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The North Mason High School girls' soccer team
second day of practice on Tuesday, Aug. 23.
In their second year with their current coaching staff,
the North Mason High School girls' soccer team is hoping
to build on the improvement they made last year.
"The team struggled last year," head coach Dustyn
Brim said. "It's not a very strong program and a lot of
girls don't have as big a depth as our opponents do. We
drastically improved last season though and hopefully
we can continue that."
So far this season, 32 girls have turned out with about
60 percent of last year's team returning. There are four
seniors returning from last season and two of them, Ma-
rissa Hamilton and Jessica Jeu, are helping to lead the
"So far, we've seen pretty good stuff," Jeu said. "This
week is the 'week of determination' to see who can make
it and who can't."
Hamilton said there are a lot of new faces on the team
this season, not all of them freshmen, and that she thinks
that will help the program.
"Everybody's working really hard," Hamilton added.
Brim said he and assistant coach, Matt Friesen, are
working to build on last year's team.
"Since Matt and I were new last year, the girls didn't
have very good shape on the field and so we're working
on getting all 11 on the field playing together," Brim said.
"I hope we surprise some people and that we can sneak
some results in."
~ournal photo by Emil~
members practice kicking drills during their
As another successful summer of youth soccer comes to an
end, we want to express our appreciation to all those
in the community who make it possible for local youth to
participate in a fun, positive summer activity.
We appreciate the opportunity to be a sponsor of youth soccer
and want to thank all the organizers, coaches, and volunteers
for the many hours they put into making summer soccer
such a great success.
Steven H. Bowers, DDS, PS
Cosmetic & Family Dentistry
Page C-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, AUGUST 25; 201 t
New coach, new attitude
By EMILY HANSON up. This won't be a one-year
thing, it'll be a three or four
The new Shelton High year process."
School girls' soccer coach is Malpass said that there
hoping to teach the girls' a are a lot of good kids coming
new attitude this season, up from the junior varsity
"There's a lack of confi- and c-teams and that that is
dence but we're working on keeping the seniors on their
it," head coach Mike Mal- toes because they have to
pass said. 'The coaching staff work hard to keep their var-
knows the kids and they're sity positions.
the backbone of the program. Seniors Clara Robbins and
Athletic Director Jim Judson Taylor Muenchow agreed
has been really supportive of that there are a lot of fresh-
my vision and I think with men and sophomores trying
the kids' attitude and the out for the roams this season.
staff we've got, we can make '~he team is looking prom-
a push and improve.;' ising," Robbins said. "A lot of
Malpass is working to girls look like they've been
improve upon the girls' 2-10 playing all summer. As far as
record from last season. He the season goes, I think we'll
said there are about ten re- be building but winning more
tu_ming players from last games."
year with ten seniors and Muenchow agreed adding
that, since he has no history that the team, with 44 girls
with this team, players have showing up for the first day,
not been guaranteed spots on has pretty good numbers.
the varsity team simply be- "There's a strong fresh-
cause they played last year. man class," she said. "So far,
'Tee're bringing in a lot the team is looking pretty
of tactical, positioning tech- good."
niques the girls haven't been Malpass said his long-
taught yet," Malpass said. term goal for this team is to
'Tee're looking at more ap- improve on the girls' skills
propriate positions for the enough for them to go on to
girls and asking girls to step the college level.
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