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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 26, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 26, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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s Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications • ND SALE irregularities therein. DOE ROTTRUP, his wife, if answer upon the undersigned stated; and in case of your failureNOTICE OF SURFACE / DISTRICT Printed bonds will be living, and if deceased, the Attorney at his office below so to do, judgment will be WATER RIGHT ~1 COUNTY, furnished by the school district, unknown heirs at law of TOM C.stated; and in case of your failure rendered against you according to APPLICATION No 23142 The ooinion of Preston• ROTTRUP; and THE STATE OF so to do, judgment will be the demand of the complaint, STATE OF WASHINGTON LIGATION Thorgrims'on, Starin, Ellis & WASHINGTON; and all other rendered against youaccordingto which has been filed with the DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY, S ] 9 7 1 - BHolman, bond counsel of Seattle, persons or parties unknown the demands of the Complaint, clerk of said court. OLYMPIA Washington, approving the claiming any right, title, estate, which has been filed with the The object of this action is for TAKENO:rlCE IEBY GIVEN legality of the issuance of these lien or interest in the real estate Clerk of said Court• the plaintiff to secure a divorce T h a t E D W A R D A District No• bonds, will be furnished the described in the complaint herein, That the Plaintiff is suing the from the defendant. BERGESON, PERCY D. ADAMSl ,Washington,successful bidder and will be Defendants. N Defendant for a decree of Charles D•Armstong and CARL L ANDERSON of Church FIRST BAPTIST nder date of reproduced on each of said bonds, THE STATE OF WASHINGTOr absolute divorce on grounds of... Attorne.y for Pl.aintiff Shelton, Washington on June 11, 910 East Dearborn , its generalall at the expense of the school TO the said Any unknown hei s cruel treatment on the part of the vlerce L:oun[y Legal 1971 filed application for permitLEWIS B• WYSONG, Pastor CHURCH the principaldistrict• at law of A. L• Bell Deceased;Defendant. Assist. Found. to divert the public waters of an The customary Signature TOM C. ROTTRUP 'and JANE John C. Ragan 1501 South M.Street ..... unnamed spring tributary of I 9 45 a m Sth and Cota I be in the Identification and Nonlitigation DOE ROTTRUP his wife if Attorney for Plaintiff lacoma, wasnmg~on~,4uo L tt e Skookum Creek ....... . ,k~ Sunday Schoo • .... •^^ " " Downtown Shelton ;5,000 each, Certificate will be included in the living, and if deceased, the John C. Ragan Fulton 3-4804 amount of 0.03 cubic feet per Morning Worship .. 11:uu a•m. Pries 1971-B,closing documents, unknown heirs at law of TOM C•Attorney at Law 7/22-29-8/5-12-19-26-6t second, subject to existing rights, C Y's & Cadets .... 6 00 p.m. Aunuct ~Q IQ71 • " 7 = " --' "-'" d 1 to 80, It is understood that if, prior ROTTRUP; and all other personsShelton, Washington 98584 __~ continuously each year for the Evening Service .... :00 p.m. ;ar interest at to the delivery of the bonds, the or parties unknown claiming any Telephone 426-2061 purpose of domestic supply that Bible Study (Wed) 7:00 p.m ^ lot to exceedincome receivable by the holders right, title, estate, lien or interest7/29-8/5-12-19-26-9/2-6t ................. the approximate points of '" "i uest Speaker: ,, Payable thereof shall become taxable, in the real estate described in the ~ i~UllL.