August 26, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 26, 1965 |
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.... ", , , .
Too ai d:: o E ident Die owar 0yet ore e Simpson Shelton Residen
J~T LISTED -- It's sn Older 3 bed- • , " '"J ~ ' , : " ,
room home that's boon mostly re-]In Seattle [Former Sheltonlan, [Succumbs Here [For 60 Yeal s Dies ] I [
~ m t re?deled n?eds some fin]all y?rk, .Lo- ] Mrs Gladys' E Tolentino of Se- ] r} ..... T~.. r}..|l_~.._ I Mrs Florence Simpson of Rt 2 I Mrs. Agnes M: Hansen of 107 ]l I |UI@ ]
cale~l on two exlra nice IOlS ClOSe I ... ". . ~ " " "~unda ........ ' " ' '
to schools and town. Call A. ROY[attie dzed in S,mttle last~ on JY" I ]. tl~q;:~ 111 rUlllllali IBex 973, died last Saturday in N. 8th, died last Friday m the | |
DUNN Realtor. 426,4447. Evenings I She was born'in Sheltoz une I A heart condition which brought I the Shelton General Hospital at [ Shelton General Hospital at the ]l ]
426-8074. __ ........... 8/.__/ 21, 1933. ~ I his honorable discharge from the ] the age of 77. 1 age of 84. ]l '63 Fa con Sedan I
FOR SALE-- Three bedroom home. Funeral servictes will be held U S Navy in 1945 fin~ally claimed She was born Oct. 25, 1887, inBorn on Sept, 5, :[880, in Den- ,. . x~.R |
edrick reported Cue buihtinK permit, to DeLoss ~W~all-,t/~wall earpe~txh~n !i~'/ng r°° i/from the Shaker ,.Church in Sko-[th'e'life of former Sl~eltm~ian How I serUn Conn and has been a rest- mark she had been a resideut of [ 63 Ralnbler 4 dr: - .., A.T. |
~v. t. v|vw tIC~-~1. .. ,,. ,~-'. ~t-~ *'|~J . ' " ~ ' . ' ,
} Lake brokeu Zachry, add to residence and ear'- down payment, Call 426-8545 or 352:/kommh Valley today at 1 p.m. lward j. Meyer 53 on July 16 at]dent of Mason County for the past|Mason County for the past 601[ .63 Vo,zswagen_.u,us I
1)ort,$"1 .... 500 was approved by. the 8877. N 8/26 ,Ws [Burial will be in ~lre ~KoKomish [ his home in" Pt'fllman " [ 13 year's, l Years. I I "u~ core, vu, ~UOK |
ey reported a city of Shelton during the past ]7 FT " MANsi~IELD~tsor-With 40 [ Cemetery. / ~^ .............." ..........[ Funeral services werc held yes- I Funeral services were held fronl [[ ,6o Fair ane 500 4-dr., V-8, A T [
• h ) Jo lnson outhoflF~l dual conlrols. ~rlt~ II~IAA UU~II LtU~t' LOf LII~ ~rUl" O " =~ ~ ~"
later recovered, week. .~ ~ ~ ~;.I,..;. .... ' ~ d.,~ tfn ] She is survived by her husband [ ......... . ....,.,~_t. ........ ~.~.~ [ terday from the Batstone 1 uneral I the Batstone [~ uneral Home htst I ,:9 t-. .... W~,.o ~ I
cigarette butt COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS /Oeorge Tolentino of ~eatue[ .~]er[universlty since 1956 shortly I '60 Ford Galaxle V8, At. |
T .._..~ D..t.zt_..¢:..~.~[ parents, Mr. and Mrs..,Ted r'uisuer ! ~raduati~c, from WSU with a de- ~ ...... e ............... ~, .......... t ~,,~e .......... z ........... b ....... t t . _ . I
ring a hole in Buildingpermits approved by l~t~H ~[uu/z~vzutam [ ofHoodsnort" three brothers [~re~ in s~ciolo~,,, Mrs Move" i's/f°ll°wed at the Shelton Memorial|followed in the Shelton Memorial [| '60 Foru ~eoan |
the Mason County Commission at ~ ' ', ' ~' ~ ~" "" " " '7 Park •
.............. ..... ~ /Chester Pulsifer of Q~ets, Cheer/employed as a secretary at WSU/ ~.' ........ IPink' . .. . [I 60 Ford V8, At. I
'ted taken from its meeting Monday were to Mat'- ~pII~.F~,.:£~, 7,e-,9_ ,,," £',~-~-* i Pulsifer of ~-ons-o,'t ~ed Pulsifer/~^,,^.:~ • ~. ..... ' / "~ne m surv,vea Dy her nusoana I She is retry]yea Dy one son Hen- II ,~o n~o~t~ 9 ,~. ~ -r w.~ a T I
rl~ttut, CaS ~'ALUED AT NOT l "-" "l" * , ~.~ . [ x=xunttuu *~t~.¢z.y. l ' " " S ~ .... [ [l ~ "~"''"'~ ~"~ ....... ' -- ~ n..
