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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 26, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 26, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'VM3 3slno7 a8 A suggestion has been made to the operator of the Belfair ~X/ ~--eO ~. ~4~arqare't ~.'w'~rxt]s'tt~r~ -- C..~x 5-~9..X Garbage dump which I think merits consideration. ts. G ace x xe v2a am, ar, Since salvage rights are part of the salary of the dump recu~eratirtg rtice~,,/ a~ter ~,g~art~ after expenses,~asa~e attendant, it is only fair that he be allowed to lock the entrance when he is not on duty or he would lose all the ~- #~.~'~. T h a t s e a p 1 a n e y o u to the U. of Pittsburgh to study as A tragedy at sea was averted emergency surgery recently in to make a ~650 payment on the Enumclaw Community Hospital.parcel of land they ha~e ..E occasionally see landing in a labor historian, when Fred Graham, alerted by an The Burleighs have a summer purchased here in Tahuya, so it is re-saleable materials that he salvages to a thief in the night. ~ ii~ : Pleasant Cove belongs to BobMr. and Mrs. Robert Spading unknown visitor to the Canal,home at Maggie Lake and whatnow half paid for and they are Guerette. He lives at Sand Point are looking forward to a visit rescued two teen-age boys frombetter place can one find to mend optimistic about starting The salary offered by the County to keep the dump open on Lake Washington, Seattle. He from their son, Dennis and his an overturned dinghy. The upon her release? construction of the new church ~::~ ~i~: incident took place about 8:30in Lt. Col. R. Bohmer (retired) within a year or two. :: ~:'[ ........... i the morning, Monday, August 16. and Mrs. Bohmer spent another The Dr. Jacobs family ' to visit grandma on Hood Canal in toward getting an art degree in The boys had apparently been week at their place here on the reluctantly left for their home in fishing and had capsized when canal. They are pretty much Beverly Hills last week after a Mrs. Harper returned from a he was invited to lore a group of making a sharp turn. They had summer regulars and are always month s vacation at their place at " } three week's visit with a sonartists who are creating sculptures been in the water about two happily busy entertaining family Bald Point, but will be back for f hours, they said, shouting forand friends• Christmas (hopefully a white t to host a picnic for 18 family along Vermont highways. His help, before anyone heard and Ken and Penny Hoffman of one). first built ~.~n ~| |re £fon e man for the membersLivingstonS~Rvl(~in mid-AugUStsmoggy wife, Sansea, also an artist, is located them and Mr. Graham Baldf .~l~_~lllt~~Nt. Pointweek.Spent a week in.,veryMaXine left money for her Guerette's plane was busy currently sponsoring a craft fair in brought them in in his boat. No Canada but were back on the renewal of the Journal-Herald - a i ferrying picnickers to and from Burlington, Vermont. names were taken but the wholecanal last ardent fan of the "- Mrs. Harper's beach, including her Mrs. Dora Leaf was scheduled incident was quite realand Ardent 'Square Dancer's" publication. grandchildren and great to return homelastweekend after frightening. (not squares), their main purposeJack and Iris Olsen went to grandchildren, a session in University Hospital, Sholbergs from as near as in Canada was for that reason and Westport last week and both !i, ,: 11 i~~ ~i [ The Harper family have long Seattle. She broke her leg in a fall Vishnu Island to as far away as they had a ball!, limited. With some helpful hints made Itood Canal a playground, earlier in the month while visiting Boise, ldaho, assembled Sunday, ttarold Allen, son Jay, and from Jim Pirtle, Iris did a .... John Harper is a former Northa Seattle friend. A son, Dr. August 15, at the Canal home of son-in-law Andy Veitch fished beautiful job of smoking some - ~I,~~ I// II Shore resident. Mrs. Harper's Robert Leaf, a physics professor AI and Thelma Sholberg for a Westport lastThursday. Allthreedelish!, daughter, Mrs. Dick (Joan) Buck with New York University, has family reunion. Fifty-three in all limited with Harold getting one It has often been said that six lives nearby at Cherokee Beach. been spending his vacation attended for a beautiful day with weighing in at 28 lbs, another at weeks after hearing crickets Ain t Nature Wonderful helping his mother, potluc~ eating. The Sholbergs are 18 and his third a ten-pounder, comes the first frost - we figure for Mason Schools Dept.: Mrs. Richard Baertschiger Shipwreckdept.: Dung& trying year-round living on the The boys limits were in the 8 to then it will be about the 1st of 10lb. bracket. , October how does that grab This was a "first ' for Andy as you?? • valor" 13111 /~.ILi~ItlDI doesschool. Another school bus run,n t allow for long hoUr s and many people whoarrival time at Belfair State Parkhave V r k: R o ad n a m e do.eo a f ore or'v ea ann M eanwh ile- ba c k at the - • ranch And" 's wife Sue was For the second time this driven there with a load of trash have found it closed. Some Newkirk Road was pohtmshowever he ~s presently is the husband of Mabel Harper's wife, Sansea. Dennis, 27, an artist trying to Keep s m of those people take the trash home to try another day, some granddaughter. They can fly over and a sculptor, has been working head for an alternate dump miles and miles away and others | ~ ::~!:~ #e less than a half hour the U. of Vermont. This summer just empty their load outside the gate or along the road. The suggestion of having a sled placed outside the gate on which persons could dump trash when the gate is locked !;~ John in Boise Idaho just in time that will be placed in rest areas would help everyone. The householder could get rid of his :: load without an extra trip and the piles of unsightly garbage ; :i along North Mason roads would diminish. , i:!i # i Each morning when the attendant reports to work he could pull the sled inside and empty it, without having to .... pick up individual piles scattered on the ground ..... ...... It sounds like a good idea, well worth trying. Three new routes set North reports tomato vines six to eight Winona Hoppe's 26-foot sailboat, Canal for the first time and have Three new runs for buses in Another kindergarten bus will VIOLA AND MARION NEWKIRK, for whom Newkirk Road was named, feet tall beside her house but no Luv, dragged anchor last leased their home at Angle Lake. the North Mason School district be needed to bring the afternoon are seen in the yard of their property which has been their home for forty fruit yet... M. L. Fay's Thursday when a summer squallMrs. R. W. (Flossie) Cady has far as Charter Boat fishing is will be in effect this fall that were class to school; they will go home house-side tomatoes are bearing ended the long warm weather returned from a most interesting concerned so he was a pretty not in operation last year. on the regular school buses which years, so heavily that he reports he 11 spell. Helpful neighbors, including month in Belgium visiting another excited young man. q, .............. Since no kindergarten classes leave school at 2:40 p.m. This have to ship the excess Russell Carlsen, helped Winona North Shore resident, Annie were held last year, the two buses special run will leave the out-of-state.., rescue the boat from the beach Stuyts. needed for the re-instated intersection at the Tahuya River At Hood Canal you can see and tie the craft to a buoy. The new Fall/Winter/Spring - -" 7 , Y o e food down summer Camp Oak Patch, a kindergarten program will take (near the old Tahuya school) at the stars, reports a honeymooning The next mornifig the Luv schedule for the Bookmobile will being confined with a bout with summer camp .for mentally the morning class home and will 11:15 a.m. and proceed along couple, Mr. and Mrs. Geoffreywent hard-aground and laid over go into effect on September 3. the summer flu retarded chiiaren locatea on me bring the afternoon class to North Shore with an anticipated • • • Bauman who are visiting the when the tide ran out. Happy Stops on the North Shore will be: The