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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 27, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 27, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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leader of the Evergreen Wranglers 4-H Still smiling on Friday evening after a full day P activities. ilications Legal Publications FOR BIDS alternator 130 amp• Bat• 12 'Wil be received by volt 220 amp. al School Diet No. 7• Tachometer elect. ~ District Office, 8. Brakes 16V2 x 7 rear. 16V2 x 5 [_u, Shelton, Sept. f r o n t • 1 2 C. F • M. a i r !~r..1 67 passengercompressor front wheel ,,111 also cOn~e?e%ar limiting valve• b 73 Pass g 9. Fuel tank 60 gal. :,000 Ib front axle 10. Aluminum drop sash. I.d for 1()0" luggage 11• Aluminized steel seat backs rhe BOard reserves and sides from windows !~cft any or all bids down. ~,,Ormalities. No 12. Radio and P.A. with outside ',,uraw his bid after speaker• tar the opening 13. Flat windshield preferred. ~.,=u. of contract is 14. Windshield wipers air Tryco• "=~Od exceeding 30 15. Seats to be 52 oz. Koroseal Bus must meet type with foam seats and State School bus backs. No hair accepted. ~)ecifications. 16. Rubber fenders front and 391 cu. inches rear. ena.i Transmission 17. Auxiliary emerg, air brake to ul rect in 5th be Anchorlok. ~h. Spicer 5652. 18. Power Steering. Y axle 18,500 lb. 19• Heaters to be 85,000 p00. lb. front ]rant and /2,UUU BIU rear. 1 • ou M.P H• defrost fan• 0h°lebudd 10:00 20• Rub Rub floor and steps • throughout. ,tUbes 10.00 x 20 21. Drivers seat to be K.enworm Miler " air ride seat. I~lectrical system 22. 12 ton jack. 23. Header pad above door. 24. Locking gas cap door• 25. Dual muffler with Tail pipe extended thru bumper. 404Hood Canal School Diet No. :, 8/20-27-9/3-3t i Wi ELL NOT,CE OF SHER,FF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE ,LING CAUSE NO. J-214s IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF , THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IMI Ned FOR THURSTON COUNTY THURSTON COUNTY, WASHINGTON, plaintiff vs. VIRGIL COGBURN AND IRIS K. COGBURN, husband and wife, defendant. Under and by virtue of a general execution issued out of POOLS and under the seal of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, I(~ Tank in and for said County, on the 9, backhoe 31st day of July, 1970, upon a judgment rendered in said Court truck service on the 24th day of April, ]970, in conditioners, favor of THURSTON COUNTY, WASHINGTON and against ?ARE VIRGIL COGBURN and IRIS K. COGBURN, husband and wife for the sum of FOUR HUNDRED Shelton, FI FTY-SIX and no/100ths -- 8/Gtfn ($456.00) -- Dollars, together with the attorney's fees, interest, costs and increased costs, and to ltrQctor me directed and'delivered, I did ~VING on the 11th day of August, 1970, levy upon all the right, title, and ling Lots interest of said judgment debtors I Const. ------------------- Used Cars MOVING lations Des ,¢1 S "68 DODGE DART 1/22 tfn Work--2 large or G.T., V-8, automatic, p. steering, bucket seats, bright red. Low mileage ................... '68 TOYOTA Corona 4-Dr., Auto. trans., 25,00O miles ............... $1245 '65 OLDS 2-Dr. Hdtp., Factory air, Star- fire, white with red interior .......... $1295 '64 CHEV IMPALA 2-Dr. Hdtp., Power Brakes, P. Steering, auto. trans., 283 motor. 50,000 miles ........ $1095 '64 DODGE DART 4-Dr., 6-Cyl., Auto, 53,000 miles ................ $745 '61 CHEV 2-Dr. Hdt ............. $245 BIG DEALS on remaining '70 cars! Front & Railroad - 426-8183 3/6 tfn TRANSFER Your savings account can be transferred from anywhere in the U.S. to Capital Savings --- without cost. Just bring in your passbook--the Crew in Blue will do the rest. Mt. View Alliance Church Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .. 11:00 a.m. A.Y.F ............ 6:00 p.m. Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) . 7:30 p.m. EARL EVERS, Pastor 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School ..... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .. 11:00 a.m. C.Y.'s & Cadets .... 6:00 p.m. Evening Service ...... 7:00 m. Bible Study (Wed).. 