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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 26, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 26, 1965
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1965 BI4 LTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Ohriefrnastown, U.S.A.', ghelton, Washington PAGE L IN MASON COUNTY Sixty-two athletes, aspiring for consideration as the hands who will make up the first Highclimb- el' football team constructed by 13 LE segregating them into varsity andback; Chief Clayton, jmflor quar- B squads, terbaek and linehacker; Dave Cox, For tile present time he has senior guard anti linebackev; By- as:igned to assistant coach Jet- ran Debban, senior halfback; Dale south section jamboree at South Kitsap Sept. 10. The Climbers have only a seven- game schedule this year and will new coach .Terry Mills, were fitted ry I,:nutsou the responsibility of Downing, senior center and oe- have an open dat:e October 1 be- lute their battle gear last Satur-iworking wiitl the line and to -is- fens,re end; Dave Gunter, juniorcause of the los~ of ti~e Tmnwater HITTING limits at the lake Sunday, trolling day morning prep'lratory to the :sistant coach Jack Wright duties tackle and lniddle, gnard; Mike game .originally ticketed for that LNAJ, deep with a flatfish and perry- se-{son's filst conditionil~g work-witll tile b'tcks. I-Is himself will Johnson, senior halfback; Jeff Kie- night. Tmnwater wa,~ compelled ~and even more wit|kiss. " out last night, work with both mRil a lhild as- burtz, sell,or tind; Ran LeBresh,to. drop Shelton from its schedule lackmouth and Lake Cushman is reported as be- ee;l in tile Hoods- iug fair to good with Silvers still Another ilalf dozen or so as- ;l~tant in named, then depending:~enior guard and linehacker; Gary when it joined tim Seamount pirants were expected to join the on which area that coach is be:~t Marshall, senior fullback and line- league and the Climbers have been at days, "salmon deep. • original group before last night's versed will make assignments so backezg Bob Miller, senior full- ramble to find a replacement. two conohes will be' working" in and Brady at its summer * * turnout, boys wilose' jobs kept bnck and linebacker; Fern" of the seven games will be Mrs. Bob Fred- SNYDER BBOTtIERS "BOAT" them from n~aking it to Saturday's each field. Whitener, senior end. on Loop Fiehi, all of them Olympic Until September l., whim his own '~Vorkouts the q-est of this week collfer~nce tests. The schedule: )dsp(wt Marina You've28"POUNDheard storiesKINGof eager equipment issue, squad starts Workouts, junior high will be held at 7:00 p.m., inehld- Sept. 10---jamboree at SK ed 33 anglers fish that couhl hardly wait us- EVENTUALLY, Mills and his 'mr.~ity coach Bill Brickert will ink Saturday. Next week twice-a- end a total of tll you got your hook and lineall-new grid mentor staff will se- assist Mills, Kmltson and Wright. Sept. 17--at Elms .!ay, turnouts are on the docket through Tees- into the wa.ter hefore tlmy lest 33 players for the varsity AMONG TIIE it2 uniform-draw- M('inday thlough Friday, followed scot. 24--Port Angeles, here last Thursday) struck. Well, Bernard and Vernsquad from this harvest: of nearly ers ~aturday were 18 seniors, 26 Oct. 1---open Snyder have got one that must 70 candidates. Mills plans to con- juniors and "18 sophomores, l,'our- by a game-condition scrimmage Oct. 8---at Central