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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 26, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 26, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~~v~v~ ~A - bd fa 't Real Estete Real Estate Services For Rent Mobile Homes Legal Publications Realy State says" North of Shelton, complete with: Underground utilities • Tennis court • Creekfront park area Large wooded lots • Baseball field • Surfaced streets For more information call: 1717 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY NORTH ANGLE AGENCY Join The Wise Ones... I nvest I n Property! NEAT 2 BEDROOM near grade school. This beautiful little home is immaculate in every way. Honestly -- they just don't make them like this anymore, cute kitchen. $13,000. RECENTLY REFINISHED INTERIOR This 2 bedroom Hillcrest home is on a corner lot and only $9,200. FOR SUMMER FUN Rustic cabin on Island Lake -- Choice lot, good view, good well and lots of potential for year round lesid~tial location. Buy now for • ;.:~.~ ~ ~m4m,,~,. StOj'~OOJO0",. I0 ACRES -- Two nice ten acre tracts, just six miles south-east of Shelton. Priced at $11,000.00 and $9,000.00 One tract mostly cleared, partially planted in small noble Xmas trees. Terms Available. ANGLESIDE -- 3 bedroom home in excellent neighborhood area. Home has fireplace in living room, ll/z baths, TV room, double carport, and private patio for outdoor enjoyment. This home shouldn't last long at $22,500. YOU'LL REALLY BE impressed by the spacious living room, deluxe kitchen and bay view in this three bedroom home. It has two fireplaces, large basement, deck and a new roof, in town. $21,900. 23S FEET Waterfront on Little Skookum -- all cleared -" beautiful building site. Fruit trees, small barn. Don't miss this! Terms Available. $26,350.00. 3 Miles North of Hoodsport Across from beach at Potlatch --3 bedroom, playroom, automatic heat, garage, only $9,500. A good buy! Potlatch Beach one bedroom home with 2 nice lots only $8,950. Three bedroom home -- Hoodsport area. Excellent canal view,park-like lot, 4 years young, ~28,5Qp. ,,~, ~'b~, !! -* * ~ ~ ' ~ .............................. Hood Canal 230 ft. waterfront, East shore, 61/2 acres. $16,000. Lot on small cove near Pleasant Harbor $10,950. 6 rentals, waterfront Case Inlet and house. Gross $687 per month, full price $57,500. 13 acres near Shelton. Fast growth area. $15,500• 20 wooded acres near Allyn $19,950. 5 acres at Arcadia, $5,650, easy terms. 36 acres with 647 ft. Hood Canal waterfront with house $120, 000. Call Hoodsport 877-5272 Anytime THREE BEDROOM downtown TREE TOPPING, falling and clean-up. Phone 426-3532. Mc8/6tfn CUSTOM HAYING cut, rake, and bale. 426-1201• G7/8-29 HOOD CANAL Sales & Service Glass Replacement Commercial & Residential CR 5-2623 Star Rt. 1 Box 146 Belfair HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS NEW 150 $149.95 SANDE'S at Belfair HAN D SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 426-6687 6/l ltfn ELECTROLUX SALES Sales -- Service -- Supplies CALL 426-3544 For free delivery -- Jack Manley 8/20tfn SWIMMING POOLS Septic Tank bulldozing, backhoe and dump truck service Surge water conditioners. 426-6539 FURNISHED SMALL 4 room house with garage near store, single or older couple, water, sewer & garbage paid $65. 426-2387. N8/19-26 FOR RENT one bedroom unfurnished upstairs apartment. 528 Cote Apt B. Available Sept. 1, $82.50. Call 426-8509. J8/19-7/9 ONE BEDROOM duplex, unfurnished, full basement, electric heat, range and refrigerator, security deposit required. No pets. Contact Ken Rose, 1024 EIlinor St., Shelton, phone 426-6548 or 753-5030. Available September first. R8/26tfn TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent. Partly furnished. Available September first Phone 426-4541. F8/26tfn ONE BEDROOM unfurnished, nice atmosphere, Holiday House Apts., ~see mgr. at 604 Franklin or call 426-2549. C8/26 FURNISHED APARTMENTS, 1-bedroom $75; 2-bedroom, $90; plus utilities, washer/dryer, beach access, South Shore near Twanoh. CR 5-6576. $8/26-9/16 ATTENTION SCHOOL teachers -- Lovely home, beautiful setting, large three bedroom furnished home on Hood Canal for 6-9 months, $190 per month plus $100 damage deposit. 