August 26, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 26, 1965 |
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26, 1965
sI-rELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAIJ--Publisl/ei in ¢'( hristmasIo vn, U.g.M.', Shelton, Washin
P GE 13
A Lady Goes Traveling'
are residents
~Sing the bigger
!now receiving ?
they spending
~tail stores ?
for the
ju:t be-
topped all
ARE contain-
by the Stand-
Service. It re-
family in
spent its
and how
ONLY $2.00
per week
household equipment, cars and
other items.
In Mason County, it shows, the
largest outlays were for food. More
money went in this direction than
in any other.
The sales volmne in local meat
markets, grocery stores, bakeries,
delicatessens and the like added
up to an impressive $6,103,000,
exceding the previous year's $5,-
And this represented only food
bought for home consumption. Not
included is the amount spent in
restaurants and in other dining
and drinking places.
IN EFFECT, 31 cents out of
every dollar spent in local retail
stores was for take-home food.
It was a greater proportion than
was used for food in most commu-
nities. Elsewhere in the United
States, 24 cents of the dollar was
so-spent and, in the Pacific States,
23 cents.
The report shows that the
amount of food purchased in Ma-
son County for home consumption
would amount to $1,096 per house-
hold if distributed equally among
the loc,al population.
• In the next few weeks The Jour-
nal will present in installment
form an account of the 2½-month
trip to Europe made by Mrs. Flo-
rence Lawton of Shelton in the
period between May 9 and July 20.
The account is compiled from let-
ters she wrote home to her son
and daughter in Shelton, Joe Simp-
son and Mrs. Virginia Driver, and
compiled into album-diary form
by Mrs. Simpson.
The trip took Mrs. Lawton from
New York by airliner to Portugal,
thence to Spain, France, Italy,
Switzerland, Ireland, England,
Holland and Denmark.
Although her trip was planned
in the sense that it carried a defi-
nite schedule, it was not with a
tour group, Mrs. Lawton traveling
of the highlights of Mrs. Law-
ton's stay in Portugal was a trip
through the Pena Castle, shown
here from an aerial view.
Gainsborough's "Blueboy"
... amasterpiece.
see this
- I envenien Terms Available
Jewelry --- Gifts
"Shelt 'e Finest Jewelry Store"
PHONE 426-3283
High Low Preeip.
kug. 19 .............. 86 60 .01
Aug. 20 .............. 64 59 .7'2
Aug. 21 .............. 72 55 --
Aug. 22 .............. 77 55 --
Aug. 23 .............. 79 58 .04
'Aug. 24 ............... 64 58 ~03
Aug. 25 .............. 71 58 --
Readings are for a 24-hour per-
iod ending at 8 a.m. as reported
by the Rayonier, Inc. weather sta-
Avenue • Shelton Hotel Building
By Margle Barlekman
LOST LAKE -- A new little ad-
dition joined our Lost Lake group
August 10 with the birth of David
Glen Simmons to Mr. and Mrs,
Robert Simmons. He weighed in
at 9 pounds 4 ounces and was 21
inches long.
Little David joins three broth-
ers and two sisters, making it an
even half dozen.
We wish to extend our congrat- ..... ,
ulations to the new parents and ...........
MASTER SGT. and Mrs. Martin 'i
Cradtree, son of Mr. and Mrs. CHs
Land will arrive sometime this
week from Fort Benning, Ga. He
has a 30 day leave during which
he plans to move his family to
Shelton while he will have to go
back to Georgia and await orders
to go to Viet Nam. Mr. and Mrs.
Cradtree are the parents of eight
Mr. Emmett McIvin, brother of
MrS. Ruth Critchfield and Mr.
Claude Mclvin, passed away Tues-
day after a long illness. His wife
and he lived in Klamath : alls,
oregon, until his death. They for-
merly lived in Shelton.
Visiting With Mr. and Mrs. Jus-
tin, is his brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thoma-
son and his sister Annie Rush-
They are from Mangham, La.
They plan to stay until sometime
in September.
BUD EVELETH dropped in to
tell me there is an overnight trail
ride starting Saturday at his place.
They plan to start riding on Sun-
day about 10 o'clock, after every-
one has eaten breakfast and pack-
ed his lunch.
Everyone is to supply his own
food and cooking utensils.
Rusty Bariekman returned home
today after a week's stay at the
Black Lake Bible camp. Ite was
with the group from the Baptist
church and enjoyed himself very
and Mrs. J. D. Swindall arrived
home last night after completing
his basic training at Fort Ord,
He plans on getting a 14-day
furlough before he is stationed
at Massachusettes for a short,
time. Jim is visiting with his folks
and his fiance, Carol.
Callers at the John Bariekn,an
home Friday night were Alice's
sisters, Mrs. Irene Filer, Mrs. El-
sie Mathes, and Mrs. Filer's grand-
daughter, Mary Hoyt. They live
in Natches, Wash., and have been
traveling around visiting different
places. John and Alice went to
Olympia Friday evening to pick
them up and they stayed ove~ight
and had a real gabfest before
heading back to Natchcs Saturday
Harold Hillman, of Allyn, was
reeJectea. President of the Wash-
mgton Well Drillers Association
at the group's convention ending
last week at Ocean Slmres.
