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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 26, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 26, 1965
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96' 1965 L ON--MA ON COD'N' JOURNAL-- Published in t .6" hW mastow , U.S.A." helton, PAGE l, Is Honored On nny/ was a joy bors are again anticipating help- lldren and grand- ing celebrate the birthday of the 7htly esteem her redoubtable Mrs. Allie Ahl. This ted mother a~ld year, the anniver.'ary's, party at he opinion of her the home of her son and dangilter, d win prizes in in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lon K• Webb, as well as in will observe her 98th birthday! l daughter. WithAll friends of the long-time Ca- Petite energeticnal resident are invited to attend kept up the con-the party at the Hamma Harems fasssociated with river home of the Webbs Sept. 4. arnily includingHer birthdate is Sept• 5. The fam- idren and grand-ily has requested, "no gifts, iof illness• Along please"" L,LL,WA ,P Community Club & "is entertaining members and the "a ..... public wilt1 a pinochle party Fri- .~ [Ly.was m tneday evening in the Ltlliwaup Com- ~Pmnm at Mason mr'ratty Hail. These parties have mree ~nelmn been given twice a month on the uene l-lulbert, Mrs. second and fourth Friday nights, n a and Mrs. Troy continuing throughout the sum- e~ng. there was mer, and have been well attended. .... teams nome,Playing starts at 8 p.m., and there • ~a~Omed .by Mrs. are ref.reshments and prizes for waeU-rzanmy'~:om oth the pinochle players• fl ..... two . - Business sessions will begin id wauace in _~as again in September, with the first ~hter~etrom .~ewone following the monthly potluck •~t ~. ~^.,rr marus tmrs. supper Sept. 10. J~.~ ,~--"~'ff~'e~'~"rned MRS. MATTIE Baekhmd of ~eek from ~ trinLiliwaup will be installed as pres- Whe,,~ . ,~ ,~.,~ ,dent at the first fall meeting of ---, ~,~,a ~,~,~• aid arid Mrs Lillianthe Hood Canal G • en Chlb Sept. td attended can-2. The meeting at ll a.m. is plan- Americ~a, r.~tnnned to be held in the Hood Canal - ~'~'~ ' " bho ~ht & Fn~tv ~h, Woman s Chlb clu use at Pot- mm Mas~¢:~,,~'~~latch and if the weather is favor- ........ - "11 o t ' , Eight and Win•iv able, the group wl g o the Pot- ....... ~ - -- nch ' " e meetin~ latch State ParK. Lu eon is pot- been active in the luck. >~an's Club, theOther officers are w~rs. George rden Club, Lilli- Moake, first vice president; Mrs. Club, Eight and Frank S. McIntyre, second vice American Le ion resident; Mrs Edward H. Jenner, se g P • rved as presi-secretary, and Mrs. Verne L. Hill, Canal Garden treastwer. su(~c~ls:i(~nm- to I.~o~er~feedar~°nmenglreatli~w.tee' come from Las l~Ir. and Mrs. Pat McGrady were Sunday dinner guests at the Har- h stine Island .summer ome of the :,]~: ~ Murray Morgans. Dr. and Mrs. i ~ ~ Otto Goldschmid, next-door neigh- ~ bors were co-hosts at the barbs- ..._ cued salmon dinner. I± was the VALLEY first visit to Harstine Island for the McGradys, who were surprised HALL at the sandy beach on the island. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Erickson of Tacoma spent last weekend in Lil- [] Iy THE liwaup, guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cheatham, Mrs. Cheatham reports that her brother, Victor Richardson in Port Angeles, is now recovering well from his recent serious illness and surgery. They were planning a trip MASON COUNTY'S al --EAT OUT OFTEN-- & COFFEE BAR entlon Fishermen and Early Risers Open 6 a.m. for Breakfast - Luncheon Special Daily Elevator Launching - Any Tide Tackle -- Gas --- Storage Phone 877-536:! & June Fredrickson owners Next to Aquarium DINER Canal near Potlatch on Hwy. 101 near power hous~ LUNCH -- DINNER --- Our Specialty -- • BROASTED CHICKEN (finger-lick,n' good) We feature SEAFOOD, toni Phone 877-97~ --- Take-Out Orders! T'S ROBIN HOOD LODGE 8outh of Union on Beautiful Hood Canal Open 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. LUNCHES -- DINNERS -- BANQUETS Featuring: Steaks, Seafoods and ,~outhern Fr~d Chicken Try Our Fabulous Homo Baked Pies RESTAURANT 7th & Railroad FeattJring Flavor Crisp Chicken Homo Made Pastries and Bread Open 6 - 10 Daily Courteous Service and Good Coffee For Orders To Go Call 426.2441 SHELTON HOTEL Dining Cuisine at Its Best Spe~lalizing in PRIMJ~ RII~ OF BEEF open 6.10 Weekdays 6-12 Friday & Saturday CAFE 101 6 miles So. of Shelton Special --- 8-oz. New "fork Cut Steak $1.75 Home Made Pie -- Manila Clams -*- From Bay Crocketts for the small fry I;)aY 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Phone 426.8S0~ GRILL North on Mountain View ~PeclBl~al -- LUNCH -- DINNER Dinners Dalty --- Fried Clams '£ Oysters • Buckwheat Hotcakes Anytime , WE MAKE OUR OWN PIES! GOOD COFFEE Open Sunday dr, ring the ~mmev CUSHMAN RESORT ed to perfection by our own chef ~_~ =• In the Liars' Den Banquets--Parties i~ hone 877-5388 for reservations 6-10 p.m. Daily--Closed Monday Sunday 1-6 p.m. Tex Payton TAVERN & CAFE hi ~Iood~port on Hwy. 101 We Feature Steaks & Seafoods )~n¢lng on, The Water After 9 p.m. . STER HOUSE RESTAURANT on Hood Canal H- We Take Pride in Our ~ ~ OMEBAKED BREAD and PASTRIES • ~~lallze in a wide variety of homec(>oked meals. *i~rvl , ng---Breakfast--- Lunch --- Dinner ~eafo'ods ~ Steaks -- Ghlcken, etc. ayWith i i 7:7Z:: ing county fairs and a barbecue, as well as a Mt. Rainier sight- seeing trip made a happy and busy weekend for Mr. and Mrs. "Jack" Leirnback. They attended the Ma- son County fair Friday night and Saturday went to Wilkerson, where l!hey were housegalests of Jack's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold MeCaeken. They went to a barbecue in Wil- kerson and on to the King County fail' in Enumelaw, where they en- joyed watching the $olk dancing festival with dances from all na- tions. Sunday they drove up to Sunrise Park, wh'ich the Leim- backs found beautiful, despite some overhanging fog. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bum'nan from Bellevue, were here for the week- end at the home of Mcs. Burman's mother, Mrs. Allie W. Robinson. They took home with them their daughter, Julie, who has been vis- iting her grandparents here dur- ing the past week. Robin Erhart, another granddaughter from Clear Lake, has gone from the Robinson home to spend some time with her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Dickinson of Hoodsport. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Com'oy of Seattle, brother-in-law and sister of Fred Martin, are visiting them• Miss Claudia Corson, also of Seat- tle, granddaughter of the Martins, was with them for the weekend. Miss Corson will be a first-year student at the University of Wa- shington this fall• Mrs. Robin Poitras of Seattle is continuing her stay at her sum- mer cabin here. Coming Monday of last week, Mrs. Ida Greer, a friend from San Jacinto, Calif., has been a ~house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Allison. Mrs. Greet came up from Wilmington, Calif., by boat, a freighter with well-appointed cab- ins for 60 passenger, making an enjoyable and leisurely trip• She is delighted with the Olympic Pen- insula scenery and climate• Virginia and Walter Allison have been spending their winters in San Jacinto, where they always have a trailer home and their bicycles awaiting them when they return, usually in November. Weekend guests of the John Robinsons at their cabin were Mr. and Mrs. Gomer Davis and daugh- ter, Diane, of Portland, Ore. Eliz- abeth, Jo, Frances and Jim Rob- inson were here for the weekend with their parents. Elizabeth, who has spent several weeks on a U. .of W. archeological project in Okanogan County, will be return- ing to her studies at the univer, sity this fall• Jo will be entering Reed College at Portland as a freshman. Fishing from their boat, the Jimmie-John, family and guests boated a large number of rock cod over the weekend. Mrs. Elizabeth Beemis, daughter of Jack Johnston, and her three children of Renton, came Friday for a few days visit at the John- ston Indian Beach home. SEATTLE FRIENDS of the George Reids occupied their beach cottage from Friday until Tues- day of last week• They were Mr• and Mrs. Barney Hill with their three children, John, Diane and Joan. They experienced salt water fishing and oyster gathering and shucking for the first time under the tutelage of Jack Johnston, next door to the Reids• The swimming weather was good and the Seattle family thoroughly enjoyed the pleasures of life on Indian Beach. Lilliwaup was represented at the Mason county Fair when Jaimie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith, took their two horses for Friday and Saturday events. On Friday,Jaimie showed her horse, "Rebel,, (part Morgan and part quarterhorse), riding him in the show. On Saturday she rode her Welsh-Shetland pony, "Magoo', for the "play day" activities. A recent arrival at their Lilli- waup Falls home, a 10-week- old burro, named Annie, has been receiving considerableattention from the Smith family• MISSIONARY FILM Everyone interested is invited to attend the colored showing of a missionary film "Martyred Men" Friday evexdn@ at 7:30 p.m. at the Skokomish Community Church• The film concerns the five mission- aries who gave their lives in Ecua- dor. Refreshments will be served following the film. P!oneer Youngsters O,splay. Projects At The Fan Last Week By Nadlne Rhode~ PIONEER --- Local 4-H naem- bers lind a chance to display tl~eir talents during the Mason County Fail• last weekend. Blue ribbons were the highly coveted honor for many exhibits" It is at Fair time" that enthus- iasm. for and pride in community. projects reaches a peak. The 4-H program is high on the list• Credit and appreciation go to leaders and parents who •give of their time so freely. Mrs. Martin ~useth, leader of the Agate Tip-Top Club, is one of these. Tim Mason County Fail" is ob-- viously expanding l:apidly. Three new buildings tiffs year added con- siderably to the success of the three-day Fail.. No do.ubt others are in the planning, stage. Martin Auseth