August 26, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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S T,T0 --M_A 0 30"L. NAL--Pub'lished in hdton, Washington
In The F;"
MATLOCK --- This has been a
~busy week for our community as
folks took part in the Mason Coun-
ty Fair. MaLlock Grange tool{
t'Nrd place in their booth and
many people tool{ both blue and
red ribbons in their open class
display. Remember Grangers the
picnic is at Schafers Park this
Friday evening at 7 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. McLeod of
Seattle spent Monday and Tuesday
at the Elvin Hearing home.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry
were Thursday evening guests at
a family get-to-gether for a buf-
fet supper at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Turner of Shelton, to
Our blg annual Berkshire Sale is st111 got g
on, So come on In while we have your favor-
ite colors In your size. Remember, these are
the stockings with an International fa ea.
flalr. All with Nyloc® Run-Barriers at top and
toe. Look at the savlng sl .....
-- :, t-- i I
Regular Price Sale Price . Pairs
$1.35 $t.09 $3.19
$1.50 $1.19 $3.49
$1.65 $1.29 $3.79
• LJ . iJl,
INTIRNATI@NAk ,~.,~, "
Subsidiary of P. N. Hirsch & Co.
3rd & Railroad
"Always Shop Miller's of Shelton First"
Open 'Till 9 p.m. Friday
help members celebrate a Joint
pia, Mrs. L. D. Portman of Shel-
ton, Mr,. Augusta Portman, Mrs.
Edward Valley and Mrs. Lud Ross-
maier were Wednesday dinner
guests of Mrs. Elvin Hearing. The
occasion was Mrs. Ross's birth-
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley
spent Sunday in Tacoma with the
Claude Legacey family.
Mrs. Carl Spalding and grand-
daughter of Coos Bay, Ore. and
Mrs. William Evers of Shelton call-
on Mr. and Mrs. Elvtn Hearing
Thursday. '
Word was received here of the
passing of Mrs. John Zott in
Tacoma last week. She lived many
years TM at Matlock and was a former
teacher at Beeville. She was 83
years old.
MR. AND MRS. Charles D.
Singleton left Thursday by train
after spending 10 days with Mr.
and Mrs. I. C. Ford and Mrs. J.
R. Singleton. They also took many
places of interest in while here.
Mr. Singleton spent a day in the
woods to watch the logging.
We want to welcome Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Oiens and family who
moved in the Berne's house Sun-
day. Its the former Sleeveland
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clift re-
turned Monday after a 10-day va-
cation with relatives at Tillamook
and Eugene, Ore., then to Ori-
phino, Idaho and Spokane.
Larry Walker and Vince San-
gore from San Diego, Calif. are
spending this week at the Earl
Walker home and Mrs. Larry
Walker and baby have been here
the last two weeks. The Larry
Walkers are moving to Tacoma.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hardy of
Shelton spent Saturday evening at
the Kenneth Howard home.
Sunday Earl Howard of Monte-
sane was a dinner guest of the
Kenneth Howards.
Pat Walker of Seattle and Kathy
Milan of Tacoma spent Sunday
with the former's folks Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Walker.
spent from Monday to Friday with
the Raymond Schoening family at
their summer home on Hood Canal.
Then Mike and Brian spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Johnston of Elma and took in the
motorcycle races in Shelton at
the Fair Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry
attended the Silver Wedding open
house for Mr. and Mrs. D. R.
Densley at Shelton Sunday after-
Ryan Harris of Olympia is
spending a few days with the
Frank Hollatz famllJr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Moore and
children spent a two-week vaca-
tion with relatives in California
and also went to Tijuana, Mexico.
They returned home last week.
MR. AND MRS. Arthur Bear
of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Sharp and family and Mrs. Lucy
Sharp of Olympia were dinner
guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs.
Lud Rossmaier. Callers in the af-
ternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Sieeve-
land of Gates, the Paul Rossmaier
family of Olympia and the James
Rossmaler family of Shelton.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred LaMarsh and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Stine and family of Seattle, and
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Dawson and fam-
ily of Shelton were Sunday din-
ner guests of their folks, the Bob
Mr. and Mrs. John McGarvie
drove to Victoria B. C. and stay-
ed a couple of days and brought
back Mrs, ~cGarvie's aunt to
spend a couple of weeks here.
