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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 26, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 26, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 10 SI-IEJ,TO --I AS01 COUNTY 5OURNAI;--Publlsl/ed in "Ohr s mas own, U.S. A.", Shelton, Washington Brother, Sister Re-united Here Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Koppy from St. Paul, Minn., and their six children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Foster of Shelton for this past week. A span of 15 years had elapsed since Mrs. Foster and her brother had last seen each other. A trip to the ocean for the mid-Western- ers was of great interest and en- joyment for the children. Qlympia's BPW Picnics With Shelton Group Thirteen members of the Olym- pia Business and Professional Womens' Club joined their Shelton counterpart for a picnic in Knee- land Park last week. Next Wednesday the Shelton BPW will hold a business meet- ing in the home of Mrs. Lodema Johnson. Members will meet at 7:30 p.m. for dessert preceding the business meeting. O, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. --Sir Walter Scott FAT A,vailable to you without a doctor's prescription, our product called O(Im- nex. You must lose ugly fat or your money hack. Odrlnex is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. Get rid of ex- cess fat and live longer. Odrinex costs $3.00 and is sold on this guarantee: If not satisfied for any reason, Just re- turn the package to your druggist and get your full money back. No questions asked. Odrinex is sold with tllis guar- antee by : EVERGREEN DRUG CENTER - 305 ]railroad Avenue - Mall Orders Filled RIGHARD A. MR. AND MRS. JAMES ARCHER of Shelton wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen Jean to Richard A. Matthews of Bel Air, Maryland. The couple plans to be married on September 11, in the First Christian Church of Shelton. The is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monk ,of Bel Air. I "" "0" 'GG power room HEW PICKUP--redesigned from the ground upl Powerful cow 1300 cc engine, 4-speed stick, new alternators torsion-bar stabilizer, big 6' bed, up to 2000 lb. payloa@. More cab & load room. Cuts operating costs ~, BIJ~y $1698 d.. ' with e,xtru Ray's Rambler Oatsud SAt.KS ~k ~ERVICF. ' 616 Le~idn Way Olympia, Wn. 352-8525 "Since 1935" Dold Star Mothers Dinner In The Making The VFV¢~ Auxiliary will hold their rummage sale at the Memor- ial Hall tomorrow. A large variety of articles will be available. The next regular meeting of the auxiliary will be held September 3, at 8 p.m, At this time an elec- tion will be held to fill the office of conductress. Also on the agenda will be the planning of the annual Gold Star Mothers Dinner. Smith And Harrison Win At Card Party The Eagle Auxiliary held their regular card party on Aug. 14. High score was held by Jack Smith and Jean Harrison with second high being held by Elda Morgan and Phylis Moore. Pinochle was won by Margaret Newell and Elda Morgan. THE EAGLE AUXILIARY The Eagle Auxiliary will hold a rummage sale tomorrow and Sat- urday at the PUD building. Doors will open at 9:30 a.m. and close at 5 p.m. Sheltonian No. 2 On Olympia Public Works Engineering Staff Much of the city of Olympia's engineering plans is now being done by Shelton-edueated A1 Kim- bel, son of Hillcrest residents Carl and Lodge Kimbel. A 1951 graduate of Shelton high school, Al, now 31, was recently promoted to assistant city engi- neer for Olympia's public works department. He had been with the department only since last Decem- ber, but when the No. 2 spot opened up through resignation of a staff member to go into private business, the Shelton-born Kim- bel, whose hard and efficient work had strongly impressed his super- iors, was moved up to fill it. His responsibilities comprise chiefly designing street and sewer projects under Local Improve- ment Districts for the city. i After his 1951 graduation from Shelton High School, Kimbel serv- :ed four years in the Coast Guard, then attended St. Martins College for parts of five years in acquiring his civil engineering degree. He worked for the John Swift & As- sociates firm in Olympia for 11~ years prior to joining the Olym- ;pia public works department staff late last year. Community Concert Directors Gather A pre-concert season Board of Directors' meeting for