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etter box:
The political animals aren't restless - they're out of their
It was hard enough to separate the monkeys from the
aardvarks and the hawks from the doves before President
Nixon's two recent bombshell announcements - his trip to
China and his economic edicts - but now it is virtually
Senator Henry M. Jackson, who aspires to be the first
president of the United States with a summer White House in
Mukilteo, found he suddenly had an unwanted partner for
the Wage and Price Control Shuffle, his favorite solo dance.
He could only mutter that it was "too little and too
late." This put him in the awkward position of declaring that
what President Nixon is doing in 1971 is too late, but would
be just in time should Jackson be elected and put it into
effect in January, 1973. This type of reasoning is called
"political logic" and is what carries our leaders to the top.
George Meany, who had been lulled into a sense of false
security by chummy tea-and-crumpet sessions at the White
House with King Richard, also was rattling the bars of his
cage while standing on his head looking into a mirror.
Senator Edmund Muskie, who entered the 1972
presidential race at the same time as President Nixon -
January 20, 1969 - went underground. Close friends say he
may surface again next March.
George McGovern, who was rising to national popularity
with the speed of a prairie schooner, denounced the entire
economic package as a hoax and then announced he is
abandoning the Vietnam War as a campaign issue and will
concentrate on the state of the economy.
Treasury Secretary John Connally, the jackass who is
now allowed to play in the elephant compound, said he
favored exemption from the ten per cent surcharge on
foreign imports for Rolls Royce parts sold to Lockheed
Aircraft, but quickly abandoned that dream as the howls
arose from across the land.
All of the animals are sure to get more irrational as
President Nixon continues his hop-scotch approach to the
1972 presidential election. He has been on both sides of most
issues, but has yet to unveil his big weapon - a stance on
three sides of one issue, simultaneously.
It is difficult to predict the exact actions of the political
animals as the election nears, but the following examples
probably approximate what the citizens of our nation can
WASHINGTON -- Presidential Press Secretary Ronald L.
Ziegler denounced as "ridiculous" the charge that President
Nixon was politically inspired when he told an informal
meeting of black leaders that he had given serious thought to
leaving the Republican party for the Peace and Freedom
Establishment of a new
position in county government,
the position of county tax
advisor, is being considered by the
newly-created interim Property
Tax Committee.
The charge was made by Democratic Presidential The tax advisorwouldassume
....... the role of a public defender in
Candidate John Lmdsay, who is leadmg m the opm ton polks ........................ .
IlL the standard-bearer of the new Re~,~White ah(d~B[~i~ ~.~ax ~.~cas~i~, w~i~resent
taxpayers m sltuanons wnere me
party, amount ot tax in dispute isn't
SAN DIEGO - Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate
Henry M. Jackson today described as "too little and too late"
President Richard Nixon's nuclear destruction of Taiwan as a
gesture of goodwill toward the People's Republic of China.
"With his usual slipshod haste," Jackson told a gathering
of west coast shipping executives, "the president overlooked
Quemoy and Matsu, which are directly in the path of
shipping routes from mainland China to west coast ports."
Governor Ronald Reagan, Democratic presidential
candidate, was unavailable for comment, since he is still
involved in picketing a Fresno supermarket which sells
non-union grapes.
sufficient to justify retaining an
attorney. Presumably the position
would be appointive.
Though the Property Tax
Committee was created by
statute, few have been aware of
its existence. It was wrapped up
in the tax relief package (Sub HB
283) passed by the 1971
Legislature. It hasn't any
connection with the Legislative
Council's long-standing
Committee on Revenue and
Regulatory Agencies, but the
council staff is doing the staff
work for the new committee,
under a contract rate of $500 a
It is truly bipartisan, with
four members from each political
party, two of each from each
house,but its co-chairman both
come from the House of
Representatives, Reps. Sid
Flanagan, R., Quincy, and Ted
Bottiger, D., Tacoma.
Natural Gas Frozen
Washington Natural Gas
Company was the only public
utility in this state to feel
ST. LOUIS - Senator Edmund Muskie denied that there
is any inconsistency in his unequivocal backing of the
Reagan-Jackson ticket.
"Under their leadership," he told a cheering throng of
elementary school pupils, "we will return to the golden days
of Harry Truman and Alben Barkley."
HONOLULU - "The war in Vietnam is over," Senator
George McGovern said this week from a hospital bed in Good
Samaritan Hospital.
"I am more firmly convinced of that fact than ever, now
that my two-week tour of Southeast Asia is ended. Not one
American boy was killed during the two weeks."
Senator McGovern is recovering from wounds received
when a helicopter in which he was riding was shot down by
enemy gunfire on the outskirts of Saigon.
PUYALLUP - Comedian Bob Hope, John Lindsay's
running mate on the Red, White and Black ticket, had a
group of Puyallup Indians whooping with delight minutes
after his arrival here on a whirlwind tour of the continental
United States and Texas.
