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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 26, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 26, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I PHONE | 5 words or less -- $1.50 • ! 0 cents for each additional word over 1~, • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday -.% b," ..,% For Sale GEM POTATOES for sale. Phone 426-8390. No calls after 9 p.m. please. C8/26 For Sale FOR SALE Lab pups; 16MM camera. Also two-piece couch ensemble. Phone 426-2585. For Sale Used Cars Instruction Real Estate Real Estate GUITAR LESSONS -- Johnny's Music Box, start after Labor Day. Call 426-4302. G8/26-9/16 1968 CHEV. Impala custom 2 door hardtop, V-8. Very clean inside and out, 26,000 miles, 2 EXCELLENT INVESTMENT, secluded hideaway only 10 miles from town. Entire 10 acres only t 1968 GMC heavy duty 1/2 ton 31,000 miles New tires $1850. 426-6870. W8/26tfn CHOICE WATERFRONT on Squaxin Island. 620 ft. at $75 per ft., easy terms. Phone 426-6217. TWO BED ROOI g arage, solid home. S8/19-26 snow tires and wheels $1800. $3,500 cash. Maple' Valley Land E8/26tfn 426-6144. GRASS AND clover hay for sale. 426-2508. S8/26 E X P E R I E N C E D. and Homes. 426-1203, evenings Barn open Saturday only. Call YARD SALE August 26, 27 and ~~------- ---------- .... PROFESSIONAL teacher now 426-6961.8/26 FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom home TWO BEDR( 426-8615 evenings. T8/26tfn 28, 9 a.m. until dark. Next door 1966 CHEVROLET Impala, two accepting piano students for ..... large livingroom, on 9/]0 acre heat fireP ~---- to Golden Pheasant Tavern. US~ CQI~ door hardtop, 6 cyl., standard coming term. All levels; practice COZY 2 bedroom home, with work shop. 426-1237. $10,950. Call CORD WOOD for sale. Any P8/19-26 transmission,Phone 426-1016. and theory. Mrs. Samuelson, landscaped yard, garden, fruit, A8/19-9/9 A8/19-9/9 length, Call Exceptional Foresters ~-~ V8/26 Phone 426-6158 Shelton. $8/5-26 nuts. Electric heat, appliances. 426-1550. E10/ltfn DI EL CUCUMBERS -- order '68 FORD pickup V-8, 4 speed. 426-2140 512 Arcadia. K8/26 now, 20c per lb. delivered in Good condition $1,500. 1963 DODGE 4-door. Body MOST POPULAR sizes of tires Shelton Phone 426-3667. 877-5380. Lilliwaup. H8/26 damage, in storage 2 years. $75. ---------------------'----~'-----------~--'-----~' FOR SALE by retired owner. 2 and batteries now in stock. CallG8/19-9/9 426-6942. K8/26-9/2 ~ ~ Sears, 426-8201. S6/24tfn BACK TO school car- '65 Ford Lost ~ Found bedroom city home, 2 lots (possibly 4) nice yard, garden, • RUMMAGE SALE. Friday Aug. 4 door automatic/air $600. Call 1964 CHEVROLET Impala fruit. New roof and gutters. HONDA 160. Good condition. 27, 9:30 a.m. at P.U.D. Bldg. after5 p.m. 426-1979. W8/26 station wagon, V-8, automatic ~-------'--------~---'---------------------- $6,950. Reasonable down, easy $325. Call 426-3483 days. Sponsored by Mt. Olive Lutheran transmission, power brakes, LOST WHITE folder with monthly.. 426-3144. O8/26-9/16 ~/f~~\~'l//I H7/22tfn,,, Ladies. L8/26 duty1965 vzINTERNATIONALton pickup, 8]/z ft.heaVYbed, phone 426-1016. V8/26 phone 426-2158.identification D8/26Papers" Please TWO USED flutes $50 and $75. new tires, $995.00. Phone 1951 CHEVROLET one ton | |/'f p~ Table C~lll#,te see at Hamlin's Hobby and Toy 426-2164. C8/26-9/2 pickup truck, $265.00. Phone ~,~~ 220 Cote, Shelton. H8/26-9/16 426-6152. N8/26tfn s~Te~t~:g'o V, NYL COATED chain link , l fencing installed. $1.32 per foot.I )|D C, R, 2967 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, Reel Estate Wanted excellent condition, clean, call ee our f Call Norm at Sears, 426-8201. 