St. ,Nicholas Church Tahuya Peninsula, was hit by couple ~ocon orronrs from came rushing home from work. Mission Creek, 11:20 11:40; "salmon bake' was a huge success burglars. Missing this time were a new this year, will be an activities around 11:30 a.m., turning onto Pittsburgh, Pa. For Mrs. Bauman With Carlsen's aid he righted the Terra Linda, I1:45 12:00; again this year. True, there were rug, an outboard motor, an 8' bus leaving the high school gym at the Old Belfair Highway as far as (formerly Alice Fry), it is a return boat during the rising tide and Livingstons, 12:40 - 1:20; Cady, some turned away due to lack of boat, a radial saw, two chainsaws, 5:3 0 p.m. each day to take the Bear Creek store, arrivingIt was almost forty years ago,a job at PSNS in Bremerton, the Newkirk sons as original to Hood Canal after six years. She sailed her briskly into a protected 1:30 - 1:45; Tiger Lake, 2:10 s al m on, but as with any a tool box, an electric drill and a students home who have stayedshortly after 1 1:45, where November 9, 1931, when Viola which he gave up when he was members, has been working at the anchorage in Pleasant Cove. Here 2:30; Union River, 2:40 - 3:00; reasonably new project (second skill saw. Five buildings were late to participate in sports, children from the lakes will be and Marion Newkirk moved onto appointed Postmaster of the Newkirk was one of the first Cross-Cultural Cumulative Coding she will ride at anchor until Bear Creek, 3:05 3:20. Visits year) any mistakes will be entered during the robbery which music, debate or drama activities, picked up, then returning along a 20-acre tract north of Belfair Belfair Post Office in 1948. Since members after the charter was Center in Pittsburgh. Bauman is around Labor Day when the will be on the first and third remedied by the time the nextwas reported August 18 to the How far this bus will go or by the Old Belfair Highway to pick owned by Mrs. Newkirk's father, his retirement in 1959, Newkirk closed of_ Hood Canal Lodge 288 ex-navy and now a computer Hoppes will take her around toFridays of each month. Support bake comes around. Beltair Sheriffs office. what route has not been up those students. The bus is For nine months they lived in a has worked on a part-time basis as F&AM. Adaughter, Dorothy. was determined yet but school expected to arrive at school at log cabin which was on the special research assistant to the one of the members of the programmer, will return this fall the winter quarters at Kingston. your local library. Read a book. Librarian on the August 20 ;~ ....................................... --------------------------- i officials hope it "will encourage 12:15 when the afternoonsession property, then moved into a Master of Washington State original Girl Scout troop in "~-.-~-i--2 .......... North Shore route was Mrs. t ~i D & G TREE SERVICE ! house where they have lived ever Grange. Belfair She later went on to start Phyllis Finney, a newly-wed of six participation in extra-curricular begins. TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED i activities by students who haveAnyone new in the area whosince. During their years in this area the Belfair Drug Store. Both m o n t h s a n d a n e w f ~ FULLY INSURED been unable to stay after school is not familiar with the routes and When County officials, about the Newkirks have been active in Barbara and Mary Ann were SEPTIC TANKS -- DRAIN FIELDS Bookmobile addition. She lives in bec a use of transportation pickup times of the regular bus seven years ago, decided to give a honored queens of Jobie's. Olympia. [ jii]l 'Nes Griffey CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 6-4783 : difficulties, runs is invited to call one of the name to the road leading up-from - - _ Mrs. Newk~k ~s a charter TOP SOIL -- SAND GRAVEL FILL DIRT Anyone using the Sand Hill ............................ " ................... - the Old Belfair Highway on which _ ~ member of the evergreen ~,aru.en - INSURED -- LICENSED road county dump could help out Morning kindergartners will school offices, CR5-2881 or the Newkirk's home is located :: Club and served on the election ~_ ------_-_-_- ride the regular school buses from CR5-2811, for more information, they decided to name it after the _ . -- board of her precmctoff and on FRANK DeM|ERO assistanceWith the toeC°l°gYtwo boys,and Dennisbe of their areas to class. The dividing Ior twenty years ane nmpea long-time residents and Newkirk - - " CR 5-6155 Belfair, Wash. and Jerry McGinnis, whose line for morning or afternoon Road it became organize the local VFW Auxiliary mother is a widow. The boys have session has "almost been decided" "' [ to be the corner of North Shore AIIvn Gnrl s It was here" they raised their and served as its first secretary. ~--------------------~----------------------~ been allowed by the dump . five children Herman of When the Belfair volunteer fire attendant to collect beverage Lee Loprnore--BUlLDER Road and the Old Belfair " . . HUSON BROS lfighway. Children south of that e~e minted Normandy Park, Dorothy Harper ~ ~ department was started,,Newkirk bottles for resale. If bottles are point will attend morning class, " = of Belfair, William of Brownsville. ~ ~ ": - ' kept separate, Mr. Howerton wilt [ WE HAVE BUILDING LOIS those from North Shore, Tahuya, Bobble Smith of Allyn is Wash Barbar7 Carter of ~ ~ becametreasurer itSHefirStls anSeCretarY-honorary • provide a place for them where [ WE HAVE FINANCING. VARIABLE INTEREST Old Belfair Highway and the lakes recovering from an eye operation Torrance, Calif. and Mary Ann~ ,- ~ " ' - " • • they can be easily picked up by [ NI=W CONSTRUCTION -- REMODELING Gunselman of Belfair. The couple ~ ~ member of the group. Clearing Earth Moving Road Braiding above will be in the afternoon performed at Harrison tlospital now has fourteen grandchildren ~ ~ He served on the North Mason the boys once a week. SU session, last week. She is expected to be and two great-grandchildren. ~ ~ School Board from 1934 to 1937 GRAVEL--SAND--ROCK [ LICENSED -- IN NED -- BONDED A kindergarten bus will leave released from the hospital this where, he says, he made enough E CR 5 2021 the school at 11:30 a.m. and week to recuperate at home. in lq~0 a clay and mud ~ ~ enemiestolasttwolifetimes. This Matson graduated travel to downtown Belfair to Miss Smith, a 1971 graduate FREE ESTIMATES ms d]dn t scareham away from discharge passengers, backtrack of North Mason High School, was thoroughfare that required cha ~ ~ " ' " " " " past the school to let pupils off injured when a piece of wireto be put on and taken off each ~ ~ "." , : . with gs degree Days CR 5-2837 Eves. CR 5-2152 along the way down South Shore around a bundle of newspaperstrip over the steep hill leaving the ~ ~ " " LOCAL CONTRACTOR CR 5-2235 Victor J. Matson is one of 65 to the Sunset Beach area, turn snapped when she was cutting it highway during the Newkirk's ~ ~ Democratic party, a position he who received bachelor s and around and continue up Highway and hit her in one eye. She was on first winter there. The following ~ ~ h a s held at various times 3 to Allyn (and Victor, if her large North Mason deliveryspring Newkirk, joined by two~ ~ throughout the years. Both master's degrees in August 8 necessary, but so far no route for the Tacoma News other men living along the road, , Newkirks have been active in local ceremonies at Walla Walla College. ..... ., o~ ,...~o ..r ,.~ " a wine assortment of community im rovement clubs whichhave ! Matson completed his kindergarteners have signed up Tribune when the accident ~ptcdu o. ~uau~ u. ~..vel on nt to ...... p elementary education in Belfair from there), then on to occured. --.