898-2386. $8/26 HARSTENE POINTE --private owner has brand new modern beach house for lease, September through June, fully carpeted, all appliances, use of beach, swimming pool, recreation center, tennis courts, boat launch. Furnished or unfurnished, your choice. Call Bill Primavera, GL 5-2900 weekdays, evenings EA5-2732• P8/26 ONE BEDROOM house for rent. Rooms paneled, water, sewer, garbage paid. Convenient location. Call after 12 noon, 426-1573. C8/26tfn 2 BEDROOM unfurnished house, Mt. View. References $95. per month. Call 426-4000. W8/26tfn TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house for rent. Inquire 629 Cote• Shelton. 426-6663. C8/26 R/6 tfn FOR RENT compact one .... bedroom furnished cottage. ROY Je Available Sept. 5• $67.50• Water, garbage, electricity furnished. 426-4870 evenings. B8/26tfn 1970 46-foot unfurnished mobile home 200 amp. service $4400. Phone 426-4052. E8/26-9/16 CLEAN, USED mobile homes, only 10% down. As low as $83.00 per month on approved credit'. Shelton Home Center, Taylor Towne, 426-4455. 5/6tfn IF YOU HAVEN'T SHOPPED SHELTON HOME CENTER AT TAYLOR• TOWNE YOU COULD MISS YOUR BEST BUY KI RKWOOD-BROADMORE Golden West - Villa West - Olympian 426-4455 SHELTON On Olympta-Shelton Freeway CLOSED THURSDAY and SUNDAY Wanted OLD COINS, American-Canadian. Complete sets, part sets and singles. Call 426-2126. L8/26-9/16 BOOKCASE WITH glass front, lock and key. Phone Hoodsport 877-5371.8/26-9/16 WANTED TO share ride to Olympic College. Hours 8-2:30, starting Sept. 13. Call 426-6094. A8/19-26 WAN'I" ED: OLD or crippled horses -- also shoeing in my shop, Joe Slusher 273-5369. S8/19-9/9 TIMBER WANTED! Thin your timber before you sell! Two checks are better than one. Call for free estimates. Highest prices paid. Selective logging, our specialty. Taylor Bay Logging, Longbranch, Wash. 884-3778. 5/6tfn WANTED TO buy. Two leaf springs not more than two feet six inches long. Call 426-8385. 7/22tfn WANTED ALDER logs 9" and up• Prefer 10 ft. multiples. Top prices. Mason Hardwood Co• 426-3464 days, 426-8109 evenings. 4/ltfn Pets, Uvestock NOTICE OF SURFACE WATER RIGHT APPLICATION No. 23139 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, OLYMPIA. TAKE NOTICE: That PERCY D. ADAMS, et al of Shelton, Washington on June 8, 1971 filed application for permit to divert the public waters of an unnamed stream tributary of Skookum Creek, in the amount of 0.01 cubic feet per second, subj,ect to existing rights, continuously each year for the purpose of domestic supply that the approximate point of diversion is located within SWV4 NWV4 of Section 25, Township 19 N., Range 4 W.W.M., in Mason County. Any objections must be accompanied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology within thirty (30) days from September 2. 1971. Witness my hand and official seal this 4th day of August, 1971• Glen H. Fiedler Department of Ecology 8/26-9/2-2t NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT No• 4199 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF FRANCES E. BOYLAN, Deceased. NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Final Account and Petition for Distribution has been filed with the Clerk of the above Court and the personal representative seeks settlement of the account, distribution of the estate, and discharge, which matters have been set for hearing on September 17, 1971, at 9:30 a.m., in the Courtroom of the above-entitled Court. /s/A. F. Boylan Personal Representative Glenn E. Correa Attorney at Law 121 S• 4th Shelton, Washington 8/26-11 CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the board of commissioners of Fire Protection District No. 6 of Mason County, Union Washington, until 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 12, 1971 at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read, at