t-up among the rate near tile top of the eager duct his workouts on a single-teen were lettermen, to wit: Bill Saturday. Oct. 15---South, here fishermen has fish tales. Anti this one in true, squad basis for at least two A~cher, senior quarterback; Dan~ SKIPPING LABOR DAY, the Oct. 22--North, here and herring bat.t,. The , Snyder hrothers didn't weeks so he can get a good look Barrom, senior guard and liue- ,~I,'id staff will start prepping the' Oct. 29---at Montesano ' and late even-even need a hook anti line to get at every boy tinning out before backer; Mike Carper. junior half- ~,lim.bers for the Olympic leag'ue's Nov. 5--East, here rS getting the tt heautiful 28-pound King sal- ~h K mon sometime ear|y Sunday • • largest Kings morning, for the big fish ,iump-Mt. View, Hdlcresl ellen 60- arts Edmo.ds Ang- ed Into their ,,,,at ,villi,; it was ,light Till He broue:ht in moored near '_rile Grove at Share Tw e Score Sunday lay, while he Hoodsport. with a limit Their story: Vern heard some NO Playoff Planned Ai PealAngeles and 4-0 three days commotion near the dovks and ght, Edmonds h[{d around their boat: about 3:30 TWILIGHT "A" LEAGUE Five Shelton go-karL enthusias'ts the 20-pound class ram. Sunday morning, hut nei- (Filml StandingS)W I. brought home a bundle of hard- ae scaling 21}/4 ther Veto1 or Bernard arose to wm~ Sunday. from the Northwest a 14V~-pounder. cheek out the noise. Later, about Mt. View ... ............................. 6 2 m ~ Go-Kart Championships held a£ ermen weren't the8 a.m. tlmt morning the lwo Itillcrest ................................ 6' 2 10[[[[el'S 10SS[l~l~ Port Angeles Sunday. e With big Kings,men went deu~l to the docks and Skokomish ............................ 4. 4 Go-Karters from canada, Calif- [ollsLainShelton, dlseovered tile 28-pound prize McCleary .. ............................ 2 ~ m=',,°/pl0 ' 'ornio~' Oregon and Washington lllunkerpulled~aturdaY'in 23-0 footlyingopenin theboat,bottom of their 14- Brinnon ................................ 1 6 Over 0]] [ ,competedR0y Wadein thewasmeet.perhaps the most Bernard, who occasionally us- As the result of final Twilight. successful Shelton entrant, taking fishermen int. es the hook and line method of "A" League action this week, Mt. a --....... 76• I~ 1 Ti.MBER LE G E f4 Who got at leah~ catching, fish, said this is the View and Hillcrest have ended up A U arm handed a stunning~ se1:bacl¢the first place trophy in the 'C to the ~helton Loggers' Timber (dual motor) Class. Ran Ander- ' were after durri)igg~st salmon ha has e~er in a tie for t.he loop championship. ;~ League title hopes last Friday On son, piloting Ed Johnson's C Class k lllCiuded: Pearl "connected" witll. , No playoff game has been sehed- Olympi . . ida, 6-0 Humpy, uled. SHELTON ..: ..... 15 5 180 51 the Corrections Center baseball machine, won the trophy dash and • ': " McCleary ............ 12 10 122 104 field. . achieved a second place in regular "9']81aekmouth inFIRST '65 HUNTING The action did not occur in anyW.S.C.C ............. 10 11 r. 104 189 Bat-wise, Burnett drove, in twocompetition. =Oallanger 8-0 SEASON HERE WEDNESDAY final games, but was a decision of Joan Wade got a third position Bloomfield' 6-0Mason County hunters get their league officials which resulted in Aberdeen .......... 6 16 75 122 runs and scored the third after ( lA King'; Cis- first crack at the 1965 seasonstheknot of Mt. View and Hillcrest Bncoda ............... 