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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 27, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 27, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 15 words or less -- $1.50 1 0 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday ~. ~v~v~A - ~ -- ~ -=~. ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~%~ A~. ~. ~_ ~. ~ ~v~ ~v- For Sale For Sale Sporting Goods CLEARANCE SALE. All stock, USED REPOSSESSED Spinet 14 FT. Plywood boat, 10 hp. ~Earts bins, and misc. items Piano $595. New cost $750.00. Evinrude and trailer. Good vervthincl cloes. Shelton Junk Johnny's Music Box 205 Cota condition. $350.00 or best offer. Co. let and Mill. 8/27-9/3. 426-4302. J6/25 tfn 426-8923 or 426-3906. $8/27-9/3 II ORDER DILLS and dill weed now. Delivered in Shelton. Phone 426-3667.68/27-9/17 FOR SALE.. Woman's wedding ring set. Tiffany setting, yellow gold. Never worn. 426-4596. W8/27 BEATEN DOWN carpet paths go when Blue Lustre arrives. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. 8/27 FREE ONE gallon of A & W Root Beer to Vincent Adair P. O. Box 411 from A & W Drive In on Mt. View. A8/27 GARAGE SALE -- Plus 3 teen wardrobes sizes 10-12-14. Thursday, 2 p.m. - 8 p.m.; Friday 9-4. 1719 Madison. 8/27 LAYER HENS for sale. 426-8971. H8/27 GARAGE SALE -- Starts 27th. Tools, clothes, furniture, ladders. Lots small articles. Everything goes! 404 Laurel. F8/27 $2.77 Sq. Yd. Indoor-Outdoor Carpet. Choice of colors -- quantity limited Olsen Furniture Co. 4th & Cote 426-4702 8/6tfn E3EAUTIFUL AMERICAN Saddle bred mare. Ride or drive --gaited. Phone 426-4394. K8/20-9/10.4t USED LOWREY Holiday Deluxe Organ. Cost new, $1295, now $895. Johnny's Music Box, 205 Cota. J8/20tfn GELDING SADDLE bridle $225.00 426-8460. T8/20-27 U..I Car= '65 FAIRLANE 500, 2 door hardtop. Standard transmission. Excellent condition. $650. Call 426-6094 after 5 p.m. A8/27tfn WINCHESTER PUMP shot gun. "TB! OII61NIL" Mode 97. $55.00. Phone 426-2055. J8/27 SLIM GYM MARK 20 outboard engine, needs new tank. Runs good, $40.00. Fred & Barbara Hanson Hoodsport. 877-5834. E8/27 426-6654 1118 E. EllinorMUST SELL -- 16 foot fiberglass Shelton, Wash. 98584 cabin cruiser, almost new. New trailer 426-6628 evenings. Alice M. Hanson 68/6-27 877-5372 P.O. Box 192 FOR SALE 12 ft. Birchcraft, 9Vz Hoodsport, Wash. 98548 H .P. Johnson with trailer H7/16tfn $350.00. Phone 426-4128 or 426-8262. Mc8/20-9/10 GLASSPAR 60 hp trailer call COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from color negatives only,19c. 5x7 426-8460. T8/20-27 enlargement, 8192ci Ziegler's Camera Shop, No. 2nd. TRAIL BREAKER To go 4/17tfn anywhere bike. Hood Canal Marina--Union. Call 898-2252.H5/14tfn SIMPLICITY MOWERS and tillers. See now at Mike's McCulloch Sales and Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28tfn ATTENTION BIKE RIDERS RUMMAGE SALE! Aug. Large bike accessory inventory 27-28-29 at 1828 Washington St. arriving daily. We intend to stock Sponsored by the Church of God. or have access to your every need. 8/27 Street, trail and custom. Why pay ' more? YOO HOD Ski Doo Send & Gravel o..o ,,,,.e.o,n..-7 Crushed Rock Tanglewilde Shopping Center 491-8477 5/]4tfn Septic Tanks 1970 250 Yamaha, Exc. cond. Ready Mix Call 426-8932. M8/20-27 v"l ppli FOR SALE: 26' cabin cruiser, q.U Fire ace Sa el ga,. gas, 30 gal. water propane heat and cooking, carpeting, head, and enclosed cockpit, fresh water cooled, dual steering,. Good ildi boathouse included $3,450.00 Bu ng Materials Call 426-2206 after 5:30 p.m. at H7/16tfn 7th & Park 426-3344 7/2tfn 1957 FORD ]/2 ton pickup. 