August 26, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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26, 1965
good for good's
praise nor re-
of both in the
--William Penn
IEI O 0~"1"
U,)K~ I'
trying to
For fast,
PUs service, we
HARSTINE -- A good day to
you all and if you happen to be
in the right mind, thank God for
the rain! Last Thurs~.ay, David
Waite and Gary Cameron came I~y
to visit with us and they were rid-
ing their Hondas and soaked to
the skin were they! They did not
like the rain. Its a great relief to
us on Harstine to have this won-
derful rain that we crab about at
times. Our new fire warden LeRoy
Ross is much relieved over this
change in weather and at last he
can relax a bit. Ross has been on
the Island nearly every day and
we feel so much more secure, since
we have no fire protection here
other than the warden coming to
the Island and the hoses we put
out. Ross now lives near Grapeview
but plans to move to Harstine. In
addition to his position as Fire
Warden with the U.S. Forest Ser-
vice, Mr. Ross during the seasons
he has available time, plans to do
carpentry, maintenance and patrol
Few things on Harstine turn out
the way one plans them. For in-
stance, last Wednesday we were
invited to have lunch in the home
of Father O'Brien, we accepted.
When we got home and consulted
calendar, found that day was tak-
en. Sent a message to Father
O'Brien we could come Thursday,
message was not delivered. Every-
one dream boats on Harstine and
our messenger forgot to deliver the
message. The O'Briens have no
phone and live eight miles from
~m'Wntomrm/m boqr N eom•,
me=d mlW
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--Published in #C, hristmasfman, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
us. We missed a lot by not mak- equipment to Harsttne to store,
ing it to the O'Bxiens on Wednes- ~for they will be living in an apart-
day, for they had a fabulous gath- ment in Seattle. As a farewell to
ering, Father O'Briens mother, her Aberdeen friends, Wendy Taft
Mrs. Anna O'Brien is always with entertained with a house party
him but his two sisters and a here last Tuesday and Wednesday.
brother-in-law were there last Happy are we at the Maples
Wednesday. for we have a new Burchcraft,
Miss Patricia O'Brien spent a built by Hi Burch of Aberdeen and
year recently in Russia and then Harstine it is the best little sturdy
one in South America. The other12 ft. boat we ever owned. Dozens
sister, Mrs. Thomas Dowling of of friends are coming here to ride
Seattle and her husband were vis- in and admire the new craft. Hope
iting the O'Brien home last Wed- to report many fish caught soon
nesday. Dr. Dowling teaches His- for we have the new boat so we
tory and Indian Art in the Jesuit can go further in fishing. Over
College near Seattle. They spent from Shelton and Arcadia Point
four years near Rio de Janerio,to admire the new boat and have
Brazil, South America, teachinglunch, were Mr. and Mrs. Law-
natives. What a gathering! Mother rence Carlson; they have an eye on
Anna O'Brien went to South Amer- a Burch Craft also. Mr. and Mrs.
ice and spent a year with the Victor Ouelette, Purdy, were like-
Dowlings. Miss Patricia teaches in wise here to lunch and see the
San Rafael High School near Kent- ! new boat.
field, Calif., where the O'Briens GUESTS FROM ANACORTES
live. Anyhow we arrived Thurs- pour in at The Marina to be with
day last and all the family had the Nesses. Mr. and Mrs. Axel
left for Mexico via a stop in Call- Carlson are with the Nesses now
fornia, so we missed a big report and the Swansons are still there.
on Russia and South America. Ted is real happy for he needs lots
However, we had a lovely visit of help and no guests are about to
with Father O'Brien and his moth- sit and watch their host work.
er. The Father had obtained a fire Real great idea, if it wasn't for
permit' and was out'in the brushour guests, we would be way back
burning and I defy any logger orin work.
