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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 26, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 26, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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~,~ " By JEANNINE PETERSON --- 426-3815 By LOUISA 925 A big welcome to the ]olin Orange, California. They enjoyed Friends at Orchard Beach and Mrs. Joan Risinger of to her 4-Hers on how to take Knapp fam!!y. They ,h, ave a potluck dinner after swimming Once again we can "bust our fisherman by charter boat at safe arrival last Friday the were saddened to learn of theMonrovia Calif: a stepson Jack orders with a smile and to make purchased the Sugar Shack on and water skiing during the buttons with pride in having a LaPush. The water was calm, the thirteenth at SeaTac Airport from passing of Mervin Johnston, in Bowen of Tacoma; eight change. Debbie Hurdle was neighbor receive special early morning sunrise was Charleston, South Carolina. TacomalastThursday. "Merv' asgrandchildren, and one helping as was Peggy and Roger the Cove at Mason Lake. They afternoon. have three children, 9, 6 and 5, Pete, the twins and I took a recognition as did Neff Bergerbeautiful, and they had a limit of It's been a full session for this he was known to his many friends great-grandchild. Ewart, Vincent, Nita, and Peri with his winning at the state level salmon by early noon that madefamily with his lengthy stays at had a massive coronary and was Services were held at Lynn Pettitt, Kelly Harris, Sandra and Janie s grandmother lives day off and attended a familyand then being a participant in this a day to remember, the east coast naval shipyards, found in his home by friends after Funeral Home in Tacoma. Denny, Valrie Van Horn, Candy with them. Janie and John both r e u n i o n i n V a n c o u v e r, work swingshift at the Navy Yard Washington with Pete's mother the international carpenters Ervin and Selma Furchert This is the time the faucets began missing an appointment. The Opening day at the Mason Donell, Kris Nicklaus. i ~'~!~ :? apprentice contest held in Detroit have been enjoying the visit of the,spiteful drip-drip, drains Johnstons have had a summer County Fair saw many Brian Hurdle was happy as at Bremerton. and family. There were 26 noisy on August 12-14• Uncle Guy Lewis of Mt. Angel,didn t drain, the roof developed home on Orchard Beach for years, Grapeviewites in attendance. The could be for he checked in the ag. M r s. P a zaski, who I Petersons, including one brother mentioned had been remodeling and family from California.. Nell won the Washington state Oregon. They had fun telling that, leaky spots, and the waterpump and had lived in this area all his 4-H booth was doing a boomingbuilding and found he had won a her cabin at Paradise, has had her The Women s Fire Auxiliarycarpenter contest that was open although Mr. Lewis is retired, he had a serious seizure of hiccups, life. business and as I came closer I blue ribbon for his huge double daughter Loreen Puryear and her of Mason Lake is havingits annual to fourth year apprentices, held in learned how to spend a working Welcome home, Frank, glad Survivors include his wife, saw Mrs Harris cooking Ernie sun flower plant. two children with her this fund raising dance, SeptemberLongview, Wash. He received a day by going with Ervin on the toseeya! Frances L, two stepdaughters,Nicklaus'making sandwich'es and Add Grigg, a talented summer. Loreen and her husband -4th. This year it will be held at $500 savings bond and the motorized paper route. The Union River Homemakers Mrs. Daniel Weimer of Tacoma,Pattie Pettitt giving instructions Gra peview artist had two Gerry re turned to Tulsa, the MBC club at the north end of traveling trophy that is on display Before Mr. Lewis leaves for are still active, in the annual paintings on display• One was a at the local union that sponsored home, Selma plans to take drives scholarship award towards books, .... very attractive painting in lovely Oklahoma last week for another the Lake. This is the only large his entry. The product made inaround