4 16 77 179 his triple in the third inning as finish with her B Class Limited Kings and a come next. Wednesday when dovesatop the heap and the dropping of Last Week the Imnates huBg a 3-2 defeat on kart. i: Mr. Jeffer3 and band-tailed pigeons become le- Brinnon from a tie for fourth place W.S.C.C. 3, Shelton 2 the Loggei's. Arm-wiSe, BurnettAnother trophv was claimed by D arrow, 4-0 gel targets at one-half hour before into fifth position. Olympia 12, Bucoda 2 pitched 5-hit ball and deserved a specialLeS Johnson,Roll_OverWhOTrophyWaS awardedafter hen The official decision involved aMcCleary 7, Aberde(m 3 shutout. Thetwo Logger runs, rolled his A Class Super Light .~akima, 71A sunrise, protested game July 23 when Brin- This Suncay scored singly in the second and ~, Edmonds Doves and pigeons may be hunt- non beat Hillcrest 16-13. Hillcrest Olympia at Shelton (2) fifth innings, each came on er- Kart in the second heat of his contended that Brinnon used an in- Bucoda at McCleary A fifth Shelton participant in Torgerson,ed from then through Sept. 30. rors. once. :mouth; TedDaily bag limits are 12 doves and eligible player. Officials decided Aberdeen at W.S.C.C. In defense of the Loggers, theythe championships, Jim Sellers, ruth; Gene eight pigeons with possessions Tuesday that the game should be played shorthanded and the gamegot a fourth place finish in B ~mpy and 8 limits 24 doves and eight pigeons, forfeited to Hillcrest. AI Burnett's big bat and strong was limited by a curfew rule atJlass Limited competition. J: Martin,Lawful shooting hours are from a the Center which caused the game 11-0 King;half hour before hours are from a to be called at the end of 4% in- 6-0 Silver; State Game Department biolo- nings. It was scheduled for nine. hit)ess ball, struct¢ out seven in liver and; Herb gists predict a good shooting sea- ANOTHER CENTER rule which four innings, and walked four ~r Hoods Canalson for dove and pigeon popula- 1Sicked up a tions appear to be comparable to McGee got an last year but because both doves and pigeons are migratory birds it is difficult to predict populations lvitYount: Summittremains in particular areas, the biologists About 30 Shelton High School Wilson, (football-basketball-track) :rout' runningpoint out, as the birds move rap- athletes who graduated this spring I and ~avc Johnson (r(,otball) have and who bolstered the exceptional. . . . ~'. Andy Ander, idly from one area to another with Hi hclimber s art team- in 1964 I thew sights on Olympic and Jim weather changes and as food sup-g P ~ - i ' ' ' 65 are going on to further their Richards Ifootball-baseball), Ran Ireiber creeled plies are used. academic and possibly athletic en- I Landis (baseball) and Terry La- "~''~[ The potential for dove harvest is deavors at schools of'higher learn- ~ Bissoniere ~traelO have selected 4E-WEEK ] much greater than the present ..... , !'T~~aY the biologists, the state's ing. ' I cJc. . "'. , ] ~'o,o H~uz'u win o.~ ~uut~ MJ ~.~a~- HOOd canal I ~htihti!irS now taking only about 5% These athletes for the most ,., ...................... are 1 hr. and I of the available dove population, pelt, were tne mainstays on seven I ............ llOlnl { I~ llOOlS l~ally l~ow~211 (lOot: Climber teams which achieved two ' ~ ~' "' "'. .~ "' d Plus 3.0 ft. I Best hunting areas in Mason firsts, four see(rods and one fourth ball-basketball-baseball) willat- ---.