TII ...... -.
8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
August 26th thru September 4th
you New ¢J== the
~elling price you gd 2 more fire~ ~=~
2226 Olympic Hwy., N.
I I i I ' I
Did you know there is a real
~mokey the Bear? I usually ask
campers this question during my
visit to each of our Mason County
youth camps. I explain that Smo-
key now lives in a zoo in Wash:
ington D.C. and I always leave
Smokey comic books, telling his
true story.
Many, many youngsters have
sung his song and yet neither the
tune nor the words seem to grow
old. It would be difficult to esti-
mate the extent to which his im-
age reminds everyone about "Keep
Green" and using caution in our
forests. The idea of a Smokey,
the fire prevention bear, has en-
joyed the greatest amount of suc-
cess of any "gimmick" of this
The idea of having a Smokey
tahe Bear was first born in the
mind of an artist in 1945. How-
ever, the real Smokey did not
come into the picture until 1950
when a small bear cub survived
a 17,000 acre forest fire in Lin-
coln National Forest in New Mex-
ico. The fire had destroyed the
small cub's home, family, and
friends. He was found clinging to
a tree by fire fighters who res-
cued him and treated his wounds
and burns. The forest fire received
much publicity, but not nearly as
much as the baby bruin who had
escaped the disaster.
SMOKEY HAS not only cap-
tured the hearts of all Americans,
but his message has been carried
to Mexico, Australia, Venezuela,
and Canada. In 1952 Congress
passed the Smokey Bear Act
which protects Smokey from mis-
use and authorizes the manufac-
ture and sale of commercial Smo-
key items provided they are in
good taste and carry a fire pre-
vention theme.
Smokey is now a grown bear,
but he is still the greatest single
By Jessie Tupper
and Mrs. A1 Carlberg and four
children, David, John, Nancy and
Mark enjoyed a family gathering
at their new lake summer home.
Mrs. Carlberg's sister, Mrs. Har-
old Schultz and her husband and
children, Jill, Kim and Steve spent
a week with them.
Joining them for a family pic-
nic were Mrs. Carlberg's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Yarrow and
her brother, Gene.
The Fed Dilk's cabin was the
setting for a potluck picnic of a
Birthday Club last Sunday. Guests
included Tim, Dan and Sydney
Robbins of Spokane, Mrs. Leo
Lampertz, Mrs. John Dunmar and
Shawn, Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Blakely
and Noni, Mr. and Mrs. Peter P.
Perry and Dianne, Mr. and Mrs.
Beryle May, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs
Ruff, Mrs. Lois Oldani, Mr. and
i iV Its. Joe Nelson and family, and
Mrs. Grace Laudermilch, all of
Birthdays celebrated were those
of Mrs. Beryle May, Mrs. Grace
Laudermilch, and Mrs. Fred ]:)ilk.
Swimming and water skiing were
The Albert (Bud) Isbells' guest
last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Don Haberman, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Kelson, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Kelson,
Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Carlson, and
their families, all of Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Russell and
family, of Shelton, spent two days
last week at the Bruce Adsero
home on the lake.
Sunday guests of the Adseros
~were his brother, Dan, and Wife,
Peg, and family, formerly of the
lake, but temporarily at home now
at Hoquiam.
Guests of the Hector Barbours
lae~t week were his nephew and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Peter-
man, of Berkeley, Calif.
MR. AND MRS. Rarbour drove
to Ceatralta to the Southwest
Washington Fair.
Other visitors at the Barbours
last week were Mrs, John Pat-
ton and children, now living in
Easton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Barbour (Hector's brother) from
Last Thursday Mr. and Mrs.
Real Smokey The Bea~
Survivor Of Fire
contributor in the fight against
Smokey's message is directed
mainly toward the young folk, but
adults can also help Smokey by
being cautious in every type of
weather, by being an example for
their children--putting out camp-
fires properly, taking care of cig-
arettes and matches to be sure
they're out. Won't you please
help ?