parts of the canal and but had no applicants this year. browns and beige of three i~ ).....4~ two years of schooling. Gerry was money-making function they have if]k1 appaloosa horses. She won second competition with the other locals show him the beauty of this Their money raising projects of so impressed with Mason Lake all year. Two bake sales and two throughout the state was a toy country, bake sales and auctions will ~ " ": premium for that painting. that they now plan on making rummage sales are the only other house, for the final award. Hopefully my husband Frank continue to assure the scholarship ~l~ Last week I attended the this area their home when he is means of raising money for our The keen competition was has shaken the travel dust from will bein reserve for future ~ ::~ Pacific Coast Regidnal Restaurant graduated. Firemen. A family reunion was held at The women have done such enjoyed in the Detroit contest his "seven league boots' with a awards. • /+ :" Exposition in Los Angeles that included a manipulative test _ _ _ ~ : :: ~ promoting geoducks and was met theElliottsandWilligsonthe anexcellentjobofbuyingradio of typical carpenter projects in . ~ - - i usan bay lor two pays oi li * by the Health Department for young people stayed for the retired couple, to Canada and I ent ~ --.- ~ Have A Good Time Labor Day I The celebration was .... held in theworkers to go over the building nsmng. ................ vincent caught nls umuI G.E. App.anees at Discounted Prices I Allyn Firehall, which had been three times first to sand blast all ..+t. a... ~ t...+ ; ..... -~.~ individual septic tanks to be used danceand the music fit every age nearby streams that promise good I 1~_]~ C.~.~F~(~2 ~ At I decorated in" deep pink" and white " the peeling ' paint off next to b...... ....... Y ....... .a~..a _,.,,/; I until an advanced treatment plant and mood. We were sorry to miss fishing. Our best wishes are for I ~ ~'~'"3~ -~ ~t d I~ I ............. ' ..... pound nsn mat made me news. I Best Buys Get More for Your Money • " - " + "e was using a p°un° test une I .Low i can be installed. Gary Morigeau of all the activities, but my friend, finding a stream full of cutthroat I ~'~g~ --#~ ~, I oy mr and mrs l~il, tmJon Ior the annly a coat of sealer and ,inauy .......... occasion to cover the exterior with a coat " " ......... Co~t D~r the Health Dept., who was Marge Farley from Vancouver, trout and good luck in learning I ~~IV/~ .......... I " and a nine mot iimnerpomanult present at the hearing, said such and her two children came up for h ow to catch the elusive I i~~ NORTHSHORE |NN I Two wedding cakes graced the of paint, took him 22 minutes to land the tests would have to be conductedthe weekend, and they didn't , oeaunrul LninooK salmon. steelhead, i + ~-..~--u~ --:-- I table from which guests were The blue enamel used for fish a ........ * " " is experience vincent wnl in the winter months, which his want to move from'in front of the]'his is belated congratulations I Pool Tables Shuffleboard I served refreshments by members window and door trim was After th ........ I With Dry I~ WI~BI' ClBII~ | of the church One baked and donated by one of the workers ............ I department was willing to do. fire. Too bad... • , . .... De a °sherman mr me rest ol °is to Baby Ted B yerly. He was I " decorated by G lennis Harmonson,Those participating in the life and is along time t, do for he I ~01' Perlllal~nl I~$$ ~10~lill~ welcomed by Jerry and Cheryl I Sandwiches • Short Orders I / l "~-~-'+~ • Permanent Pre$$C¥cle I was an offering of the Allyn project were Lloyd Suhr Clyde ........ ° .7;-+"~ .. Byerly on July 17, joining the I _ . . ....... ' _ is only l ~. mi in an ne caugnt one 1 " -- 1 ~t~ *~ lr ~r • ' ,~v hLl "~KAt l/UUllld~ UII Ilt~ till,. family of brothers Tommy, I DaDcIng I t~aptist Mission The other cake Mcr~inney, wimam morgan Larry . ndroa .... a .......... / I [~-- -~ • 3 Hoot Selection* I and punch were furnished bv DraKe merrin ison, money ~,~ess ....... / l i //,~ [ *SeparateStortSwltch | Grant, and Johnny. There are , . . I ......... + . , -- ....... ~ust had me word from Mr I I i~t J', I .c.....