15 FT. Vacation Trailer for sale. Automatic, $300.00. 426-8746 Call 426-6510. B8/6tfn after 5 p.m. ~f27 .... ' YOUNG G*R'AIN fed steers, cut 59 VW Beetle, $40,0. 59 VW and wrapped. Expert cutting and microbus $350. Elma 482-3719. wrapping. Shelton Foods. Mc8/27-9/17 426-6523. S3/27tfn 1948 Chev coupe. Excellent FOR SALE -- Large selection of condition. Call 426-4089. reconditioned ranges, B8/27-9/3 refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. FOR SALE 1966 Pontiac G.T.O. 6/5 tfn sport coupe. Original owner. Excellent condition. Phone FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor 426-8745 evenings. S8/27-9/17 or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it. MUST SELL -- 1962 Ford 426-6163.5/26tfn Galaxie 4 door, six. Good condition $275.00 or best offer. STUDIO MODEL Lowrey Starlet. 426-6147. H8/20-27 New price $525, now $395 with bench. Johnny's Music Box, 205 1960 FORD Fairlane, Excellent Cota, 426-4302.6/4tfn condition. Inquire 1527 Turner, evenings 426-6285. W8/27 WALL - TO - WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom-made 1965 CHRYSLER $850.00. Call draperies. We measure, expert 426-8460. T8/20-27 installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 426-4702. O11/18tfn 67 Opel Kadett 61 Buick 66. Mercury Monclair 2-Dr. 65 Dodge 65 LTD 4-Dr. 64 Galaxie Convert. 62 Impala 61 Cadillac Convert. 4-Dr. 69 Custom 4-Dr. 68 Yolks 68 Tempest 2-Dr. 67 Volvo 67 Rambler 66 Chev 4-Dr. 68 Falcon 66 Plymouth 4-Dr. 65 BeI-Air 2-Dr. 65 Ford Custom 500 65 Fair 500 2-Dr. 63 Tempest 4-Cyl. 62 BeI-Air 4-Dr. 69 Dodge V2 Ton 66 Int. ~ Ton 66 Chev. ~ Ton 65 G.M.C. Yz Ton 65 Chev ½ Ton 65 Ford Ranchero 4-Spd. 63 Chev. V2 Ton 62 Chev Vz Ton 62 Chev =k Ton 59 Ford 1/2 Ton 56 Int. 4 x 4 48 Willys 4 x 4 Wanted JIM BOB -- BUS -- BI LL Sth and Railroad 426-8231 Help Wanted EARN AT home addressing envelopes. Rush self addressed stamped envelope to Willard's P.O. Box 444 Anacortes, Wn. 98221.8/20-9/10 COOK NEEDED for Shelton Manor Nursina Home and Fir Lane Terrace Convalescent Center 2430 No. 13th. Call 426-1651 ask for Mrs. Laney. F8/27 MATURE MALE dishwasher, salary open. Apply in person. Alderbrook Inn. A8/27-9/3 NEED BABY-sitter 4:30 to 6 and/or 4:30 to 9:30_One Child. 426-6488 after 6 p.m. C8/27 ATTENTION LADIES I now have three full or part time openings in your area. Training will be provided at no expense to you. For appointment call 426-6446 between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. or write P.O. Box 73, Shetton We. 98584. R 8/27 BUYING NOW. Jack Pine cones 16 cent lb. for Silva Seed Co. at 426-8097. Rt. 1, Box 40.8/27 To BUY. China Vinranka by Gefle of S~weden. Ursula F.keby. Dinner Plates or compJete set. 426-6710 B8/27-9/3 Will Buy or Consign Good Used Furniture or Appliances y Furniture 625 So. 1st 426.2411 Real Estate Real Estate For Rent FO R R ENT one bedroom BAYSHORE GOLF course home SIX BEDROOM house. New unfurnished apt., 528 Cote, Apt.$36,000. Write P.O. Box 310 wi ri ng , roof, chimney, A.$92.50. Call 426-8509. J8/27 Shelton, Wash. Call426-8460. Downtown, 4 lots, fruit trees, T8/20-27 garden. $8,500 426-2582. N7/30 4 BEDROOM house for rent, tfn partly furnished, Kamilche. 426-8388. 