~ Ju ~uliuff) diversion is located within NWl/4 ~" HEM. PAUL SWEENEY Tirst days ofdirectly or indirectly, by thecomplaint herein: ,.u. ,,~ ~ SWV4 of Section 25 Townsh p 19 ber of each terms of any federal income tax You and each of you, are IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY. N., Range 4" W W'M , in Mason Mte View issue, will be law, the successful bidder may at hereby summoned to appear NOTICE OF SURFACE IN THE MATTER OF THE County. - .m-0 ~a a J 9:30 a.m .... Sunday School incipal and his option be relieved of hiswithin sixty (60) days after the WATER RIGHT ESTATE OF ORVILLE Any objections must be Alliance i.nurcn of the Masonobliqation to purchase the bonds, date of the first publication ofAPPLICATION No. 23262 EDW A.R D H A R D CASTLE, accompanied by a two dollar ; ] Worship in Shelton, and in such case, the deposit this summons, to wit, within sixty II mature in accompanying his bid will be (60) days after the 5th day ofSTATE OF WASHINGTON uec~a~ea'undersi-ned is the ($2.00) recording fee and filed ,,, :30p. . Evening ~r on the first returned, without interest. August, 1971 and defend the DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY .... ~ ..... with the Department of Ecology Washington& J'Sts. Gos;el't~tour t each of the D A T E D a t S h e It o n,above-entitled action in the OLYMPIA. ' appom~eo and quamled executrixwifhm ~hi~t,, t~n~ ,~=,, f,,,m Wednesday Bible Study TAKE NOTICE of the above estate. All persons A~,~'l~'~'; ~q"lq~l ~""~ '~=Y ....... Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. I 7 ^^ Washington, this 10th day of superior court aforesaid and That FRANK E. LAMAR of having claims against said "'-=VV~tne'~::'m{,'~,=n,~ =nH,,ff;,;=~ MorningWorship..ll:00a.m. / Dir h" :uup.m. • ~ 7 ..............."' ,- . -- • -, ~ -- -- I • C rlstian Ed -- Tom Barwick August, 1971. answer the complaint of the Seattle, Washington on July 12deceased are required toserve ~p~ fh c 11~h ,~=, ~,f Z~ ,, ~÷ ~venlng bervlce .... /:uu tJ.m• I* The Morni " same on said EXECUTRIX or her lq"71 ........... ~ .... ~"~" Prayer Hour (Wed) 7:30 p.m. f .. "ng Worship" 's broadcast Amount John B. Cole plaintiffs and serve a copy of your 197] filed application for permit attorney at the address below "~-G'len H Fiedler " • i uve over KMAS 1280 kc Mason County Treasurer answer upon the undersigned to divert the public waters of EARL EVERS, Pastor 1 ' " $10,000 Note: The maximum effective attorney for the plaintiff at his Lake Nahwatzel, in the amount of stated and file same with Clerk of -- ." .... • ' . uepar~men[ or ~COlogy 15,000 interest rate in above notice has office below stated; and 'in case 0.01 cubic feet per second, said Court, together w~th proof of 8/19 ~ ~ ~ ]5,000 been corrected from 6% to 8%• of your failure so to do judgment subject to existing rights, service within four months after " """"-" 15,000 8/12-19-26-9/2-4twill be rendered against you continuously each year for the first publication of this notice. ~. 15,000 ~ according to the demands of the purpose of domestic supply that First publication: August 26, 15,000 complaint in this action which has the approximate point of 1971. First Church of Christ, Scientist 15,000 NOTICE OF HEARING been filed with the clerk of said diversion is located within Lot 9, Helen Ruth Hardcastle, 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. 20,000 FINAL ACCOUNT court. Executrix ~T of the plat of Lake Nahwatzel 20,000 No. 4200 The object of this action is to Tracts in Section 8, Township Gordon L. Walgren ------- Sunday School 11:00 a.m• -- Church 1]:00 a.m• Attorney for Estate OVI:RWI:II ;HT Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 p m 20,000 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF quiet title in plaintiffs to real 20N., Range 5 W•W.M., in Mason245 Fourth Street Bldg. Odr~nex'can~l~ ~ouv''- Reading room located in church. Reading room hours 20,000 WASH INGTON FOR MASON estate in Mason County County. . . P Y become the 1].:00 a.m• to 2:00 p.m. Mon. & Fri. 20,000 COUNTY. Washington, described as: Any objections must be Bremerton, Wash• tr~m shm person you want to be. 25,000 IN THEMATTER OF THE PARCEL A 8/26-9/2-9-3t Odrinex is a tiny tablet and eas y .... accompanied by a two dollar swallowed. Contains no dangerous 25,000 ESTATE OF BURNHAM P. That portion of H. Woodin ($2.00) recording fee and filed drugs. No starving. No specal 25,000 HAMMOND, Deceased. County Road in Government Lot with the Department of Ecology exercise. Get rid of excess fat and FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH " 30,000 NOTICE IS GIVEN that the 3 of Section 21, Township 22 within thirty (30)days from ~ live longer• Odrinex has been used Arcadia and Lake Boulevard _.