Follow Smokey's ABC's.
Always hold matches 'til cold.
Be sure to drown all fires.
Crush all smokes dead out.
Many youngsters visiting the
Mason County Fair this weekend
had a chance to shake hands with
Smokey. In fact many met two
Smokeysl A roving ' I~apa' Smo-
key the Bear was provided by the
Forest Service while my little
Smokey and I met visitors at the
Department of Natural Resources
display. We also passed out Smo-
key coloring sheets, bookmarl(ers
and many copies of "Smokey's
Story of the Forest."
Our 1965 Forest Festival Queen
and Miss Keep Washington Green,
Patsy Bixenmann represented Ma-
son County in Greater Seattle's
annual Seafair celebration. An ac-
tive, fun-filled week began for her
Aug. 2, when she arrived along
with 35 other visiting queens at
the Olympic Hotel.
Patsy attended several hmch-
cons as well as a breakfast with
the Commodores at Rosellini's 410
restaurant. She took part in a
number of parades and visited sev-
eral hospital's including the Orth-
opedic Children s Hospital. She
helped greet the American Fleet
at Pier 91 and was a guest for
lunch there. Of all the Seafair ac-
tivities, Patsy holds the Aqua
Follies as her fondest memory.
Patsy owes her opportunity of
visiting Seattle's Seafair to the
Forest Festival Association which
sponsored her.
cut hand last Sunday at her home
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Diggle required eight stitches to
close the cut from a broken cup..
board glass door.
GUESTS AT THE Clifford Ford
home last week were daughter,
Mrs. Gladys Reed, from Emmett
Idaho, and daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Richard Boothe, Seattle. Richard
Boothe joined them for the week-
Mr. and Mrs. John Fleming and
family of three children, from
Presser, spent a few days visiting
at the Frank Hewsons.
Mrs. Frank Hewson and Mrs.
Myrtle Cameron, of Shelton, lunch-
ed last Friday at the home of Mrs.
Roscoe Crowell, Matlock. After
lunch they called on Mrs. Van Nor-
man, Matlock.
Kathy Hickson had several sew-
ing entries at the Mason County
Fair, and won a blue ribbon, a red
one, and two white ribbons,
KAMILCHE --- Good weather
p~ewtiled throughont most of the
fair and many folks from o~ r area
captured prizes. Mrs. Robert Pen-
dergraft won several ribbons for
her lovely flowers. The dairy herd
of the Robert Brewers was well
repiesented and awarded ribbons.
Many of our 4-H youngsters were
presented with ribbons for their
efforts, Jndy S m i t h, Caroline
Brewer, Eric Kimbel and Barb
iVolf. Working many hours just
to make the fair a "success were
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kelly, Mrs.
Ed Fisher, Mrs. Roy Basset and
Barney Lambert. Worldng on the
Kamilche Ladies Club Ix)oth were
Mrs. Alice Haines, Mr. and Mrs.
Chet Riehards, Mrs. Florence Tay-
lor' Mrs. Mildred Blackwelder aud
Mrs. Norms Taylor. Mrs. Bertha
Lord put in many hours serving
food at the Eagles Booth Sunday.
Warcn Hill was Smoky the Bear
and won the heart of our son as
well as many other youngsters.
The Annual Convention of the
Pacific Oyster Growers Associa-
tion was held at the Tyee last
week and those attending from
here were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mc-
Millin, Mr. and Mrs. h'a Stans-
bury, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Carl-
son, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carlson, and
Mr. and Mrs. Nat Waldrip.
Mrs. Ella Metzer and her daugh-
ter, Candy, drove here fi'om Pasa-
dena to visit her folks the Herb
Nelsons last week. Marl{ Metzer
spent the sumlner at the home of
his grandparents and returned to
California Friday with his moth-
er and sister.
Mrs. Alice Haines is entertain-
ing her sister, Mrs. Mac Gillie of
Sacremento, Calif., this week. Mon-
day they made a trip to Tacoma
to visit with frtends and relatives.
Friday evening, Rev. and Mrs.