and Clive Troy are among those also who have worked many long hours for the continued im- provement of our County Fair. Jay Taylor was home for 10 days, ha:ring completed Basic Training in the U.S. Coast Guard at Alameda, Calif. Returning to San Francisco where he now will be stationed, Jay will be a Seaman Apprentice. THERE WILL be an all-Arab horse show at Greenacres Riding Stables Sunday, according to Jim Taylor, co-owner. The first one held in this area, more than 100 horses are expected to be entered in 23 scheduled events• Halter classes will begin at 9 a.m. and performance classes will be held at 2 p.m. Greenacres is located on Littierock Road in Olympia. Jim Taylor played in the polo match last week at Olympia. The Tacoma Polo team played the Greenacres Polo team• After the match, Greenacres hosted a pot- luck dinner. Carolyn Rhodes and Tracy Ham- ltn came home from Big Trees Twirling Camp at Santa Cruz, Calif., with exuberant accounts of their week in training, Some of the classes attended were Fire batons, HOOp batons, High School Majorette class, and "How to Teach Baton"• About 120 students attended the camp, some coming from as far away as Japan, Alaska and eastern ILS.A. The girls spent one evening on the famous Board Walk on the Santa Cruz beach, and also went through the Mystery House at Santa Cruz. VFW POST NEWS Post 1694 picnic was held Sun- day at Delight Park. A potluck luncheon was served by the Aux- iliary at noon. Games were held Elltson, Cacey Ell,son, Vicky Stroche and Dins Stroche; shoe race for women, MemmT Smith; shoe race for men, Darrell Sparks; balloon contest, Merle Gates and Josephine Sparks; shoe kicking contest, Josephine Sparks; egg- tossing contest, Shelby Rice and Allan Swops; crab race, Dallan Gunter and Ross Godwin; paper- plate race, Deans Strocke and Laurie Godwin; egg-tossing for girls, Laurie Godwin and Deans Strocke; egg tossing for boys, Ross Godwin and Dallas Gunter; nail driving for boys, Ron Hen- ley, and nail driving for girls, Laurie Godwin. Nail driving for women, Mere- cry Smith; nail driving for men, Howard Swope; plate throwing. Diane Swope. All the children received balloons and everyone had all the pop and ice Cream they would eat. The next regular meeting of the Post 1694 will be Sept• 3. At the last meeting Larry God- win won the small jackpot and George Neal's number was called for th~ large jackpot, but wa~, not present to receive it. Commander Howard Swops pre- sented Quartermaster Larry God. win a distinguished service Din fm hein~ one of the outstanding :Quartermasters of the Deparffnen~ :of Washington. The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and doin~ it exactly right. ---Edward C. Simmons f Somebody, somewhere would love to ,answer the phone right now and have it be you. PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL I~t d ~ N,~m~le Ball Smum 151 S • I I • t HOODSPORT--Tuesday eve- sides the Michaels at Saturday ning at 8 pm a meeting fol• me- am breakfa:t were Mr and Mrs Bv % iss , ' n Lake Vv~mtnnm ........ .. R~tty Cr . at thew home o ................... ti~ers of Kindergarten pupils will Grant Meyer and Mike Mark and ~,-¢~r ........... in Bellln~ha~- las+ ~h-•rsd~- ""... ' "" ' a ' ' a.~IG'L~Y'AIg --- ~'l~nlCS meeungs s ,- . t ~ u . a.v• ~,,." be held at the holne oi Mrs. Win. Katlw of Bellevu ~. Mrs.Mmhaels . '. .