-....,.,~_~_ ^-ru_cTc,_ cnn-r P-C~M successfully by thousands all over 30,000 Final Account and Petition For North, Range 1 West, WillametteSeptember 2, 1971. ~.nL=.~ a ........ the country for over 12 years ED CHAMBERLAIN, Minister 30,000 Distribution has been filed with Meridian lying westerly of Witness my hand and official HOW TO KILL IT Odrinex costs $3.25 and the large i 35,000 the Clerk of the above Court and Secondary State Highway No. seal this 1 lth day of August r in T 4 L checks itch ugly fat or your money will be J B ble School . 9-45 a m istrict has the personal representative seeks 14-B. ,N ONE HOUR economy size $5.25. You must loseFamily Service " " " 7~00 D'm" Worship. 1] 00 a m redeem any settlement of the account, PARCEL B 1971. ' strong, qulck-d Y'-?'-. ~"~" ........ questlonsrefundedbYasked.your druggiStAccept NOno II .... - .... !in.9 bonds of distribution of the estate, andThat portion of H. Woodin Glen H. Fiedler ann ournmg or yuu/ ov~- Ud~-~ dt any " ' Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer-- 7:00 p.m. m inverse discharge, which matters have County Road in Government Lot Department of Ecology drUginfectedCOunter.skinThen,sloughln 3-5 off.days WatchWatch guaranteeSUbst with Drugthis I Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service any interest been set for hearing on Sept. 17, 4 of Section 21, Township 22 8/26-9/2 HEALTHY skin appearI. NOW at MCenterAIL ORDERS-- 306 FILLEDRailr°ad Ave. -- J Id after ~en 1971, at 9:30 o'clock a.m., in the North, Range 1 West, Willamette EVERGREEN DRUG CENTER. - Meridian lying westerly of ---~-- ~-----~ ~e. Courtroom of the above-entitled Secondary State Highway No. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION ,r, a our* NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Vote of' the John C. Ragan 14-B. Against the claim of the No. 10846 defendants and any one of them.IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF I resolutions John C. Ragan /s/John C. Ragan THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Phone 426-2488 ors duly andAttorney at Law Attorney for Plaintiffs FOR MASON COUNTY. 123 W. C. St. at Olympic Hwy. Rev. Paul Butterfield hake' irrevocablYannual TelephoneShelt°n' Washington426.2061 ~J~b~4 John C. Ragan L O R R A I N E W I D M Y E R, Bible Study .......... 9 45 a m ~t limitation 8/26-9/2-2tAttorney at Law PI a i n t i f f, v s. J A M ES E. Shelton, Washington 98584 WIDMYER, Defendant. I Your Guide to " | Worship ..... " .................... ii 1].:0() a.m. & 7:30 p• . upon all of Telephone 426-:~061 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Christian Trainin;'il ii iiiii iiiiiiiii ............. 6:30 p.m. TO: the s a i d JAMES E. Expert Services in MosonCountyil Tuesday- Prayer Service&Bible Study .............. 7:30 p.m. hool district NOTICE OF SALE 8/5-12-19-26-9/2-9-6t WlDMYER, Defendant: • amounts OF COUNTY ~ __ ~l~i,~,~~m | ~ ................ incipal of PERSONAL PROPERTY Y O U A R E H E R E B Y ds of this SUMMONED to appear within ~~ I become By order of the Mason County COUNTY ROAD sixty (60) days after the date of Auto Glass 1 Floor Covering Treasurer this sale is held over one PROJECT No. 730 the first publication of this I United Methodist Church wee ,o u us, 0 n* e ma**e o* No ummons ,ow, ' for the NO TICE IS HEREBY 730 to be constructed on Mason(60) days after the ]gth day of Expert Installation ~TE:~°leum ~CarrPme~;g Gand King Streets ;will be GIVEN: That pursuant to an County Road No. 4164 known August, 1971, and defend the JIMPAULEY, INC. / I I REV. WlLLIAMANDREWS, Minister ~surer of order of the Board of County locally as the