426-4071 after 6 p.m. P8/26-9/16 Tables. A complete selection available. The most desirable CHAIN LINK fencing installed Forl,i, ln 1968 COUGAR. Dark green. WE BUY and sell equities or ~~ Radio, 302 automatic, heater, contracts. We trade or exchange models in stock for immediate $1.18 per foot. Call Norm at 68 Volks Sq. [3ack excellent condition, good mileage, homes, farms, waterfront or ® delivery. Free delivery. Sears, 426-8201. S8/26tfn Will take older car plus cash for Acreage -- paid for or not. Call Mr. Mitchell for quotes, bids or Olsen Furniture 4th & Cota 426-4702 9~]OLin RHODODENDRONS 120 Varieties AZALEAS A wide range of plant material Homewood Nursery FOR LONGER wear keep carpets clean with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. 8/26 USED CLARINET good condition. Call anytime 426-2270. A8/26 HUGE GARAGE sale sports equipment, track shoes, all size clothing, range, T.V., beds, much more. 107 No. 12th 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. Aug. 27 and 28. M8/26 FREE ONE chicken basket to Arnold Livingston, Rt. 2, Box 16 at Minor's A&W Drive-In on Mt. View. 8/26 YARD SALE Thursday and Friday, 26, 27. Chest of drawers, sewing machines, clothing and misc. 430 Dearborn. 426-4595. 08/26 LARGE DINING table and buffet, Hotpoint dishwasher with chopping block, 24 in. colored Motorola TV. 877-5770. B8/26-9/16 1970 "CHOPPED" Honda 350, $800.00 or trade for pickup. 426-4034. R8/26 426-6358 Shelton 5/6tfn I 1 7 East C GARAGE SALE SAVE, Dbl. Bed 5'' foam ma t. + f o undation+Frame -- $50.00. Non Allergenic. Set Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia $50.00. Cost $195.00. 25" DIx. color TV consol -- -~ ~F-~¢et~t ,~ .~$195,O~,,C,~;~t. , F,j~,E-F~ £~IE gallon of~(oot beer to $579.00 .... , • ' DGn;hd treland~433EllTnO~ f'fom Lawn Umbrella- Har~'r:nower-- Minor's A&W Drive~n on Mt. edgers -- 1 electric Mobile home View. 8/26 dlx. door. Electric motors - lamps - misc. cer- PO RTABLE SAWMILL and edger, $1500. Write Ethel B. Dinning, 31 1 Cookson St. Shelton, Wash. 98584. D6/10tfn USED THOMAS 2 manual organ. Good condition, $260.00. Johnny's Music Box, 205 W. Cote 426-4302. J8/2tfn JHIRMACK, ALL natural vitamins at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel. Phone 426-4582. 8/5tfn amics, vases, etc. Clock radio, oars. NO JUNK FAWN LAKE AT ENTRANCE Shelton -- 426-8440 P8/26 III FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eelts & Valley APpliance Center. 6/Stfn HONDA 160, good condition, $250. Call after 6 p.m. 426-4292. G8/12-9/2 CO;~PORATION Concrete Building Materials SWIMMING POOL supplies for maintenance. Algae control chemicals. Muratic acid. Chlorine etc. Nye Company 426-8224. 5/6 tfn ONE BURROUGHS check protector, or will trade for ?. Phone 426-3167. W8/Stfn * Pipe * Sand & Gravel * Masonry * Crushed Rock * Septic Tanks * Ready Mix DELUXE 17 ft. Rancho El Ray trailer, self-contained, sleeps six, extra new wheel with new tire, skid-guards $2 500. Will consider trade on ~:ont'ract or property. 877-5845. F8/12-9/2 A R:= _ E W_E_L c °_ ELECTRIC RANGE, 30-inch avocado, self-cleaning oven. About 1V~-year old. Call 426-1142. N8/19 RADIO DISPATCHED READY-MIX TRUCKS GRAYSTONE OF SHELTON South 7th & Park Street 2/11tfn TRADE IN your old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote. 4/16tfn '60 FORD good transportation, $250 or best offer. Swimming pool 15 ft. diameter, 4V2 ft. deep., filter system, vacuum, lader, $380 new $150 or best offer. 6 ft. couch $60. Clothes, oak coffee table $60. Small walnut vanity $6 slab marble 2 ft. x 6 ft. and 2 ft. x 3 ft. best offer. Colored TV $300. 426-1209. K8/26 TRADE 1969 Honda 160 for 100 or 125 Honda. Phone 426-8427. 