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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 28, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 28, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Board Resolution To Dismiss Hopper (Continued from page 1) commission deoaes that my services are no longer needed or wanted. I didn't feel that it was a legal matter, or that I needed an attorney to resign or be fired. The commission refused to meet with me unless their attorney was present, tip until that time 1 assumed that the commissioners were capable of and free to speak for themselves, and of taking action of their own. Up until now the commission has not presented me with a request that I resign.. . To my way of thinking to resign would be an admission of guilt of whatever it is I'm judged guilty of by the commission and their attorney. "Etowever, at this time it is quite obvious that my relations with the commission do indeed render my situation 'untenable,' and ! would at this time consider the customary 90 day notice of resignation. "When my attorney questioned me as to the alleged assault it, became apparenl that: my interpretation of the incident was based upon ttle apparent results of the incident, rather than on any clear cut recollection of the events that actually took place. ''i was violently alld unexpectedly attacked by an incoherent, irrational, wild woman who wax intent on heatint" m y b rains out. I had no opportunity to flee or to back away as the area is hemmed in by furniture and equipment and she had hold of my shirt. I can't see how a man can be expected to exercise any degree of prudent judgment at a time like that, or to carefully weigh the ultimate consequences of any actkm he might take to prevent himself from being killed or maimed...I received numerous bumps and lumps, scratches and bruises m the action as well as having my shirt and T shirt ripped to shreds. "File injuries were nothing ot any consequence but perhaps I shonld have gone to tile enlergeucy room and then called Dick Angle. Harstine , Bridge Accepted L  The Mason County Commis- sion this week accrpled as conr pleted the llarstinc Island Bridge. The acceptance was on the recommendation of County Engineer J. C. Bridger. Bridget stated that any claims in connection with the constructitm work must reach his office no later than Sept. 25 to be considered. "As for my being there in the first place on a Sunday evening, this is not at. all unusual, as ! have worked malay week ends and evenings. Several hospital personnel had been getting these obscene, anonymous phone calls the past few days and it looked like we were getting to the bottom of it. I had been told by another employee that they would wait for me in the store room, as they had more information on the phone calls....When 1 got there Lois Sollars was there by herself, much to my surprise. Mrs. Sollars had gone to two of the commissioners regarding stock room records, once on Salurday, Aug. 2, and again Sunday evening, after the incident. Neither of the ct)mmissioners apparently knew enough about the operation of tile hospital regarding these records to know that these records were quite incomplete, and of no particular or significant value to the hospital or anyone else, until they met with lhe Auditor the next morning." tlopper c()mntented this week on his work in connection with the establishment of the new Mason General Ilospital. lie said: "Running the old hospital was a full tinle joh. Since mid-sumnter 1964, I also did virtually all the pick and shovel work of forming the district conducting three political campaigns, programing, planning, equipping and setting up the new hospital. An outside consultant would have cost somewhere between $50,000 and $100,000 to do what I did. I did not receive one dinte over my regular salary for performing these services -. even lho' the attorney at one point suggested that some urrangement be made tt) do SO," Michael Zarana Is Promoted Michael W. Zarana, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve (?. Zarana, Monroe, has been promoted to staff sergeant in the tl.S. Air I,'orce. Sgt. Zarana is an aircraft mechanic at Ilickam AFB, Ilawaii, in a unit of the Pacific Air Forces. The serseant, a graduate, of Monroe Iligh School, attended (;entral Wasington State (?allege and the L/niversily of llawaii. ttis wife, (?hristme, is tile daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Bunnell, Shelton. Take the llber/y 1o protect your forestsl i iiii| iii i i l llla i Now, poa annua can be stopped! Spread a bag o t 'URF BUILDER PLUS 4 on your lawn this weekend and poa annua (an- nual bluegrass) will never sprout this fall. Re- peat in February or March and you stop next spring's germinatkm too. PLtJS 4 also clears gilt rosette and vining weeds that arc already in your lawn and full- fertilizes your grass at the same time. Results are amazing--weeds fade away as the fertil- izcd grass grows thicker and grecner. Save $2 5,1)00 sq ft bag reg LI 16.95 Also save $1 on 2,500 sq fl bag rug (.95"8,95 authorized retailer ¢Gai'T €Oust i I .... t, .......... tO'i=s- RAY PROUTY, Owner 126 S. 2nd 426-3111 i i llll i Page 2- Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 28, City Has LID Resolution The Shelton City Commission, at its meeting Tuesday night, had the first reading of an ordinance establishing an LII) for the inlprovement of some 85 blocks of city streets this fall. City Engineer ltoward (;odat told the commission tile