August 26, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 26, 1971 |
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Talk Slated
For Grange
Rear Admiral William Butler,
USN Retired, will present
comments from the service point
of view on the "Sale of the
Pentagon" at a meeting of the
Fair Harbor Grange to be held at
7:30 p.m. next Thursday in the
Grapeview fire hall.
A potluck supper will be
served at 6 p.m.
Winners Named
For Bridge Club
Winners at the Monday night
meeting of the Shelton Duplicate
Bridge Club were, for
North-South, Doris and Roy
Christy, and Bob Elliot and Bruce
East-West winners were Kay
Jackson and Elsa Schlosser, and
Ann Batchelor and Shirley Byrne.
Meeting Planned
Robert Griffith Owens and
Vicki Leigh Owens, both of
Council To Meet
At Noon Potluck
Today, Thursday, August 26
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Rummage Sale, 10 a.m. - 2
p.m., PUD. Boy Scout Troop No.
Rummage Garage Sale, 9 a.m.
- 6 p.m., Latter Day Saints
Church. 1427 Boundary St.
Golden Age Club, 6 p.m.,
Memorial Hall.
Friday, August 27
Chamber of Commerce board
meeting, 7:30 a.m. - Timbers
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m.,
IOOF hall.
Mason County Senior Citizens
Council noon potluck at the
Multi-service Center.
Rummage garage sale, 9 a.m.
- 6 p.m., Latter Day Saints
Church, 1427 Boundary St.
Shelton Art Club, 7:30 p.m.,
Thursday, Sept. 2
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cute.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court
house annex.
Yacht Club dinner, 6 p.m.,
business meeting, 8 p.m., at the
Multi-service Center board
meeting, 7:30 p.m., at the center•
DPW, noon, Lake Limerick
Fair Harbor Grange, potluck
at 6 p.m., meeting at 7:30 p.m.,
Grapeview Fire Hall.
Navy Mothers Club, 7:30
p.m., home of Mrs. Don Aitken.
VWWI Madrona Barracks No.
1462 and auxiliary noon potluck
and meeting, Memorial Hall.
Rummage Sale, PUD, VFW
Mason County Senior Citizen
Council will meet for a noon
potluck dinner on Friday in the
Multi-service Center at second and
Grove streets• Each person should
bring a place setting•
Veterans of World War I
Madrona Barracks No. 1462 and
auxiliary will meet in the Memorial
Hall next Thursday for a noon
potluck followed by a business
meeting and entertainment•
Potluck Planned
Welcome Chapter DES Social
Club will meet on September 7
for a noon potluck luncheon in
the Masonic Temple.
DPW To Meet
By David Ray Saturday, August 28 Daughters of the Pioneers of Les Okonek
The David Ray Orthopedic Rummage garage sale, 9 a.m. Washington will meet in Lake
Auxiliary will meet next -6 p.m., Latter Day Saints ~ Thursday.Limerick Inn at noon nextI I ea e Soot
Thursday at 10 a.m. in the home Church, 1427 Boundary St. I
of Mrs. Arthur Krause, Union, to Moose Dance, at the Lodge, 8
discuss plans for a rummage sale p.m. - 2 a.m. Breakfast at 2 a.m.
to be held September 9th in the Sunday, August 29 t j~AN DI~ANFO~RD 1 Sale Scheduled ~ii~i:i ~i,i
PUD auditorium. Shelton churches invite you '
to attend the church of your A oarage rummage sale will be
sponsored by the Latter Day
choice. By Saints Church from 9 a.m. to 6
Shelton Students Monday, August 30 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and
POD No. 3 commission "~al Saturday at 1427 Boundary St.
To Win Degrees meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference
room. there is a machine that writes all a matter of working together• experience
Shelton, are summer quarter
JAYNI HUNTER has worked diliqently to train her Arabian candidates for degrees in
gelding, "Gha-Rok". education at Central Washington
State College.
County commission meeting,
10 a.m., court house.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15
p.m., PUD auditorium.
Goodwill truck in town.
Phone 426-4847 for pickups•
poetry; he's not bad, either.
Although the output of this
precocious piece of paraphernalia
has not as yet won any Pulitzer
prizes, it rivals the finest examples
to be found in avant-guarde
Calliopsis Is
He cites as an example the does
accomplishments of our nation in those who are
the space race. educahon.