vin L Swanbel g, wood cabin, $600;
h' of Hoods ort" o e hhtlf brother . Ed~md S,mp~on, of Sh..lton, one ty Hahscn of Potlatch, one grand- ,r. ^.
STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPART- / Ned Wheeler of Oueets.~ a sister l. The Moyers came to. Shelton[son Ralph D. Simpson Shelton;/son, JosephHansenofSaclton; one|| ~9 F~d H.. I
i'eported vandal-A~ate Grange a.dd to Grange Hall MORL TIIAN $2,000.00 • • p , ]l ' .... T
ZlUipment. g ' " "' " ' MENT OF NATITRAL RESOIIRCES./N£rs Edn- w~u~.~ of ~)odsvort:/mn')ng worm .warn when ne was| tl!ree daughters Mrs. Olive Blaine| greatgrandson, Jeffery Hansen of/I '5s Ford Custom 6 eyl. |
500' hale Stock wood residence
reported items$' ' ' ' ' ' BERT L, COLE Commissionero~1 .' --.:'~"r-" .._-r~^.'~.~..'/asslgneu ~o me r~avy Air tinsel of' Shelton Mrs Edith Mahon of/~h~. ...... ~ ~,q~ br~,th"r and three/I ,=~ =^.. ,. .... I
Cabin. $20,000; S. L. Johnson, wood drug D...,. r ..... ,,. ' ~ ana a nmi sister' mru. aJu,'ut,tv i • ~-~t~ ' ....... -.. ~ / , *, [ ~.,,zs~..,, .......... .r ' /| ~u r~tu v. ea~,, |
...... c .~,,,,,,~ ' ' , here as a ~nlez aviaCr~,ms~ lvta~e. Shelton and Mrs Shirle ar • • '
slorc $1 500; Richard Porter, wood Notice is hereby given that on Tues- / Shriner of Seattle. , ] ae,o. me n~o,,/,A.,.o h ........ [ . .; . . . . y M . - ~ sister s, all who reside m Denmark. [| '51 Buick 4-dr. Sedan |
:POrted a bicycle residence, $15,000;Starr White,day the7th day of Sept.. 1965, corn-| ~ /'~'~"-" ""~ T'"~';'~,~ "'~ "'~'~ =-'|snm/ oz minnesota; one ~)rotner,/ ....... /I I
ater recovere(l by mencingat ten o'clock in the fore- , soczatea with tne ~lmpson Logging[ Charles Simnson of Palmer Ainu-/ /I I
wood residence, $10,500;James noon, at the Shelton District Head-]~O~O~t ~.~*~11~][1 /Company Graystone and th~ Stu'[,.~ 2~." o~ ~.o T.i~,mo'~:~': i /I -~--~,m~, l
• 0 Ball, wood residence, $12,000; John quarters of the Department of Natural | kJOtlt]Ll[ U~lll,ova~ /d.~,..ker 'a,,to~^/.p.' n~nc:." and[ .... v,~ L....:~., 7"T_.~ ...... ~:'u~i/ ,~ o .. /I "l'llllfl[P I
!P rted vandalism Morrow, wood cabin, $300. Resources. the folh)wing descr[bed for-/ ~r~ a TT / ~" _ ~.. v.Z, .... s? ~ / son oz ualumet, ~vnnn.; aria zu| ~mol¢~ ~aytt /I llll[lll.12~ I