- County figure to be the saltwater place finish in Olympic AA League tend Pasadena Coilcgeand Jack beach along Skookum Inlet, the competition this past school year. I Bryant (f~otball-track) is headed ug. 2"/ upper Cloquallum Creek, upper , . for Humboldt Stale a.m. 4.9 ft. Hamma H a m m a and Potlatch 'ihe L'trry We r coached baseball " ' ~.rn. 11.2 ft. areas, with the Dosewallips andand wrestling teams grabbed bGth The list is complete with Steve P.nL L'l:7ft. firsts while the foot~-ll track IArchcr ~football-track) going to P.m. 12.5 ft. Duckabush r i v e r s as additional golf and tennis teams took the I M.nltnomah College, -.Fred LaMent Ug. 28 close-by are:s. • • second suets and the basketb'fll ] (football-track) making the hike t~l~ ~,~ u "t p at,~ I ,~- " ,~' " , ' . ~.rn. 3.9ft. ^:--^-~-ned the fo-','h "-l:-: "i" I across the mount'lins to al~tend .m. ll.lft.GEORGE WOLF HUNTING i,,h Coach Jim Dohertv's h0.)..]Yak~ma Junior College and Ed p.m. -0.8 ft. BIG GAME IN AFRICA "'~ ' '~o' set a ....... ;?_, ~,,~ ] I:Jawson (football-basketball-base- Learn at~ , , l.,recuuenl: a~ ~m~, I ..... " - ball) going to slays I-IazooI Jun P.m. 12.4 ft.Armed with three cameras as being the first Shelton High bas- . ,, ,, " ' " " '~g. 29 well as his ,guns, George Wolf is ketball squad to win a districtmr uouege. a.m. 2.8ft.enjoying a big game hunt right game and the tennis team of ' ,..~--~ ....... :---~ ...... a,rn. 10;9ft.' now in the Selous area of East -~h' B~uce Kre'~e~ won the sea I ~aDlu]at oraer]iness of ideas is F.ra. 0.5 ft.~f~ica. C°n-Cending Olym$ic League netl yourso}e .road to. happiness,.and to P.m. 12.2ft. The former Skokomish Valley ......menL i reacn l~, oroernness' if~ au eme, t ..... • .... [ en the mR. 30 and Shelton resident who now --'OUGH .... ev most casual things is a.~n. 2.0ft.makes his home in Qnilcene left AL'I.'I~ .... THIS list o~ cop [needed. --Eugene Delacroix a.~l. 10,4 ft. New York August 14 and arrived legs bouna ~nelton athlete~ is sub- i - P.m. 2.0 ft. at ~or es Salaam August 16 to ject to last minute changes, it is P.m. 11.8 ft. begin his hunt. His partner is E. the latest available and has been compiled with the help of Shelton kug. 31 . W. Short of Willows, Calif., whom High School officials. I{ includes a.rn. 1.4 ft. he met in New York. the' individual, sports he has par- a-re. 10.0 ft. They are chiefly interested in tic,paled in and hts choice of col- PJ~I. 3.5 ft. hunting Kudu. They will leave for lege. 11.3 ft. t the return Lo their homes Sept. 8, Two Washington colleges, the ,n~. 1.1ft.arriving in New York Sept. 9..University of Washington and Washington State University, have a,l~. 9.6 ft. Wolf carried a 16 mm and two 35lured four Shelton High graduates P.m. 4.9 ft. mm cameras with him. each. John Hembroff (football), 10.9 it. Mike McNeil (basketball-tennis), t. 2 We should examine ourselves Jim L. Anderson {basketball} and 1.0 ft. and learn what is the affection and Bob Bennett (tennis) are expected • hi. 9.hfL purpose of the heart, for in tiffs at the UW and;. Floyd Barnes 6.1ft.way only can we learn what we (football), Steve F el l ~ t r o m 10.0 ft. honestly are. ---Mary Baker Eddy (Wrestling-track), Dale Huffman (basketball-baseball) and Ed La- may have hurt the Loggers badly (three in the first, one intention- was one which forbids a staff-ally}. member to play against the In-The defeat dropped Shelton 'two" (I ~ ~tl ]es behlud Olym )ta Ill the loss mates. This kept Jerry Mall)'3, .