resident on Harstine to do a bet- Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Byers cele-
ter job than he was doing and his brated their 45th wedding annl-
aged mother was right in there versary last Friday. Ernie s sis-
helping him. Well! Never a dull ter and husband, the Paul Chaf-
moment on Harstine and it is an- fees of Point Wilson, entertained
believeable to have here such won- with a family dinner in their hon-
derful people as the O'Briens. or. Present were the Chaffees'
Now, you are or might be interest- daughter, Mrs. R. H. Radelet of
ed in knowing as I was how such Portland, Ore., Mrs. Ernest Chaf-
people ever have land and interests fee from Vancouver and three
here. Mrs. Anna O'Brien inherited nephews, David, Pierre, and Lane
the Harstine land from her broth- Chaffee. The nephews remained
or-in-law, Charles O'Brien. He for several days to visit in the By-
came here during World War I ors home. Following the anniver-
when he was working in a nearby sary dinner the faxntly played
ship yard. So it is, the O'Briens cards and several Island friends
and their beautiful dog, a collie, dropped by to congratulate the
named Carlo, have gone back to Byers.
Kentfield, Calif. to return next
summer. The Goldschmids of Shelton and
MR. AND lVIRS. Ike Carlson of Point Wilson on Harstine, always
Alameda, Calif. are on the Island have distinguished visitors. The
in their summer house in Island last weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Pat-
Shores. Ike, brother of George rick McGrady of Lilliwaup and
Carlson and Sons of August Carl- New York were with them. Mr.
son, were born and raised in the McGrady is the author of the book,
Subsidiary of
3rd & Railroad
Our Buyers, on a trip to Los Ange les, picked up some Terrific Buys -
which we are passing on to you.
"Really, Darling,
You've Never Seen
house where the Stan Yates now "Savage Cell", all about the dls- Such Bargains!"
live. We have it in our guest book ease cancer. The Goldschmids
come and go, during the week they
telling how August Carlson, lath- had as guests, ]firs. Charles 1%. GIFTS SMALL
e'r of Ike and George came to call
on us and brought us a box of Lewis of Shelton and Walter Shoe-
maker, a music teacher from San ~ ___.._ _ __ _....._..... '~
ourappleSfirstin fire1940"wardenGeOrgeonlaterHarstineWaS Francisco, formerly of Shelton. AFFLIANCES
and when he came down to in- Shoemaker is visiting his sister in
spect our property and give us a Shelton, Mrs. J. G. Dougherty. He ........ , ~_. __.
permit for small beach fires, he was born in Shelton and his old Mlgn lnl;enslzy l~axllng
always stayed for a swim and family home was on Swindle Creek ~ --= ,.~,-~
snack. Now George is Ranger at in the Agate area. His father was ' ].M~DIr~
Potlatch State Park. Milton Shoemaker, well known to .
Mrs. Robert Barnett has just old Pioneers in Shelton, Uncle was Assorted colors to choose from,
Mr. Ben Shoemaker. We had the
returned from a trip to Reno, Ncv. pleasure of lunching with Mr. $5.88 e~ch
and Lake Tahoe. She went on the
journey with her sister Mrs. Gross Shoemaker at the Bernhard Win-
iecki's in Shelton and discovered
who has recently purchased a lot we were all in the same class at e-rtahle Hair
in Island Estates. The Grosses are the University of Washington. O
from Seattle.
Capt. and Mrs. Gortz made a WE SAW the John Hitchcocks -~T~rm~l~C~
getting on the 9 a.m. ferry last JI)l~iJl~J~
triPFallslaStandWeekMarysville,tO Everett,whereGranitethey Friday and later learned that they I • Re Jl" --
had beenaway for ~, couple of da~8 1 • ~_~,, ' g. ~ ~.t~O ...............
visited friend~ and relatives. ~Due visiting the I£nouses ancl Pages "lfi"]l[';'~', ',
to the hot ~eather, they were Olympia While there they went to ~OW $9.9~
plenty glad to get home.