the Union Fire Hall, Union, Washington, 98592 P. O. Box No. 2. T W O B E D R DO M h o m e i n --------------------------------------- To furnish one ( 1 ) 1972 Ford Grapeview on saltwater, model L-800. and Front mount, furnished, $100 per TO. Phone FAT, HEALTHY, clean weaner days 426-6705, eve. 426-6911: pigs raised in clean new hog 1000 G.P.M. triple combination P8/19 house. Had iron shots. Drive 5'/2 fire pumper with a 1000 gallon Pile Driving -- construction miles up Skokomish Valley Road booster tank and other associated Land or Water. ON E BEDROOM furnished to weaner pig sign then turn right, equipment as outlined in the apartment for rent. Upstairs. first house on left. Inspection specifications. All bids to be welcome. $13. Cal Gravatt F.O.B. Union, Washington. Bulkheads--Marine Facilities Adults. No pets. References. Call 426.~60,3.~gLor.,426.3683 .G~;/5.26 to submit a bid bond in the Drag Line--Clam Shell- Loaders 426-3207 after 5 p,m..W8/19tfn Each bidder wilt be required Heavy Equip. Hauling . , ~ tfn FOR RENT: Trailer space close FREE! THREE male ~uPp'ies, amount of 10% of the bid price. cocker spaniel. Phone 426-3492 Specifications may be to downtown. Call426-4426. or inquire 304 East B• St. $8/26obtained upon written request to 10/9tfn Neal L• Puter, P. O. Box 2, PAINTING FOR SALE AKC registered Union, Washington. Or Otto "" Siberian Husky. 13 months old, Wojahn P. O. Box No. 95, Union, & DRY WALL MT. VIEW shots and papers. $100. Phone Washington. 426-2309. M8/26tfn Neal L. Puter E/wood Man Secretary F.P•D. No. 6 Residential And Commercial ~ BOARDING KENNELS, dogs Union, Washington A/~~,(~ti~ over 20 Ibs• All cement in and out 8/26-9/2-9-3t runway. $1•75 per day Mel Ru Kennels 426-2387. N6/10tfn Bonded & Ins. 2 Bedroom NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4220 K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle Call 426-8773 Collect Unfurnished clipping and pet grooming. CallIN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Mrs. Kimball for appointment. FOR MASON COUNTY. DAY & SONS Available NOW No Pets 426-8988• 8/31tfn IN THE MATTER OF THE CUSTOM ESTATE OF JOHN HAROLD ROTOVATING CONTACT MANAGER FOR SALE quarterhorse mare, NELSON, Deceased. gentle, $150. Phone 426-4095. NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Lawns, Gardens, Farm work -- 2 426-3100 tfn L8/19"26 undersigned has been appointed machinesno job too large or ~ ~ small 426 APPALOOSA/QUARTER horse and has qualified as personal representative of this estate.: • "8750 4/9tfn MOVE IN TODAY mare.,+ years old. Needs an Persons having claims against th It:; • experienced rider. See to deceased are required toservethe O ~} e a n d t ~ o bed~ oct Appreciate -- 426-1431. K7/29tfnsame, duly verified, on the NOTICE al)aJti~ent~, w~th cmpet, d~apes& undersigned or the attorney of TO ALL MUSICIANS appl,ances. AKC REGISTERED beautiful St. record at the address stated below Why wait until school starts to Jelterso. ~il~tS Bernard, stud service, $50. Bring and file the same with the Clerk have your band and orchestra ~ r-r- • female to Rt. 5, Box 249 of this Court, together with proof instruments repaired? Free Skokomish Valley. G8/12-9/2 of such service within four home has been newly decorated, months after August 26, 1971, or Its cheerful rooms are large and _-----_- ........ -_-v-------~---------------------- check-up on all instruments. We 2329 Jefferson St., well arranged. Has fireplace, bath -I~-W~I;" Woil~ Wn,ted have expanded and can furnish all Mgr. Apt. 11 or REGISTERED TENNESSEE the same willLinda Nelsonbe forever barred. and half, separate dining area, v, your musical needs. Huffner phone426-8663. Walker mare, golden palomino. 605 Second Avenue West attached garage. $21,500. -'-------------------------~------=--. guitars in stock. Savarex strings. Gentle but spirited. 