~ ~." ~ ' . I' " • - heavy-hitting outfielder: and lef'{- column and makes a double vic- handed pitcher, on the sidelines tory over the Senators a must: and for~ed the Loggers to press ~his Snnday if the l~oggers nape into service GeorgeSnyder, who to have a chance to the pennant. hasn't played ball fo'I' several~The twin bill is scheduled for Loot~ years. Field with the opener starting a~ Snyder was hardly a detrimentI o'clock. to the Logger cause, however, for l,,*gg~;rsab r hlW.S.C.C. . ab r h he bagged a double and later P.BImfld. 3b 20 lIBarr 3b :: L 1 0 0 scored the final Logger run ~:on Myers cf 3 0 0tWllllams 2b 2 l 1 an er, or in the fifth Kimbel 2b 2 0 01Comer ss 2 I 1 Mallory recently went to work M:illory e 3 1 1t ;~urnett p ,, 1 1. 1 ) 1 ) l) _P(mph lb 2 0 1 (utt ( ) 0 1 at the C( rreclions Ce, tel" t( e- ' ~ , i s~. . 2 come subject to the non:playing t~:Snyder p1 0 01Perrs°n cf 2 () ~nlf If 2 0 0 I~ood lb~ u rule. In four previous contests be- ' I , s n Ka(hmn s~ 2 0 1 ICe, d r 1 0 0 tween tile Logger~ and the I- , .". ; '.': .~( Sn~(h f 2 1 1 Nason~f 1 0 0 males all won by lopsided scale. ]** ' ~'' ' I " ' by the Loggers he eiijoyed huge To)sis 1'.) 2 51Wa)'d If 2 0 0 '" "~'~ " ..... 'Petals ' 16 3:4 SUCCesS at the plate. . . • " l! 0 ~( ORI I1¥INNIN(,~ THL LOGGEIL~ g t off in " "~ '; "~ front with a second-frame tally Shelt,m .................................. 0 1 0 0 !-.-2 on Jack Mallory's single, Brian hits .......................... : ...... 0 l 1. 1 2 :-5 Snyder's walk an'd an error on Ran W.S.C.c ........ : ........................ 0 0 3 0 x--3 Ahlf's grounder at third. Then hits .................... ' ......... 0 0 4 0 x-4 came the 3-rnn explosion in the SUMMARY ..... 3b-Burnett. 2b-G:Sny- third when the Inmates bunched def. SH:=Com~r'. RB[-l~urnett 2. Sc~ it. all four of their' hits for :the g~ame. RRl~-Burnett 0, Snyder I}. SO-Snyder I Jim Williams and Bob Comer '7, '~urndtt 5. BB-Snyder 4. Bur~ett'l. sing'led ahead of Burnett's triple ~R-Rloomfie]d. SB-Comer, Scoit. E- and T m o n ~ Temple Barr I~Iood Comei LOB o Sc tt ai gled b.ehind "t.:. ,, ,.. . , . :" " Other than that Snyder pitched Lo~ge,'s 6. WSCC 6. ED TO EXTERMINATE Spiders, Fleas, Roaches, , Mosquitoes, and other Flying Insects. Available At-- WARE ........................................................ Shelton .............................................................. Shelton CENTER ............................................ Shelton & GROCERY ............................................ Ailyn ~t .. Allyn ~RV ===================================================== ......... Be far . Belfair iLi i ....................................... Be.a r .................................................. McCleary .......................................................... McCleary Elma Elma Elms ~&{. Distributed By-- CO ..................... Battle Ground, Washington them (football-wrestlinK-t r a c k) have plans to start at WSU. c~e Three Ex ergreen Conferen schools have laid claim on a total of seven Shetton boys• Mike Brick- err (football-basketball-t r a c k) Tom Lows (football-wrestling- LAKE BOREN CAMPERS---Thirty Shelton area ert Rogers, Tod¢~ Mull, Steven Hansen, Paul Liv.. track), and Rich Mackey (bas - boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 14 years ingston, Mar~in Nii:holson, BIrllb Morgan, Toni ball) have chosen the Univ. of Pu- returned home this week