426-1276. W8/27tfn THREE BEDROOM house, fully carpeted, you finish third CUSTOM SPLIT level by owner 2 BEDROOM furnished house, bedroom. Low down payment, magnificent view atWonderview Available Sept. 2. Call 426-4850. Owner will carry contract. Union. See or call Hoodsport F8/27 $8,950. 426-4000. W8/27tfn 877-5358. O7/9tfn FOR LEASE 1 bedroom, 2 story, FOR SALE by owner. Newly new chalet. Partly furnished, redecorated 2 bedroom home on electric heat, wew, beach Angleside $7500.00. Will carry privileges, $125 mo. Holiday contract. Phone 426-8385. Beach, Hoodsport. 877-5739. S8/20tfn R8/27 FOR RENT redecorated one bedroom cottage. Lights, water and garbage included. $67.50. 426-4870. B8/27tfn Mobile Homes 12' X 60' MOBILE home, 3 HAY FOR sale McDonalds farm, bdrm. 2 baths, 877-9216. Kamilche Valley. Phone R8/20-9/I0 426-3740. Me1 ]/6tfn MOBILE HOME 8' x 40' '56 MOBILE HOME FURNITURE -- continental. Best offer takes. Call We specialize in quality compact 426-8133. Y8/27tfn furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furniture you're always MOBILE FOR sale 10 x 56 with 8 welcome, 4th and Cota. ft. expando. Set up at RestWhile 426-4702.4/14tfn Park. 877-9215. F8/27-9/3 TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/16 tfn __________________~, KENMORE MATCHED Washer/Dryer set, white. Make Lost & Found offer. Call 426-3821. S8/27tfn ~----------------_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_- ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment, w/w carpeting. Heat. water, garbage furnished. Mature adults. References. Inquire 1119 Franklin. Apt. 5, after 5 p.m. B 8/20 tfn FOR RENT available Sept. 1 furnished house on Mason Lake. Call 426-4913. A8/13-20 1 BEDROOM furnished house. Washer and dryer included Call after 5:30 p.m. 426-2716. Baum Toy Party Plan. Sell toys Available Aug. 21. L8/20 and gifls. We train, car necessary. FOR RENT downtown 2 Call for your home party appointment 426-3397. bedroom apartment, fireplace, Mc8/13tfn carpet and drapes. $110.00 per month. 426-2707. E8/20tfn II i BOY OR Girl for morning paper route, Hillcrest area. Call MT. VIEW 426-6527 before 7:00 p.m. or ELWOOD MANOR 426-6311 anytime. R8/13tfn APARTMENTS MEN WANTED to train for HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS AND MECHANICS You will get your training with a qualified contractor. Operate the D-8, Tournapulls and Grader. The only training of its kind in the Northwest. Write now! West Coast Training Service Write Box 1500 in care of Shelton-Mason Journal P. O. Box 430, Shelton, Washington Name ............. Age .... Address Ph .... City ............. State .... Hours I work a.m ....p.m .... 8/13-27 . AIR-CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION SERVICE MEN NEEDED! You will be trained by West Coast Training Service, Inc. Write Box 1500 c/o The Journal P. O. Box 430 Shelton, Washington 98584 Name ............. Age .... Address .................. Phone ................... C ity ............. State .... Hours I work a.m .... p.m .... 8/13-27 Cards of 1hanks We wish to thank the staff ot Mason General Hospital and Fir Lane Convalescent Center for their kindnesses to our loved one, Florence M. Fessler during her illness. Our thanks to the many friends who sent her cards and flowers and for the expressions of 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Available NOW No Pets ANGLESIDE - 5 BEDROOMS And what a lot of house you'll get for your money. 