FRANK FUNDACK and friends the Lewis County Fair. Mr. and
from Wenatchee were on the Mrs. R. S. Page of Olympia and
formerly of Harstine went to the
Islazld in his southend home for Fair with the Hitchcocks. Guests
a few days. Since Frank is now :LINGERIE & HANDBAGS
traveling for Cragin & Co. of Se- of the Hitchcocks last week were
attle and is mostly in eastern Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leno of Los
Washington, we do not see him Angeles, Calif. They were friends
on Harstine as often as formerly, in the Rock Caravan in Arizona Fleece & Nylon Tricot Quilted Robes, asstd, colors
Virginia Fundack is now visiting last winter.
her niece in Hawaii, Jean McDou- Not only the grown-ups get
gall Weaver, our late Mc's daugh- around on trips but the kids do Reg. Values to $14.95 ............ NOW $7.99
The Mahlon Tafts of Aberdeen Agate, David Waite and Dan Me- .......
Wh° have a summer h°me adj°in" Auliffe' set °at in their shiny new I Ha New
the Maples have been trans- Hondas for a three-day trip to Asstd' Fal ndhags, Colors
ferred to Seattle. Moving was the Sunrise Park on 1Vft. Rainier to vis-
order of the day last Saturday. it with Cindy Waite. Bet the soda
They brought all their campout fountain where Cindy Waite works Reg. $3.50 .... , ............... NOW 2/$5.00
in the Sunrise Park was buzzing! ...... •
Olden Hemlock
Y'Groove ¼" 4x8
!ahogany P nels
e'finished 4 x 8"
Ory or Tan Tone
ne & Knotty Cedar
¼" 4x8
Natural Finished
¼" 4x8
. cacl
Knotty Pine
1" x 6" V-Groove
Board Ft.
Planked Toma k Panels
¼" 4x8 Prefinished
Brown tone, tan & White
Mahogany Panels
¼" 4x8 Cherry tone & Brown
Colonial Birch
¼" 4x8 Prefinished
=- , 426-261 I
Mason County"
First and Pine
Several From Allyn
Area Win Ribbons
On Fair Exhibits
By Charlotte Van Slyke
AthL?:£n,--- We are very proud
Or the p pie who worked hard and
brought home ribbons at this
year's Mason County Fair.
onT~Wfn~°2..,Grange,~, -~,,~,. won first
Youngsters participating in the
fair from Allyn were Marilyn Mc-
Kean, Vallarie Graneley, Shells
Shelby, Randy and Sherry Peter-
son, ::na .Nelson, Dennis and Roll
snar ana Jerry Harding. i
Ronald and Arlene Sanford of!
Marysville were weekend visitors
of the Sharers.
New residents of Allyn are
Vernon and Jerry Savage and three
Gloria and Ken Crawford of
B.el!ing.ham were visiting with
their mmilies and also driving a
new red convertible.
and children drove to Longview
Sunday just for the ride.
Lyle Stormo spent the week in
Shelton With his cousins.
The Walt Baker and Earl Ter-
rels visited the Ross Dam and took
the six hour tour put on by Seattle
City Light and having dinner at
the New Haleru.
The Pete Hunson's had dinner
with the Earl Terrels Saturday
The Earl Terrels entertained the
Harry Welles and the Earl Wolfes
of Lake Devereaux.
Diego,. Calif., friend of the Earl
Terrels and Sam Clements, visited
°v:rtth~ week end. The Sam Cle-
loop. aking her on a tour of the
G ,~, ss What Susy Von Oaten has,
a 39 black Shetland pony named
~vE1~n~''. Just what she always
Mrs. ~en Burr of Denver has
been guest of the Jewel Yon Oaten
me past we
H e...
appy birthday wishes go out
to Judy Von ^ "
:: - ustcn, Susy S
upy yon Oaten, and Jewel
Right motives give pinions to
thought, and strength and freedom
to speech and action.
--Mary Baker Eddy
................ NOW $2.97
One Group
Values to $6,95 yd,
NOW $2.49 yd.
Lock Lined
Values to $6.00
Now $3.50