August 27, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 27, 1970 |
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.Y for students of First grade pupils should bring
gilt School will be with them some proof of date of
.Will run on regular birth. New students in all grades
Pstration will be in are urged to register in advance so
At the completionthat transcripts can be received
~, a full schedule of from previous school attended.
run on a shortened Call 426-6767 for appointment•
BUses will leave the Hot lunches will be served
P.m. Tuesday. Lunch cost: 15 cents for
Y Has Books On
ng UFO Views
g saucers scientificaspects of ufology from all
k.ence fiction? The viewpoints - scientitic,
bhc Library has metaphysical, psychological,
0oth sides of the religious. Over thirty articles deal
. with both sides of the
ific Study of controversial phenomenon called
!lying Objects is the Unidentified Flying Objects, the
~0rt on the study evidence is preesented, pro and
/ !he University of con, for you to judge.
Under a research The World of Flying Saucers
l the U S Air Force is a scientific examination of a
eS " "
3 2 p ages of major myth of the space age by
: Plus many charts, Donald H Menzel and Lyle G.
t~agrams and 24 Boyd. These authors find
~ase studies of 59 absolutely no evidence that ships
en in detail, from outer s ace have visited the
~vag Saucer Reader earth - as yep.
- uavid covers all In Flying Saucers - Serious
Business, Frank Edwards, veteran
• newsman, reports on his 20 year
~R=.__ study of the subject. Included
quoLJnCeS here are accounts of U.F.O.
|| .... sightings by customs officers,
Igr~ He(~d ranchers, astronauts, aborigines,
airport traffic control officers,
• 'n. Don L. Talley, and others who are eyewitnesses
~ed this week by and confirm each other's stories.
UUtler Hansen as Flying Saucers - Here and Now!
..her 1970 reeiection by the same author, brings up to
~l, raittee, date the new developments in the
alley has served with Unidentified Flying Object
~ in her election Mystery since January 1966. The
,ee her election to author provides fascinating
~n 1960 and as theories and authoritative
the COmmittee since answers to the most frequently
1 asked questions about UFOs.
~en and Tallev also The Interrupted Journey:
J.a.e Mason county Two Lost tlours "Aboard a
L'Uttee . ~ ....
0 Will beheadedFlyurg Saucer is one of the
w and Mrs Georgia strangest stories of our time - the
l!on, and C W abduction of an American couple
] Itarstine Island. In aboard a UFO - as revealedby
~Unty, Mrs. Marita them under therapeutic hypnosis.
:qe, Will be in charoe John G Fuller researched and
g the " '
1 announcement, wrote this account based on the
said '
.' 'I am very records of the couples doctor.
tv. ta.ese people are Decide for yourself about
o.I their time and Unidentified Flying Objects. The
,r~election campaign Shelton Public Library will
'tOrWard to workin~provide the material you need
~lIi,a o
It u others to be the hours of the library are noon
a later date in a to 5:30 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m.
~l~lPaign." Monday through Friday.
l?upplies may be limited!
,_ NOW ,m/
I- I
~,t~ Pens Free. 49
tLValue NOW
RIEF . .
' l Ularly $1.29 NOW
Livewire $1
$1.47 Value NOW •
PACK ___ •
NOtebook paper NOW 19',
h0 m0,'v
Pin 9:30 to 7:30 weekdays and
9:30 to 6 p.m. Saturday
Franklin 426-3327
rn Washln to werelast s rln with the
or There will be two Wes " "g y .p g "
first six grades; 20 cents grades 7 - research group as a lab atory . .
12 and 30 cents for adults technician He will be teachino teachers on the faculty of Hood College. same drivers on the respective
...... " ~ ,. ' ........ ~' Canal School District when classes Kenning attended Eastern runs.
leachers Will meet ior a iull the sciences and Industrial Arts ........ . ............... .
..t.~,, k,~,,,;,~.,;.,,, ~ a ~ m At,,-, 21 LIo ; ...... .,,i,, .,,~,.,;,.;.,,, , ,~ ,,., open ~ept. ~. wasnlngton btate Lollege, btuaents WlU De given a
,~-:,y,.s-: ..... ~. "~ / 7 ..... ~-~; --..- ::,. ~. ..... ,~-s v-,, ..... ,~ .~v -,- New faculty members are Washington State University and written brochure on school
Stuaents lnterestea in his inuustrial Arts oy restoring an ... .. '- " '- "- ................. "-res
regAs~e~inngf?r21gsht~aSt~ohnOOtlhSehcnoolstarts at ~',~u a m
make s ecial arrangements There Getchman will teach glr s E " " • "
P ' " " .... " ~" There is a work book fee of $1 0 The Lower Skokomish School
is no tuition for students under home economics ann seventh aria The Shelton Eagles again ~ ........ "- was the sublect of much
' ei-hth -rude lan-ua-e arts . ~ for each siuoen[ alto each stuuent J
Z l • I~ -- ~ 1" ~ . ~ . • .,, sponsorsthe Christmas Town C. front the fourth grade tip mustvandalism during the summer,
The yearbooks for the year leaching music mis year wni Bers. as was announced by ~ v $" .....e-o-it fee -aidStr't John Pill said
1969-70 have arrived and are for be Miss. Nancy Kaye Roberts, Worthy President Asa Mallette, na ~as~rolTtOT~:illp ~s~art oll't as e. - .