08/26 For The Finest In: * PRE--CAST SEPTIC TANKS * CRUSHED ROCK * PRE- MIX * SAND * GRAVEL GARAGE SALE Aug 29, 9 a.m. -- 5 p.m. Typewriter, velvet king-size headboard, miscellaneous 520 West C. St. T8/26 I I SATURDAY POURS YOUNG GRAIN fed steers, cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and ARE,WELCOME wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523. S3/27tfn GARAGE SALE Friday -- 2 complete bunk beds $20; cot/mattress $5; ladies and girls dresses, misc. Rekdahl Rt. 2, Box 510. R8/26 LOCATED ACROSS FROM BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE Phone 426-2669 DAYS -- EVENINGS g/3tfn 65 Fairlane 65 Rambler 64 Corvair Bus 67 Cougar 67 Merc. Marquis 67 Chev. Impala 2-Dr. 66 Lincoln 4-Dr. 65 Galaxie 2-Dr. 65 Pontiac 64 Ford XL 63 T-Bird 69 Plymouth Sed. 66 Olds 66 Ply. Fury II 66 Buick 4-Dr. 65 Pontiac 62 BeI-Air 4-Dr. Trucks 69 Ford F-250 65 Ford 3/4 Ton 63 Dodge Pick-up 52 Ford Dump JIM PAULEY'S Bill Johnson - Bus Einarsson Bob Wolden - George HasBrouck Mt. View at Kneeland Center 426-8231 SAVE 7% ON NEW CARS AT B Many 72's on hand. Big savings on all 71 's. '72 DODGES IN STOCK! Some with Air! REDUCED- '71 POLARA CUSTOM 4-dr. hardtop, air conditioning, SAVE $1100. '67 EL CAMINO Low mileage, 283 engine, automatic, rear compt. cover, like new ........ $1,795 '66 TOYOTA CORONA 4/Dr., new tires, stick shift, runs good .......... $795 '63 CHEV. NOVA 6 cy, .................. $495 GMC PICKUP V2 ton, V8 ............. $1575 A FEW NEW '71 CARS WHILE THEY LAST. HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Bud Knutzen eves. 426-4780 Front & Railroad Phone 426-8183 J; equity. Call after 6 p.m. 426-4865 or 426-3261. W7/22tfn 1961 FAIRLANE for sale, good condition $250. 426-1784. C8/19-9/9 1970 TORINO GT. Excellent condition. $2,950. Call 426-3483 days. H7/22tfn 1958 STATION wagon, $85.00. Call 426-1761. S8/12tfn WILL TRADE equity in '69 Mach I Mustang for older car. Call 426-8003 before 4 p.m. H8/5-26 FOR SALE 1951 GMC pickup as is, $200. Phone 426-8471. E8/26-9/2 !954 CHEVROLET, four door, with 1971 license. Phone Hoodsport 877-5294. M8/19-26 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS SCOUT -- TRAVELALL PICKUPS MEDIUM & HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS GAS AND DIESEL Ken Meixner Lincoln Mercury Inc• 2516 E. 4th Ave. Olympia, We. 357-3335 CALL Jack Kimb•l Shelto n -- 426-8124 8/19tfn Real Estate STANDARD STUMPAGE prices on good plug-pole stand. Also 30.06 rifle with scope $135.00. Tom Dale 4 miles W. of Matlock. D8/26 further information. Have buyers for 2&3 bdrm. homes. Mason County Realty 107 Railroad 426-4486.8/12tfn EXCHANGE -- WHAT you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor-exchangor. 426-6592. 8/18tfn Real Estate FOUR BEDROOM, full basement with shop, new carpeting, newly painted inside and out, three lots, large garden area, fruit trees, berries, two-car garage $15,650.00. 426-8158. K8/26-9/2 CHOICE 4 bedroom home on one fenced acre one mile from town. Reduced from $26,500 to $23,900. Full basement, separate dining, ll/2 baths, den, sewing room. Lots of storage, garage, pool, fruit. Ready for immediate possession. Call 426-8527. K8/5-26 IMMACULATE 3 bedroom newer home. Carpeting in rec room and living room. Built-in range, 10' x 32' patio, separate double car carport, with storage. LandscapeU and fenced. 1518 Van Buren, by owner, 426-4744. V8/5-26 BEST OFFER over $24,900, forced sale by owner. Waterfront, Mason Lake, five bedrooms, TV room, not-quite-finished permanent home. Appraised $31 ,000. Information at 426-3815. D8/Stfn NORTHCLIFF -- 2,700 square feet of living space that would cost $20 a square foot to reproduce, add the land and you have a $60,000 property -- but owner must sell and will sacrifice at $37,500.00. You should see it. Now. SUNSET VIEW of the Olympics and Hood Canal. You won't be enjoying just a new house but an entirely NEW WAY OF LIFE in this top-quality 2,250 sq. ft. home. Beautiful view AND 110 