, , , eat noducta will be sold at ptml c auc garage at}ring tne per}ca [roln randchildren and 40 rear rand -- -- l lit I
I damage to prop- tton to the highest bidder All DOl, las/ rasses Away ne e / 19 5 to 1951 ]children ,|u~t~,,...a~-~.-~. "..~ ]| •
rECEIPTs The Shelton Fire Department w!th! y: in tneS neiton Manors
the Ha~:stfne Is- answered two calls Monday to the . Ki;~tball~,~% maricd in Tacoma "a D~t00~ iT::'Y~'T°:' 4
the Week ending ~Ernest Wagner hom'~ at 1813 co,~sis'{ing of approximately 2~tO,}~() Home at the age.o( 74;. ....... J a year, then transferred to Col-| : Mrs Mo,,er'and their two O"n-| ~1~1~'%~- .___.F~/=~ ]l I
'~140 the Mason WashingLon. The fn'st, at 9 a.m. boa,'d feet of timber. She naa moves to ~net~ua ~wo/ ville for another year, after which/dren "~Irs ~[~^nald ..... r-- o" "-'s"~i i |[l|~[Lt~[ ~~Y/~ |1 '62 Eoonoline Van I
'a office reporied started when papers spread on Located in Pt. NVzNW~/~, NW~Ayears ago zrom Staten Isiana, .N.~,/he decided to begin his college ed-[ .. ' . u .~..ur~a ~'" ~ 'l ~J~{~J~ .ff~.~,~(.2[l '61 Oodne t/o Ton. 6 cvl |
• * • ' lhe floor dnring painting caught NEk Sec. 16, Twp. 20 N., Rge, 6 (W), She was born March 9, ~891, in[ ¢~-~,~ r~X~i.,~n~ ~.~ ~.i~hl ~o,~vay, ano unarms Anen mo.ver| W2~ff~lm'71~. A L.~'~J3t~t~l/ ...... " I
!~COURT fire from a wood beater. The sec-WM Masan County, Wasnington ---"onne NJ / L-'":"" ~2"~_ ~'".~ .~.. '"~ J~-~/'lof Costa Mesa Calif and a bro-/ I~lf'f~ /- .%~!l~J, |/ '60 Ford ~/~-ton Pickup |
A' " CAS~I SALE ~tty • • scnoo~ aipmma K~ wolviue in 1~ .... ~ / , "
• " .' ' fr . , : • ther, Walter B. Meyer of Wash- 59 Ford V~ Ton
,n, ! docket in Shel. ond, at7:10p.m, waswhenas°f& Forest productswdl besold ona Funeral ser~ice~ were held oral InPullmanhchadbeenamem-/in_ton ~ ....... • [ Bll~(~~--t~] [1 , I
~i~fore Judge Rol- in the hot|se began burning while ca~hminimumbasis, accepmme" ....... mu wm .e the _Batst°ne. -, Funeral Home. .-. of the Episdopal church. , Mas't s : I |lP~//~ |1 '56 Internat,onal" W-ton |
Idzy night were no one was there. $1.s0o.00. ........ u.30 a.m:.w}t_h_fa~ner/omc Lodge, Ki'wanis Ch!b, the[ | ) /I '55 Ford Ve-ton, V-8, A.T. |
~(, speeding, $17* * * on or belore Sept. 7, l,'ai., at 10:00 Mark wzecnmann oH:lClatln~;, x:~ur-1 INavy t~eagne or ~oscow, ~ne ~ou-[ Imm• 1 ~'. k~"~4tY~ f .--_.~tl~.-~ • I'~ ~l , .......... !
