August 26, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 26, 1971 |
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A native of Washington, Mrs.
Violet Getty was born in Sumas.
When she was two years old her
parents purchased, in
co-ownership with her uncle, a
farm in the San Juan Islands near
There they raised sheep and
horses, and there, when Violet
Getty was five years old, her
mother was killed when a horse
ran away with the buggy in which
she was riding.
Mrs. Getty's three-year-old
sister and her 11-year old brother
were taken into the home of Mrs.
Rachel Knott, who had been a
close friend of the children's
"They had been friends in the
East,'" Violet Getty explains,
"and they came West together."
l, or two years Violet
remained with her father, after
which she, too, joined Miss
K nott's household, where she
lived trom 1918 until 1932.
Rachel Knott, who was a
registered nurse, owned a farm
called Sunnybeach, which was
located ten miles east of Olympia.
Also in residence was Dr. Mary M.
Huxley, a physician. Two
convalescent patients were cared
for on the premises.
Upon Violet's marriage to
John D. (;city, she came to
Shelton and raised her three sons,
John David Jr., Calvin Ray and
Patrick Henry who now reside,
respectively, in Banning, Cal.,
Vancouver, Wa., and Seattle.
There are six grandsons and three
"When nay boy~ were young,"
Mrs. Getty recalls, "'I was active in
both Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts
My family was my lite/'
Mrs;. (;etly was wid(~wed in
1966. Her lile is now filled with
other people's children. She
works as a full-time baby-sitter
for employcd parents.
"1 love little ones," she
For three years she cared for
the children of Mary Ann Myers,
Dr. Wayne Carte's nurse, and
Lodge President
To Visit Rebekah
Mrs. Mildred Peterson of
Sequirn, President of the Rebekah
Assembly of Washington, will pay
her official visit to Ruby Rebekah
Lodge No. 75 on Friday.
Officers are requested to wear
formals tor this nreeting. Serving
wilt be Mrs. Teckla Anderson and
Mrs. Amelia Clapper.
"WHEN I'M NOT BABY-SITTING I'm crocheting", says Mrs.
Violet Getty.
when I)r. Schumacher's family Apple Sauce Cake
w:ls !, ~ung,she was iheir 2 C. applesauce
baby-sJ~ tcr. 2 C. white sugar
"'When i'm not '.,aby-sitting, ½C. shortening
I'm cr:~cl|eting," Varlet Getty 3 tsp. cinammon
states. ½ tsp. allspice
She is n~ lm~kinL Jn ,lghan :¼ tsp. cloves
in the original afghan stitch. ½C. raisins
Strips of variegated green will be ½ C. currants
set together with strips of dark ½ C. walnuts
green, and the fini:,hed afghan will 1 tsp. soda in ¼ C.
be edged in popcorn stitch, hot water
3 C. flour
('rochet-covered coat-hangers 1 tsp. baking powder
are sort of a specialty. She has 1 tsp. salt
made between 50 and 60 of them,
most of which were given am igifts~
"'When I had my family to
cook tor," Violet (Jolty says, "1
did lots of baking bread,
cinammon rolls, cakes and
cookies. They preferred plain,
simple American cooking, and
always complained when I served
anything very fancy."
One of her favorite recipes is
for a basic applesauce cake that
can also be used for fruit cake
She bakes the fruit cakes in small
loaves to be frozen.
"They make good gifts," she
(Curg ,o ,, I@si nd : Inuts
fruits to make fruit cake.) *,'
Cream sugar and shortening;
add applesauce, then soda and
mix well. Add dry ingredients
and fruits. Bake at 375 degrees
for 30 to 40 minutes.
Open House
Will Honor
aid Parks
announce the engagement of their daughter. Rosalie Dianne,
to Donald Depoe, the son of Mr and Mrs. Theodore R.
Depoe, Shelton. No wedding date has been set.
, ll You Should Know
The reason men insure is I
not because they are afraid to I
':~ die, but because they know
their families must live. O
t 1717 Olympic Highway North
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A reception will be held for
Gerald Parks, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Bartlett Parks, this Saturday
afternoon between the hours of 2
p.m. and 5 p.m. at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martig, 409
Oak Street on Capitol Hill.
Parks is now residing in
Trieste, Italy where he moved in
April of 1970 as a Pioneer for the
Baha'i Faith. He is presently
teaching English at the University
of Trieste at the Interpreters
School. The school is one of 11
throughout Europe and the
United States which form an
International League of
Interpreters and Translators.
Gerald Parks was elected as a
delegate to the National Baha'i
Convention in Italy this year and
has served on the Italian Baha'i
Summer School Committee.
He has been visiting his
parents in Shelton during the past
month and will leave on August
31 to return to Italy by way of
Wilmette, Illinois where he will
visit the world famous Baha'i
House of Worship at the National
Baha'i Center.
Friends, relatives and old
acquaintances are invited to the
Open House to meet with Parks
and to bid him farewell.
