August 26, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 26, 1965 |
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SIdrELTON-- Lt SON. COUNTY 30URN'AL- Published in "Christmaetown, U.S.A.", SbeEon, Washing'ton
; !!i:, •'i; • ....
CLEAN CUT---Father Mark Wiechmann showed a and steady hand with the cake-knife as he
made the first cut on his 90th birthday cake, in the
form of a cross and ptilpit, at St. Edward's Cath-
olic Parish Hall last Sunday. Conservative esti-
mates placed at over 400 the number of visitors
who came to pay their respect to the beloved pastor
of St. Edwards. Visitors came from all over west-
ern Washington. The cake was baked by Mrs. AI
Petzold, who also took this picture. Father Mark
has been pastor at St. Edwards for the past 30
years. He was ordained in 1901 after entering the
seminary i~ 1892 to begin his studies for the priest-
This year--1965-martes the
175th anniversary of a very im-
portant but little-known contri-
butor to your good health. We
are talking about the American
patent system.
This legacy of wisdom from
our forefathers has powered the
progre~:~ of science and indus-
try. Inventors and innovators
have been rewarded and pro-
How do Datents contribute to
your good health ? By fostering
research--by allowing the dis-
coveries of science to be freely
revealed---and by protecting the
true contributors. Only in
way does scientific knowled
become freely available as a
spm" to further progress.
Next time you pick un a pre-
s~,ription, think of this: each
year American pharmaceutical
industry screens over 100,000
substances lookin~ for new
medicinals. The patent system
...... now in its 175th vear of serv-
ice--has much to do with stim-
1dating this research and com-
Emergency Ph. 426-2165
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
Open Dally 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 - 6:00
OFF AND WINGING--Miss Jana X. Runnion, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest E. Runnion, 828 Cota Street, Shelton, has become
a United Air Lines stewardess. Following completion of her
training at the co mp,any's stewardess school near Chicago, Illinois,
she now flies aboard Mainliners out of Chicago. In becoming a
stewardess she has entered a profession pioneeredby United 35
years ago. Miss Runnion is a graduate of Shelton High School
and attended the University of .Puget Sound prior to serving aloft.
/ega n
f !ii As s County
Society Editor : Cathy Hoard . Phone :26.-4412 :=: d Work
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dent.~ of the Stadimn Beach and
SEIDELMAN MARRIED IN TACOMA Mcl.i. Coy,, Ro'/(I-~ in the Grape-
view :[l'O,':t [t|)p('ll'ed at the ~ason
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came the bride of Tom Longacre
from Shelton in a double ring
ceremony performed in the First
Methodist church of Tacoma last
Friday at 8 p.m.
Nancy is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Seidelman of Ta-
coma and Tom is the son of Mr.
and :~rs. Roy Longacre of Shel-
ton. Nancy's father gave her away
in marriage.
The church was arrayed in the
colors of blue and white as the
ceremony was performed. Stock
and roses of the same colors ad-
ded the final touch.
The bride wore a chapel-length
gown of satin brocade. Her bridal
'viel was brought together by a
headdress cluster of pearled floW-
ers. She carried a bouquet of White
roses and stephanotis.
Mrs. Robert Marcy was matron
Nancy Seidelman of Tacoma be- ed in a teal colored jacket dress
and white accessories.
Belvedere Fury- Valiant- Salellile ,~,.,, CORNE-R,... of honor and Lynn Van Laanen
The Mason county Fair is over was Nancy's bridesmaid. Both
Barracuda for anotller year and according to wore blue sheath dresses 'with
all reports it was the biggest yet, whlte acceSSeO;'ies and a head dress
registering the highest attendance of blue ros • with a circlet of
for one single day on Friday. The illusion matching the dress mater-
V-100 VALIANT 4-door Sedan "6" total attendance was over 11,000 ial. ,
Full Down $230.00--$65,20 per month and is up about 2,000 over last Best man was Pen's brother,
year. We say, congratulations to Allan Longacrel Accompanying
all the people involved in making him as ushers were Robert Mar-
cy and Rusty Decrees.
SATELLITE V8 2-door Hardtop withsmall this year!s fair such ~a success ... Kerri Ly, Asplund, a cousin
In the business w0rldi the style of the bribdleuS, performed as flower
down payment -- $80.50 per month show at MILLER'S was a big suc-
cess also; Jim Pessimier told us girl in a nylon dress flowered
that 66 people registered at the with roses and a circlet of illUS-
FURY IlI 4-d(mr "V8" Sedan --- Loaded show . . . Down at. the other end ion matching her dress material
Save $650.00 ............................ NOW $3364.12 of Railroad, Gene Hanson at in her hair. She carried a tiny
BETTMAN'S is showing some of basket of flowers.
his new styles for women. Be sure The bride s mother wore a per-
BELVEDERE "6" 2-door Sedan and run down to See them .... rewinkle blue crepe sheath dress
• " ' 's with a matching coat of lace: Her
Full down $ -- $70.48 per month wont Hall, formerly with LeRoy
Jewelers, is now associated with accessories were white.
MANN REAL ESTATE She will The groom's mother was gown-
SPORT FURY 2-door Hardtop
Save $500.00 .......................... NOW $3075.08
p~ncipally be dealing with home
sales . . . George.V:alley, owner of
EELLS & VALLEY, has those
brand new '66 model RCA's in and
invites all to come down to take
a gander at them . . . Rod Olsen
the area for a three week stay in
tile National Guard. We hope he
makes it back, what with that
trouble in L.A. and Viet Nan...
A certain gal over in Evergreen
Square was asking, "How come
you never mention me in that col-
umn?" Well, I mentioned her! . . .
Vern Givens has some spectacular
buys on broadloom carpeting. It
would pay you to take a look . . .
Up on Mt. View RAUSCHER'S
OK TIRE STORE has a big 2-
Plus-2 sale going on right now . . .
Another tire store has a sale go-
ing on. This one is at MERV'S
TER.. , That's --30--
There was no regular Friday
morning court session in Mason
County Superior Court last week
because no judge was available to
BARRACUDA 2-door Fast Back
Full Down $225.00 -- $80.30 per month
FURY III 4-door Sedan
Save $450.00 ............................. NOW $3162.14
BELVEDERE "V8" 4-door Sedan
Save $$$ .................................... NOW $2476.20
707 So. First 426-3433
County Commi.~sion to ask thai
the.~e two r(,:u.b~ be bl:mktOpl)ed
next year if po:;:dble.
The county e,;,mmi.~:M(m told the
L:,.ro||p their roads would be given
consideration in the 1966 road pro-
A letter was l eceived from the
Shelton School Bo.n'd a.'ddug that
the distriet be given consideration
in the distribution of the Federal
"?we:It Wllnd nlon(~y fop tile com-
ing year.
2'lie COMMISSION approved
lhe cs{ablishmcnt of a county road
in the vicinity of the Belfair Cem-
Henrv Cook Jr. appeared at the