estimated cost of the project was $144,508.86, with $106,924.89 coming from assessments to the 'property owners and tile city providing $37,583.97. The project will include asphalt paving 22 feet wide on residential streets and 24 feet wide on arterial streets. One block, which was originally included in tile project, was withdrawn after a petition was received from a majority of tile property owners asking the street be taken out. J. Paul Everett appeared at the conmission meeting to ask what had been done with tile petition from those opposing the improvement on the one block, Seventh St. between Wyandotte and l:.u clid. Everett was one of nine property owners who had signed a protest against the proposed slreet improvement after a public hearing Aug. 18. Street Superintendent Bob Temple told the commission there would be no garbage pick-up in Pioneer School Bus Routes To Be Changed The bus runs at tile Pioneer Elementary School will be changed this year. Parents arc requested to have the children waiting in plenty (If time the first week until the schedules arc set, The Bayshorc i1111 will be tile same as last year except thal tile Deer (?reek area will be loatlcd last. The Agate run will leave at 7:15 a.m. and will first go around the Agate l,oop Sunset Shorecrest are:is. It will theu go t() tilt: Ilarstine Bridge :lnd retllrll It) the Agate Store making stops on alternate sides of the road with side trips to Timberlake and l,ibby Roads. Return to the school will be by the Agate Road. The Piekering bus run will leave at 7:3(I a.m. along the Spencer lake cutoff and then to tim old ferry landing to turn around. It will proceed to the state highway by way of Philips Lake and up the I'rcxlcr Road and back down the highway to school. The school lunch room will be operated the first day. A full day of school will bc held to co-ordinal e with Shel ton. tile city Monday because of the Labor Day lloliday. Pick-ups the rest of the week will be one day behind the normal schedule, Temple said. The commission voted to send a letter to Rad-Com of Aberdeen informing the firm the city is giving 30 days notice that it is withdrawing from a contract with the firm for maintenance on the city's radios. The contract had been signed earlier this year for police, fire and street department radios. A contract for providing fire protection for Fire District 11 in the Island Lake and airport areas was renewed for six months at the request of the Fire District. The district and the city signed an agreement for one year m August, 1968. The district had planned to have its own equipment m operation by the end of the cme-year contract, but it was delayed. The city receives $125 a month from thc fire district for providing t'ile protection to the district under tile contract. Apvbc[ - tx vt) YOUR CAMPFII t / rrENtO!/' /.z,. 1, .-ii,£r k '/ "t >,l Don't let your INTEREST wander/ Place your money with us and WE WILL PAY YOU By putting money into savings you will earn at the current rate of 5 + r8 :: 51/".% com- pounded semi-annually. Money deposited by the 10th of each month earns from the first and dividends are earned for each month vings are left on deposit. Your savint earn the full 51/,.,% whether you deposit $5 or $5,000. on i Pay Yourself FIRST! MASON COUNTY Feder red=t Union 4th & Cedar Shelfon, Washington 98584 .969 Thrifty Frigidaire Jet Action Washer with DPC for no-iron fabrics • Durable Press Care. Saves you roning[ Gentle wa  ing action plus a cold water cool-down help ou,*"'- Press fabrics keep their no-iron promise. • Deep Action Agitator. Creates currents that ur. clothes deep into sudsy water for thorough waslt' • 2 Jet-Away Rinses. Get rid of lint and scum so t r oughly there's no need for a lint trap. • Cold Water Wash Setting, Saves hot water. S$ clothes from shrinking and fading. Model WAN, companion dryers, too-.DAN, DAGN $1 Frigidaire Jet Act!on ,, Washer with"Rap00dry-lO00 Spin for lighter, drier was, • "Rapidry-]O00" Spin. Gets out more water. MalS wash lighter to handle, faster to dry. t plunge • Deep Action Agitator. Creates currents tha _,,=. clothes deep into sudsy water for thorough Wa>'l;"o;. • 2 Jet-Away Rinses. Get rid of lint and scum so t, oughly there's no need for a lint trap. luS a • Durable Press Care. Gentle washing action P=,. cold water cool-down help Durable Press fabrCs ='" their no-iron promise. $239 Model WCDATN, matching dryers, tOO.-DCDAN, DtOAGN Frigidaire Jet Action Washer with 2 Speeds and Automatic Soak cycle • 2 Speeds, Regular and Gentle, for washing any w" able safety, for heavily soiled cl°tMs • Automatic Soak Cycle. Ideal and diapers. ,hat plu • Deep Action Agitator. Creates currents t wasNl' clothes deep into sudsy water for thorough ,. • 2 let-Away Rinses. Get rid of tint and scum " oughly there's no need for a lint trap. $239 Model WCDN, matching dryers, too-DCDN, DCDGN 2-Spee! Frigidaire Jet Act,on Washer with Small Load Setting°, water dr • Small load? Special setting saves detergent. . ,  at pl.. • Deep Action Agitator. Creates curren!11:afi.. oughly there's no need for a lint trap. • Cold Water Wash Setting. Saves hot w=W. Model WCDAN, matching dryers, too- DCDAN, DCDAGN clothes from shrinking and fading. $219 5-YEAR NATIONWIDE WARRANTY . .r.y'" One.year Warranty for repair of any defect, plus  tf:;=t '1" tection Plan (parts only) for furnishing replacemem,^ r a Or' tire part in the complete transmission, drive now' pump. Backed by General Motors. LUMBRlEN ,,BUILDIN G mASOfl coUNff" Of Shelton • 426-2611