the Mason County Community Concert As- sociation was held Monday even- ing at the home of Association president, Mrs. Dexter Edge. The newly-elected president an- nounced the scheduled dates for th 1965-66 concert series as fol- lows: Tuesday, November 9, the celebrated French pianist, Jean Paul Sevilia; Thursday, February 3, the 15 talented young Parisien- nee comprising the Paul Kuentz Paris Chamber Orchestra and on Sunday, May 15, the incomparable male quartet, the Revelers. THE NEED FOR A new piano was an important topic under dis- cussion and, at the suggestion of the president, the board decided to sponsor a concert ballet which will be offered in Shelton to the pub- lic sometime in October. The per- formers will be members of the Tacoma Civic Ballet, a group of very talented young people who present a varied program, appeal- ing to every age group. Admission will be one dollar for adults and fifty cents for any one under 18, proceeds to be used toward the purchase of the piano for the as- sociation. Mrs. Ronald Starr was appointed ticket chairman for this endeavor. Recently-elected officers for the concert association who attended the meeting, in addition to the president-hostess, were Mrs. James Barrom, secretary; Mrs. Tom Ward, vice-president and Dr. W. E. Lucke, treasurer. Hate no one; hate their vices. not themselves. --John Brainard 4 II i i II To Shippers. .. U.P. is synonymous with the finest freight service, modern specialized equipment, high-powered locomotives to assure on-time deliveries. To Consumers ... Swift, dependable delivery of many products they buy --- both perishable and durable, To Travelers... Relaxing, comfortable, safe and eco- nomical travel on Union Pacific Domeliners, To Communities... In the western states it serves, Union Pacific's purchases made, wages to employees and taxes paid, all contribute toward the activities and economy of the community. For Plant Site Seekers... A wide selection of track-side tracts including fully developed industrial parks offer unusual opportunities for industries of all types . throughout the Union Pacific West. Government... Union Pacific's strategic middle route i between the East and all the Pacific Coast is an essen tial/ink in the nation's transportation system, vital to i ; : its economy in times of peace and to its defense in emergencies. We would welcome the opportunity to serve you, 8. F. SO~ORTH, GENERN. TRAFFIC AGEbrr-.ABERDEEH Union Pacific Railroad ~;ii Social" Events 'i !~! Society Editor • Cathy Hoard • Phone 426-4412 ;=; , ;!; 0 " " " 4 • " • " • 0 " $ Q " i i 4 ~ . • • 4 4 • 4 " " " • • • • • • " " " O~ ~00~.~. * " " " 4 • 0 WEDDING OF WHITE UNITES FORMER SHELTONITE AND BRIDE White flowers in baskets, flow- ers Of white arraying the altar, large white bows on each pew and as was only fitting a white car- pet for the br.ide and" groom to walk down, were the surroundings of Helen Irene Bryant and James Allan Oswald as they became hus- band and Wife in the Church of St. John the Apostle located in Oregon CitY, :Ore. ,The double ring ceremony was performed bY Monsignor T. J. Ber- nards on August 7, at 3 p.m. with the father of the bride giving his daughter away in marriage. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Cullen Bryant of Lake Oswego, Ore. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Oswald of Bellevue. Serenaded with the organ music of Monroe Richardson, Miss Bry- ant gowned in a white satin floor- length dress, a shoulder length veil ~nd carrying a bouquet of white roses became Mrs. James Allan Oswald. Maid of honor, Laura Bryant, attended her sister's wedding in a moss green street-length dress with matching shoes and hat, She carried a bouquet of white carna- tions and baby green ferns. Linda Bryant, sister of the ~ride, Nancy Olsen, Mrs. Harry Glaus, Lynn Oswald, sister of the groom and Susan OsWald, sister of' the groom, were the brides- maids. They were gowned in sim- lar attire to the maid of honor's. Best man was David Oswald, brother of the groom, and accom- )any,rig him asUshers were Thom- as McCoy, Michael Smith, David ~mullin, Michael Keenan and George Smith. Dressed in a dainty white nylon gown decorated with green rib- bons and carrying a bouquet of white carnations Molly Hill, a cou- sin of the bride, performed her duties as flower girl. Philip Oswald, brother of the groom, and John Tylczak, cousin