after completing a 7- Nioholson, Barry Nicholsori, Paul Rogers, Mike get Sound; Steve Anstey (football) day stay at Cam@ Lake Boren, 14 miles out ,of Worthy, Jaimie Greene, Judy Culpepper, Tonya and Bill Batstone (football-track) just off Highway 10. Swimming, boating, Morgaa, Diane M~tl, Ray Cook, Leslie Worthy, will go to Central Washington ~mnmg, sports of all kinds, arts and crafts, hiking Terry l~wlen, Laura Ann IBowlen, Jimmie CoOk, State College and ; Denny Bailey and evening campfire programs were available to Jean Cook, Donald Smith, Kelly Gish, Lonny Gish, (basketball-baseball) and Daron the YOung campers at Camp Lake Boren, wh~h Shelly Gish, Terry GIsh, Russell Cooper and Deb- Taylor (wrestling) have indicated is owned and operated by the Salvation Army. bie Pier=on. Case worker Diane Chatelain and their preference for Western Those from. Shelton who went to camp include oounselor Phil Langnese directed the SheRon group. Washington State College. Laura Greene, Debbie Greene, Troy Gamber, R,~b- The Fishermen's Club provided bus transportation. OLYMPIC COLLEGE and Cen ......................................... tralia Junior College will each get :~::!~: three Shelton athletes. Steve Close (fontball-track-wrestling) Duane Kids under 12 Free! RODEO Belfair lli-way ES 7-646,1 Open 8:00, Starts Dusk~ Wed. thru. Tues./ ltO~V TO Wt'IIFF A W;LD i BIKINI phls GO-GO MANIA KITSAP LAKE.616t 4 Silverdale ]By. I~]S and ALL IN A N1GIlT S IVOIIkK thr'u Tllo~. TAIlOOS OF Tile IvoRLD ~) and USE OF USIIE~ TROPHy WINNERS --- Winning trophies at the Horse Show Gymkhana Saturday afternoon were, left to~ right' G~s~ ~u~tec~ 6~ youngest rider; Ray Sharp, 76, oldest rider and high point winner in the senior division, and Darrell Williams, high point W]ffner t~ tile junior division. CLUB CIIAMPTONSHIP Shelton-Bayshore Golf Chtb, re- DEADLINE TUESDAY viewed the plans for replacing the With 27 entrants now signed up, golf c~uvse water system, a: ~25,- the final figure is expected to pass 000 project which will be .carrmd 30 by qualifying deadline Tuesday out early this fall by tim: H~:LD. in the club championship t0tti-ney Fowler Company of Seattle With sponsored by the 19Lh Hole Club. Kimbel Conatr~ction Company of Twenty have turned in their 18- Shelton doing ~he itmtalla~ion bole qualifyi:lK cards up to this* Willour said the work w(mld point. , ,, probably take two weeks btl~ it After the quaiifying oea(uine would not cause a shutdowrt, of Tuesday the field will be split in play on the course while in pro- half accol~ding to the qualifying gress. scores, the top half going as the Rudy Oltman announcec plkn~ Chalnplonship fI:ight, the be(tom for a walk-party this coming Sat- half as the third flight. Matchurday morning to clean-up ,mend play will prevail from that point around the chlbhouse and ~sked on with losers in the championship for vohtnteers to be ready between flight forming the first flight and 9 and 10 a.m., bringing:," cler~n!ng losers in the first flight forming materials and implements al~d a the second flight. ' hmch. The la~lies divisi0rlwill Among the 20 qualifiers so far assist• Heinie Hilderman tops the field'This evening the August ml~ed with a net 81, followed by Guy two-ball foursome will be ,l~eid at BeckwiLh and Bob Coots with netthe golf club. Tee-off time is 5:30 s3s. • . . w)t 2ot!y_! tli ,,L,: KIEBURTZ WIN* t9th HOLE ' "' - ............................. MEDAL PLAY