More than 50 commercial well
drillers from all over Washington
state attended the association's
lgth ama al meetly.
All Children's Fittings Guaranteed
Operated and Managed by P~hristensen's For Shoes, Bremcrton
THE FIGURES indicate that alone for most of it, accompanied
business was good locally for most by a niece for part of it.
other types of retail stores also. THE FI RST LETTER was dated
In those selling cars and other May 9 and written from Lisbon,
automotive equipment, including Portugal. Quoting from it in part:
boats and motorcycles, the volume At 9:45 p.m. I was on my way
waSlent to$3'373'000"17 cents ThiSof theWaSretailequiva'dol- :teat LisbOnBostonViaandPan-Am.santa MariaWe stoppedin the I Night-life here begins about the George V, and the Penn Castle. i spelled out in enormous letters. A I
hme I usually go to bed, approx
lar. Azores, before reaching Lisbon at I " , " They are on the highest hill in I large bridge is being built over the I
imately 11 p m From then til Po on
a+ General merchandise and de.. noon Monday. The early morningI .... ;,,~ +~..;:: :.~ .... ~,~A.° rtugal and c taiaed the moot I Tagus River and, of course, by[
,=~ partment stores chalked up $689, ........... s .............. -~ ..... beautiful and elegant things I had o
~7 000, representing 3 cents, hours were beautiful, flying direct- and whatnot screamed under my _. . . Morris n and Knudsen. Running a ]
- i Outlets for wearing apparel -- ly into the rising sun at 29,000 feet
"Q GIFTS Icl°thing' shoes, hats and the like altitude. The clouds looked like windows worse than anything I ever seen. The road to the top is I close second was Coca Cola, Shell ]
huge icebergs piled helter-skelter |had ever heard before, mixed with something like rWebb" Hill, multi- (~il etc makln,~ me feel nuite ~t [ '
42 -- accounted for $1,336,000, equal below--and the clear, blue sky|sirens and police whistles at inter- plied by a hundred. Wood is verY]h~ome. " .... I
.~ 6-3283 to 7 cents, above. Occasionally the cloudsvals. scare in Portugal so everything is l The symbol of Portugal is the|
~ ~ would separate and we would see In older parts of the city the marble and tile. Only special rooms ] fighting cock. Gift shop windows]
the ocean far below for a little ] streets are so extremely narrow here are finished in Wood, inlaid [ are full of them in all sizes, made]
CI NEY $$0 while. , there are practically no sidewalks, with small pieces. ] of ceramic or wood, brilliantly col-,
Lisbon looked beautiful, as we I They "curve, up and down andPenn Castle is still used for state ] ored mixtures of red, green and ] " ' --- " " ' "
circled about getting ready to ~ around hills til it seemed we would occasions. For :instance, when i black. In driving through the rest-
land, the buildings all pastel col-]never make it. We saw the Tower Princess. Grace of Monaco visited ] dential district we passed a beau-|
ors with red-tiled roofs. The River ] of Belem, a fortress which,marks here Some time ago. One floor was ] tiful home with a wide clipped /
Tajus, which separates the Old/the site of Vasco de Gamas first of different woods of Portugal in| hedge all around the grounds. In|
City from the New City, was blue ] sailing for India. The Rossio, in very small pieces• and beautifully I front, on each side of the entrance,
as the Caribbean Sea. ~ the city center, an ancient market laid out. The paintings, the Chi- | was a beautifully sculptured fight- |
THE AIRPORT is a consider-~ place which is now a splendid nese porcelains, .screens, .etc,, are| ing cock, his head and tail so per-|
square with fountains and mosaic beyond my ability to describe. "l~he] feet I m sure he had a shave and]
ourteously • Confidentially able distance from the city but the/ sidewalks, Black Horse.Square an gardens, very formal, were a riot| haircut every few days
magic American dollar accom-] art museum, etc., and finally a lit- of color, with fountains every-] I didn't see so many children in/
Emergencies, You Name It plished it easily. The ride from | tie glass of port wine before re- where. | Lisbon but those I did were beau- |
the airport was wild, to put it] turning to the hotel for lunch. I But then, so was my room in| tiful and nicely dressed. In fact,|
VERY mildly. I didn't want to be-| should have been exhausted but the hotel. Marble floors, marblo[I didn't see any young people slop-|
gin my trip with a smash-up hut| perhaps due to the wine I was SiX feet up around the bathtub,| pily dressed and not a pair of]
Why Go Out Of Town? for a time I wondered if we would[ ready to go again, dining room, stairs and wainscot-| stretch pants or shorKq on girls|
Try Us For $50 And Up! ever reach the hotel without either
killing ourselves or someone else.| SO I TOOK an independent tour ting all marble. | anywhere. I thought it looked very[
] to Cintra, the castle of King ON OUR CITY TOUR we saw{ lovely. I
r i[=.ra'lure, Oeruonal r ply"r0-er"" - WEATHER -- | a large building with "U. S. Steel" (to be continued)