3 bedrooms up, 2 down, 2V2 baths, spacious living room with fireplace, full basement with recreation room and 3 car garage all on extra large lot. Let us show you all the other fine features of this lovely home. To be sold at FHA appraisal. MT. VIEW - A bachelor or bachelorette will surely like this 3 room beauty, No expense was spared on the tiled kitchen with built-in range, oven and refrigerator. An extra large fireplace -- carport with storage and many extras, It's $7,750 and you'll agree it's worth it when you see it. CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 3/19tfn WE WILL move you free from anywhere in the country to one of our brand new kitchenette units. W/W carpeting, tiled bath. Everything furnished including maid service. From $100.00. Hallmark Inn, First and Railroad. 426-1671.4/2tfn TWO, ONE-bedroom beach cottages on Hood Canal, furnished. Three miles south Hoodsport. Singles only, references required. $50.00, $75.00. 877-5262. H8/13tfn KAMILCHE - 7 ACRES Here is a property that will require a particular kind of a client and this is the reason -- It consists of 2 parcels; A 2 acre piece with a very comfortable 2-3 bedroom home with fireplace. Plus a commercial garage building of about 800 sq. ft. and a terrific garden area of about 1.5 acres. .AND a 5 acre piece, beautifully wooded, level and potl~tially an excellent property for investment. Price $17,000 -- very good terms. Can also be sold separately. HARSTENE ISLAND 170 ft. of waterfront including tidelands with 5.5 acres -- wooded, fantastic view -- $20,000 terms. A real investment opportunity, so call now. One and two bedroom NEARLY 4 ACRES apartments, with carpet, And it's right across from the community beach at Phillips Lake d r a p e s & a p p I i a n ces. so you can enjoy all the privileges Jefferson Apts. 2329 without paying waterfront prices. Jefferson St., Mgr. Apt. 11 or Has some timber and poles. It's $3,800 and it's sure worth it. phone 426-8663. Contract with reasonable down. LWA T E R F RONT one bedroom unfurnished apartment for rent. Hoodsport area. References required. Call Hoodsport 877-5312. S9/18tfn QUALITY TWO bedroom partly furnished apartment in McCleary. Laundry facilities, swimming i pool, etc. $125. 495-3722. R4/9tfn FOR RENT: Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/9tfn ~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%~ Real Estate Wanted HELP! WE'RE nearly out of property to sell. We have buyers that want land. We don't want to list your place, we want to sell it! Call Maple Valley Land and Homes. 426-1203 evenings. 8/27-9/17 INVESTOR WANTS 50 -- 100 ft. Hood Canal waterfront, unimproved. Union to Discovery Bay. Has cash. Maple Valley Land and Homes. 426-1203 evenings. $65 PER MONTH For a 3 bedroom home in the country. Sounds impossible, but if you have a family of 2 or more children and earn only $5,000 or less, then you'll qualify. Soon to be built, with Farm Home Administration financing with no down payment. Get your reservation in r~ow. DUPLEX - 2 YEARS OLD Trade the equity of your home into this quality income property. Both units have 2 bedrooms, fully carpeted, ranges, refrigerators, carports and separate utility room with washer and dryer. Both units rent at $125 per month. Call for details. ANGLESIDE Here's one that won't last. A good 6 year old 3 bedroom home, complete with beautiful stone fireplace, separate dining room, kitchen with built-ins, big bedrooms and big utility room. Its on 2 lots and you won't have to have 1 cent cash. You can work for your down payment and closing costs. FHA appraised at $15,500. LOOKING FOR AN FOR SALE Frigidaire refrigerator LOST GREEN cement frog -- sympathy at the time of our .