Earl Bradley and family, and Mr.
and Mrs. Phil Simmons attended
the' wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Zak in the Everett Alliance
Church in Everett.
A SURPRISE visit was in store
for Mr. and Mrs. A1 Lord Thurs-
day when their oldest granddaugh-
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Car-
roll Howes with Kathy and Vickie
dropped in to pay a call. The
Howes' have been living and work-
ing in Maine for a few years and
now are making their home in
Beaver Dan, Wis. Carroll is teach-
ing in a private school at Beaver
Dam this year.
Herman Eigieman is recuperat-
ing from surgery at the Clinic
Hospital and is expected to be
home soon.
Dinner guests Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Biack-
welder were Mr. and Mrs. Art
Kingham of Carlyon Beach, Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Miller, Mr. and Mrs.
Eldon Todd and Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Stansbury.
A warm welcome to our com-
munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Maltby and daughters.
They are living in the former home
of Mrs. Adie Norris. Mrs. Norris
is now making her home at the
Elwood Apartments in Shelton.
Mr. and Mrs. John Krise and
children and Mrs. Grace Buckner
motored to Portland Saturday to
spend the day.
The Phil Simmons family spent
Sunday afternoon visiting with the
Roland Simmons family of Lacey.
Kamilche Ladies Club will meet
at noon Sept. 1 for potluck hmch-
eon at Progress Grange Hall.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jerome
Burke entertained Mr. and Mrs.
Chet Avery and girls, and Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Greenup and family as
timir dinner guests. The men at-
tended the races at the fairgrounds
in the afternoon while the gals
made plans for the coming Labor
Day weekend.
Friday evening the Ceeil Black-
welders'amd Ed Taylors visited the
Ira Stansburys and enjoyed an
evening of pinochle.
Marliene Otto visited her par-
ents, the Martin Ottos over the
weekend. Jeff accompanied his sis-
ter to Seattle and will spend a
few days there. According to Mrs.
Otto, things are real quiet at
Overnight guests Thursday_ at
the home of the Jerome Burkes
were Stanley and Shirley Eggert
and three girls of Albany, Ore.
I have a mire cure for you folks
who are having problems with
yellow jackets nesting around your
homes. This method is definitely
not for the faint hearted. First,
you take a can of insecticide in
one hand; a large hammer in ti~e
other and head for the prey. When
you find the place where they are
entering and leaving, you bang
it as hard a,.~ you can several
times with the hammer and start
spraying immediately. This will
:get rid of every single one if you
really stick to it. We HAD such
a nest under one eave of the
house, and this was the metttod
employed by Pete Kruger last
week as he was working on the
roof. He was never stung and we
no lonqer are pestered by yellow-
A reminder to all you parents
)f school age children; school will
;start Sept. 8 for a full day. The
same bus routes as last year will
be in use. The school has received
some improvements this summer
during the vacation with flores-
cent lighting throughout the biuld-
ing, new text books and new
desks for the seventh and eighth
grades. The teaching staff will
consist of Mr. Keller, Mr. White-
net and Mrs. Ermine Page.
Barbour dined at the home of
Mrs. Everett Selers on the lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Waz'ren Erickson
and family of Seattle, were Sun-
day visitors at the Ken Rranson
home. Mz. Erickson is Mr Bran-
son's nephew.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hansen
took Mrs. Hansen's mother, Mrs.
Edith Proffitt, and her aunt, Mrs.
Adelaide Durbin to the Mason
County l~ir, where they all en-
Joyed both salmon and beef din-
ners last Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Br~mey-
er, Jr. and family, Matlock, visited
Saturday evening at the Hansen
Baby Tracey Diggle suffered a
Smokey 5ayst
Over-Night Service on those
Chevdle Mdll
don't hurry...
the saws
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Now's the time to drive a great deal from a great choice of
brand-new Corvairs. Chevrolets and Chevelles.
Leave it to Chevrolet to make sure these beauties look
Leave it to your Chevrolet dealer to make sure
they're n__oot. But rush. rush. rush/They're moving out fast,
229 So. First St.
a, ooa COUP'