COMPETITION IqP Bob Kieburtz shot a net 32 to o',1 squeeze in ahead of a field of more th~n ~0 l~articipan~s in the 9-hote tnedal play 'cornpefltiort at fuU handl'cap' which preceded the, monthly 19th Hole Club dinner meeting la-~t Thursday at the SheN ton Golf Club. Pushir~g Kieburtz hard were Harry Peterson at 33, Glen Rob- ertgon at :~3~, Ivan Myers, Jim Archer and Gene White all with ~4s. Dtlri~g the business meeting follow~ng" the" dinner, served by Lhe Epsilon Sigma ~.lpha sorority, pro-manager Ray Wa!ker outlined the po&sibility,of Sh~Iton jo~ing an inter,club ascot,at,on with P,a;~;, mend, Grays Harbor, Oaksridge, Chehalis a, nd other gol~ chlbs in this general area which would pro: vide regu'tar inter,club competi-. lion during the summer and would substitute for the indepeRden.t in- ter-club schedule Shelton has fOl- lOwed for a" number Of ~,ears. .... Clint Willour, president of the Important Bowlers ,- Meeting Tuesday Important: aspects of the 1965- Glass Fireplace Doors i Prepare for Colder Weather -- Pay for your door on costly uel bill savings. : Eliminate Smoking. Fireplace Cleaner--- : Protect yowr circulator! 66 bowling season will be No. 1with our high back grates. on the agenda of a meting of the Shelton Bowling Association next Franldin Stoves Tuesday evening at the Timber Bowl. • the fireplace with heat. Starting time in 7:30 p.m. with all team captahm especially urged to be presenL. Any bowler is wel- '(?ARISON come. " -- ........ '-" With the expansion of the Tim- __. ber Bowl to 12 lanes for tl!e conl- Tdg ~ F,rt~nlne~ ing season (a project now well ......... Jt~ .... under way), the make-up of M .......... .... 1: VIeW I-'none ,+zo zU:)l leagues will be one of the princi- ' ' paJ items to be discussed .., c urm y N os • rs A Good AN D,' E HAW IT! Here facts. Compare Dart aw nu - d. $$z°'z"n **AND THArS WHERE THE DOOGE BOYS STA TO DEAL!. *Prt~l Irish mflvJ, th* list ~act=d f~l*rat oxclel'reduction ind are the menu. f~tarors SULLe=~I (still price( for 2.dt~r Ndenl, 6.¢YL, ~ Include factory retail ~mvi~0~ for dnlor new: ctr ~r~p=~ttf0n a~ E.I~. an8 0. State and~or local taxe!, if lay, destination charles and oPtiOnal equipment Ira not included, RERE'S HOW OODGE'~ 5.¥EAR/50.0(10-MtL£TENGINE 'AND DRIVE TRAIN WARRANZY PROTECTS ~0D: Ch~ .CorPorit|on 0oMident|~ @arrante ell of the to'llowini vitel I~rtl of Its 1965 care for 5 years or 50,000 miles, whichever " Nines fimt;::dueinl whtck tin~ eny such, parts that peeve dofKtive in material ~d ~orkmanehlp will be Jepl=¢ed' dr ~Pab'e@ M • Chrysler Motors Corporatio~ Authod~d Dealer'il piece of buaines; without cherp for such parts or labor: online block, head end intarnef ped~, intake ~menlfold, water pump, transmls. ~on ~se pnd JnternM parts (ex¢eptihl manuM Clutch), torque conveder, drive Iheft, univil¢lal joieta; rmr axle end differential, and rear whnl ba|rings, RE- QOiHD MAINTENANCE: Tht followinlt melntena.nce services are required undo" the warTentp-chenge online oil aver~ 3 months or 4,000 milee, wh chevar cornel first; replece qil tjltar tvlt~ ~dMI thong: cleen Carbu~utor air filter every 6 months end ~pltel It evor~-2year~: lind ivery 6 months furnish evidance of tkta r*quired serVce tll a Chrysler M0t0(s Co'rporetion Auth&ized Dealer and request him t~cartl~ receipt ol su~Gh,~vide~o and your c~'~ mileeLe. Simpl, imouLh for, lu¢l ,top.tint pmtl~tilm, , " PAULEY MITORS FRONT & RAI'LROAD ........ SHELTON, WASH.