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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 27, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 27, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Mr. Realy State says: See this dandy Suburban Home today .... 3 bed- rooms-carpeted living room- Full basement-drilled well- Outbuildings... All this on one acre for $17,500 NEW 4 BEDROOM! Priced~ 3 Just about completed and fireplace, featuring a super family room forced air and a very appealing floor plan. and cedar A "Best Buy" value, too. Still much because it's priced at just Only $15,650. $23,500: Here's :one to trade hUgh!! into! What have you got?~? BIG LIVING ROOM This big 2 bedroom home is offered for sale at a little price, so of course we have a lot. of enthusiasm and want to snow it to you. It's just outside of town and listed at $10,500 with good terms to be arranged. Call us. ISOLATED FARM We've had lots of requests for this type of property and here it is. A four bedroom farm house with a big barn and big garage-workshop. It's located on ten acres 20 minutes from Shelton and the price is just $16,950. Call now. bT.$ ,OOO s is hard to beat- Inside city limits. Seller contract terms. This one won't last TREE FARM 80 acres .in the Grapeview area. Well covered with merchantable fir timber. Rolling terrain• Price is $49,000. Tin-ms. big tract of land near public access to lake. and 147 feet wide. Nicely wooded• Full PHILLIPS LAKE CABIN Real dream spot, perfect hideaway. About 62 feet of nice beach and small dock. Full price of $8,950 good terms. from Shelton. If you have been looking acreage'tract for camping or building, acres. Full price $2,800. LOW BANK Nicest saB:water front around. Gravelly long sloping beach. Low bank. Wooded 75 foot lots. Easy terms. $12,500. miles of Shel.t0n. Old, but very liveable OUtbuildings, spring, 6 acres of beautiful =her, pasture land, and Chrismas trees. terms. LAND INVESTMENT 40 acres near Schafer State Park in southwest corner of Mason County. Lots of alder timber. A real buy at only $400 per acre. Will discount for cash. Call Carl for details. Bayshore area. Well covered with trees. neat two bedroom remodeled home. 'Well. $36,000 contract terms. About half of this 14 acre property is in peat bog. Balance nicely wooded with second growth fir. Close to Shelton. $7,800. 10 full acres just a half mile north of the Agate store. Would make a good investment. Priced at $7,000. FIVE ACRES When you with Mill Creek running right 00 home in through the property. There's on. It has 3 also a 2 bedroom home that has If bath off a lot of nice features, but needs ~nod !t'sjust a handyman to finish the job. ut. The Just outside of town and the a play price just $8,750. What a your bargain !! COMMERCIAL CORNER Prime location on Olympic Highway North in Shelton city garden or limits. Things are happening on e room to Mt. View, Call 426-2646 for ~ly you've more information nowt With the double lot, cious a view. of all for a home! site, Wooded, road. $2,400 LONG AND LOW You'll agree this fine 3 bedroom, Mt. View home is really top quality... It's complete with wall to wall carpeting and pretty drapes. There's a double garage, rec room. extra bath and many other features for you to see, so call now for an appointment. $27,950. BETWEEN SHELTON-OLYMPIA Nearly new, quality-built 3 bedroom home on 2 acres. This is an outstanding value. Call us now for more details. BIG FENCED YARD! A real p!ay yard that's always in full sight for mother as she keeps busy with her interests in the roomy 3 bedroom rambler. Just out of town and only $17,500. ON THE CREEK Good-as-new 2 bedroom bungalow on large wooded lot in Shelton with 140' on Goldsborough Creek: '$7,950. Term s. MOM AND DAD Quality 3 bedroom home in pleasant downtown residential area. Immaculate both inside and out. $22,950. LARGE AND ECONOM ICAL $12,950 in this case buys a spacious 1% story 3 bedroom home with a huge living room. There's lots of extra workshop area in the garage and you are very close to school. Take a look -- it won't cost to see it!! MT, VIEW - $14,750 Sparkling 2-3 bedroom on a Corne.r lot. Everything in excellent condition. Fenced yard. FHA terms available. As little as $350 needed to get.into this one. "KID-SIZED" YARD You'll be pleased when you inspect this pleasant 3 bedroom Angleside home with 1% baths, rec room, open beam ceilings -- and much more. A lot of house for $19,750. DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- "SKIP" NESS 426-3049 DAVE THACHER 426-8635 -- CARL JOHNSON 426-8407 DICK BOLLING, Closing Broker 426-8I 62 VINCE HIMLIE, Broker 426-6501 1717 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY NORTH Cards of Thanks p q ~ =~ ~ % ~, q ~--~v~_ ~v~v~A_ The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends in our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts. The family of Lilliam Hough Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks to the staff and Doctors of Mason General Hospital for the excellent care taken of our late sister, Mrs. Alma K. Catto. We also want to thank all those friends who sent cards and flowers and for the concern expressed in the many telephone calls to her • home. Mrs. Ruby King Mrs. Helen Radcliffe Mrs. Chlona Thatcher Miss Ruth Shaw Mr. Robert Barnard Real Estate Services BACKHOE SERVICES with late model 15 ft. backhoe. 15 years experience. Also sewage systems. Top workmanship. Earl T. Marr. 426-3053. 6/1 ttfn WE ARE eager to sew. Sew what? Anything! Call 426-1383. Mc8/27-9/3 PAINT CONTRACTING. Low cost, quality work. Free estimates. 426-3000. W8/27-9/19 YARD AND garden work done by experienced gardener. Phone 426-8002. S8/20tfn DRESSMAKING. CALL 426-2751 for further information. P8/20-9/10 .m ELECTROLUX SALES Sales -- Service -- Supplies CAL L 426-3544 For free delivery -- Jack Manley 8/20tfn CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate. Precision ~rinding. Now at Saeger Motor hop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn Services GENERAL HAULING Sand -- Pit -- Gravel 5-Yard Dump Truck and Loader -- Peat Soil Also Light Clearing Tel. -- FRANK -- 426-3153 A7/23tfn BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grading, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. 7/22tfn YOUR SINGER Representative will be in Shelton on Tuesday and Thursday for Sale and Service• Contact locally Kay's Draperies, 129 Railroad Ave., Shelton, 426-6207. Singer Center on the Mall, South Sound, Lacey, Wash., 491-3400. BATHROOM AND KITCHEN remodeling. Roofing, patios, carports. Smaller jobs also. Call Osborne's 426-6241. O 1/25tfn ,--Truck Lettering --Large & Small Signs --Sho-cards & Posters Phil sharpe 323 S. Front St. 426-2661 (Behind Johnson Machine Shop) tfn TREE SERVICE DANGEROUS TREES SAFELY REMOVED MOVING. Sacrifice 75 X 175 Lake Limerick Golf Course :ot across from club house -- reduced Topping Trimming $1,000 to $4,950. 426-2590. Hedges Clearing M8/27-1t FREE ESTIMATES FOR SALE by owner 2 bedroom TERMS home, panelled, carpeted living C.C. COLLINS 357-9971 area. Fenced yard, new root, near tfn SchOOl. Plus redecorated rental cottage as monthly income. $11,900 for quick sale. 426-4870 or 426-4228.B8/27-9/17 Real Estate Real Estate Services HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Ph. 426-6687 6n ltfn IIIB TREE TOPPING. Phone 426-3532. Mc8/8tfn ROTO-VATING Satisfaction Guaranteed 426-2857 Evenings 4/23t f_n DAN'S GUN ROOM Complete Gun Smith Service ] 003 Railroad 426-3015 8/20 tfn PAINTING end DRY WALt RESIDENT and COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Bonded and Insured CALL 426-8773 7/4 tfn Phone 426-1515 Phone 426-1515 $6,950 $10,950 $12,000 $15,250 AT 124 N. FIRST -- Hillcrest -- Huge older home with four bedrooms. Good level grounds, fenced and garden spot. -- Big 3 bedroom plus nursery. Double size corner lot. Located near High School. Full price loan on FHA or VA loan. -- Spacious five room rambler that's been freshly remodled. Panneled living room, separate utility plus real good garage! -- Take over $122 mo. payments on owner's FHA mortgage with $13,000 balance. Payment includes interest at 8%, taxes and insurance. King size master bdrm., farm size kitchen, attached garage, carpeting, separate utility room and attic storage. $14,950 $23,950 -- One floor rambler in Mt. View. New automatic furnace, 3 bedrooms, wall to wall carpet, wardrobe closets, and deluxe bath. Free Range and refrigerator. Carport plus outside storage building. Surrounded by $25,000 homes. Yours for $100 roD. at only 7V2% interest. Owner's $11,000 balance can be assumed. -- Better than new! Spacious 3 bedroom plus full daylite basement with extra plumbing. Level grounds. Garden in and growing. COUNTRY & SUBURBS $9,950 $14,950 $16,950 $17,950 --- 5 ACRES -- 2 Homes -- both rented now, drilled well and new pump. Terrific bargain. -- 5 acres -- Cleared plus newer 5 