August 26, 1971 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 26, 1971 |
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The Labor Day
he Island is a
:and this
Once again
place at
Hall on
of Labor Day
3wn way the
amount of
~eason of fun
Once it is
the arrival of
college to
most of us
rut for the
or so. And
hOol, the
activity is
the opening
past several
is once
annual event.
will be
Walt Allen
Band from
gals from
~d club this
the other
Would like
the way of
during the
)u gais are
and would
or myself
only too
for a
Hall so we
3re dances.
last week.
on this
a party
1. Bus
and hot
the first
eachers to
and Tuesday
folks last
~ter and
arne the
ane and
er Wood
~ending a
nts the
Party was
Ly at the
lng were
)le for
Wy. S.
g ompl
eight months were very
disappointed. And I sincerely
offer my most humble apologies
to all concerned, Andy and
Charlie Glaser along with Pauline
and Ike Carlson, whose party
turned out very nicely in spite of
my goat. Thanks to Ike and
Pauline's niece, Adella Dwyer,
who was able to get an
announcement in the Journal
when she learnedthe Harstine
column would be missing.
It seems this red-faced
reporter accidently picked up the
wrong set of papers and delivered
them to the Journal office. The
news I delivered was the carbon
copy of the previous week's news.
However, the party was a
success and all present wish to
thank the two hosts and
hostesses, Pauline Carlson and
Charlie Glaser and their spouses,
Ike and Andy. Several friends
donated their time and efforts to
make some mighty enjoyable
music for dancing and listening.
The guests all brought something
for a pot luck supper. All in all it
was a most enjoyable evening
which friends of the two couples
are beginning to look forward to
each year as it is fast becoming an
annual event.
This past weekend the Chuck
Bridges traveled down to the
Harbor to attend a baby shower
for their nephew and his wife,
Ken and Chris Bridges who are
momentarily anticipating the
arrival of a new addition to their
Saturday, with all their
small-fry visiting various relatives,
Chuck and Mirja drove up to
Seattle and were the guests for
the day of Gar and Hilda Williams
at Longacres. Although, the
Williams' horse, Jest Hildy wasn't
scheduled to race that day they
enjoyed watching the races and
had a wonderful lunch with Gar
and Hilda at the Clubhouse at the
We were sorry to learn that
Gene Seward had to enter Mason
General Hospital early last week.
For a while it was feared that he
might have to be moved to Seattle
for surgery for his leg which had
no feeling, but after several days
of medication the feeling was
returning and he was looking
forward to being able to return
home before too much longer.
Loads of get well wishes have
been expressed by your Island
friends and are speedily being
sent your way, Gene.
By the time this column is
being read, the ground breaking
ceremony at the Gibler's Cove Inn
now owned by former Island
friends, Bert and Grace Campbell,
will be history. The
aforementioned ground breaking
was for addition to be added for
more room for dancing which
their newly acquired license will
provide for at the Resort. Grace
also added her list of lost (by the
public) and found by Bert and
herself is growing day by day. She
now has three watches, several
blankets, towels, shoes, etc. which
can be claimed if properly
Bill and Mary Helen Gortz
and their three children arrived
here last week for a vacation
which they are dividing between
Mary Helen's folks, Helen and
Everett Simons on Sunset Hill and
Bill's Morn, Esther Gortz on the
southwest side of the Island. This
past Saturday Bille and Mary
ttelen took their youngest
small-fry, Mathew who is two
going on three into Shelton
Saturday for a baptizing
ceremony at the Methodist
Church on Mt. View. They were
joined by the grandparents and
Bill's sister, Bernice and her
family along with Dorothy
Chapman and her girls.
The Bill Gortz family and
Mary Helen's folks also took a
campout trip and fishing trip up
on the Elwa river near Port
Angeles, Rain which was eagerly
accepted by the natives rather
dampened the whole camp trip
for the out-of-staters however.
Down at the Hitchcock home
at Ballow "although John and
Beulah weren't there their place
was put to very good use. Their
son, Lyle and his wife, Marlene
and their two girls, along with the
Philip Chapman family from
Pickering and Vi and Les Johnson
of Olympia and part of their
family gathered for a get-together
which they hadn't done for an
awful long time. Even though the
outing was dampened by rain it
was a very enjoyable get-together
for all concerned.
Down at the Glaser home this
past weekend the whole
dad-burned family gathered
together for a big wing-ding. All
the brothers (four) and sisters
(two) and their families gathered
at their room, Celia Glaser's home
at Ballow for a family reunion.
Ike and Pauline arrived here
for their annual vacation early
this month. And as always their
summer beach cabin has been a
busy spot. First off their tong
time friends, Bill and Pauline
Robbins and daughter, Kathy,
joined them for about a week.
They had a pickup and
camp-trailer for their
accomodations. Bill and Ike first
met each other when they were in
the service together back in the
late 1940's. The Robbins are from
Sacramento, Calif. and headed
back toward home Monday so
Kathy could get ready for anothe,-
year of college.
Most every evening there had
been a large crowd gathered
around a cozy beach fire for lots
of friendly conversation and
song-fasts. Ike's brother, George
and his wife, Clara from Potlatch
State Park have been out several
times. And their sister, Catherine
and her husband and a son and his
friend traveled to the Island.