6 years. Ashland, Wisconsin 54806 NEAR SCHOOL this three BABYSITTER WANTED ATTENTION MOTHERS! Reasonable. Consider trade for Sanchez, Martin & Armstrong bedroom home is an exceptional beginning Sept. 1. One girl Ironing in my home $1.00 per ,ROBERTS MUSIC ~ beef-4~6"8385-S8/26tfn Attorneys for Estate 309 Great Northwest Savings Bldg. buy. Has double carport, kindergarten, your home or mine.hour, also typing.426-1380. 822/2 Park Phone ES 3-6116 FIVE YEAR old, green broke Bremerton, Washington 98310 fireplace, electric heat, built-in Evenings 426-6285. W8/26 ,~138/26"9/16 Bremerton 7/29-8/12-3t ~ gelding pony. Phone 426-6152. 8/26-9/2-9-3t range and oven. $16,400, save F4/22tfn finance charges on owner WANTED FIRE suppression contract, crewmen for Department of ~~ Natural Resources. Call 426-8242 , Servkes GENERAL HAULING ANNOUNCES NEW NOTICE OF HEARING DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY. or inquire at our office at the Top Dirt terrier male puppies. Phone 40 acres with srnall lake, close to airport. 8/26 ......... sand -- Pit Run -- Gravel MANAGEMENT 426-6152. F3/25tfn EMERGENCY BUDGET town. Owner will carry tong term 5-Yard Dump Truck Any size Lot Available EXTENSION WINS BOAT repair 877-5800 and Loader DOG CLIPPING and grooming. WHEREAS, at the time the contract. BEAUTY OPERATOR wanted 60 ft. repair boathouse in Shelton. Tel. - FRANK -- 426-3153 For appointment, call Mrs. 1971 Budgets were prepared, no ANGLE AGENCY parttime. Apply in person to Carports, pleasant surroundings. LaMont. 426-4164. L9/17tfn provision was made for the Head Hunters Styling. 114 So. H8/19tfn also Light Clearing 3/4tfn One block from public swimming purchase of the Belfair Fire Hall, F~II Estate 81 Illl$ursn~ 4th. H8/26 YOUR SINGER Representative pool. and will be in Shelton on Tuesday and LAKE HOUSE MOVING w H E R E AS, on August 9, Since 1890 TIRED OF the same job, same Thursday for Sale and Service. FAMILIES WELCOME! 1971, the Board of County pay, and no chance for Contact locally Kay's Draperies, Houses Raised, Foundations l d~,e' ....... n io~tr, u,, past airport, turr Per nal Commissioners went on record authorizing the purchase of said HERBANGLE "DICKANGLE advancement? If so Farmers 129 Railroad Ave., Shelton and'Leveling ,~, al groce.-.v store, go one Dtock JACK STEWART -- PAUL WOOD Insurance is interested in training 426-6207. Singer Center on the tu.,efto,'ca~ ~,~ Fire Hall for a sum of BARBARA NELSON you for all lines of insurance. If Mall, South Sound, Lacey, Wash., ater we= $32,000.00, with funds for said BOB HARVEY you are looking for unlimited 491-3400.8/12 Phone 426-8147 SECRET... LOS "ght, purchase to be used from Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188 opportunity, economic security, 1/27 tfn 426-4560 body bloat, puffiness, etc. X-Pel C u m m u l a t iv e Reserve No. 1 , water pills only $3•00 or money and 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426-8272 personal satisfaction, then you are EXTE RICH HOUSEPAINTING for more information, back guarantee. Evergreen Drug. WHEREAS, in the judgment, our kind of people Traming by qualified co.ege student BOB OGDEN P7/1-9/2 of the Board of County begins on earn as you learn Reasonable rates. Call 532-7284 part-time basis. Phone Russ Fry or 532-3904 or write G. South Instollation Service CONFIDENTIAL CARE for CommissionerSinterest of Masonit iScountyin the thatbest WATERFI~JONT!8/19-9/9352"7996 or 943-9765, collect. Box1113 Aberdeen, We. $8/5-26 Sp~rHn, G(N~I$~ u nwedUGN Agency.pregnant Collectteen'age girlS.calls expenditure;Pr°visi°n be made for such accepted. Florence Crittenton NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS WILL BABY sit any hours, Carpeting-Formica- Home. PA 2-8004. Box 8944, HEREBY ORDERED that a HAIR STYLING career, free reasonable rates, call 426-8074 Ceramic and Linoleum 14 BOAT, 35H. P ~otor and Seattle, Wa. 98178.8/28tfn LAKE NAHWATZEL tuition Mr. Dennis' advanced anytime. P7/8-29 Hearing be held on Monday, t • c ....... August 30, 1971, at the hour of school of Hair Styling. That's rai ler for sate Ex ~l==,,, condition $400.00. Call 426-8615 NEED CASH? We buy or consign 2:00 p.m•, at the Office of the Need a place for the kids to right, free tuition for the month BATHROOM AND kitchen Licensed, Bonded evenings-T8/26-9/16 ski? to swim? Dad to fish? of August. Mode Beauty School, remodeling. Roofing, patios, ~ I almost anything. Tropics Board in the Courthouse at Take a look at this modern 3 OlymlSia 357-7171. M8/19-26 ' Osborne s 426-6241. 