When asked by the master of ceremonies how he felt
after the flight from Gallup, New Mexico, Hope replied, "My
arms are tired."
WASHINGTON - Senator William Fulbright, who
delivered the keynote address at the recent Republican
National Convention, revealed today that he is rapidly
becoming disenchanted with the GOP ticket.
"Strange things are happening in this campaign," he said.
"It reminds me of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - you give
some yahoo a little encouragement and the first thing you
know he has gone overboard."
NEW YORK - Presidential Candidate George Wallace
departed from his prepared script last night to tell a
nationwide television audience that "There isn't nine cents
worth of difference between Nixon, Reagan and Lindsay."
"The price of glory and the wages of sin have been exempted."
Mailing Address: Box 430, Shelton, Wa. 98584 Phone 426-4412
Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington,
weekly, except two issues during week of Thanksgiving.
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Shelton, Wa.
EDITOR AND PUBLIsHER ...................... Henry G. Gay
Page 4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 26,
immediate effects of President
Nixon's wage-price freeze. Its
petition for a rate increase has
been completed, and the State
Public Utilities and
Transportation Commission was
expected to issue an order about
the end of this month.
But Pacific Northwest Bell
will feel the impact most if the
freeze is extended beyond its
present 90-day period. The wage
Complain, if you like, about modern styles.
But before you elevate your blood pressure about
bearded young men and straight-haired young women, take
note of one improvement:
It is possible, these days, to spend hours in a public place
without seeing one girl whose head looks like a display from
a hardware store.
There was a time when no teen-age girl would venture out
of the house without first racking up her hair on an
assortment of metallic implements.
It gave her the look of a Martian preparing to blast off,
but it was the style.
In theory, all the equipment was designed to give the
young lady a set of lovely curls. Since she never removed it
until her wedding day, the average spectator was unable to
learn how well it worked.
Today things are different.
The girls all try to look alike, as always, but they do so
by parting their hair in the center and letting it hang straight
You may argue that this lacks something in the way of
art. If your taste runs to curly-haired girls, you are in trouble.
But you'll have to admit that a head of hair beats a head
covered with hardware every time.
from the Bainbridge Review
" people
The sprawling labyrinth that is Madigan General Hospital
serves as a sterile filter for thousands of war-torn Vietnam
veterans making one last lonely stopover before returning
home from the war.
"Our major mission is patient care," says Brig. Gen. John
Boyd Coates Jr., commanding general of the hospital, and
that is true .... physical care of wounded men is indeed of a
high caliber here.
But every bit as evident as missing arms and eyes,
immobilized fingers and crutches everywhere, are bitterness
and despair left awash in the wake of a violent and confusing
"l've forgotten about it," says Danny Smith, 20-year-old
former California athlete. But Danny Smith, who left a leg in
Vietnam, hasn't really forgotten his 17 months under fire.
He's tried, but he can't.
"I'm so grateful to be home I'd just like to forget it," he
amends. "Forget I was ever there."
Danny wheels along the vast hospital's endless corridors
in a wheelchair, awaiting the day when he is discharged to
pursue dreams of becoming a physical education instructor.
He passes wards full of mutilated men of war, quiet men
who stare at walls and beds and floors and stand for long
periods of time at windows.
He approaches the intersection of two hallways and
glances up into a round convex mirror that reflects a
wide-angle backward image of the halls and of Danny. It is an
increase negotiated between
unions and parent A.T. & T. is
already in effect and exempt from
the freeze.
It is costing Pacific Northwest
Bell about $1 million a month,
and has been incorporated into
the company's petition for a rate
increase which now is pending
before the ~l~at~, ~gency..,ttearirtgs
on ,the, ~as~ ~won't be i;ompleted
within 90 days, so if the.price
freeze isn't extended, the
company won't be affected. But
if the freeze is extended into next
year, the company could be hurt.
Liquor On Borrowed Time
The 10 per cent surcharge on
imports won't have any
immediate impact on prices of
imported liquors and wines sold
in state liquor stores until present
supplies are exhausted. Under the
freeze, the Liquor Control Board
can't raise prices, but the
surcharge is considered a tax,
which can be passed on to the
The amount of the impending
increase can't be computed by
adjusting it to the price paid by
the purchaser. It is imposed on
the price the Liquor Board pays,
before markup and taxes, and will
vary from brand to brand. On a
popular brand of Scotch selling
for $8.20 a fifth, the surcharge
would boost the price to $8.50.
New License Approach
There will be another attempt
to enact legislation imposing a
license on fishing for salmon for
personal use.
Editor, The Journal:
On returning home and
finding time to catch up on my
reading found to my dismay that
on your editorial page we are
considered Airstream Freaks, tsk
tsk didn't you have anything else
to put in your paper. It seems to
me that Alice Dieter should be
answered and having been a
"Wally Byam Carravaner" for a
number of years and having been
fortunate to have known Mr. Byam
here goes.