- , , , , • : . Bryant on .~,ul.~hine H~i~hts Mrs t~ M,:~ Pim'('e's si~tor M,.sM ..... r and a wedding receptmn kept tlilp.l)ega~l on ~Vcdnesda.3 m()~nlng Richard En(hcott will take regm-Mrs Pierce s nmce ........... : ----, ............ ....... ~ last ~nn(lay Tne ~oclal t31UD or- I ~'~M~:~(l(2~ ~rllel•e "~ve ooaroe(i LI10 ii21'- trations at the meeting and if you Mrs Bee Williams I, ortworth, ~.;.. c,~,'o~,+:, ~nt,, oa~ t~ "w o I 'v C( ha' tn Viotc, i~ register your child then it will Tex came m)rth to visit her son .... ~ ..... E ..... v. *'~[ ..... o e nec --- " " s ..... "_U' .....i-I ..... • _ met at Lue ~Oll~n ~n()re home oi.i lne trip across was enlivene(l n t b essary to uo ,'o again and clallgllter- n- axV Mr allcl l¥1rhi .. -- n ...... ' I -- , --[. *~ •.. • " ~ . ' ' '~ars. Em ]a riammona at noon tor uy slgnung a tew ot "r~amu's the first day of school. ~ or moti]- Fred Wilhams..Soon after she ar-,,.,,,,¢..,.,.,,~,,,,~,~.,~.~,,. • • . e..,~a. • . • ers who are uuable to atteu( yo,rived s ~heart attae, ,nade it 'nec- a ~.~ ~..~ --~ .~,. ,~.., ~- .,~,.]':m"~:ot::a:'::J':~n::i'~m:h=~':. ,~,.,,,,~ ~, ,,.i~:::,s A,?nd rc]hLt 1 ve.,.q spo~t}llg ..... " ~)~e , - • - - .• " " : ' -I ) el' mgnl-scemg m vie- may register your CUll(1 Dy i)l] I essal'5 iornor to speno Tilt'co O [ r ..... • • . . • • • . . ~bers of the Belfair i ire Dept and ,~onm ~e boardod another, ferry it you wmh 0r ff you have ques- weeks m a SeattleHospitalFred _ _-: ........ ~. - -~helir- ~ "' - I . .~' ,. . ....... : ' • " ' , " ". . ' ' 2~l.Ixnl~ry were gnu ." I~ at tile H ~ana(llan one ironl Scuwartz Lions or need further reformation has now moved her to a Shelton ............... [ ..... :. ~• .. -- .. ........... r. ....... ~ o~... ;n ~... ~ .^ ..~ iNorm ~llore nome el tne walter t ~ay for vaneonver Lnciuentl~ ~t Call Mrs ";nQICO[.L, ~II-031,). ~Iospu.RI wner...e vv,, ~ovt: ~u ,,.- 1~':' ' .......... " * ' ' " • " " " - " ' .~ ." ................. , ......... "~ IGofay S Ior a sLnlllar type oi ou~-I new ~erry tel'min,~l is unoer eon- ~Jues£s O[ ~ne Wlulam ~.~IIDel•I:S mare IOl• a. %Villi,% we wlsn nor a . " ............. ~ ,u• • ' " ~" • • .... ~ . ,., . ...... , .... , rag, A ~gmU'lCt i meeung ot vet-I . truc~lon at ~enwartz Bay which weonesoay ano YUllTSOay were speeoy recovery Ln:U: She may en- el___ of World Wm I Au--iliat"' shou'd '- ........ " , he,, • s's . " . • ' . " . "~,~ ' ' X 'y] * ue very acu'acuve ,,,,~., Mr Gilbert's brother and .-l.'ter- joy a race visit wiih her family • " , ' . : .......... ,, - _• " • ~as held m Shelton, presided over~c(nnpleted. Aftert~o fort5 ~,~aW,ia~e ~::II ~L~e}~ts off l~a~e nerve.^..,a ,xr ......... a ~.. ~=~ by Mrs. Nellie Castlelnan, First] we felt we were on a "B{lsman'i ._ .. L .... : ........ "~ .. 72. . -District premdent. A potluck dm-I Holiday . The next day in %v.n- ' her noon started off the meet- oouve,•: we took the S enic D.v Ray Emmot(at H~]lsboro, Ore." 'Bible Camp ~t Lu~her;and,'near in~ ..... I ~h;ot~gahS:]~nloeY tPharl~,?n:e~h:,:oug¢:~ has been working for Weyerhaeus- ing with her cousin Mrs. Richard An announcement was made re- I ..._ _~"_:_, ..... , .......