F. Cook drtmken- SI{EI{IFF'S OFFICIal ARRESTS a.m. each bidder ljmst nmke a .mira- ial followed in the Bavview Ceme-| ~ar Club 'and the Moscow Elks| • |~'l 1 ~\~k~-~-~~'_ ~'~'[ || a~ Pora V2-zon ~'*CKUp |
nmnl deposit of ~,t~0.00 in the ,orm - o ,, , ,
a:Test $35 fine, Booked at the Ma.~on County ,>f cash money order, or certified tery at Jersey City, N.J... ]Lodge. " | I [~l | ]~-~',~r~,.~,~ I~ || I
~,t Ssell Rodgers, Sheriff's office during the past check. Said deposit shall constitute, an She is survived by one son, donn| A scholarship fund is being es-[ I I~ | "~'X. ~b~:~'~',-~(~ ~ [| l W I~ 1 l |
~t'YS in jail; Har- week were Edward J. Fox, in- opening bid at the appralsed.prme. Fred Carrison Jr of Shelton; two/tablished in his memorv Memor-|.~[~Z | /I |tin |# llllfiM' 1
Upon templet an of this sale tne re- " p • , "" , :
~ring tavern, $25 vestig'ation of burglary, releaseds ccuve~' ' uep" -;)o°lts. ..~l;-p.., .,~-; .-eTurned.. to daughters,. Mrs. Florence . .arm]|-. ials can be ,sent to the~ WSU Schol-| ~ 1 _~--'~X~R~. |l 8Ill1 l¢[Ml i][ i} |
,~':aardson, faulty to Hoquiam Police Department; tPe unsuccesful bidders. On the day of East Meadow, Long ~mana,1 arship & Development Fund in his[ " ~ 1 ~~ ~Ji~ ~ [| ~' |
el felt. William Lopeman, minor in posses- of sale. the purchaser must pay um N.Y. and Mrs. Marie Smith of[name. ' . [ [ ~!:~-sa~ [| ...... ~. ~,. .,c~. |
balance between the bid dep)st anu' nd N Y [ | | , "---" || ~.,,,-- ~u,- ~u~--,., ¢.
",~. sion of and consuming liquor. ' • f Locust Valley, Long Isla .... He was born at New Bedford
.the full bid price plus a $5.00 bill o . ' nne" ..... Huntel1! Be extra earefu|
• * * sale fee. This balance may be paid one smter, Mrs. Mary O.Co` .t.of_] Mas., Oct. 9, 1911, wl~ere he at-1 I[ .... | ."--" - • ll 5th & Railroad 426-8231 1
~/~ SUPERIOR COURT b, personal check. All checks, money Red Bank, N.J.; six granacnild tended scho~l before enlisting in| | [Ha [ wz,n ¢Itoeo nrep; [| , |
New Cases Filed orders, etc, are to ne mace payaule ren and one greatgrandchild tthe N%vy m" 1930 .... He and Floz, ence n ,,~ / ' 1" ..... !
to the Commissioner of Public Lands. " • ' -
Coast Credit Service against BOND: Upon awm'd of sale, the ...... ' '
~l~dOlsen Lloyd Kimmerley, debt. purchaser must also furnish a cash '~
bond of $200.00, in' the. f(um' of cash., I'
WASHINGTON STATE PATROL money ortler certified check or bank
Car's driven by Lysle Russell, draft, to guarantee compliance with
ECLECTIC 32, Olympia, and Roy L. Cox, 58,all terms of the hill of ~ale.
AnY sa~ Which has been offered,
LOOK might Elms, collided on Highway 101 and 'f¢ r which no bids are received ~~~ ~~"~'---'~-
seem more about 6:45 p.m. Friday. The ac-shall not be reoffered until it has ~~~~c~
to belong to cidcnt oceured about eight miles bebeen, ffferedreadvertisCd'w t~in [fth~allspecifledsales cannottinm S H O W I N G
the Victoriansouth of Shelton, on the advertised date, the sale shall
era than our I'