room home --entry porch, utility room with freezer space, range and refrigerator -- spring fed well. Only $115 mo. on owner contract. - BRAND NEW -- 3 bedroom rambler with log fireplace, wall to wall carpets throughout, Built in range and oven, hood and fan. Can be yours for as low as $115 per roD. at annual interest rate of 7%% -- limited supply -- Don't wait! Two areas to choose from. Close to town. -- 2 Bdrm. -- New -- Furnished -- has 71 feet of lake front and a dock -- Owner • contract terms at only $125 mo. Fish and water ski. $6,000 - 2 cleared acres with 3 room ramshackle cabin, well w/pump, out-buildings, beach access -- 600 ft. road front. EZ contract terms, on Harstine Island. $900 Acre - Three 10 acre tracts, on county road. Can be purchased separate or together at $900 per acre. Beach righs included. Areal steal. $2,500 -- 2V2 acres-- owner will finance -- Near McCleary. $3,000 -- 2Vz acres-- EZ TERMS -- Near Schafer Park. $7,500 -- 5 acres -- on river -- Best financing available. $10,000 .--5 acres -- Comrnercial building site south of town in view of Olympia freeway -- Cleared. $6,000 - io Acres on stream --wooded Hideaway. $10,000 $12,950 $16,500 $17,950 $13,500 $27,500 $35,000 -- Phillips Lake cottage. Honeymooners delight -if you're young or young at heart. Best terms! Easy access. -- Super deluxe 2 bedroom w/2 baths, built-in range, screened porch. Located at Lk. Limerick -- Fish, water ski and golf. -- Double lot on Lake Nahwatzel -- Sweeping view of lake and mountains. Real good cabin included --you name the terms! -- Completely furnished 2 bedroom cutie on 71 ft. Limerick lot. Boat dock and all club priviledges- Hurry on this easy owner contract deal. $125 Mo. @ 8% per annum. -- Saltchucker's special. 65 X 200 lot, low bank waterfront -- water to lot --Septic tank in. -- 3 bedroom -- sweeping view -- garage on 120 X 600 waterfront, sandy beach -- good well, easy to finance -- Now vacant -- move right in! -- Widow must sell! Best low bank salt water sand and gravel beach. Custom built home plus double garage. Contract terms! BRANCH OF McCLEARY INS. & REAL ESTATE W. HODGES SHELTON OFFICE: 426-1515 124 N. IST. Tom Townsend ............................... 426-6597 Tom Savage .................................. 426-8584 Reid "Mitch" Mitchell ......................... 426-2519 McCLEARY OFFICE:I 495-3398 OLYMPIA OFFICE: 943-7839 Trucks & Trailers BOB KIMBEL RICHFIELD 1/22 tfn Real Estate REALTY "THE A CTION OFFICE" 226 N. ist St., Shelton 5 PARTNERS wanted to have undivided interest in large SALT WATERFRONT property with tidelands. EXCEPTIONAL RETURNS anticipated within a short time. CALL for fact-finding appointment. DO YOU WJANT TO SELL your house and acreage? We have a file of GOOD BUYERS looking for 1 to 10, or more, acres WITH HOUSES South and West of Shelton. WHY NOT LIST YOURS WITH US? CALL 426-1141 NOW G. John Brush, Jr. Broker Yelm 458-7100 AI Windell Assoc. Broker 426-3 i 32 Jim Roush--426-8522 Purce Guise--877-9240 ANGLE AGENCY Join The Wise Ones... I nvest I n Property! JUST LISTED--If you want 3 bedrooms, close to school, open beam ceilings, fireplace, dining area, kitchen with built in range and oven, double carport, electric heat. SEE THIS QUICK-- $16,400, and owner will carry contract. DOWNTOWN AND ELEGANT Beautifully landscaped, four bedrooms, 3 baths, two fireplaces, den, dining living room, lots of extras. $33,000. BE A HOMEOWNER for only $5,000. One bedroom with extra sleeping room upstairs. Gas utilities inside city. YOU'LL FALL IN LOVE with the view, the land, maybe even the old house on this 10 acres. 230 ft. waterfront, 3 BR farm. $42,000. THIS WATERFRONT FAMILY home features large rooms, farm kitchen, good garden, yet only 4 miles from town. 3 wo bedrooms plus a guest house or rental apartment. Owners retiring to mobile home. $25,500. FIND A WHOLE NEW WAY of life on Island Lake. Three bedrooms, fireplace, landscaped, lots of extras. Let's see it now. $29,950. WANT TO TRY your hand at farming? This 12½ acre place has two bedroom house and outbuildings. It's only $18,800. HOOD CANAL CABIN, a real cutie! One bedroom, on the beach. $19,600. building sites, water and sewer,]) from $1,500 ANGLE AGENCY Since 1890 Real Estate 8= Imunmoe HERB ANGLE - DICK ANGLE JACK STEWART - PAUL WOOD BARBARA. NELSON Evenings 426.4134 or 426-4188 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426-827? Thursday, August 27, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19