~.. er Timber Co John leaves today Endicott eently Dy Mr ann Mrs Tyman~ lee•e- ( "o ) ' " : • , ~ " • " " , g" t a Dy a o wnpt ur (ramtnat for Le-Tourneau College in Texas.At Black Lake Bible Camp nearStephens of Port Orchard ot the [ it) While in Bell' - ' ' " ' .... . lngnanl We also ,on is a 1964 graduate of Irene S Olympia last week were 13 Junior marriage of the,r daughter Lynda J 's"e" % c " ' -"•" • • " " ' " ' Vl. ll: a LI e anlpus OI %Testern Reed High School and this willHigh young people from the Hood to Fred Gruber math teacher at [ ......... ' . . _ ' - " . ............ :,:.', _;" ,~ ..... . I wasnmgton uouege si~uate~ er(,se be his second year at Le-Tour- Canal Communii:y unurcn, anQ lJ~lS ~or~n w~ason r~gn ~rvao~. ! :. +~ +....,~ . :,,. ' ~,., __.~ Z" " IJl bu tuw I1 v~t LII ()ILl llIl (1 IIO~V neau week Tommy Eastgard Beth Ann Members of the Auxiliary to | ........' .... , - : • . .:~ . .. . DlUtolngs Dlen(Iln • [o gl%e a oefi- • A HAPPY occasion for Vern and Virginia Crumo Merril vigorNuel Curtis Post No 5372, VFW[ .-, -- - g - - .... ! nlt~ couege atmospnere to tne Hill was catching a 28 pound sal- and RoseAlm Gain of the Senior wiU be busy this weekend when [ ~,t~- men from the Canal in front of High group are enjoying life atthe Retrievers Club hold their] .... " the Gilbert residenceSaturday the same camp. field trials• For the past eight] ...... evening• Mrs. Herb Boeck and grand- years, the Auxiliaryhas served~| , -- | Sunday at 3:30 a•m., Bernard daughter, Wendy Jaiwis, left oncoffee and doughnuts in the morn,]| | ,~=,,~, ~,~,_,.. | Snyder and his brother, Vern Thursday for Enchanted Valley ing and a midday dinner during]l [,~lwrR~ ~[~r~][~]~ | Snyder heard a big splash and horseback. Herb took them up the field trials 'President, Mrs. II vJ ~sl~tm!lV I thump• Neither inve;~igat~ t~l~tinl to the end of the road, in the Grace Hunt has appointed MrS. [| , -- --ov [ just before b eakfas . Ve Olympics and went back after Gordon Squiee ~hail~ma~ ~for thi~]| | ~a~aa~ ~fl~.~ | took a tux~ out on the dock, at The them Monday. event Assistin~ her will be Mrs'l|I~ I~~ ~r~ I Gi~ve, to make sure all was well. Mrs. Georgia Miller entertainedBert 'Fisher, ~Irs Hannah Mat:[[ ISl, lrlll V] • il41111~l~lP I To his surprise a 28 pound salmon Aug. 22, honoring her son, Johnson, Mrs Hunt, Mrs, Jackll ,A,.=, .... ':I had commandered their boat• How and daughter-in-law, Peggy's 13th Schlange Mrs. Chet Matthews, [| .|I[IHII~FJV~.I~ '/| lucky can people get? Wedding Anniversary. Forty mem-Mrs Rebecca Macomber, Mrs. Ha~:- [| .~ .....,= v :.| Tiny Tim Orthopedc Guild is bers of the family were present to tie Brooks, Mrs Kenneth Grandy [[ nAY 7,[ having their first meeting of the help John and •Peggy celebrate.Mrs. Emil Gaetana and "Mr. UlEIO|t$ I UA ,[ year Sept• 1, 8 p.m., at the home They were Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs Myron Polk /I i,I of Mrs. Ron Goes on Sunshine Miller and family; Mrs. Charles'T'h{~ .... ,o.,o" ~o,, ,~./I 205 Cots I Heights.. , - Longshore and claildren; Fredrick plea'su're %;"v s]ti -i-' r "'a" Shelton- Wash. ~t the ~att Kaare nome Tues- Casey and children; ~ar. and Mrs. hn~.~ wtfh fho C~.~1 M~n f.