Several members of the Glaser
family have dropped in to chat.
They include Andy and his wife,
Charlie also up from California
and Bud Glaser and his friend,
Helen. Dick and Bonnie Glaser
dropped in one evening having
paddled down from Ballow in
their new canoe.
The Otis Dwyer family
brought their camp trailer over to
Ike and Patdine's beach place
about a week prior to the
California couple's arrival and
stayed on through the week they
arrived. This is all but Otis and
oldest son, Paul, who both
worked during the day and then
joined the rest of the family in
the evenings.
And there have been many,
many others dropping in to say
'tti', many of the callers are old
friends that date back to when
they and lke were growing up on
the Island. Others are new friends
made in recent years since they've
acquired their property here. And
missed are Monica and A1
Pridham who have always been a
part of the beach scene when the
Carlsons are here and who have
now moved down to Arizona.
Wilbur Jacobson returned to
work Monday of this week after a
long unintended vacation. In May
Wilbur fell while he was prtming
some trees around his mobile
home and broke an arm. At first
the doctor predicted he could
return to work around the middle
of July. However, the arm took a
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Dove of
Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Borst, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Yost,
and Mr. Joe Peterson of Shelton,
Mrs. Clifford Ford of Lake
Nahwatzel, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Brehmeyer Sr., Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Brehmeyer Jr. and
Elizabeth and Ira, Mr. and Mrs. I.
C. Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Rothrock and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Dove
were guests for the weekend at
the 1. C. Ford home. Sunday
visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Tyler
Boothe and baby of South Bend.
Randy Lewis of Shelton spent
the weekend at the Robert
Trimble home.
Mrs. Avis White of Oakville is
spending a few days this week
with her cousins Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Helin.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry
attended a picnic dinner Sunday
at the home of R. B. Lowe at
• 78 series • Low
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Available in black-
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J78-14 8.85-14
F78-15 7.75.15
G78-15 8.25-15
H78-15 8.55-15
Reg. Price TSale Price Plus Fed.
Each | Each Ex. Tax
with Trade]No Trade-in, Per Tire
$26.80 $21.44 $1.76
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$27.30$21.84 $1.74
$30.20$24.16 $2.42
$33.90$27.12 $2.64
$36.55$28.24 $2.80
$34.32 I $2.89
*Except 6.50-13 Size- 5 Rib Tread Pattern
USE OUR RAIN CHECK PROGRAM: Because of an expected heavy de-
mand for Goodyear tires, we may run out of some siz~s during this of-
fer, but we will be happy to order your size tire at the advertised price
and issue you a ram check for future dehvery of the merchandise.
Rib Hi-Miler
and old hre
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Ketchlkan, Alaska
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erring Northwest Motorists for 51 Years
II __ .~..~.~
bit longer to mend than was
anticipated and required about
another month for the job of
remending to be complete. Doris
and Wilbur took advantage of the
unexpected time off this summer
to make a few short trips.
One of these was up to
Staircase at the upper end of Lake
Cushman in the southeastern
corner of the Olympic National
Park. Here they spent about three
This jaunt was followed by
one down to the Columbia where
they traveled along the River on
the Washington side to Carson.
Here they spent a few days and
nearly melted in the sweltering
heat that pervaded the area during
their stay. Coming back they
crossed the bridge of Gods and
entered Oregon. At Longview
they crossed back to their home
state. Then they drove to a spot
near Ft. Chinook State Park
where they had a glorious view of
the Astoria Bridge. Here they
camped before heading for home
along the coast.
Last Thursday Lila Peugh's
sister and her husband, Elizabeth
and George Nelson accompanied
their daughter, Jean and her
husband, Jim King who are still
practically newlyweds, having just
been married last spring. Also
along was Jim's mona, Mrs. King
from Bremerton. Jim and his mona,
especially found it a most
memorable day. For they enjoyed
some fishing, clam digging and
gathering oysters, followed by a
beach fire upon which they
cooked some of the seafood
they'd gathered that day.
John and Pat Dunlap have had
a busy summer keeping their
various art items made up
between the various Art and
Craft Shows they've been
attending. Their first show this
summer was at Edmonds and then
they returned home to get some
more items ready for the
Lakewood Show in Tacoma. Then
it was really a race to get ready
for the big one at Bellevue. From
there they headed for Anacortes
where they talked to several of
Ted and Elsie Nesses' friends. At
Friday Harbor they ran into
friends of Erik and Flo
In between they've both had
their folks here for visits. John's
folks, Bill and Helen Frank from
Great Falls, Mont. were here for a
few days the first part of July.
Later that same month Pat's folks
Ed and Jodie Humphrey came
from Moses Lake.
Shelton Lodge No. 2467 meets
EVERY WED., 8:00 P.M.
Banquet Room
Demits and New Applications must be in by
September 15, 1971
to Qualify for Charter Membership
Parties interested in becoming
new members are welcome.
32 Square Feet
Coverage Priced
As Low As
With orders of
3 Single Rolls
Or More
We have a compete line of wallpaper tools.
while you
your selection from th finest
hoice of wallcoverings in
Turn Left off Hwy, 101,2 Miles S. of Shelton, Drive 1 more Mile on the Cole Road
Thursday, Auqust 26, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11