"There's nothing that we Although
can't do," he states, "if we all that many
ly Grown work together." college dc
It's About Time Tops, 7 p.m., literary quarterlies. Les Okonek, who is majoring minimum
"-'Jaynl Hunter"'J~,aesAm~l.iA kj.~ral[~ ~,~ i .i- ~ JR I1 County HealthGffice. The machine has a vocabulary Calliopsis, the name usually in civil engineering, has been is convi.~ '-e
~,~a|e | 0 l~e Me|a. Tuesday;, Auousto 31 of 850 words and is programmed g'lven to the annual form of employed by the Mason County really tries.n_,
coreops~s, ~s one of the easmst H~ wa De r n nee w~tla-"
'Tve been riding as long as l training was subsequently Boy Scout Troop No. 112 will Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, for .32 possible grammatical lants ioSu ~an ow " "ugly y pa tme t for the past cha "
can remember," says 14-year-old accomplished by Jayniherself.hold a rummage sale in the PUD Timbers Restaurant structures. .. • . p y gr fou summers any sort.
auditorium from10 a.m. to 2 Cit- commission meetin" 8 One of his better eIzorts Is . ,, , " ,, ,)i
J ay n i H unter who was Fadena's daughter, Sabrina, is p.m. today, pm, c[tyhall ~' entitled"Roses". Just drop the seeds in That s my certificate to A lot
theground anywhere that there's college," he laughs. "I work as a undoubtedl/
participating in parades as a now three years old, and her
kindergartener, training has been started. Jayni Joint meeting Shelton Moose .~ sun. Soil makes no difference, surveyor's helper which is space,"here~:
goodor bad will do. And no real excellent experience, as I may go more usefu
Her mother, Mrs. Jim Hunter, also has trained a pony for a [,~n .... a WnT~ "7 n m ~t th~ ~ew fingers go like narrow laughs, - 1 el~
recalls vividly how she held her neighbor. ~ . ~! t .!- A • . ~,,~ ............ , - v ..... , ......An ear won't keep few fishes, care is needed, into this field as a career." He finds
breath when the precocious Riding is a family affair for /l~rr t~|UD |O ~eer lunge. Who is that rose in The odd common name of He studies statics, stress and within the scl
four-year-old, mounted bareback the Hunters. With older brotherThe Shelton Art Club will Wednesday, Sept. 1 that blind house? tickseed comes from the structures, calculus 172, strong feelV!
f the seeds which chemist 1 to exte~
on a 1 6-and-a-half hand Curt and younger brother Greg, meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m., And all slim, gracious blindappearance o , " " ry 02 and physics 201. regard i
Morgan-Thoroughbred mare, Jayni and her parents make the PUD building. Multi-service Center. planes are coming, impressed early botanists as being Next summer he will spend eight Les is ~
The cry badly along a rose, bug-like, weeks in a summer surveying Edward J. t)~,
galloped,,showingmadlYoff,,aroundfor thevisitingfarm, onfrequenthorseback.trips intoA packhorsethe mountainScarries ~ ~ To lead is stuffy, to crawl Flowers are showy and appear camp. One semester in addition to and he has ,
~ wastender, all through the summer Most are his senior year will earn for him Richard, who
children• sleeping bagsand dehydrated
~ ~'S]ll~rO~e ~bef~olr¢~'slae~ food. ~, ~ ~ The icy fingers of premonltion yel!Ow with the base of each petal his degree. He will then decide "I'll det~,i
..... ~'~,~;-"~l~'l~r~h'~X'~"g~r. ~"i""*~d:renily rough it," Jayni ~~ ...... ~"~ ~ pluekuponmyheartstringsadirBeadeepm~ar00n, whether or not to specialize.: ;. Pacifi'e'NoJ
'14irst ~e ~n the saddle in declares. ~ -• ~.~. ~ "~ ~' of potential doom as I peruse the T h e r e a r e b o t h Les Okonek believes in Okonek, "bUI
trent oi her dad. and soon tter other activities include .... ~ poignant pennings of the double-flowered and single personal integrityand freedom, a while aft e2~
progressed to riding alone and piano lessons. She has studied Auto-Beatnik. flowered forms in tall and short "I think it is very important," may be dra~:
heights The tall grows to 3 feet he declares "t t He enjoys
unassisted, although she with Mrs. Louie Larson for six .... , . , " • , ha each person do n