~milv// "'~ day were Mr. and Mls. Oscar Jen, Robert Plant and children; Mrs. . " ' ,. . ~= sen and Mrs. Katy Jorgensen, all Ann Pavel and children; Mr. and ' ' .. of Tacoma, and Mr. and Mrs. Criss H~nsen of North Lake• Also ar- riving Tuesday for a two day stay wele the Kaare's son, George, daughter-in-law, Doris and grand- son, Walter of Poulsbo. Tuesday evening Alf, son of Mrs. Katy Jorgensen Joined the group for dinner. Alf Jorgensen is supervisor on the new road being built be- tween Hamma-Hamma and Lake Uena. Thursday and Friday guests of the Kaares were Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Petersen of Auburn. Mrs. George Yocom boarded a Jet at Seattle, July 28, for Colum- bus, Ga., to visit Marc Phillips, Mrs. Yoeum's cousin and the Yo- c0m's foster-son, Marc, a 1964 graduate of Irene S. Reed, is serv- ing in the 27th Maintenance Bat- ta]ion, :First Calvalry Divisfonof the Army and was stationed at ,Fort Benning, Ga. Mrs. Yocom spent three days visiting Marc, then went to Pot,s- town, Pc., for a two week visit with George's sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kurtz. Back in Seattle Aug. 15, she visited a day with Mr. and Mrs. C~cil Bowen at Bethel. George met her there and together Monday they visited Ernest Worl at Wes- lya Garden's. Monday night they spent with friends in Tacoma and arrived home Tuesday just in time to receive a call from Marc saying he was on his way overseas. GUESTS AT the D. H. Pierce home Friday night were Mr. and ~rs. Guy Michaels of Seattle. Be- Mrs. Ned Miller; Mrs. Leona Smith and children; Archie Adams, John's uncle; honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller's childrem, and the hostess. One sister, Mrs. Luella Hanson, Washington D.C. was unable to be present• Friday afterm)on Georgie head- ed the salmon bake at the Mason Cmmty Fair. Saturday she attend- ed the wedding of her granddaugh- i ter, Georgia Jean Plant and af-I terwards helped serve the weddingI feast• Whose busier than Georgie ? I Loin Pierce enterLained her of-i ficms and committee chairmen i who served with her during her four years as President of the Hood Canal Garden Club, at a lun- cheon at Millo's Diner, Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. Telephone chaiwnan Cecil Gil- bert was not able to be present. Those who attended were Mattie Backhmd, Ilma Jenner, Bernice Leimback, Ella Lang, Alice Dor- man, Zoe Sceva, Lillian Hough, Maude Crosby, Alice Hill, Ilene Ager, Vera Shoetsleeves, and the hostess. Miss Georgia Jean Plant and Michael Twidwell were married Aug. 21 at high noon at the Shaker Church at Lower Skokomish. Thi~ was the first Shaker Wedding in tile cimrch here since 1910. Mrs. Twidwell is the daughter of Sgt. and Mrs. Robert Plant, grand- daughter of Mrs. Georgia Miller and the late Fred Miller, and great granddaughter of the late George and Lela Adams. K~P$ OUT COLD, HOLDS IN Savesupb 40s0nhel PROOf," • LAb-1"8 FOR YEAR@ ~;' wkle " --WE HAVE ~G~,blUINE FLEX-O-GLASS-- Plus Such Other Winter Protectors as: ...... Aluminum Windows • Storm Doors Storm Window Kits Insulation • Weather-Stripping EAORETT LIER ON HILLCREST PHONE 426-4522 and LOT and $250 down buys this Beautiful Lot and cabin in this recreational paradise. Lo- cated in the "Heart of The South Shore" on famous Hood Canal. Only one mile east of Twanoh State Park. A roomy 20' x 24' cabin with sun deck, aU glass view wall, 11' x 16' balco!ny for added sleeping and storage space, with lifetime hand split shakes, built on your lot. Full Price Lot & Cabin REPRESENTATIVES ON PROPERTY THIS SAT., AUG. 28th and SUN., AUG. 29th DRIVBG DIREGTIONS From Sh lton --Drive 1 mile past Twanoh State Park. Watch for signs. Evenings Call, CR 5-2038 GIG HARKOR Days Call, CR 5-2736