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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 27, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 27, 1970
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TODAY'S Jan Danford, Society Editor 4-H'ers Hold Dress Revue, Home Economics Contest The Mason County 4-H program dress r@vue contest was held on August 6 and the Home Economics Judging Contest on August 7, both events taking place in the Mountain View School. In the dress revue contest, a 4-H'er enters a garment or outfit made by herself as part of a clothing project phase. She models her garment for the judges who grade it for workmanship, selection of fabric and appearance. The record book also is critiqued and rated. Winning blue ribbons were Jamie Hickson (Sr.), Chris Rickards (Sr.) Nancy Eveleth (Sr.) Rona Harper (Sr.), Sue McClean (Sr.), Patsy Sharer (~r.~, Debbie Lisoskie (Intermediate Jr.), Laura Russell (Intermediate-Jr.), Barbara Ward (Intermediate-Jr.) Mary Johns (Intermediate-Jr.), Elena Johns (Beginner-Jr.). and Donna LaClair (Beginner-Jr).. Red ribbon winners were Vicki Kimbel (Sr.) and Cheryl Bedell (Sr.). In the Home Economics judging contest, exhibits in foods, knitting, clothing and home improvement areas were judged by 4-H'ers. After judging four exhibits in each division, 4-It leaders discussed the best decisions with the contestants. Local Girls Ride In Canada Judy McCleary and Wretha Rhodes returned Aug. 15 from Denman Island, B.C. where they have attended for two weeks an English riding and jumping school at Rancho Alegria. The girls participated there in an International Horse Show and in a gymkhana held on the ranch, both earning ribbons. Judy is the daughter of W. J. McCleary, and Wretha's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Rhodes. Trophy Won By Robinettes Stacey Martin was leader for the day when the Mason County Robinettes won first place trophy in Baton Units at the Des Moines Waterland Festival Parade held Aug. 8. The girls attended a three day twirling clinic day camp at Kelso, and will hold their annual clinic on September 19 in the Shelton High School gym. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McAulay Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 27, MISS SHANNON GEORGE, up on Cherokee and assisted by Tami MacDonald, enjoys her daily lesson in horsemanship. Sh annon :olleen George Is Horsewoman Of The Week Shannon Colleen George is two years old. She has been riding since the age of six months. When nine months of age, she was forcibly removed from her horse and temporarily grounded until she learned to walk. She first rode bareback, sitting in front of her mother whose mount is an Arab-Quarterhorse mare almost 16 hands high. She learned the "feel" of a horse and progressed to riding, bareback and unassisted, while the horse was led. Miss George is a fearless horse- woman. She has ridden a total of four full-sized horses in addition to the Welsh gelding on which she is pictured. Not until this summer was she permitted to ride in a saddle. Shannon is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred George, both enthusiastic riders. Her mother, Melissa, is an accomplished horsewoman, having studied English equitation with emphasis on jumping. Her home was at that time in Seattle, and after four years of lessons she herself became a teacher of riding in the Clearbrook Riding Academy, where she won many ribbons. Fred George is a Western rider, and has ridden since early childhood. Fred is employed by Simpson Timber Co. and Melissa works in the Save Rite Grocery owned and operated by her parents in the Skokomish Valley Center. Shannon's instruction, this summer, has been for the most part provided by her cousin, Tami MacDonald, who supervises the daily workouts on Cherokee, her own Welsh loaned to Shannon for her learning days. Very soon Shannon will receive a Welsh pony of her own. The youthful equestrienne has but one mishap - so far - to mar her record. Three weeks ago her instructor, leading the pony briskly, glanced back to see an DEBBY COX was winner of the "Spirit Stick' Leader Clinic held on the college campusat El Debby Cox Given Award Debbie Cox, daughter of Mr. yells. and Mrs. Don F. Cox of Mason The clinic was the National CI ......~,~~......11I empty saddle with a laughing Lake, was awarded the "Spirit Shannon running along behind. Stick" at the Cheer Leader Clinic I "She'll be jumping before held August 3 through August 7 she's eight years old," says on the college campus in Melissa. Ellensburg. Miss George has a younger The award was given in sister, Shelley Ann, who is less recognition of her abilityto precocious than herself; she is inspire spirit in the cheering seven months old already, and spectators. She also received three doesn't yet ride. ribbons presented for accuracy of Association staff, evaluate yells leaders. Miss Cox, student in senior in High and has been a staff since her ju By Jan Danford Picnic Held At Island Lake Approximately 63 persons family, Mrs. Ethel Baze, Mrs. attended the picnic held on Mabel Johnson, Miss Carolyn August 16 at Island Lake by the Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. grin descendants of E. N. and HiramParks, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Johnson. Many out of town Munson and family, Mr. and Mrs. guests were present. Harold Chase, Mr. Bruce Attending from Shelton were Goodwin, Colleen Goodwin, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eveleth and and Mrs. Martin Auseth, Mrs. Etta Rector, and Mrs. Mabel Goodwin. Daughter Visits Mrs. Mabel Burk Visiting in the home