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 26, 1971
One charter member and
seven past presidents attended the
25th anniversary meeting and
noon potluck luncheon of the
Union Civic Club held in the
Union Fire Hall Aug. 6.
Guests were Orabelle Avey of
Potlatch, Lila Scheel of Olympia,
Tillie Sherman of Bremerton, Ella
May Clark of Nashville, Tenn. and
Jean Moore, Marjorie Bittle Stairs,
Elaine Cook and Helen Timm of
The program for the day was
a partial history presented by
Wanda Wyatt Nilson, the only
charter member still residing in
Union, who said:
"The first meeting of the
group that was to become the
Union Ladies Civic Club (now
Union Civic Club) was held at the
home of Mrs. Pauline Winne 25
years ago today, on August 6,
"There was a need for
organized help at the local school
and in our community. In order
to get the club started, Mrs.
Winne sent invitations to the
women who were associated with
the Sunday School in Union, for
she knew they were interested in
young people.
"This was the first of many
potluck luncheons. Charter
members were: Edith Lamon,
Iness Irvine, Wanda Wyatt, Velma
Bittle and Pauline Winne.
"The object was to provide a
social outlet for members; to
promote children's activities; and
to further community welfare.
Membership was open at that
time only to residents of the
Union School District No. 10.
"First elected officers were:
President, Pauline Winne; Vice
President, Velma Bittle;
Secretary, Iness Irvine; Treasurer,
Edith Lamon; Assistant Secretary
& Treasurer, Wanda Wyatt.
"Standing committees of
publicity chairman, historian and
flower fund were established.
"Enrolled at the second
meeting were new members
Eleanor Buechel, Mrs. Snyder,
Mrs. Nosworthy, Bessie Mawson
and Diane Walker.
"Meetings were planned for
once a month with meeting place
planned by the hostess; the first
several meetings were in homes,
on second Thursdays of the
month, at noon. Dues were $1.00
a year.
"A resident of the school
district could visit (at that time)
only twice a year; this rule was
made in hopes that the guest
would join and become an active
"The first community project
was a Halloween party at the
school on Saturday, October 26,
1946. The first big money making
project was the bazaar at the
Masonic Hall on December 12th.
The receipts before expenses were
paid, were $346.39. This first
event was not only a bazaar but a
carnival and a vaudeville show.
The newspaper clippings reveal
that participants were: the
Monroes, McGhees, Vernon
Morris family, Dick Allen, Mary
Lou Jamison, and Johnny
"At the end of the first year
there were twenty members.
There was community singing for
the entertainment at the 1947
Bazaar at Alderbrook Inn.
"A highlight for several years,
and quite a social event was the
yearly dinner dance at the Chicken
Dinner Inn.
"The group worked on many
floats for the Forest Festival in
Shelton, and won many prizes.
Rummage sales were started, one
was in 1952. There was work with
the TB Association. In 1953 the
members worked with the fire
"A joint production by the
Improvement Club and the Union
Civic Club was a never to be
forgotten event, the home talent
!954", with Bernie Dorsey as the
Director. To the capacity crowd
for two nights this was great
entertainment. The "Appaloosa
Wranglers", "Liberace and His
Brother", and the skit, "Life Can
be Revoltin", were a few of the
presentations with Karl O'Berry
the man behind the colored lights
and Otto Wojahn at the audio
"The years were full: the
nautical theme festival float of
1958, and its first prize, the
skatin~ narties for the youngsters.
Square dances entered the scene
with Otto Wojahn calling. 1964
saw another talent show. Then
came game nights. Pollution
became of interest in 1967.
"There was a series of speakers.
A style show at Bishopbrook
made social headlines in 1967,
held in cooperation with Mode
O'Day in Shelton and the various
MR. AND MRS. IVAN FAHRNKOPF will be honored on
their Golden Wedding anniversary at a family reunion to be
hosted by their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Johnston, in their home on Saturday. The Fahrnkopfs were
married Aug. 28, 1921 in Minot, N.D. They came to
Washington in 1928 and have lived in Shelton since 1941.
Ivan Fahrnkopf is retired from ITT Rayonier. Attending the
reunion will be the couple's six children, 21 grandchildren
and nine great-grandchildren.
you save
It all begins on Friday at 5 P.M. The
low weekend Long Distance Rate on all
ca Is out-of-state And it lasts until 5 P.M.
on Sunday. Just clial the call yourself
anytime during that period. And you'll
save. Complete Long Distance dialing
information is in the Call Guide section in
the front of your phone book.
Pacific Northwest Bell
owners of historical gowns.
