Learn how to buy and sell effectively and Safely on
this easy to use online classified site.
Anyone Can Write 1-3 p.m. or 7:20-9:20 p.m. Wednes-
days, 10/12-11/23, $85
Learn an easy process that will stimulate natural cre-
ativity and involvement with creative writing.
The Basics of Selling on eBay, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Saturday, 10/15, $59
Take a step-by-step approach to effective selling while
avoiding costly mistakes. Set pricing, use PayPal and
write product descriptions.
Beginning Computers for Seniors, 9-11 a.m. M/W/F,
10/17-10/28, $119
An introduction to personal computers designed spe-
cifically for Seniors. Students will use Windows to learn
basic computer and application skills. Within the course,
students will learn to use word processing, the Internet
and email.
The Art of Wine Tasting, 1-4 p.m. 'Saturday, 9/24,
10/22 or 11/19, $29
Students will taste six different wines. Discussion
will include classification, evaluation, tips on buying and
storing. A wine seminar book included. Students must be
at least 21 years of age.
Coastal Navigation, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, 11/5
and 11/12, $119
Navigation in the Puget Sound, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
Sat, 11/5 and 11/12, $119 San Juan Islands, Canadian
Gulf Islands and Washington coastal areas. Learn dead
reckoning, position fixing, nautical charts, compass use,
tides, currents and trip planning for sailboats and pow-
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Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 25, 2011
Flagging Certification Classes are from 9 a.m. 3:30
p.m. Saturday, 9/10, or Saturday, 10/1, Saturday, 11/5,
or 12/3. $65
Learn what it takes to become a flagger. Objectives
include maximum protection for employees & the public
with minimum interference from vehicle/pedestrian traf-
fic, proper use of traffic control devices, and other flagger
duties. Certification test administered upon completion
of class. Student must be 18 years of age or older.
Still time to register for fall
quarter at Olympic College
There is still time 1;o Coastal Navigation and
register for fall quarter at Flagging Certification.
Olympic College. Call 432-5400 or stop by
Classes begin Mon- the campus located at 937
day, Sept. 19s and con- W. Alpine Way in Shel-
tinue through Wednes- ton for more information
day, Dec. 7. Students about fall quarter classes.
can complete either a The campus will re-
professional-technical sume their regular hours
program or transfer de- starting Tuesday, Sept. 5.
gree at the campus. In Summer office hours are
addition to classes for 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon-
college credit, there will day through Thursday. It
be several continuing ed- is closed Fridays through
ucation (CE) classes held Aug. 26.
during the fall. These The campus will be
weekend classes include closed before the start of
Buying and Selling on fall quarter from Aug. 29
Craig's List, Anyone Can to Sept. 2. For advising
Write, The Basics of Sell- and registration assis-
ing on eBay, Beginning tance during the campus
Computers for Seniors, closure dates, please con-
The Art of Wine Tasting, tact 1-800-259-6718.
WSU announces Mason
County summer honor roll
The Washington State University's President's Honor
Roll recognizes students who stand above the rest with
excellent academic performance.
To be eligible for the honor roll, undergraduate stu-
dents must be enrolled in a minimum of nine graded
hours in a single term at WSU and earn a grade point
average of 3.75 or earn a 3.50 cumulative GPA based on
15 cumulative hours of graded work.
The following are on the honor roll in Mason County:
Allyn: Kevin Alexander and Candance Elaine Vetters.
Grapeview: Meghan/fdexandria-Ga Bartosovsky.
Shelton: Vance A. Creekpaum, Marissa Marie Hill
and Kelly Grace Miller.