~45. '52 Studebaker pickup $85. Keepsake. If returned no bereavement. Phone 426-3747. S8/27-9/3 q u e s t i o n s w i I I be asked. LeRoy Fessler 426-1534.08/27-9/3 Jon Fessler ONE STUMP puller, one 20" Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pioneer chain saw. One 10" table REWARD. LOST Illinois drivers Simmons saw and stand. One pedestal type license in downtown Shelton. St. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Lewis band saw. 426-6745. C8/27-9/3 Rt. 2 Box 198. T8/27 Amos and Emily Babcock 8/27 LOCAL HAY 60 cents bale. Call FOUND GIRL'S bike. Owner ~-=----______ 426-8768. K8/27 identify and pay for ad. 426-2216. S8/27 Per ul 8/6-27 INVESTMENT? LOSE WEIGHT Safely with ~_-_----- ---_-_-_-_~_---= RANCHER WANTS Grade A We have two houses in the Oex-A-Diet and remove excess CONFIDEN-~I'AL care for unwed dairy, equipment optional, 30-80 fluid with FLUIDEX. Only 98c and $1.69 at Neil's Pharmacy. ---------------------------------------- pregnant teen-age girls. UGN acres. Mason-Thurston counties, downtown area. Live in one, rent O4/16-9/3 • Agency. Collect calls accepted. Maple Valley Land and Homes. the other for $65 per month. The |nstnK~n Florence Crittenton Home, PA 426-1203 evenings. 8/6-27 --full price on both houses is only 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. STRANDED ALASKAN needs $8,500. Come and see them -- PRIVATE PIAN0-/ns'truct~on.~ 98178.8/28tfn livable three bedroom home on you'll agree that it's a value. Uv . k hour lessons after school and NEW X-11 Reducing Plan 42 5-10 acres near Shelton, some Saturdays. Call Cinda Watson, tablets $3,00. Money back pasture. Maple Valley Land and Better act soon. 426-8239.8/13-9/24 g_uarantee. Prepp's Rexall Store? Homes. 426-1203 evenings. ANGLESIDE LOT SEVEN YEAR old, well-trained Beginners Tap 10 a.m. Hood 7/16-9/17 8/6-27 " ' Choice building site on mare for sale. Western and game Canal School auditorium. Call ALCOHOLISM Information and EXCHANGE -- What you have -- beautifully wooded corner lot. horse. Phone 426-6152. F8/27tfn 877-5713 for information. D1/15Referral Center 428 Birch St. for what you want. Kurt Mann, Water & sewer in. $1,900 -- ~ tfn Shelton. Phone 426-4407. S Realtor-exchangor. 426-6592. terms. ADORABLE KITTENS free. 2/12tfn Phone 426-6365. H8/27 8/18tfn FAWN LAKE, V I EW K-9 KLIPS, professionel poodle clipping and pet groomina. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment. 426-8988. 8/31tfn GOING ON VACATION? Leave ~our dog with us if over 20 Ibs. el-Ru Kennels 426-2387. N8/14tfn WoA Wanted DEPENDABLE, EXPERIENCED, young mother of 1 will care for infant to 3 year old in my home - 5/day week --426-2859. AS/27tfn STEADY DAY'--TIME babysitting wanted, by dependable young housewife in town. 426-4881. E8/20-9/10 NEED CASH? We buy or consign almost anything. Tropics Ballroom Auction, Olympia 357-9949. D2/26 tfn Wanted to Rut PRICED RIGHT. 10 wooded acres over 660 ft. blacktop. ~---------"------------------'----" Secluded, not isolated, 8 miles 121 FAMILY OF four want to rent Shelton, $6500 cash. $8000 clean, 3-4 bedroom, one story terms, Owner anxious. Maple home in Shelton. Willing to sign Valley Land and Homes 426-1203 lease. 426-2641. $8/27-9/17 evenings. 