feet of beach frontage are but a few of the plus features of this exceptional offering. $65,000.00 and worth more. ANOTHER HOOD CANAL HOME -- Not waterfront but some of the finest VIEW property on the Canal with approximately 3 acres for complete privacy and seclusion. Top quality home with a view from nearly every room. $39,500 and owner will carry contract, or will trade for Seattle home. $24,950.00 ANGLESlDE and you'll agree that it is a very fair price for this 4 bedroom, 2 bath home. Den, fireplace and it's all on a nicely landscaped corner lot. Let's go see it. ARCADIA ROAD -- 10 acres and a very sound 0(der 3 bedroom home, a huge living room, big dining room, a part basement for the forced-air furnace, large barn, corral and the whole bundle is $23,500.00 and we're very flexible on the terms. Trade possible for the $8,100.00 equity. Appointment necessary. de el#I Call 426-2646 EARLY AMERICAN! Imagination and some "elbow grease" can restore this bit of Shelton's past. You name it, 2-3-4 bedrooms in 2V4 stories on a ~/z acre site. Downtown -- $12,750 with contract terms. CLOSE TO SCHOOL - MT. vIEW close to s the retired THE ,'GO01 Step in tt unique Have you outgrown your contempor present home. Check out this believing, spacious 3 bedroom rambler suburba with a huge, huge rec room, 23/4 fenced back yard, nicely the home. landscaped, and paved streets it maY and sidewalks. A tremendous outs value for $24,500. Trade in your smaller home. TWO AT ONCE - E Yes indeed two cozy homes in Let us she a quiet neighborhood well-pl~ overlooking Shelton-live in one rambler and rent thyother or rent both. living area An investment that will pay and beaU itself off. $19,500 with And the contract terms, now'for an ANGLESIDE HOME... This lovely 3 bedroom, 1]/z bath home should be just right for your family. Has dining room, den, stone fireplace, and many more excellent living features. Attached 2-car carport, easy care yard, etc. In among beautiful homes. $22,500. LOST LAKE COTTAGE.. Just right for these warm days still ahead of us. Built in an "A-frame" style and has plenty of room for kids and friends. Even has private boat launch area for easy access to water sports. $7,500. DOWN PAYMENT PROBLEMS???? SWEEPING VIEW . . . Right out the kitchen windows Well if you can scrape together for the homemaker's delight, about $300 we can arrange for Very comfortable 2-3 bedroom you to have a newer 3 home with huge "L-shaped" bedroom home with fireplace. living room, dining area, family Must be able to qualify for room with fireplace, and FHA financing. Check with us convenient utility area. All for more detail. located on extra large city lot with excellent large garden space. Even has carport as well ACREAGE... as 1-car garage. Comes How about 10 acres of good carpeted, draped, brand new level land with some larger roof, and recently painted, trees in back. $12,500 could be Owner willing to carry just right for you and friends. contract. $17,250. HERE'S ONE FOR YOU ... You're bound to enjoy this most attractive 3 bedroom home located on large Angleside corner lot. Enjoy the fall weather with a cozy fire in either the family room or the TOTTEN SHORES... We have many tracts on Totten Shores with good terms on all. How.about a 2 bedroom cabin on race v~ew tract and includes the tidelands at $9,250? sounds interest ng~ Check for more! handsome living room. Has attached 2-car garage and 1]/z PHILLIPS LAKE.., baths. Good area for children. Here s a good chance to pick Also includes built-in range, dishwasher, and oven. Much uP a oanQy weekend or permanent nome at a baraain more to see! $23,500. price! Has 2 bedroorn~ ~,~:~ stone fi.rep ace covere'd' "~ $1,500 DOWN . . . cK ' ~ ~ .... out IDa , attached garage, and Puts you in this comfy