Skokomish Valley above-entitled action in the Summer Services: 10:00 a•m• Iton, and Commissioners, made and enteredRoad, and more specifically above-entitled Court, and answer ~1 district on the 9th day of August, 1971,located in Section 17, Township the Complaint of the plaintiff,Mt. View | I REX FLOOR COVERING I Church School begins at 9:00 a.m. County there will be offered for sale to 21, Range 4. house in the highest and best bidder, for IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY and serve a copy of your answer I Kneeland Center Ph. 426-8231 / I Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 I U.M.Y. at 6:30 p.m. upon the undersigned attorney ~ .~ ~- ~til 11:00cash, by the County Treasurer at THE BOARD OF COUNTY for plaintiff at his office below Daylight public auction at the front door COMMISSIONERS that it is theirstated; and in case of your failure Auto Repairing ~ 1 Gunsmith [ day of of the Court House in Shelton,intention to Construct rip rap so to do, judgment will be I ,~=;,,~.... h=,,l~ / I Repairing Modern and I CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST tATTER DAY SAINTS ~ich time Washington, at 10:00 a.m., bank protection for flood control / :)ened by Monday, August 23, 1971, the to protect County~ road -- rendered against you according to I -- ,,,,~ ............/ I Antiques / board of following identified and described Skokomish River. and that said the demand of the Complaint, I -- Brakes & Ignition / I precision scope & Sight / which ,has been filed with tl~ I ....Weld,ng & / I, Shotgun Choke Alterations, l / Connection & 12th Sts. Phone 426-2805 personal property; said bidding to work ;~ to be performed by (day .... " Mounting I /I / / Priesth°°d Meeting .......... ............... 9:15 a•m. ted Shall begin at the minimum bid as set labo#,)~,~ accordance with th~ Clerkof said Court~ ............. " a, gauges accrued out below on each item, set by Washington State Standard T h e o bject of the ED'SSERVlCE l Shooting Supplies. /SundaySdhool ................................. 11:00a.m. above-entitled action is for aI / I WARREN A. GIRARD / [ very and t h e B 0 a r do f C o u n t ySpecifications for Road and divorce on the grounds of cruel I 219 So. ].st 426-1212 / Route 2, Box 795 Phone 426-2501 J Sacrament Meeting ..............................5:00 p.m. ~e lowest Commissioners: Bridge Construction as adoptedtreatment. rest and RESALE NO. 73: One ~/4 yard by Mason County. GlennE. Correa I ~ ~h- ~l vhich the backhoe for crane, Co. Equip. No. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Attorney for Plaintiff Barber Insurance ~ d bonds, 237 that the above described County Glenn E. Correa I Men's Ha r Sty ing t-d~.~ I Tired of Shopping? / r rates of Minimum bid ......... $800•00 Road Project is necessary and Attorney at Law i * Razor Styling / I I Let us do it foryou! / dder will SALE NO. 74: One Cedar Rapids proper, and the estimated costs of 121 S. 4th Street I * Shampooing ~1 I I Auto-Home-Boat-Life-Health / Ir. Roll Crusher, Co. Equip. No. 94said project are herewith set out Shelton, Washington 98584 I * Regular Hair Cuts I['~1~, I I Business-Prefer red Risk ? / | Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington ~L~__~_IL_~ | I * ~ic¢or ¢'nntourina ~ I I We locate the lowest cost.I f interest Minimum bid ........ $2,000.00 in detail as follows~ 8/19-26-9/2-9-16-23-6t I " I I Insurance is our only business. I "~ bonds,Prior to the sale, the vehicles Road Construction $3,500.00 ....... / -13/ and/or equipment may be seen atTotal $3,500.00 I BERNIE'S HAIR STYLING I I ARNOLD & SMITH / Ift be]%,inNoa the Mason County Central Shop, The County Road Project I For Appointment1618 OlympicCallHwy426"2072S I I 116 NiNSURANCE2nd. AGENCY4:)6.3317 / | 8:00 a.m. -- Holy Communion .~// t 8%.The located on the Johns Prairie herein described is HEREBY ~...