+..,t+.,r,.o I • " . . ' • Lone me brapeview school will / I [ ~ J] * Porcelain Enamel Top I nd arents to Daily 10 a m tll 2 a m Sundays 12 12 several sets of gra p+ I ..... I rlelen wnuams and Echo Matson JacKlnompson Lnarne tsaKer ........ " The Ptlands were married in BillMitchell, Dale Russell, Bill ' ~ ....... spoil thelittle 19"" fellow of 61bs. _ ............ _-_-_- ........... _ ...................... the Redeemer Lutheran Church in Kirbyof Kodiak Lodge No. 295,start the ia.!l term, 3eptemo, er the I I "~'~i /I &ClothesOrum I 9oz. }-'--- ....... ----- ............. I Hutchinson, Kansas August 25and DennisMurphy. rstano'wmjust-°e'°nenal' oaY"I |38 [ Telling of the family ~ 1946 They have only foster lne 3neiton schools wni de tn background thatinchIdes the , CLOSE OUT SALE - +,+_ From $ 95 The couple wishes to express SHOP''vT~"° ........ Our first rainy iau aay ser eu is an interesting storyof the | AIII'IA'IP• R___. / mm o . ,-.-,-t~a~.a,ot, nt as a reminder to start getting W I na3tesake"of Baby Ted { "I| '''U .ores o.o motors I thanks to all who helped .. • A$HER m~t-,~ ,h,,;~ ,~--iversarva rou r juveniles were ready for the winter which is not Grandfather Pond had quite a i .... , ....... ,~ .......... apprehended by a local deputyfar behind wood in, school I .Filter-FloWoshingSystem I • In :>tUCK ~ memoraole occasion --u ust 18 after recev"- - ' ' l *rhreeWoterLevel$ i tinte during school days with the | . " A g 1 ingareport clothes and so on. As I am older i .sookcy,,. - teachers changing his name of Ted I also SKI SALE ~ from the Sunset Beach Groceryone season follows another so fast / I ~.r~.:.--~~ - q .t.,oW.,, - S+g~omit~Si,*Cop°~i~ I to Theodore on rep6rt cards, and ¢ T ......... E- on South Shore that they had I am always surprisedand l [ ~ - [ *MultipleWashIRinseTemperatures | his parents crossing that out and | .......... I KU~ll~t~ m~ ~ / I i I .¢o,~Wo,.,Wo,~o.+m.,. I writing the shorter name of Ted. ~ SANDE'5 BOAT & iiillM~alrJ~.... I The Timberland Regional taken twocartonsofcigarettes,unprepared, i I ! I "p ....... tP .... eyclewithCooldown I Library Board of Trustees will , m ..... -_ ....... ......... o ressed .... ~ , / [ I Mini Basket I lnls situation ilnally pr g ,{ t to the point where Mr. Pond / Bank Terms Belfair CR 5-2297 | meet on Thursday, August 26 to / I r I Mini Quick Cycle I adopt the preliminary budget for ~_..._~_....,~ ,~A A...~#.%, ~, changed hisnametoKenneth.Another thought is that - __ ...... - .......... ----- ........... --------'-------------- ' .... ~?a7r2. The board mee!!ng ,w!l] ~t~ ~g~¢d-~/l~g~Ml.'~¢ ~ / ~* ~ From $208°0 I Cheryl was very active ' in all _- - - -OF:TAll ~ ~./~t~l I=¢ A I • - t at 7:30 p.m. an~ win de nero phases of Girl Scouts during her ~ ........ •, ~.~t.t.oP~t.L ~( in the Timberland Regional ~ ~1 #111~ I school years, and will her future ~ . _. t',~l"%l I1-,,, ~ Library Administrative Office at ANY L FOR ~1~ • eVV | I 1006 South Sound Boulevard in ..... COMPLETE ELECTRICAL WIRING be Boy Scouts with her four k) FRESH k) Lacey. The meeting is open to the ~ Lipstick, Nail Poulsn b°ySlen and Betty Letherman ~ ~V~g~ %,7"- ,~j,~,%~" ~ public. '~1 , Pressed Powder, Liquid Make-Up, I And HEATING SERVICE I r-DENNIS Blush Powder, Mascara, Eye Shadow achieved the mecca of the ~ ........ f"~/ / Terms, of course, BankAmericards Welcome I / II Free Delivery I For Delivery _. k_../ 2 / REAL Eslr,TE I Expert , _ _ RAINY WEATHER D,DN'T dampen the spirits of those ++Times MOnaFiCH-+L;am.q_in . --I Wa~niai'izingin I PrescriptiOnont and View I Service "'+"'" 0"u0 1 --. ++ I attending last Saturday s Salmon Bake at the MBC Club at Phone ~ or ........... -:'_2- ;T" ...... I B,,,,ir Acro,$ From [ + j " 9 7 Weekdays iu ~ 3u~tuay) Mason Lake. but it did make it necessary to cover the smoke CR 5-2402 265~~~ ~.~,~:' :,']~ ~ IcR S-22s4 Belfair State PirkI 9- 8 ~ridays / PO. B. 575 C 5" I pit with a tarp. (See Mason Lake Meandering column.) Ervin Furchert Page 6 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - August 26. 1971 August 26, 1971 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3