-~-- ;* -'-ssable The County activities, r~ewk~rk helped been formed in the area ! and was graduated from South ,,,~-~ it v- - ver organize the Twanoh Grange andthrou-hout thmr residence here Grapeview. The entire run is She is the daughter of Mr. and furnished the truck and dri . ° " " RANDALL, Kitsap High, Port Orchard. He ..... e served as its first Master for four It seems unlikely that the R K ( Chiropractor expected to take about an hour. Mrs. George Smith. lne aepressmn was on wn n " • • • received a bachelor of science .......... v-~ . ~ .,...years. He and his wife were active Newkirks will be soon forgotten the NewK~rK s lilt) CU tt UtC degree with a majorin elementary "el~ r area and Newkirk was organizers of tise Belfair in the Belfair area with their ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ u ra~ " ',' without a lob For four or five Community Baptist Church. active community-spirited record, education. "~ " e ..... where Newkirk served as firstbut in the far distant future when Matson is the son of Ruby A. H~~ 9 He~~ years minTs w re mp anct tUCK mr . ' ! Hanberg of Bremerton and John the con"If as he ~'---v ...... Sunday Schootsupermtendent;of they are no longer here, the J~ . " ~v ' . t,.m c a scuou~ the first Jobie's group in Union "'Newkirk Road" sign will serve as NOV~ Practicing At L. Matson of Shelton. He and his pus,_cut woo~a orrtoo~ any o aa which grew so large a separate a reminder of their busy life and wife Ruth and their children, II=,-.,,=-.==..~=-~.~.=~-~=~.,m-'~=-'=~- .... i h w°r~'ea~'at the t-t~t "t"amp' °n B°Y Sc°ut Tr°°P 513 which had devel°pment °f Belfair" 5 " ! be residing in Sequim where he | °n soumsnor= I| A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal servin0 as t e jan ne coum ~!na. rorone year ne group was started in Belfair; of their many contributions to the Gregory, Laura and Jeffrey, will i SCH~R MUTS I voice of Belfair, Align, Grapeview,. Tahuya, Mason Lake, ,'~ortn ,noTe, followea oy mree St. it. 1, Box 2 2, I falr will teach. Matson was previously : 4 miles from O~falr tFormerlyWold'$} l South Ghore and North Shore. and a half-years employment |.~,....,D.n....t~m..,,~--~,~4=.--~.--,,~-.,,t~.,~.--,,D~.,D--,D--",'| an instructor in industrial with the WPA, during which time | ! education at Auburn Adventist i LOCKJE BEEF LB. 69' • Grain fed grade good steers v Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washi,Nton 98528 he served as foreman on | AblNllA/ MFFTINI( -. | ) Academy. i e. aa . cut...m m | Telephone CR 5-6680 construction of the recently V .................... ~ Phone (R5 3110 Walla Walla College is a liberal Ouick Frozen V I ! d e m o I i s h ed Chalet school ~ t arts, church-related school located We cure our own hams and bacon, no water added. LOU DONNELL ............................. Editor building. - t Hood Canal Environmental Coundl I in southeastern Washington. t BARBARA NELSON .......... Advertising Representative For a time Newkirk and the v Tuesday and Friday-- 10 to noon- 1:30 to 5 i ~ Corned LB. 89¢ . I late Charlie Beck joined forces to ~ ~ .... | Published by Shetton Publishing, Inc., Post Office Box 430, do carpentry work but it didn't V aturday, August Zll I Evening 7 to 8:30 P.M. | MAIL BOX TAKEN ~ Country S~Q Pork Soull~o LB. $9' ! Shelton. Washington 98584; telephone 426-4412. turn out to be a very profitable J • • ~ A large bright yellow mail box ~ I ruction 3 p m at Forest Theater venture. On one job, const " " ~t " " j of a house in Bremerton, the I (4 miles west of Bremerton on Seabeck Hwy.} ¥ Wed. and Thurs. -- 10 to noon - 1:30 to 6 was stolen from the Mission Lake we can ick u custom sl u " . P" P, a ghter, cut and wrap ti Subscription: $5.00 per year in Mason County; $6.00 per carpenters averaged $3.85 a day ~ ~ 1 area August 18 according tO a | your own beef wlth state inspeytlon. | report from the Belfair Sheriff's CR5-2784 Evenin MY2-2575 i year elsewhere, apiece for their labors v The emphasis will be 'on Shoreland Leyjislation • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In July of 1941 Newkirk took L ~ .9,,..i,..~ ~ ~ ~ .,,=,,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .9=,,. ~ ,,~ ~_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ______ - office. ~-.~=~ ~ ~-,==,,- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,=m.,~=..=D.4~ Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - August 26, 1971 August 26, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald Section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7