7:00 p.m. oriented or self-sustaining economic enterprises employing Indians. The amount of the grant may not usually exceed forty percent of the cap ta necessary to make the project profitable or self-sustaining. The grant may only be made as a supplement to other financing. Grants may not be used for refinancing or debt NEW HOURS: 8:30 tO 5:30 Monday through Thursday Ft Idays until 6 pro. FSLIC INSUR/~NCE INCREASED TO $20,OON.00 • ''211111--''~ll~' 5HEL'ION - first & {~ailio;~d, 4=6-8211 Home Office: O{yrr~pia Olympia -- Monte~no - Vancouver -- Shelton NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Phone 426-2488 123 W. C. St. at Olympic Hwy. Rev. Paul Butterflald Bible Study .................................... 9:45 a.m. Worship ............................... 11 a.m. & 7:30 p.m, Midweek Service ........................... Tues., 7:30 p.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH I Arcadia and Lake Boulevard I ED CHAMBERLAIN, Minister I Bible School ....... 9:45 a.m. Family Service ...... 7:30 P.m.I Worship ...................................... 11:00 a.m. I C IN DA LANEY wound u p and let fly for the winn ing th row Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer-- 7:30 p.m. I of the rolling pin. Boh,Whitmarsh directs the contest, as he Child Care Service Available at 11:00ServiceI has done since the 1950 s. Beginners.and Adva.n¢ed I First Church of Christ, Scientist Legal Publications Legal Publications 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. I in and to the following described stated below and file the same SundaySchoo111:00a.m.--Church 11:00a.m. [ property tosatisfysaidjudgment with the Clerk of this Court Wednesdayeveningtestimonymeetings8:00p.m. [ to wit: ' together with proof of such Reading room located in church. Reading room hours I A tract of land situate in the service within four months after 11:00a.m.to2:00p.m. Mon.& Fri.,Wed.evening6:45to7:45 I Northwest quarter (NW-V4) of theAugust 20, ]970, or the same will Northeast quarter (NE-]/4)of thebe forever barred.-- i ~(~ ~(~1~ !I1~ / SU ~ .~. i. it~tlf,.] Southeast quarter (5E-1/4) of HANNA EL IZABhlH Section Sixteen (]6), Township CARLSON Rt. 1, Box Ju nineteen (19) North Range five Grapeview, Washington 98546 (5) West W M 'particularly ROBERTL. SNYDER • t Lk .~b.~ described as follows': - Attorney for Estate rlsnermen Clu BEGINNING at the Northwest 125Vz N. 5th corner of the Northeast quarter Shelton Washington 98584 ' %-- +~ (NE-V4) of the Southeast (SE 1/4) ' 8/20-27-9/3-3t p.U.D.AUDITORIUM--3rd&Cota / ,'~ of said Section 16; thence ........... L~~~~ From 9:15 10:30 a.m.every Sunday : ++ a ++ +e o, ....... oo. said Northeast quarter (NE-V4) of~ ......... -'- .~i--.'^~--"~'''" Southeast quarter (SE-1/4), ]26.25 i~lu. lu:~zz Sunday, August 30, 1970 -~J~.~_~ J feet; thence Southerly, parallel IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Bible Study: REV. LLOYD KILGORE "k :-- a-. llilJlE l with the West line thereof 417 42 O F T H E S T A / L u feet; thence Westerly 'parailel WASHINGTON FOR MASON Speaker: REV. RAY MAINWARING -~1~- ~"~'~'~.----~1~1] with the North line 12~)25 feet COUNTY. ~U~ .+--mr,~+- ] more or less, to the West line of L I L L I A N M. E LWOO D, said Northeast quarter (NF-V4) of Plaintiff, vs. RALPH H. Southeast quarter (SE-]/4), thence ELWOOD, Defendant. _ ...- North along said West line T H E S T A T F_ u I- 417.42'feet more or less to the WASHINGTON TO THE SAID St, Dovid's Church ISCO t / point of 'beginning, ex'cepting RALPH H. ELWOOD: _ _. there from road rights-of-way YOU ARE HERh~Y ~~j ,~;-~~li~~ N O W T H E R E F O R E SUMMONED TO APPEAR within Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington NOTICE I'S HEREBY GIVEN' sixty (60) days after the date of That on Friday the ]8th dav of the first publication of this q,~+~mh~r ~q~n =~ ~no'clo~k in Summons to-wit, w th n sixty 7:30 A.M.-- Holy Communion ~k i / I ................. ' f Auto Glass t Concrete , the forenoon of said day I will (60) days after the 13 day o 11:00 A.M.