August 26, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 26, 1971 |
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The body of Richard Seeger,
28, 6313 Military Rd. E.,
Puyallup, who drowned in Case
Inlet after a boating accident Aug.
8, was recovered Monday evening,
the Mason County Sheriff's Office
said this week.
The Sheriff's Office received a
call about 5:30 p.m. Monday
from a person who had spotted
the body in the water. The body
was removed from the water and
brought in.
Seeger had fallen into Case
Inlet in the Allyn area after the
boat in which he was a passenger
was struck in the rear by another
Officers said the body was
found about a quarter of a mile
from where Seeger fell into the
The Sheriff's Office had
attempted to find Seeger's body
with divers and dragging
operations for more than a week
after the boating accident.
Thursday, August 26, 1971 Published in Shelton We. Entered as second c ass matter at the post office at Shelton, Wa-98584, 24 Pages -- 3 Sections
under act of Mar. 8, 1879. Published weekly, except two issues during week of Thanksgiving, at
85th Year Number 34 227 W. Cote. $5 per year in Mason County, $6 elsewhere. 10 Cents Per Copy
i~i¸ i /i
;on of Mr. and Mrs. Gil Winkler of the Agate
r Beef Champion atthe Fair the past
displays the ribbons he and his calf, Punkin,.
~Unty Fair Orville Kane. -
Sunday Family: Russell family.
number of Gate Prizes: Students: Tim
the gates to Nelson, Mike Kane, Teresa
ts, take part Murray. Adults: Bob Wotton, Mr.
attend the O.D. Kane.
attraction Rock and Mineral Society
Prizes: Joe Brown, Mark Larson.
eear totaled TROPHY WINNERS:
attendance Pie Eating, Greg Britt.
to Egg Catch, Mr. and Mrs. Mel
Xpressed Horseshoe, Bob Ledbetter.
the many Husband Calling, Mrs. Mel
assisted inMatson.
Wife Calling, John Crookston.
of Rolling Pin Toss, Mrs. Pat
into the Liguori.
Nail Pounding, Mrs. Alice
ia the various Hildebrandt.
Graystone, Open Class DAIRY Trophy,
S e c o n d ;Lisa Brewer.
4-H DAIRY: David Winkler,
Shelton Junior. 4-H BEEF: Junior, Glen
U.S. Winkler; Senior, Tim Dodge;
end; Open Class Beef Trophy, James
enter, Brewer. 4-H GOATS: David
Winkler. 4-H POULTRY: Terri
Rutherford. 4-H RABBIT: Lisa
Shelton Brewer.
Western Senior Showmanship
the Champion, Marlene Schmidt.
cramble. Reserve Champion, Terri
Mrs. Lois J-unior Showmanship
Champion, Karla Kimball.
Mrs. Reserve Champion, Sharlyn
and Rodney Senior Western Equitation
Champion, Marlene Schmidt.
Randy Reserve Champion, Sherrie
Don Junior Western Equitation
Champion, Jayni Hunter.
Don Reserve Champion, Shelley
Senior English Equitation
John Champion, None.
Reserve Champion, Marlene
OrVille andSchmidt.
Junior English Equitation
I~rlauf andChampion, Karla Kimball.
Reserve Champion, Tammie
'kit" and Mrs~Ford.
Senior Bareback Equitation
Champion, Linda Hildebrandt.
Reserve Champion, Terri
Junior Bareback Equitation
Champion, Shelloy York.
of the Reserve Champion, Jayni
ental Hunter.
Senior Practical Horse
Champion, Jodie Stickley.
is Reserve Champion, Terri
West of Lick.
~abeck Junior Practical Horse
Champion, Heidi Lovgreen.
~t the Reserve Champion, Shelloy
Hicks York.
!OUnty High Point Senior, Marlene
,n on High Point Junior, Shelley
ed. (Continued on Page 2)
THIS YOUNG FAIR-GOER'S mother finally got her pointed
toward a cow, but for the moment she is more interested in
the photographer's camera.
