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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 28, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 28, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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fj&apos;y Record PERMITS approved by Planner's B past week were cabin, Taylor cabin, Ozier, cabin, Todd, cabin, Day Adventist ; Stanley $11,000 and siding, roof and reported a stereo reported money reported windows reported a and two cases of Co. reported lledell reported and a window POrted fire tools ken and sand put relrted a wallet reported wheels .reported a set of reported a reported a a battery and the wiring boots, a fishing also taken, he Intons reported "a a tire on a grader Ihots. )tt reported screens !hel reported a and a motorbike It. reported at the pool. reported a car Rodgers reported a reported a taken from his a chain reported a boat found. stolen at reported money boat house at PERMITS approved by during the to Howard $528; Floyd $840. COURT the docket in before Judge tday night were St. Rt. 2, n, failure to use tion, failure to Marlene Auld, failure to caution, $20 s; Vern D. St., failure caution, $20 L Clark, Rt. 1, Box 135 ! FROM E PICKUP trans. S A, Shelton, failure to use due care and caution, $22 forfeit; Robert R. Seymour, St. Rt. 2, Box 227, Shelton, negligent driving, $66 forfeit; Robert R. Seymour, St. Rt. 2, Box 227, Shelton, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, $50 forfeit; Glenn T. Brown, Rt. 2, Box 929, Shelton, no arterial stop, $22 forfeit. Benny Smith, Rt. !, Box 117, Shelton, disorderly conduct, minor consuming liquor, $25 forfeit; Rey McCallum, Box 1, Matlock, minor consuming liquor, $50 forfeit; Paul Saeger, Rt. 3, Box 301, Shelton, minor consuming liquor, $22.50 fine, $2.50 costs. Monty Fuller, Rt. 3, Box 341, Shelton, minor consuming liquor, $50 forfeit; Kendrick Rede, 503 Grandview Ave., failure to use due care and caution, $20 forfeit. Donald Zeiger, 707 Poplar Dr., Bellingham, minor consuming liquor, $22.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Joseph C. Cole, St. Rt. 2, Box 42, Shelton, escape from custody, 10 days in jail suspended. SHELTON POLICE Mrs. Robert Burns reported a purse lost. Tom O'Neil reported a water meter box broken. Ralph Perez reported a ring valued at $227 taken. Otis Crawford reported 10 gallons of gasoline, a pair of pliers, a flashlight and a pair of field glasses taken. Vehicles driven by inez Dammann and Walt Kingsbury collided on First St. George HasBrouck reported two batteries and nine tail light lenses taken from cars at the Shelton Motor Used car lot. !t. G. Anderson reported a tire and wheel taken. Richard Sandberg reported a Pekingese dog missing. Mrs. Roger Williams reported gasoline taken. A vehicle driven by Ms. Betty Monroe went over the bank coming down Capitol Hill. Art Nicklaus reported chrome wheels and lug nuts taken. FIRE DEPARTMENT Aug. 23, 8:!0 p.m. brush fire, Howard Holt residence, 309 S. First. Aug. 24, 1 p.m. fire in pickup owned by William Sigo, Port Orchard, on Ogden Loop Road. Aug. 24, 9:30 p.m. grease fire in grill at Manley's Care. Willardson In Vietnam Marine Staff Sergeant Clarence E. Willardson, brother of Mrs. L. W. Strutz, Shelton, participated in Operation Pipestone in the Republic of Vietnam. The operation took place at Go Noi Island (Dodge City) and was conducted by the First Marine Division, Weather High Low Precip. August 21 73 55 .01 August 22 77 43 - August 23 78 43 _ August 24 85 56 _. August 25 75 43 .05 August 26 73 45 _ August 27 70 46 .08 Readings are for a 24-hour period ending at 8 a.m. as reported by 1TT Rayonier Inc. weather station. FIVE-DAY FORECAST Temperatures Thursday through Monday will average about two degrees below normal. There is a chance of showers Sunday. Marriage Licenses Those applying for marriage licenses in Mason County this past week were: Keith Tibbits, 19, Shelton, and Linda Schimschat, 18, Shelton. ttoward Kirby, legal, Port Angeles, and Edith Kirby, legal, Port Angeles. John Koch, 19, Auburn, and Kathy Standley, 19, Auburn. Clarence O. Johnson, 66, Bremerton, and Ruby Johnson, 55, Bremerton. Leonard Jackson, 23, Bremerton, and Marilyn Pauley, 19, Bremerton. New Arrivals MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. James Thurman, Box 175, lloodsport, a girl, Aug. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Monte Haag, 321 D. St., Shelton, a girl, Aug. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Stanley, 12211A Franklin, Shelton, a girl, Aug. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mellema, Rt. !, Box 706, Yelm, a girl, Aug. 24. Mr. and Mrs. David Eichhorn, Rex Mobile Manor. Shelton, a boy, Aug. 24. Mr.:and Mrs. Terry Avery, 1736 t]olman St., Shelton, a boy, Aug. 24. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Welch, 810 Mason Lake Dr., Grapeview, a girl, Aug. 26. Mr. and Mrs. William Tiller, 1928 Stevens, Shelton, a girl, Aug. 26. | CORNING "J" ,,r WARE TRIO SET SPECIAl. OFFER $9.99* Save $7.86 over open stock prices. A 3-piece set that insures just the right one for any meal planned - large or small. Freeze... cook.., serve.., all in the same dish. Evergreon Phone 426-3456 - Evergreen Square Tides FRIDAY, AUGUST 29 Low ....... 0:53 a.m. 3.5 ft. High ....... 6:41 a.m. 11.0 ft. Low ...... 12:53 p.m. 1.2 ft. High ....... 7:23 p.m. 12.4 ft. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 Low ....... 1:35 a.m. 2.5 ft. High ....... 7:41 a.m. 10.7 ft. Low ....... 1:35 p.m. 2.6 ft. Itigh ....... 7:53 p.m. 12.1 ft. SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 Low ....... 2:23 a.m. 1.8 ft. High ....... 8:41 a.m. 10.3 ft. Low ........ 2:17 p.m. 4.1 ft Frank Chapman Succumbs At 81 Frank G. Chapman died Friday in the Mason General Hospital at the age of 81. He was born on November 8, 1887 in Wilbur, Ore., and has resided in Mason County for the past 57 years. Mr. Chapman was formerly employed as a traffic manager for the Harvard Plywood Co. and spent 30 years working for the McCleary Timber Co. He was a member of the Elma Masonic Lodge for 50 years, a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, the Afifi Temple in Tacoma and the Hoquiam Elks High ....... 8:29 p.m. 11.6 ft. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 Low ....... 3:11 a.m. 1.4 ft. iligh ....... 9:53a.m. 10.0 ft. Low ....... 3:05 p.m. 5.5 ft. High ....... 8:59 p.m. 11.1 ft. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 Low ....... 3:59 a.m. 1.2 ft. ltigh ...... 1 1:05 a.m. .7 ft. Low ....... 3:59 p.m. 6.8 ft. High ....... 9:35 p.m. 10.5 ft. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 Low ....... 4:53 a.m. 1.3 ft. High ...... 12:35 p.m. €.8 ft. Low ....... 5:11 p.m. 7.7 ft. ttigh ...... 10:17 p.m. 9.9 ft. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 Low ....... 5:53 a.m. 1.4 ft. tligh ....... 2:05 p.m. 10.1 ft. Low ....... 6:47 p.m. 8.2 ft. ltigh ...... 11:11 p.m. q.4 ft. Club. lie is survived by one son, Kenneth, of Shelton; one brother, Floyd Chapman, of Tacoma; one sister, Mrs. Ruth Sands, of Wilbur; three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 11 a.m. in the Batstone Funeral Home with Pastor Carl Carlsen officiating. lntombment followed in the Tacoma Mausoleum. Donations may be given to the Diabetic Foundation or a favorite charity. BY 1975 there will be 11.5 million openings for journeymen in the skilled trades because of national growth, normal attrition and replacement. ladies wear Nell Vance Taken By Death Neff N. Vance, 79, Route 1, Box 16, Lilliwaup, died Monday, in Mason General hosoital. He was born March 10, 1890 in Tennessee. He was a retired carpenter and a member of the Methodist Church, Carpenter's Union Local No. 470 of Tacoma and the Goodfellow Club. This area had been his home for 20 years. Survivors include his wife, Daisy of the home; two stepsons, Arthur and John Burg, both of Tacoma; two stepdaughters, Mrs, Phyllis Shearer, Seattle and Mrs. Marion Johnston, Lilliwaup; one brother, Cecil Rose, Shasta, Calif. and two sisters, Mrs. Lois Buell, Crescent, Calif. and Mrs. Irene Buell, Auburn, Calif. Services will be held at the Batstone Funeral Home Friday at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Glen Wakefield officiating. Burial will be in Shelton Memorial Park. To College James S. Hoyle, a graduate of Garrett Heyns High School, is one of 48 new freshmen admitted to the two-year associate degree course in data processing at Highline Community College. Hearing Set On State Juvenile Probation Funds The final step toward implementation of the state's juvenile probation subsidy program, authorized by the last legislature, will be taken at a public hearing in Olympia Sept. 12, according to William R. Conte, M. D., Director of the State Department of Institutions. The probation subsidy act permits the Department of Institutions to reimburse counties for not committing