g .'" p g" . • - . . • g Y Y
Frederick Mathis will be in charge years in a different vocation. Anderson .e r,.u~ In so I OIL FITTERS
of the drivers training program Teaching the third and fourth doing they ~a?: bulilding a new I ~ ..........
and the commercial subjects, grades will be Miss Eva Johnson, Athletic Field for the now
Mathis comes from Spokane, from Oregon State University. generation it will still take some ~ ~I~I~AQ
where he finishes school this She did her student teaching in a doings, however, as more than I ~m~l~l
summer. Since 1966 he has third and fourth grade team $30,000 dollars are needed. With ~ Our Every
worked summers for the U.S. teaching situation in Salem. the help of the funds raised by ~ rim, Prie~. / Faeh
Forest Service. Mrs. Octavia Killough willother civic groups and that ~ ""~ ...........
Larry B. Fritch comes directly continue as first and second grade matched by the government the {
from the University of teacher. Miss Kay Wooten willgoal should be reached in about ~ fl||l~ BATe AlITf~ BIDT¢
Washington where he became serve asprincipal and Spanish five ears
............. Y .. ...... I %UI IIIHIIIG MUI rMRIJ
certlilcateu in JUly. He nas teacher. A pot lucK picnic is ptannea
worked for a year and a half at It is a good staff and it looks Aug. 13 at Walker Park. There )
the University of Washington like a good year for all. will be games for the kids and / ' 128 S. 1st. 426-2800
Primate Center in a behavioral adults starting at 10 a.m. i-___-----_-_ .......... ~- ---------- -
i.-.-.-,,-~,~''qi ,=l~d;
.~..,~ ,= ,
Volume 1, Number 7 Shellon, Washin lion ugusI 1970
~. ~ Todd Sanford, son of Mason County Federal Credit Union Manager
~ Ron Sanford, can't win one of the bicycles offered as prizes in the
~ current membership drive for children, but he can certainly drool over
i the bikes -- and here he does.
[ Bikes Are Prizes
i In Kids" Drive
~ lk t The Board of Directors want Mason County Federal Credit Union
~_ i to be a family affair, so in conjunction with our membership drive for
~ ll ~ adults, your children can be winners also.
~ ~, | Children's savings have the same benefits as their parent's accounts
~ ~I t1 do, the big 5V2% dividend and Life Savings Insurance. So, have your
~ ~ t children, grandchildren, neighbors kids all join. Today.
~ ~ I To make it even more enticing we will give one boy or girl, 15 years
~ ~ ~ and under, a brand new Columbia bicycle, provided by Swanson's Bike
~ ~' I Shop, on the Spring Road, Shelton. Here's how the contest works. For
~ ~ every youngster 1 5 and under who joins the credit union and for every
.... 5 00
| $ . added to his or her share account (new or old accounts) between
July 30 and October 1, 1970, we will provide a ticket towards the
| drawing to be held October 1. The lucky boy or girl will win the bike.
-- • i 5789
IlJ .... llli__•• - [ '~ _l | The bicycles are on display in the lobby of the credit union. If the
child decides on a larger bike than the one on dis la this can be
Ilwe I e ROlle© VUlt l arranged. P Y'
If you have any questions, ask the girls in the Credit Union office.
The, Red Ca .pet I. ,'ACCOUNT NUMBER
At theMason County FederalCreditUnion As ifa5½%d,vldend, * COULD WIN $5
payroll savings paid-up life insurance coverage and low cost loans were not ! gO0
reasons enough to enroll, we are going to give bikes and bucks to some new | Three numbers were hidden in the August issue of
members who join before October 1, 1970. 6205 We expect our 3,200th the COMPASS - all 3 were worth $5.00 - each to the
member will be coming on board in this period also, and have a gift of $50 in • recipient.
cash awaiting him or her (adults only). In addition, we have a bike to give to | Believe it or not all three went unclaimed. The
a girl or a boy who enrolls before October 1, 1970. The winners will beaccount numbers belonged to Harry Pozorski, employee
selected in a drawing on that date. There s still more. According to the t of the City of Tacoma at Lake Cushman; Brick
computerized estimates of the Washington Credit Union League, the | Bostwick, owner of Western [:arms, Shelton;and Klaus
500,000thperson willenroll in a credit union in Washington by SeptemberHoepfners, Correctional Officer at the Washington
21. 4519 A galaxy of gifts has been collected to be showered on the t Correction Center.
history-making new member,whomwe are absolutely, positively certain will I This months issue will have 5 account numbers
be a Mason Countian. 3431 So what are you doing standing there? Make j because of the July 3's begin unclaimed. 5873
tracks for our red car t It's there for ....
pe . you. I Let us know at the Credit Union office If you find
yours hidden here, and the money is yours.
Gallon ..... $595
°7 ...... q"
Caulking Compound