The Shelton School Board,
the City Commission and the City
Library Board discussed several
possible property exchanges
which would give the city the old
Lincoln Gym site it would like to
have for a new city library
Frank Maranville, chairman of
the library board, told the group
the Library board had
investigated several potential sites
for a proposed new library
building, and, had concluded the
Lincoln Gym site would be the
most suitable.
He stated the city hoped it
could arrange a property
exchange with the school district
for the site.
In looking over property
which the city owns which might
be used in such a trade deal,
Maranville said, one piece of
property, that which is now used
for tennis courts adjoining Loop
Field, seemed the most
Property which the city owns
adjacent to the new high school
site is water shed property, and,
there are several problems which
would result in the event t.his
property was considered, he said.
Supt. Louis Grinnell stated if
any deal was made, there would
have to be some agreement for
the school district to use the old
Lincoln Gym until the new high
school complex is completed. The
school district uses the old gym
for some physical education
classes and other activities, but,
when the new high school is
completed, it will no longer be
The school board expressed
the most interest in acquiring a
triangular piece of property
adjacent to the new high school
Mayor Frank Travis said there
were three problems in using any
of the water shed property in the
He stated the water shed
property was purchased with
Water Department funds,and,
there would be a problem getting
the property transfered to the
general government section so it
could be traded.
Travis said also the piece of
property the district is interested
in would have to be checked out
to see that it is not too close to
the collector system for the city
spring house and, he stated
releasing the part of the water
shed property could bring
pressure for the release of more of
it for development.
Another possibility which was
brought up by School Board
Chairman Ernest Hamlin was the
vacation of Ninth St. between the
Evergreen School and the Angle
All those present appeared to
be in agreement on the
desirability of a new library
building, and, expressed a
willingness to work out a
Music and conversation will
enliven the Inn Quest tlus
On Friday night, Folk Singer
Tracy DeMiero will entertain
from 10 p.m. until 1 a.m.
Saturday night, Steve Wilcox
of Olympia, coordinator of the
Washington State Youth Coalition
will lead a discussion group from
9to 10 p.m.
Live music will start at 10
Saturday night and continue until
one o'clock in the morning.
The 10 p.m. deadline for
those under fifteen years of age
will be lifted during the Friday
and Saturday nights of the Labor
Day weekend. Youngsters 13 and
14 years old will be allowed to
,stay until the youth center closes
at 2 a.m. on those two nights.
property exchange ot some kind.
The city agreed to see if the
property adjacent to the new high
school site would in any way
interfere with the water collection
system, and, to contact the school
board when this has been decided
so the discussions can be
The effect of President
Two Washington Corrections
Center inmates who attempted to
escape last Friday night by
crawling through a storm drain
pipe were back in custody a
couple of hours later.
Involved in the attempt,
Corrections Center officials said,
were Steven Lewis, being held on
a charge of second degree
burglary, and Gerald Steill, held
for first degree forgery and grand
WCC officials said the two
made up dummies in their bunks
in an effort to escape 9:30 p.m.
bed check and then crawled into
the storm drain pipe.
They crawled about 380 yards
through the pipe only to discover
that at that point, it narrowed too
small to get through and was
closed with bars.
Officers spotted the dummies
in the beds when they made bed
check and immediately began a
search for the pair. The search
narrowed to the drain pipe and
the two inmates were found and
came out of the pipe.
This was the second escape
attempt at the Corrections Center
since it opened in 1965. The
previous attempt was in 1967
when the inmates involved made
it in between two wires
surrounding the center.
The Kamilche School Board
said this week it plans to submit
its special levy, which was
defeated last week, to its voters
Anton Ellison, a member of
the board, said the levy would be
submitted again.
County Auditor Ruth Boysen
said the new vote could be
scheduled for the November
General Election Nov. 2 or at a
special election. It is too late to
get the issue on the Sept. 21
primary election date ballot, Mrs.
Boysen said.
The two-part levy would have
raised $16,000 for the
maintenance and operation of the
district. A part of it would have
gone to start a hot lunch program
at the school and the remainder
for general maintenance and
operation. The district has not
had a hot lunch program.