-- Family Service ~.11/ | sell the abovedescribedproperty August, 1970, and defend the I i I I I--Ready-mix Concrete I The Churchisalwaysopenformeditationandprayer. C~--~I~CI~/ or so much thereof as may be above-entitled action in the I Expert Installation --Concrete Culverts & Blocks necessary to satisfy said above-entitled court, and answer ! I. I II I: I J judgement, together with the complaint of the plaintiff, and attorney's fees, interest, costs and serve .a copy of y o ur+answe, r u p%n ~aM r~Aa: LEY~h N4C2~ increased costs in all amounting~,,~. u,,u~,~,u,.,=u ,~%V-,,=y~ ,v r to the sum of i~OUR HUNDRED plamhfT, at their orT~ce below -8231 4 NINTY-TWO and no/100ths -- stated, and in case of your failure 5th & I CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS (*492.00) -- Doll'ars. plus s° ~t° ~d°-in~Udg, men],or~'l/ b3 Connection& 12thSts. Phone 426-2805 Sher ff S ~osts. ,=,u~,.=~ =u~. ~ ~ .... "4 . ..................c==,~ =~,o ,;,, +=uo ~.,~ ....... .... + the the Qemano OT mef.i complalnL Automotive .osmetics Priesthood Meeting .............................. 9:15 a.m. ............ eat which has been led w~th the Sunday School ................................. 11:00a.m. t:-/-~b/ ODOr orme LourI HOUS ........ SHELTON insaid County and Ller'~h~TsSal%n~°a~on brou-ht b" Tune-up * Brakes HOLIDAY MAGIC COSMETICS Sacrament Meeting .............................. 5:00p.m. State and will be at public " " • u Y r * Free Demonstrat ons on =, ~÷;,~" f,~r ~a~h in hand to the the plamhff to obtain a Decree of h~]'l~es"' ' nd" besi+ bidder Dovorce and to distribute real and FreeTIpickupeS &LUbeDellvery Skin Care g ~.sta~. ........~.. ... . nersonal property " " Basic/Corrective Makeup. . BateD at bHhL/Urq vvasn. ~ ....... ,,n;,~- .... ,-,~ this 11th day of August, 1'970. ' b~?'.~-'O~)~ w~ ~b%~ TOM'S RICHFIELD DONAWAY ENTERPRISES John D Robinson ~" • f . ".- -" 1st & Railroad 426-393C 428 Henry St. 426-1317 of • . Attorneys or Plamhff Sheriff of said County. P.O. Address: SHELTON CHURCH the NAZARENE By Ann Rose Deputy. Box 126 Chief Civil Deputy 720 Prospect Street Located in Memorial Hall, 2nd and Franklin INGERSOLL & INGERSOLL Port Orchard, Washington 98366 ' +Auto Repairing . Drugs Lowell Keene, Pastor Phone 426-1298 422 So. Washington St. Phone: TR6-4455 I --Major Overhauls I I --Helena Rubinstein I Olympia, Washington 8/]3-20-27-9/3-10-17-6t I --Brakes & Ignition I I --Cosmetics I Morning Worship ........................ 11:00 a.m. 8/20-77-9/3-10-4t ........ Sunday School ........................... 9:45 a.m. " I --Welding & Tune-ups I I --Prescriptions I --~N--O~-ICE----- BID ADVERTISEMENT i Special Winterizint I Evening Service ..........................7:00 p.m. I --Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics I Prayer Meeting, Thursday .................. 7:30 p.m. O P E N S E A S O N F O R Sealed bids will be received by I I S U B M I T T A L O F Lumbermen's Vacation Homes, | ED'SSERVICE | I NEIL'SPHARMACY I APPLICATIONS FOR GRANTS Incorporated for construction of I 2,19 So. 1st 426-1212 i |Sth & Franklin Ph.4,26-3327 I FROM THE INDIAN BUSINESS streets, drainage and utilities, on DEVELOPMENT FUND. or before 1:00 p.m., September PL Department of the Interior, 14,1970, at the office of Project Faith Lutheran Mnurch Bureau of indian Affairs, Western Manager, Mr. Stan Lyman, First Beauty i Floor Covering ,. Washingt°n Indian Agency' and Pine Street' Shelt°n'I --CompleteHairCareFederal Building, 3006 Colby Washington. I I --Lino,eum --Carpeting I 7thandFranklin Avenue, Everett, Washington, Principle bid items are: I --Wigs-Wiglets-Switches I / --Tile --Formica I 98201. 1550 L.F. of gravity and | --Merle Norman Cosmetics | WORSHIP: 8:30 and 10:O0a.m. Applications for grants from pressure sewer pipe. I --Free Demonstrations I / REX FLOOR COVERING I CHURCH SCHOOL: 9:15 a.m. the Indian Business Development Fund will be accepted during the 1 Sewage lift station. period of September 1 through 685 L.I-. Water main and I ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON I /Mt. View Ph. 426-22921 Christian Worship, Fellowship,Education,Service fromSeptemberqualified30' 1970.1ndiansApplicationSfor 245appurtenances'L.F. Storm sewer. I 6th & Laurel 426"45821i , I Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone 426-8611 projects on or near reservations 1 8 5 0 S. Y. R o a d w a y are to be filed with Construction including Superintendent Western asphalt surfacing. Bicycle , Plans and specifications may I New and Re-Built Masonry Washington Agency. ' be obtained from Walker and | Factory Trained Mechanic --Fireplaces The Indian Business Byrne, Consulting Engineers, 610 I Complete Llne of New Parts --AII Brick and United Methodist Church Development Fund is a South Columbia, Olympia{ | andAccessorles --BIockWork G and King Streets supp ementa grant program to Washington 98501. A deposit o | SWANSON'S BIKE SHOP REV.HORACEH. MOUNTS, Minister increase Indian entrepreneurship, $5.00 per set is required. MASON'S MASONRY I OPen 7 days week, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Indian employment and Indian 8/27-9/3-2t i 3 blocks east of Airport Grocery on 10:00 A.M. Worship Service income. Indian individuals, groups i Spring Road Phone 426-4989 Phone 426-2278 of Indian individuals, Indian 7:15 P.M., Wed., Church School for all ages tribes or Indian corporations may -- -------"-" ~ ------'"--'-- app y for a grant ..... Projects must be located :erServic0 within this county or adjacent *Clearing MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH counties. Projects must be profit *Leveling A MISSOURI SYNOD Gu,de • To Pmsonous Plants iBulldozer ServiC0Bulldozing ] Pool Supplies i J *Clearing J --Sherwin-Wllliams I I ~ Leveling I Palnts-Carpets-Wallpager I I ---Complete Building Supplies | I *Excavating I --Plastering & Supplies I I JOHN MAKOVlNEY • I Nye Co. Building Supply I " I Free Delivery / I Phone 426-1289 I 42,6-8224 On Cole RoadI able TV ental Service Almost Anything Anywhere 206 E. Wyandotte EDWIN C. ZSCHOCHE, Pastor Sunday, August 30, 1970 Sunday School and Bible Class 9:30 a.m. Divine Services at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Theme: "A NEST IN THE STARS" WISTERIA (Wisteria) Many children are treated yearly for the s e v e r e gastroenteritis, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea caused by eating the toxic elongated pods or their seeds of this common ornamental plant. The blue, purple or white flowers, however, are harmless. Should you experience a case of plant poisoning, or suspected plant poisoning, immediately n0tlfyyour physician or take the victim to the nearest hospital, if possible be prepared to identify the plant or save evidence. Nell's Pharmacy Emergency Ph. 426-2165 Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 For Service Call Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 2216 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-773] ;hain Saw,:. Rubber Stamps New and Used--Rentals For Fast Dependable Service Oregon Chains & Accessories GAEDES CRAFTS Small motor tune-up & repairs Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., daily Phone 877-5411 Star Rt. 1-Box 24A Mike's McCulloch shop Lilliwaup, Wa. 98555 2215 OI, ymplc Hwy. N.,426-4639 Now serving Mason County i Travel , j I I --Air-Rail-Steamship I THIS SPACE I --Bus- Hotels- TOUr'S I J NO Extre Charge for Our Service I I Angle Travel Res. Center I J How About You? li 401 Railroad Ave. J 1,26-8272 426-413._1 First Baptist Church (CONSERVATIVE) Fifth & Cota Sts. Rev. Jerry Larson, Th.M. Tel. 426-8461 Sunday, August 30, 1970 I~°~e II Morning Worship I 11:00 a.m. Pastor Larson, "1 Have Br r Chosen You", John 15:12-21 9:30 a.m. Bible School 7:30 p.m. Larry Powell 1280- 11:00 a.m.| SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1521 Monroe St. Mason Younglund, Pastor Sunday School ........................... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ........................ 11:00 a.m. Christ's Ambassadors (Youth) .............. 6:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service ............. 7:00 p.m. REVIvALTIME, Sunday, 3:00 p.m., KGDN consolidation. Forms for making applications and assistance in preparation and project planning are available from the Western Washington Agency or Portland Area Office. Application forms and instruction sheets are also available at the Reservation Tribal Community Center. 8/27-9/3-10-3t N OT-II C ET o CREDITORs NO. 4133 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate o'f JOHN EMIL CARLSON, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified personal representative of said. estate. Persons havidg claims against the deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attorney of record at the address Thursday, August 27, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17