"Our Union Civic Club
sponsored school parties, girl
scouts, 4-H clubs. The list is
endless, one of the last big events
being the retirement party of
Lucile and Otto Wojahn,
accomplished with the
cooperation of the Fire
Department and the Improvement
Club. It was a gala affair and a
great tribute to two people who
have worked so hard for this
"All organizations must have a
rudder, someone to guide, push,
cajol, or do whatever else is
needed to get and to keep people
"In this club, the person at the
helm is the president, These have
been: Pauline Winne, Wanda
Wyatt, Virginia Grout, Ingrid
Brunstrom, Maria James, Myrne
Lazzar, Lila Scheel, Alice Adams,
Mrs. Thoran Ryan, Lucile
Wojahn, Lucite Blake, Helen
Timm, Kaye Sterling, Eleanor
Buechel, Dorothy Mercier, Betty
Shero, Gladys Sherman, Shirley
Cowan, Betty Dean, Vera Bishop,
Helen Pearce, and Alice Snuffin,
our president for 1971.
"There must always be a
moment of sadness and may we
give just a moment of our time in
thought to our members who are
no longer with us. Among them
are Pauline Winne, our first
president, Vivien Jones, Georgia
Bacon, Mary Pfundt, Ingrid
Brunstrom, Sophia Nelson, Oletha
Stark, Helen Andersen, Grace
Lyons, Estelle Vlhaites. Laura
Gait, and Dianne Walker.
"Notes of regret were received
from charter members not able to
attend. In conclusion, I could not
give a better summary than the
words of our charter member,
A NOVEMBER WEDDING is planned fo
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cowan
Gary Ehler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett
The bride-to-be is a Shelton High
attended Olympic College. She is em
in Bremerton. Her fiance attended Green
...... rvinq in the U. S. Navy and is
Jan Danford, Society Editor
Iness Irvine, who wrote as Id Ag PI
follovcs; 'Dear Wanda, I received GO en ersan
the invitation today for the 25th
year celebration of "our" club
and became very nostalgic about
all of the wonderful women who
were in the club during the years I
was associated with it. To be
honest, the time rolled away and
clearly I could see all of you once
'"The club had a small
beginning, but grew at all times.
The Canal needed just such a
grou0 and still does.
' "It breaks my heart to say I
cannot be there at this time,
because I have looked towards
this 25th year anniversary for
some time. However, I will be
The Golden Age Club will residence.
meet at 6 p.m. today in the' persons
Memorial Hall for a potluck Olympia,
supper to be followed by a Shelton.
business meeting and an evening Games
of music, card games and potluck,
dancing, p r o v i d e d
The annual club picnic was Panoramacity' "
held last Thursday from noon to
4 p.m. at the Herb Brumbaugh
VFW Women
Will Elect
with all of you in spirit andN offi
thought that day, even thougtl I ..... ,~W cers
An election of officers will be
held by the Mason County Ladies
Auxiliary to the Veterans of
Foreign Wars in the Memorial Hall
at 8 p.m. on September 3.
Vacancies exist because of illness
and a resignation.
A rummage sale will be held
by the group next Thursday in
the PUD auditorium. Members.
will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday
in the home of Mrs. Darrell
Sparks to prepare items for the
sale. Luncheon will be potluck.
Mothers To Meet
Guild To
will holdits
8 in the chur
bring a
noon lunC
provided. -,
at 1 p.m.
held on the
each month. =
S •
of Moose
dance on
2 a.m., at
will be se
of the
TuesdaY. "
will be at work.
,',"May all who gather at this
25th year anniversary have the
wonderful fellowship we who
started the club knew with one
' "My best to all the members,
as ever, Iness Irvine.'"
Jordan Clappers
Feted By Lodges
At Farewell Party
Navy Mothers Club will meet
at 7:30 p.m. next Thursday in the
home of Mrs. Don Aitken at 642
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Clapper
were honored at a farewell party
on August 18 in the Odd Fellow
Hall where members of the IOOF
Lodge No. 62 and Ruby Rebekah
Lodge No. 75 hosted a card
On September 1 Mr. and Mrs.
Clapper will leave for Iowa, where
they will make their home.
for YOU
Q. How can I preven* crows'
feet" from developing?
A. "Crows' feet" develop more
readily when the skin is dry. To
~revent the skin around the eyes
from drying, apply a light-textured
emollient eye cream every night.
Squinting also encourages the
development of lines around the
eyes. For this reason, sunglasses
should always be worn in bright
sunlight. When sunbathing, cover
your eyes with special eyepads.
These Pads can also be used to ease
tired eyes after driving, reading or
Q. I would like to buy a
)erfume for my wife. How do I go
about choosing the right one for
A. Perfumes, like people, have
'personalities." Some are
stimulating, some soothing, some
innocent, some gay and so on.
The personality of the perfume
should match the personality of the
user. if your wife Is the "motherly"
type, for example, she might like a
sophisticated or a tender
perfume.., but she would probably
not care for a sportive or a
vivacious fragrance.
Perfumes are also "seasonal". In
the winter, a heavy oil-based
fragrance will give more satisfaction
than a light fragrance.
Non 's. armacy
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Great Cover-ups"
Regularly $29.50 NOW
(Wig price good until ~1
Refreshments Will be set'
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Vacationers and newcomers v
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telh's Be=lull
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