Ellison said the reason the hot
lunch program was separated
A total of $41,128.57 was
collected in Mason County from
the half per cent sales tax during
May and June, the State
Department of Revenue said this
Of this, $22,332.59 went to
the city of Shelton and
$17,973.41 to the county.
Collections since the first of
the year in this county have been
$94,661.33, the revenue
department said, with Shelton
receiving $54,809.87 and the
county $39,851.46.
New Principal
Pioneer School will open its
doors Sept. 1 with four new
teachers and a new
Richard Mariotti, who comes
to the district from the Shoreline
School District, will serve as
superintendent-principal on a full
time basis. This is the first time
the district has had a full time
administrator. Previously, the
principal taught a half day and
served as principal half a day.
Mariotti is a native of
Enumclaw and received BA and
MA degrees from Seattle
University. He was with the
Shoreline District five years. He
was a teacher there and served as
a summer school principal two
He and his wife Shari, and
their three children are making
their home at Lake Limerick.
Other new teachers will be
Baird Barr, second grade; Mrs.
Sandy Yeager, fourth grade and
Terri Wiss, remedial reading. A
first grade teacher will be hired to
succeed Mrs. Dorothy Zickrick,
who was to have returned to her
first grade position. Mrs. Zickrick
was found dead in her home
Tuesday morning.
Returning teachers and their
assignments for the coming year
are Rolland Quinn, sixth grade;
Helen Palmer, fifth grade; Ethel
Rohrig, third grade, and Linda
Rinearson, kindergarten and
half-day librarian.
Three boys have been working
under the Nieghborhood Youth
Program during the month of
August in assisting the custodian
in painting, cleaning, ground
work, planting and other jobs.
They are Pat Gronseth, Steve
Peterson and Charles (Corky)
The Pioneer PTO is planning
an open house at 7:30 p.m. Sept.
7 at the school to give people in
the community an opportunity to
meet the new teachers.
Richard Mariotti
Richard Nixon's wage and price
freeze on the special levy for
maintenance and operation the
school district has on the Sept. 21
ballot was also discussed.
The funds from the proposed
five-mill levy would provide funds
for increases in salaries for
teachers and other district
employees and provide for hiring
additional personnel for the next
school year.
Supt. Louis Grinnell told the
board under the regulations, even
if the levy were to pass, the raises
could not be given until the
present expiration date in
Board members expressed the
feeling that at least some type of
controls would be continued after
the present expiration date so it
was right now a question of what
could be done.
Grinnell told the board he
would discuss the question with
the employee groups who would
be affected by whatever action
was taken, and, that he would
contact the board when he got
their reaction.
The board also discussed with
Citizen's Advisory Committee
Chairman Walt Parsons the
possibility of reorganizing the
committee later on.
from the other issues was that
feelings seemed to be divided on
that issue.
The special levy lacked one
vote of getting the necessary 47
per cent to validate. There were
46 voters who cast their ballots
while 47 would have been needed.
Both propositions failed to
get even 50 per cent of the votes
of those who did vote. There were
14 yes votes and 22 no votes on
one proposition and 10 yes votes
and 26 no votes on the other.
While the school board was
meeting to plan to put the special
levy on the ballot again, a group
of citizens in the area was meeting
to discuss methods of getting the
district consolidated with the
Shelton School District.
A spokesman for the group
which favors annexation said at a
meeting at which parents of about
half of the students in the school
were represented, it was agreed
that consolidation would be the
best answer, i:
The spokesman stated the
group planned to meet with the
school board to try to get them to
take the steps necessary for :i
annexation, and, if they would
not, the group would seek some i
other method of getting
annexation put to a vote.
The spokesman said he
believed the defeat of the special
levy last week was largely based
on disatisfaction with the present
school operation.
LID Given
The Shelton City Commission
received a letter signed by several
residents of E St. from Adams to
Madison protesting the street
improvement LID which is
planned in their area.
They stated in the letter they
are opposed to the improvement
and that some of them had paid
on an assessment on other streets
last year.
The LID petition on that
section of street was signed by the
City Park and Recreation
Commission on behalf of Callanan
Park which is on one side of the
Those who signed the letter ti~
the commission stated the
petition had not been circulated
in the area.