delinquent children to state juvenile institutions. The state grant funds must be used for improved probation and counseling services at the local level, Dr. Conte said, adding that nearly all Washington counties are already planning to participate. The public hearing, to be held in the General Administration Building at 10 a.m., will result in the final adoption, amendment or repeal by the Department of Institutions of rules concerning administration and distribution of probation funds to counties, application forms, reimbursement procedures, limitation on use of funds and establishment of standards and inspection procedures. Interested persons unable to attend the meeting may submit data, views or arguments to the Department of Institutions in writing at any time before Sept. 11, Dr. Conte said. Smokeyg friends dora play with matches. i i O.E.S. CHUCK WAGOH DIHHER Friday, Sept. 19 - 4 to 8 p.m. Masonic Temple, Shelton Live Music ' Tickets $2 i i ii i i i Quantities Limited. Items subject to prior sale. SUMMER & BRA DRESSES Misses, Jr. and Half-size in assorted styles. ONE HALF PRICE LADLES SPORTSWEAR Final summer clearance of shorts, jackets, culottes, skirts, blouses etc. ONE HALF PRICE BERMUDA SHORTS Ladies, in White, NLa ar'LRed. Regularly $6. ow$3.66 EXTRA-LONG SWEAT SHIRTS Ladies, in many assorted colors. Sizes: Small, medium and large. NOW 2/$5 LADIES JEWELRY One group includes: Pins, earrings, ropes bracelets. Was',, pr,ce ....... NOW 1/2 AGAIN LADIES VINYL RAIN COATS One Group, Regularly $5 ............. NOW $1.99 One,rout, $4 Regularly $9 and $10 ...... NOW .88 LADIES RAIN PARKAS One group, available in 2 colors. Regularly $16. NOW $7.88 FALL & WINTER SWEATERS One group of ladies fall & winter sweaters. Some brand names. Includes: cardigans, pullovers in mock and turtle neck and shells. Regularly from $10. o $5.88 & up housewares QUALITY SHEET CLEAN-UP Twin and double size bleached Muslin irregulars. Now 99ea. SOLIDS, STRIPES, PRINT & BLEACHED PERCALE 0 Odds and ends clear up, Twin, Regularly $3.99 ..... NOW $1.99 Double. Regularly *4.99 ... NOW $2.99 Queen, Regularly $7.99 .... NOW $3.99 ,ng. Regu,ar,y $9.9g ..... ,OW $5.99 Cases. Rego,or,y $.9 • OW $1.69 pr. housewares ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR 2 Only, 35-cup. Regularly $24.95 ...... NOW $14.99 men and boys BOYS LIGHT JACKETS ,o. $3 Reg to,lO ..... Now .99 EACH TRAY TABLES One only set of king size trays. Regularly $17.95 ...... NOW $10.99 LAZY SUSAN 1 Only with chipped base. $1 Reg. $5 ................. NOW ,99 SKIRT & PANT HANGERS 4 only Regularly $1 ............. NOW 59  MULTIPLE SKIRT HANGERS 4 only. Reg. $1.29 .............. NOW 89' PADDED HANGERS 6 only Reg. $1.29 .............. NOW O € tt t THROW RUGS 27x48. 2 only. $1 99 Reg. $4.98 .............. NOW . DOUBLE BOILER 1 Only with Teflon $ Coating (f,0w) ........... NOW 1.99 TEFLON COATED PAN AvocadOReg. $12.95c°'°red" 1 only. ............. NOW $8.99 BOYS WOOL & NYLON SHIRT Washable. $299 Regularly $4 ............. NOW . BOYS SPORT SHIRT $3 Va,ueNow 2/$3 MEN'S $1.99 TABLE Sport Shirts, Regularly to $6 .......... NOW $1.99 Dress Shirts, Regularly to $6 .......... NOW $1.99 Nite Shirts, Regularly to $5 .......... NOW $1.99 Walking Shorts, $1 Regu,or,y to$ .......... NOW .99 children CHILDRENS 99 = SPECIALS 8 only 99 € Girls Blouses ............... NOW 23 only Girls Slips ................. NOW ^^YY< Boys Cotton Sweaters. Sizes 2-4. Regularly $2.29 NOW /'t/y,¢ Boys Short pants. Sizes 2-4 .................. NOW Girls Petal Scarves ........... NOW Felt PJ Bags. Reg. $1.49 ................ NOW 99' 99' 99' GIRLS FINAL CLEARANCE Includes Spring and Summer skirts, pant dresses, Shifts and other items. 1/2 ORIGINAL PRICE WOVEN REED TRAYS 10 only. Reg. 90c ........ NOW 49 < EACH LID COVERS 2 only. Regularly $1.98 . • NOW 99  EACH WASH CLOTH 24 only. Regularly 49c .... NOW 29 € EACH BEACH TOWEL CLEARANCE Regularly $5 and $3.50. NOW $2.99 and $2.19 ladles lingerie LADLES LINGERIE 1 table includes slips, 1/2 ik slips and gowns .... NOW PRICE SUMMER HANDBAGS Entire stock of ladies summer handbags. 1/2 ORIGINAL PRICE LADLES DORM SHIRT In sizes: petite, small, medium $399 and large. Reg. $8 ......... NOW . LADLES SLIPPERS One group casual leather and patent slippers. Regularly $5 to $6 values NOW $3,35 "/:or Value It's0000 3rd & Railroad" ii i -- i i i i ii i i III I li i i i iiiii i i ii ii i ii I II Thursday, August 28, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3