occasionally dismounted with an years. She is a member of the i/~!:::: I am with envy and the dwarf to only 8 inches what he re ,, n,~, waterskii g
• all: wants to .... f he , ,
e n t i r e 1 y u n i n t e n t i o n al Baptist Church and attended this Turning green Use the tall ones for cutting; has a ,,oal, he should have the "I d r~
somersault." summer the Bible Camp held for a As I behold the the short foredgingbeds or opportunity to pursue it;if he has anywh.ere bl
borders no retains
When Jayni was six years old week at Ocean Park, and she also ....... ....... . • goal, he should be free to ma" •
Verse Machine
You can usually buy seeds of mdul e m ~dlene t 1 h
her parents considered her took a course of tennis lessons in ~i~~:~~ ..... ...... ~ " g, • " ss ifh's isis
the tall growers only in mixture c~.~:_e , r'-----_ ,~,
capable of handling a spirited Shelton. She was a student in the The sorry fact
• . I TO
of colors of single flowered or Okone o
horse and purchased for her the Christian Charm Course I long have faced - k c nsiders college as I ~.~L
Arabian mare Fadena. For theconducted by Pat Johnson. She That I, indeed, could double-flowered or both types. "a fantastic way to get ahead".I ~OU~
But the shorter vanetles have
past six years Jayni has been snow skiis and water skiis. Be replaced. " ' He enrolled with an open mind. I 1,1~|
active in 4-H work, and she is aJayni, who will be in the ~i~
names; Tiger Star and Golden Ray"Had I decided that 1 didn't I "'-
being two of them Both of these h
member of the Valley Vacqueros, ninth grade when school resumes, Yet would I bow " • "ke it, after the first quarter I I ..
the clubEadena, headed ridden by her bym°ther" Jayni in was Associated votedstudent secretary Body and of she the To budding Poe mounds grow 8 inches of color tall. and T~ger " form Starlittle has wasn t would , have that _ Quit way. I ," he says really _ , "but like it [I"Hllllll ,,__.1:
Or Parker gladly,
numerous shows, has produced is president of Girl s League, as But I know crimson blooms with mottlings of college, and feel that this is a [ |v---
old, Golden Ra has yellow o o
two quality foa!s. Gha-Rok, well asacheerleader. ~ ::::~:i::~i g " Y g d time to acquire my I ~
known as "Gay', is now a Both Fadena and Gha have I'd yield my desk flowers w~th" a crimson" eye zone. schooling. Hopefully, things will
six-year-old, and was shown for been ridden by Jayni in the drill ~;:!~:~:~ ~ "::i~i~g~i With much chagrin
the first timelastyear, takinga team instructed byMrs. Hunter. / .--- ---. l -7 ---
blue ribbon in fitting and showing 'I don't know what I d have "GHA IS SCHOOLED in the riding arena on the Hunter To a haughty, heartless
and a blue in equitation. He rated done with a daughter who didn t farm. Jayni handles him almost exclusively. Hunk of tin.
only a white in trail horse like horses, Jayni's motherrI ~~. ~~~
competition, as hewasafraidof admits. 1 |ERKSHIRE -- SEPTEMB /
the obstacles. Miss Hunter rode Fadena to a ~ AUGUST 26 THRU
'He'sjust great at home," Champi°nship in Western / ----l"---. '" / , c ~,
Jayni explains, "but that was his equitation at the Mason County AUOUST | ¢ PANTY .os STOCK,NEe
first time in strange territory and Fair, and won the reserve ouporl
he wastoofrightened." championship in the bareback
i Gha won for himself a first competition as well as a blue
iPony Club Show and a fourth in!place trophy in equitation at the ribbon in fitting and showing, lSTOCKlNGS REG SALE 3PR. 6PR. 12PR [/ i kSp
Horses alwayshavebeenand / oo ecial •
the pleasure horse class alwa
', . " ys, will be my greatest ULTRA I DreSSuitrasonSheer 4.256 / !'i' 9 WEEKS C F
Although, m concern for the mterest ' Ja nl " '
: _ Ly " , y " maintains. Its l 1554 (154) Heel & Toe 1.35 1.09 3. .50 13.00 /
i daughter's safety, her parentswere my dream to own a ranch in Walking Sheer 5 7
| 1556 (333) Stretch ' 1.50 1.19 3.5 .10 14.20 |
Sheer Stretch, 15 8
,first on Gha-Rok's back, all Wyoming." l 14~.8 AGILON Deml Toe 1.75 1.39 4. .30 16.60 |
/ Dress Sheer ,o |/ BEAI ITY SERVICE
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• Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 26, 1971