of Mrs. Mabel Burk from July 25 to August 24 was her daughter, Mrs. Kzthleen Gibbs of Belha,een, N.C. Mrs. Gibbs was born and raised in this area and was graduated from Shelton High School. She served in the Waves, and after her enlistment married and has since resided away from Shelton. She has three children. Her visit included the renewals of many old friendships as well as time spent with her sister, Mrs. Dorothy Hilderman. Meeting Changed It's About Time Tops will hold future meetings in the County Health Office on Birch St. rather than in the District 11 Firehall on Island Lake. The club meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m., but will hold no meeting on Labor Day. The meeting that would normally fall on September 7 will be held on September 8. The group, consisting of weight-conscious persons, is open to individuals of either sex and of any age. Teen-agers are especially welcome. Anyone sincerely wishing to take off pounds sensibly is invited to attend. Mrs. Virginia Clocksin Mrs. Clocksin To Speak Mrs. Virginia Clocksin, Port Townsend, Republican candidate for the 24th Legislative district, will be special guest speaker for noon luncheon to be held September 9 in the Hallmark Inn by the Mason County Republican Women. She will speak on the tax reform measure. A regular business meeting will follow. Reservations must be made by September 7. To do so, phone Carol Hunter, 426-2222 or Addie Norris, 426-4509. Why must my garden constantly Strive to make a fool of me? My phlox sublata fails to creep; It lies there in its bed, asleep. My sorry, sick chrysanthemums Deny the verdure of my thumbs. I cannot figure out what ails My trailing vine that never trails. I confess that also I'm Beset with climbers that don't climb. nana Js Some unknown and vicious virus Ardently assails my iris. A kind friend gaveto me his asters; They are now but grim disasters. I can but ask my neighbors' pardon For this eye-sore I call "garden". I think my next door neighbor would Prefer I left the neighborhood. People who my garden visit. Standing in it, say, "Where is it?" As Mary Morris was selecting some very ripe bananas in a grocery store she turned to a fellow shopper and saidz./'These are just right for Banana~}~atter!" The lady had never heard of Banana Butter, so Mary Morris told her all about it. "You should give the recipe to the Journal," said the woman, "I'11 bet nobody else knows about Banana Butter either." And Mary Morris did just that. She came into the Journal office, willing to share her recipe. Born in Kansas and raised in Oklahoma, she has lived in Shelton for the past 28 years. Her husband, Chester, is retired from Simpson Plywood Mill, and they have nine children, 29 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mary enjoys crocheting, and the making of quilt tops, especially those requiring tiny They gladly come from far and near To view my efforts with a sneer. It seems that they cannot resist a Gibe at my unsightly vista. They make collective mockery Of my unpolished rockery. They give a sort of funny chuckle When they see my honeysuckle. They haughtily look down their noses At my poor but honest roses. One glance at my wisteria And they are near hysteria. Their attitudes are rather cold Toward my humble marigold. Some of them are most sarcastic, Suggesting flowers made of plastic. I find my temper growing short And someday when they thus make sport I may uproot some .... unpruned shrub MARY MORRIS has been making "Banana Butter" for 50 And wield it as a garden club. years. She was surprised to learn that most people have never heard of it. Welcome Chapter Schedules Sale Welcome Chapter No. 40, Order of Eastern Star will hold a rummage sale next Thursday and Friday, September 3 and 4, in P.U.D. No. 3 Auditorium. Anyone having rummage to donate please call 426-8121 or 426-8677, and arrangements will be made to pick it up. Verna McAulay, 1945 Charles McAulay, 1945 I You Have More Talent • i Than You Know, I Anniversary Party Planned We Will Teach You To i I Stretch & Sew! The 25th wedding anniversary McAulay, and his wife Sandy. Piirlmnlll Assistance of Verna and Charles McAulay Mr. and Mrs. Charles McAulay By Appointment will be °bse ed at an Open were ma ed in Ch°hahs °n t ' t House to be held in their home on August 31, 1945. They resided inHl~use of Knits Mill Creek Road, Rt. 1 Box 639, Aberdeen before coming to from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sheltonl2yearsago. 220N. lst--426-6627 Saturday. The party will be They have three children and Daisy Smith, 426-8476 hosted by their son, George six grandchildren. I1~ ~--- ~ ~- ~ "~"~-.~ offering classes in Classical Ballet • Tap • Jazz Authentic Hawaiian and Tahitian Open to ages from 3-to Adult CLASSES START SEPT. 8 Located on Railroad Ave., Next to Hallmark Inn For information Phone 426-2724 at go elic pieces worked patterns. She although the one.~ small in has raised in pet is a little dog, s l terrie tier reope book t and she was she lost it a bit of received a copY recipe from BANANA 3 C (about 10) 2 tbsp. lemon: 6V2 C. sugar I bottle CertO. Mash fruit to C. into very juice. 1/3 C. may be sugar; mix bring to full for l minute, Remove from stir in Certo- glasses and is 9 medium an c topping for for FOR Q.MY to want to A. If fine,., or curly. • • It If your category, a should give a set. straightening easier for yOt satisfaction" will not your it as often oil-removing in trained into you set yOU every daY gel, it will it. shape yoU SH Q. MY washing her such frecluen hair out? A. shar harmful to shampoO that it clear water- use of shampOO hair ma, Fifth & F 1970