10/15tfn USED '69 trai bike. Excellent 943-9949. D2/26tfn time and place a~y taxpayer may bedroom year around home with carports; Smaller jobs also. Call & Insured Ballroom Auction, Olympia . Shelton, Washington, at which condition with bumper racks. Call boat house and winch for LOGGERS! CUTTER and skidder BACKHOE SERVICES with late Phone426-3155 anytime 426-2270. A8/26 ~ appear andbeh~ardfororagainst the grantin& of the above launching.Beautiful view. Closeoperator. Steady year around --'-----------~ and referral center 428 Birch St. emergency b~dget extension. toschool, work. Experienced men only! model 15 ft. backhoe. 15 years 3/6tfn 21FT PLYWOOD boat, canvas Shelton• Phone 426-4407. DATEP" this 16th day of Pitzer Logging, Inc., phone Roy experience. Also sewage systems, top 75 hp. Jonnson, new battery, S2/12tfn ~ August, 1991. El R Ily Top workmanship. EarlT. Marr, tandem Holsclawtrailer, realnice Boar~ of County 426-3053.6/11tfn ~)ackage.ready for fishing. Also ma ea 843-2305.-P8/i2.9/2 ' " For Rent ~+her used boats for sale. REDUCE EXCESS fluids w'th County, Washington ConTmissioners of Mason ~t'oo~dsport Marina. 877-5800.Fluidex, $1.69. lose weight safelyWAIliam O. Hunter RELIABLE BA~'V ~itter wanted GET YOUR chimney cleaned 482-3664 for 2 year old boy. Is, and Lake now, before you have a fire. FU RNISHED APARTMENT H8/26 with Pax-A-Diet. 98c at Nails ~hairman area, week days, 426-2287 after 6 Phone 426-2582. N8/5-26 downtown, Carlon Apts. Call ~ Pharmacy.8/12.1][/25 Martin Auseth 1969 16 ft. fi•breg as boat, 70 h.p. John Bariekman Ask for Dorothy -- she'll be glad p.m. G8/19-26 426-301110. C8/12tfnOr Inquire at apt. 3 or r-hrvslerz_;~r,as $2150.motor'TwanohCanvaS'Falls.trailer'Call NEW X-11 reducing plan, 42 f~ttest: %Eat7dSdSa~y8 Wne~ Ruth E. Boysen to show you this beauty. Eves. BABY SITTER wanted my home, CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, kd~ys~ICR tablets $3.00. Money back Auditor & Clerk 482-2566 9-5, 4 days a week. One child, accurate. Precision grinding.. Now TWO BEDROOM unfurnished guarantee Evergreen Drug Center. of the Board R8/19-9/9 Start Sept. 13. 426-2704 after 6 at Saeger Motor Shop, HIIIcrest. house. No children or pets. Call p.m. G8/19-9-9 Phone 426-4602.1/15tfn 426-32z~-BR/Stfn D8/5-26 P7/8-9/9 8/19-26-2t Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 26, 1971 Legal NOTICE TO IN THE sUPE THE STATE FOR MASON IN THE ESTATE AUSTIN NOTICE undersigned and has rel Persons having deceased are reCl~ same, dulY undersigned record at the and file the s~ of this of such se months after the same will Thomas D. Personal R( Star Route Belfair, W Sanchez, Attorneys 309 Great Savings Bull Bremerton, NOTICE IN THE SI THE FOR MAS PROBATE. IN THE ESTATE Deceased. I NOTICE that the un( appointed Personal R Estate of deceased; tl claims aga~ hereby duly or her a address bel( same with court, tog( service after the da of this notice barred. Date August Is/ Persor a Glenn E. corre Attorney for Estate Bell Bull( 121 Shelton, NOTI IN THE THE ST, FOR IN THI ESTA OSBORI~ NOT Final Accou~ Distribution the Clerk of the personal settlement distribution d is~harge, been set for 17 1971, Courtroom Court. Persor Glenn E. Attorm 121 S. Shelton, NoTIC PROP~ PORTI NO. 803 NO GIVEN 12, 19 with the portion Road No it prope~ running 1 Anderso will ren present ot said being followir lying W of lanD the Sou line of No. 80: as surv~ across I the re( Ander! recorded Page 21: the M~ Situated State of NO" GIVEN: will be abandon County. a.m., M( and an~ appear a either ~ Boar cornl coun By .R. AUdr NOTICE: IN TH THE 5 FOR iV In the SusIE Th appOin repreS Person: deceas( same i on tl~ attorne stated with t togett service August be fore FIC 21: Rob~h AttC 1251 shel