of the groom, were altar boys. A cousin of the bride, Brett Hardt, was ring bearer. Wearing a beige lace suit with a white rose bud corsage in its lapel the bride's mother attended her daughter'swe , dding. The groom s mother wore a light blue suit and a corsage identical to the one worn by Mrs. Bryant. The reception which followed the wedding was held at West Linn Inn amidst white bells and bas- kets of white glads and ferns. Mrs. Robert Gerow and Mrs. Edward Hardt, both aunts of the bride, served the cake. Mrs. Chas. Hill, aunt of the bride, Kay But- ler and Trova Hutchins poured. Mrs. Harold Gross, Mrs. Orville Butler and Mrs. H. P. Moore, the bride s grandmother, served cof- fee and tea. Suzanne Hardt was in charge of the guest book and Beveraly Gerow was in charge of the gifts. Wearing a white sheath dress with navy blue accessories the now Mr. and Mrs. Allan Oswald begin their wedding trip down the Oregon coast With the eventual goal of reaching Philadelphia, Pa., which is to be their home for the next two years. The couple should arive there in September. Right alone is irresistible, per-! ~anaut, eternal. ~ary B. Eddy MR. AND MRS. JAMES ALLAN OSWALD The bride is a graduate of West Linn High School and Whitman College where she was a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. She will be employed as a second grade teacher in Landsdowne, Pa. The groom is a graduate of Eurelca, Calif., High School and i Whitman College, where he was a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. He will be attending graduate school at the University of Pennsylvania. The photograph was taken by Hal Scofield. Saddle Thursday, Aug. 26Host Z, Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Show, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., The Kitsap Timbers Motel. hold an Olympic Friday, Aug. 27 Sunday, club grounds, Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m., IOOF Hall. way, Port was informed Saturday, Aug. 28 It will be' the Drivers' license examiner,10 before the Zone a.m. to 5 p.m., police station. Sept. 12. Jud FOE Card party, 8 p.m., airportbe Robert J. hall. All classes for Sunday, Aug. 29 Performance. Shelton churches invite you to divisions will attend the church of your choice, bareback, Timber League baseball, Shel- Equitation ton vs. Olympia, two games, 1:00 horse junior. p.m., Loop Field. will be Monday, Aug. 30 the junior PUD No. 3 Commission's meet- For ing, 1 p.m., PUD Commissioners tion room. 5 Box 221, County Commission's meeting, 0275). 10 a.m., Court House. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD building. USE T~m~lay, Aug. 31 Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Memorial Hall. Wednesday, Sept. 1 Drivers' license examiner, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., police station. Business and Professional We- For mens' Club, 7:30 p.m., Home of Mrs. Lodema Johnson. Thur.~iay, Sept. 2 BOW Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m., Timbers Motel. W.W.I. Veterans and Auxiliary of Madrona Barracks, noon, Mem- orial Hall. Hood Canal Lion's Club, 6:30 p.m., Women's Club House in Pot- tWO latch. 40 & 8 Voiture 135 September Promenade, 8 p.m., 40 & 8 Club. in hunting This Week's Bridge Winners Announced The winners in this Monday night's play of the Shelton Dup- licate Bridge Club with 11 tables were for North-South: Mr. and Mrs. Colbert Starr; a tie for sec- ond and third, Mr. Geovine and Jim Thomas, Elsa Schlosser and Katherine VanArsdale; and fourth, Bertha Walker and Eva Aamodt. East-West winners were: Mr. and Mrs. John Bach, Dr. Phillips and Percy Bean, Mr. Stapp and Mr. Smith, Evelyn and Aubrey Wills. All bridge players are invited to attend the play in the PUD building each Monday night at 7:30. Next week a new series will start, lasting for eight regular i nights. Weights We also range of from 2210 Oly~pl¢' NEW TRAILER HOME SPEI)I 10 x 55 foot, completely furnished, bedroom, front kitchen, all ,~ KIT SIERRA three bedroom, oil furnace See these at 2210 Olympic Hwy. N. A BOOK BUILD YOUR ON,,, THAT'S All the signs of dreams-come-true are written pages of your Savm . . " gs Account Book, when you and save w th T CF. Dividends compou,nded ] your money mounting up faster! Got a special in soon and open your TCF Savings Account! IIAVlN|II & LOAN AIIO|IA , OLYMPIA LACEY OHIL Hq Offke Drench . '('ii¸ ../. : :i ~::i~'