8/6-27 And waterfront -- Ready to build or just camp because the water, ~-~----------------------------------- power and telephone are to the lot. The price is right at $6,500 Real Estate and the owner will carry a ~~=- - - - ~--=-- = -~ c o n t r a c t. REAL ESTATE R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytime Evening, Call BOBBLE GOODWIN 426-3503 TROPICAL FISH Betta Special. Large variety of others. 1221 W. Birch 426-6148. W8/13-9/3 Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 27, 1970 LOTS & from Excellent at Lake consider 3 BEDROOM home. 223 West I. camper as pal Cheap equity. Call 426-8123 and make an offer. ask for Mike. L8/20-9/10 ANOTHER;'. VIEW PIRATES Cove! Cool, Fawn Lake scenic woods, small creek, makes Shelton this 8V2 acres a perfect spot. Only today $9500, terms, all or part. Maple fishing Valley Land and Homes. 426-1203 evenings. 8/6-27 3 BEDROOI Hardwood TWO RENTAL houses. One 2 natural gasr bedroom. One 3 bedroom. $8,000 each. Substantial discount for 3 BE cash. 426-4193. D4/2tfn This olde~ corner "We Know The Canal" IN ALDERBROOK GOLF & YACHT CLUB the low pr HANDYMAN bedroom on ot town -- n, finished and tank. $6000 EXECUTIVE bedrooms, 2V2 comple and RIVERHILL HOLIDAY BEACH INDIAN BEACH year-ro! and a $33,000- FOR LEA~ 2 large ga AYOCK BEACH HOODSPORT north Depo~ also leased i red. UNION HOOD CANAL REAL ESTATE ALDERBROOK (UNION) 898-2 ! 45 REAL ESTATE" HOODSPORT 877-5211 122 -CHOICE SELECTI PHI LLIPS LAKE . . . NEED This att'ractive 2 bedroom Then thi cottage nestled among the downto pretty trees on large tract should be ideal for permanent trick On or recreation home. You'll shoppi= enjoy the cozy, carpeted living churct room with stone fireplace, the thruOut immaculate kitchen, the roomyyou. $ utility area, the panelled rooms, etc. $14,000 with HowABI access for boat launching on the lake. Suggest you check For on right away! buy th cabin overloO MASON LAKE wate ACREAGE .... pretty Here's a dar~dy 20 acre tract acre go near lake with good stand of of young second-growth Douglas could Fir timber. Ideal investment, price? $9,000. DANDY ANGLESIDE BEAUTY ... ThiS Nearly new 3 bedroom neat and immaculate home in one manY P of our nicest areas. Attractive these fireplace, 1% baths, lovely 2-car gi patio with outdoor barbecue, for ideal yard with pretty flowers and shrubs, radio-controlled garage door, and much more! Better not wait on this one -- AwATEr $23,000. If yoU waterfro ONLY CLOSING COSTS. Yes, that's all it takes to put you in this charming 2-3 bedroom South Hill area home. And so many fine features- fireplace, plastered, ceramic tile, hot water heating system, the contract. IV2 baths, carpeting, corner lot, ample flowers and shrubs, etc. NEAT $16,000 and immediate ThiS is.I possession can be had. well.bU~ 2-3 MASON LAKE DANDY .. baseme Here's your chance to get first lovely crack at a new listing on a to see beautiful sheltered cove on Mason Lake. Has about 73' of excellent frontage, large We ha~ cottage with plenty of room prq per for the whole family, and IovlY private dock with good An I pl boathouse. Good depth to the b o )k land and priced to sell at Aic,=rb $20,000 with terms available. ArrOWf Better hurry on this one!!! Lake, " in anC From | INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY... FOR R It's hard to find a better buy Large. because here's 450' of with " Hammersly Inlet waterfront very with over 14 acres of wooded pets backland and frontage on the you Arcadia Road -- excellent bill location. $33,500 with terms, inclU 110 RAILROAD AVENUE Evenings Call: DON BROWN