__ ' ..... J ~~ J | 10:00 a.m. -- Family Service ~,l~;nPh / same on Road. DECLARED to be a public SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION J any one Dated this t lthday of necessity, and the County Road NO. 9899 L The Church is always open for meditation and prayer. ~'=~'~=~=~ ;ar on August, 1971. Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Beauty Janitor'-- one Board of County AND AUTHORIZED to report THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Commissioners of Mason and proceed thereon as by law IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY. -- Complete Hair Care Carpet Cleaning rence of County, Washington provided. ELSIE MARY HAWK Plaintiff, -- Wigs-Wiglets- Switches * Building Cleaning MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH e lowest By Ruth E. Boysen Clerk of the Board each bid Cost over less the the net such bid. not be ~mount or by made 8/26-1t NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING Pursuant to Chapter 216, Laws, ]953, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that at 11:00 o'clock a.m., Pacific Daylight Time, on the 9th day of September, 1971, the Board of Directors of Shelton School District No. 309, Mason County, Washington, will hold a special meeting at the office of the Mason County Treasurer in Shelton, Washington, for the ADOPTED this 23rd day of August, ]97]. Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington William O. Hunter Chairman Martin Auseth John Bariekman Attest: Ruth E. Boysen Clerk of the Board 8/26-1t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION No. 10827 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF purpose of opening bids for the WASHINGTON FOR MASON purchase of $400,000.00 of COUNTY. general obligation bonds of the DEBRA ANN SECHAFER' district and taking action with Plaintiff' vs._WA.LT^R_SCOTT Within respect thereto• SCHAFER, DEl-I=Pqu~lxl/. n the Louis R. Grinnell STATE OF WASHINGTON TO mount Secretary, THE SAID WA ER SCOT~-.. ited to Board of Directors SCHAFER, DEFENDANT: 8/19-26-9/2-3t You are hereby.summoned to ~serves -- appear within s~x~y ~6n~,,~ uays after the d te, of the first ~11 bidsSUMMONS BY PUBLICATION ubl~catlon o m~s Summ,,--~ e any No. 10854 Pc~-wit: within sixty days after the • ~ THE SUPERIOR COURT OF 29th day of July 197• . o . ~, ann VfAS'HI4NO~TON FOR MASON defend the ab ve-enhtled action COUNTY. in the above-entitle.d Court, and ELVlN R. EDWARDS and answer the. ~.omp~aint of the ELIZABETH M. EDWARDS, his Plaintiff, ann serve a copy of your wife; and R. W. HOLLIDAY and ELYNOR J. HOLLIDAY, his wife, Plaintiffs, vs. ALLAN B. BELL; Estate of EVELYN SHOREY, Deceased; JACQUELINE BUIST; FOREST BROOKS PLUMMER; and ANY OTHER UNKNOWN HEIRS AT LAW OF A. L. BELL, Deceased; TOM C. ROTTRUP and JANE. ................ NOW LIN. FT. Standards Closets, etc. .................. NOW t elf Standards Wy. s. NOW 426-4522 vs. LEONARD JOHN HAWK, JR. Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said LEONARD JOHN HAWK, JR. You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of first .publication of this summons, to-wit, within sixty ~60) days after the 22nd day of uly, 197], and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer on the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, at his office below Convalescent Care LONG LAKE CONVALESCENT CENTER Dedicated care for the elderly patient. Wa. Li. 93• Country-Home Surroundings. PHONE TR 1-1210 Rt. 1, Box 458-A, Port Orchard Complies fully with Title 6 Civil Rights Act of 1964 NOTICE OF NAMES OF PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY The following person appears to be owner of certain intangible personal property which has been reported to the State of Washington Department of Revenue. Dugdale, Gene, Rt. 2, Box 181, Shelton Information concerning the amount or description of the property and the name and address of the holder may be obtained by any person possessing a egal interest in the property by addressing an inquiry to the State of Washington Department ~D~-_Revenu.e.. Unclaimed Property Section, P. O. Box 