located on a large tract of land Mountain View 3 bedroom for future, expansion. Private home with fireplace. Has large boat launcn area on the ~-^ fenced yard for the kids, $14,000. '"~" covered patio area, and carport with attached tool storage and work area. $14,500. VIEW PROPERTY . . . Three acres inside the city and a view over town. You'll have to see this one. $5,750. FOR RENT... Attractive 2. bed,ro£m home on the bay jus[ Out trom town. Comes comptete y turnished. Very clean and carpeted. $130/month. O 1 10"RAILROAD AVENUE Evenings Call -- A. ROY DUNN 426-4601 DON BROWN 426-6388 JIM ROUSH 426-8522 426-4447 I $6,950.00 CASH -- and we know your Credit Union will be glad to help you. 2 bedrooms, den, fireplace, breakfast nook, separate utility room and garage. See and you'll want it. You won't even have to buy a range. WO R KING IN BREMERTON? Then you might be interested in living in Allyn and save mileage. The owner of this exceptionally fine 3 bedroom view home on a V~ acre lot overlooking Case Inlet will sell or trade for Shelton home. His is valued at $22,000 and will trade for similar value. ABANDONED FARM -- 155 acres -- excellent stream, water rights, large 4 bedroom home, barns, 65 acres in hay, the rest in cedar and alder. The whole package at less than $750 per acre. acre. WATERFRONT SPECIAL -- 70 feet on Hammersley with over 400 ft. depth, plus 2V4 acres. If you like seclusion then this is for you. Out of state owner anxious to sell and price has been reduced $1,000. Now priced at $8,950 and owner will carry contract with liberal terms. 235 GOVERNMENT SUBSIDY -- New 3 bedroom, fully carpeted, built-in range, garage. Payments much less than rent if you qualify with 2 or more children and income less than $7,000.00. Your investment $200.00. 4 ACRES -- AGATE AREA -- 265 ft. road frontage. Excellent building site. $3,950, $500 down, $40 per month. 40 ACRES -- Timber, Christmas trees, $750.00 per acre. Terms. 1V4 ACRE -- MATLOCK -- An ideal location for a mobile home. Has small barn, garden, berries and fruit trees. $1,500 cash. FULLY FURNISHED 2 bedroom 12x50 mobile home on waterfront. All privileges. No more than 1 child• $115.00 per month. Deposit. AVAILABLE SEPT. 1st. Excellent 2 bedroom duplex. Carpeted, range, refrigerator, washer, dryer, carport. 1 child okay. $115.00 per month. Deposit. MANN REAL ESTATE 121 R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytime Evening, Call BOBBLE GOODWIN 426-3503 IRA EDWARDS• CR 5-2751 FRANJO BEACH Wooded back lot with saltwater ac and you can even buy it on termS, TIMBER 3 different tracts, 7 acres, 30 acres with merchantable timber. Call for $$425 PER ACRE-- Outstanding investment buy. acres located in the Lost t terms. W-O-W ! ! You had better act fast or else Here' you'll miss out on this spotless new listing at Woodland horn Manor. This well-planned 3 and bedroom-family room home is We in perfect condition and is to cheC located on a large well-landscaped-fenced yard... Priced to sell at $22,500. Hurry!! BRAND NEW - A sTO[ throw to th How about a brand new 3 Large, bedroom home on Mt. View... separa~ this beauty is located near acres. Callanan Park and has everything you would want in AG~,I"I~ a new home. This up-to-date ~1 "Watson Built" home can be HO-'E~ yours for $25,900. See it today! i • baser 100 QUALITY feet WATERFRONT HOME -- Ideal for the large family. 2Vz bathrooms, 4 bedrooms. Close to Southside Grade School. 77 feet of prime Iowbank Hammersley Inlet waterfront and over 35.0 feet in depth. A real dream spot and financing available. Nice v! DICK KNAUF 426-8! 10 " `'5 DAVE THACHER 426-8635- Ct DICK aOLLING Cmsing See or Call• V,.CE"IML''. e,o • • MORLEY PREPPER 1717 OLYMPIC 'L , .o, Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 26, 1971