Having toured this great
country, Mexico and Canada with
the Wally Byam Carravaners
(Airstream Freaks) and been a
member of their club I should like
to answer Alice Dieter's
comments. First if she was so
interested in the church picnic as
she calls it at Farragut State Park
seems to me she would have been
at it instead of at the beach. We
were at the International Rally at
Salem, Ore. with our fellow
As for sharing the hiway with
us conformists, perhaps she
should realize these are the same
people who through their years of
working have paid the taxes to
build these same hiways and
through their purchase of gas and
the taxes collected are helping to
maintain the present hiway
system and help build new ones
for all of us to travel.
Is it any worse to require only
Airstream owners to belong to
our club than it is to have her
kind of person to belong to her
religious group. All are welcome
no matter what religion you
belong to. We do not even ask
what your politics are. Chaplains
from all faiths open our daily
In the long days of my youth
we traveled with a team of horses
in a buggy or wagon to go places
and believe me it is much nicer in
a travel trailer and so much more
comfortable at least it doesn't
leak as has some of our tents.
How else could I and my fellow
carravaners see this beautiful
country of ours. Surely Alice you
wouldn't deprive us of our right
to meet and visit with old friends
whom we have met in so many
different states, countries and at
our club rallies. This is the
purpose of living, or should we
also give that up just to please
you and yours?
Of course we all have
numbers. Think how confusing it
would be for you if you all hazd
the same kind ~f-hous~i and
didn't have street signs and how
embarrasing it might be for you
or your neighbors to have you
come barging into their home
thinking it was yours. As for our
age group, most of us are past our
productive years and are retired
after having raised our families
Editor, The Journal:
Our family attended the very
Mason County Fair today and I very re~
had to write a note publicly to whole
congratulate Bill Brown and all enjoyed
the other people involved in
bringing Mason County a real and all
treat, called a rodeo, hard
This event was great
inclusive reflection, clear and all-enveloping, but distorted
and grotesque despite its functional facility.
Danny wheels on. He is a vibrant young man with red
hair and a big smile. A hearty handshake here, a wave there, a
crisp, military "hello" to nurses and visitors, even strangers.
He passes Ward 9-A, the officers' ward.
Inside is James Ross, 21, of Hermiston, Oregon survivor
years to pay
schools. We
see some of
We are
way of life
please give us'
for our ages
golden yearS.
children who
we did not
old folks
care for us,
are that we
as many
there are in
matter the
timers try
room to
when we
pull off
Any law
country as
persons you
about can
you obey
rights of
law breakerS
feel as
better able
breakers or
about the
than those
garbage at
private pro!
If you
our rallies
than they
You will
up papel
which we lz]~
do for the
while in the
parking fee
field we use
more behin~
of two helicopter crashes, but just barely. He's recovering the largest hospital in the Pacific
from injuries suffered when his chopper was blasted from acres. It is kept meticulously cleaJ
Vietnamese treetops by machine gun fire. Nobody elseattempts to brighten the atmosphere,
aboard lived through it. Ross remembers that only too well, make it bright. 1
but he is reluctant to talk about it. Instead he sits silently in It is, a fine hospital in every waY,
front a television set with a lemonade in one hand, hospital anywhere to lift his spiritS, .a
shrapnel in the other.
victims of war. Reminders of tlatS
Danny passes the physical therapy area but he doesn't .... h
hospital s physical layout, whtc
stop there, either. If he did he would see Ricky Van Meter, spraw! because that was 1944, a war
20, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, working hard to revitalize said, If the hospital happened to be
muscles and nerves that will be needed to operate an artificial
arm" Ricky talks quietly' straightf°rwardly and s° calmly i 12 °giln ! Oo2iiAal ip g ! ir; fs ° Ps
about his loss that it s almost as though a benign, protective
shock has set in to help ease him through the hospital and Coates emphasizes that "Pride in our
other future ordeals.
All along the corridors are nurses. One hospital official
says "they might seem crusty and hard because they rarely
give the men sympathy. Butthey're not hard-boiled, not
really. These nurses hurt for the men, but sympathy is not
what they need right now. A lot of our nurses put in a day
here, then go home and cry."
wonder we
instead of
stay as you
you w
who like
but we also
rallies atad,
they have
are going
for our
object to
ge neration
knock it till
Danny's wheelchair takes him
where he stops. The smile has left his
inner anguish escapes. "If people
American soldier," he says, "why
see these boys who didn't come horn
Madigan Hospital, on the
large place, with 1,200 beds and 1
based on beauty of locale, moder
installation alone.., but on service to
suffered so much in the defense
And inside, Danny Smith and
fragmented men mark time, waiting.
can at last begin reconstruction of tlael
Thanks 1