448, ymp~a, Washington. If proof of claim is not presented by the owner to the holder and if the owner s right to receive the property is not established to the holder's satisfaction within sixty-five days from the date of the second Published notice, the abandoned property will be .placed not later than eighty-five days after such publication date ~evt:;ue.CUStody of the State of Washington Department of W. J. Purcell, Supervisor Unclaimed Property Section for George Kinnear, Director 8/19-26-2t -- Merle Norman Cosmetics -- Pennyrich Bras ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Building ~New Homes• ~' Remodeling! OLYMPIC VIEW CONSTRUCTION CO. Paul Brown Wes Dosser 426-4312 426-8427 and Maintenance Residential - Commerical Shelton Janitorial Service • Adolph Rapacz Route 3, Box 725, Shelton 426-8936 rvia onr -- Fireplaces -- All Brick and -- Block Work MASON'S MASONRY Phone 426-2278 206 E. MISSOURI SYNOD Wyandotte ROLAND HUBER, SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 1971 Divine Services 8:15 a.m. and ]0:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 9:15 of SHELTON CHURCH the NAZARENE Located in Memorial Hall, 2nd and Franklin Lowell Keene, Pastor Phone 426-1298 Pastor Cable TV I Rental Service I Almost Anything Anywhere I Sunday School .......... 9-45 a m ] Morning Worship ............... :::::::::11;00 a:m: I Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps I Junior Fellowship ........................ 6:00 p.m. For Service Call I Folding Banquet Tables I 121 " 1 )9 II & Chairs' H°spital Beds' Etc" ILEW RENTS / . P~ay~cj, Evening Service Wednesday.......................... ................. 7:307:00 p.m.p.m. 12216 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-77311 • I Carpet Cleaning----- Shoe Repairs----- F shermen s Club -- Carpets, rugs, walls * Polishes & Laces of all Kinds P.U.D. AUDITORIUM -- 3rd &-Corn -- Floors, Furniture * All types of boots and shoes -- Housewide Cleaning repaired. From 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. every Sunday ( AL FURNISH EXPERT SHOE ServiceMaster of Mason Co. nEPAl R SHOP Phone 426-1121 311 Grove Street SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 1971 Bible Study: LELAND WILKINSON, Minister / Speaker: TO BE ANNOUNCED Chain Saws I :';ignPainting 1 h New and Used-Rentals i * All Types Oregon Chains & Accessories * Truck Lettering 2 I Small motor tune-up & repairs I * Cartoon Illustrated Signs i Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p•m. daily I * Personalized Business Card & utheran urch I Letterhead Designs I Mike's McCulloch Shop i Phil Sharpe 323 S. Front St. 7th and Franklin I 2215 Olympic Hwy. N.,426-46~ L Phone426-2661 WORSHIP 8:15 a.m. and 10:00a•m. Concrete Travel -- Ready-mix Concrete Concrete Culverts & Blocks -- Sand, Gravel Brick & Stone -- Fireplace Scr'eens & Tools GRAYSTONE of SHELTON 75h & Park 426-3344 )rugs --Helena Rubinstein --Cosmetics --Prescriptions --Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics 5th NELL'S PHARMACY & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 -- Air - Rail - Steamship -- Bus - Hotels - Tours NO Extra Charge for Our Service Angle Travel Res. Center 401 Railroad Ave. 426-8272 42'6-4134 Truck & Equip. Repair------- Trucks * Cats Logging Equipment Engines -- Transmissions Differentials & Welding SUMMIT TRUCK & EQUIPMENT REPAIR 224 S. 12th 426-2512 CHURCH SCHOOL:9:30 a.m. Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone 426-8611 SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF' GOD 1521 Monroe St. Mason Younglund, Pastor Pentecostal in Message-Fundamental in Doctrine Sunday School .................................. 9:4~ a.m. Classes For All Ages Christ's Ambassadors (youth) ...................... 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, Bible Study & Prayer ................... 7:00 p.m. REVIvALTIME, SUNDAY, KGDN ................. 3:00 p.m. ihursday, August 26, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19