August 28, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 28, 1969 |
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' oresr'"oerv,ce" euna""'., .:.,*"" """ " Groundbreak,n or Dam He un ay
ndAIIocations RegionalPlanning " g F Id S d
,' n aa Groundbreaking ceremonies dam. .fur Dravo; the 13th Naval Wittenberg, acting in her caPacity. Thehisto-,y niChe pro'eet, J ,and"
, .d Washin ton counties will receiv The Mason Count The commission approved the were held Sunday for the District Band and the Sea Scouts of Mtss Keep Washington Green, the many delays nt has
I -,,, g e y . " ' ,
_.National. Forest $12 ..... 861 902 40 comnared with" Commission. , at its. meeting plat of Lake Cushman No. 11 on Wynoochee Dam near Camp of the Twin Harbors• Council. presented a bouquet of roses to experienced, were outhned by
'e a ree c
, ,es, oral $42.9 $8,854,522.66 a year ago. Monday, approved a resolution the recommendation of the Grisdale to start construction on A:ting as master of ceremonies Mrs. Hansen at the start of the some of the speakers on the
ts from National Lane Count., continued t ^ establishing the Mason Regional county planner, the project, which will cost more ior program was John Ear!ey,, am. . . program..
€ "P In fiscal year ro,;,,, ca, ,: .... + oh,o ; Planning Council and setting up a than $13 million, president of the Grays Harbor Those who attended the The project was first pro need
,, .... o.... ,, Mason Regional Planning Council The primary purpose of the Port tJommnsston, groundbreaktng ceremonies m the 1920's.
0Unty will receive Skr:g::ia :u:t mll: °n'-wm.m Fund __ ,, dam is to provide additional Most of the site of thedamis parked their cars at Camp A special guest at the
[ t T" w w Y w nlgn In 1 tLml i/j i..,,,.,. " •
• ' '. ' n the O1 m
t quall" he money .is Washington, wlth$3.4mdho- Tbe county and Shelton city Colic e industrial water supphes to the The y .... pnc National Forest. Gnsdale, and after lunch served in groundbreaking was Joe
Y between the commissions joined to ether g Grays Harbor area and flood U.S Forest Service wfllbeln the c ' v • ' o ,t ' " d+i ...- :-,,,-,+- -
tk, - :. g _ _ . " • " • _ om nlunlt, building, .. Mahnow_.., who n, z, assigned
|_ county and the .several months, ago to form the • " control. ....... charge o[ the development of Grisdale, boarded busses to travel his water right to the city--of
I partrnent --o regional planning council The Off,clal Rain kept the ceremonies brief rc:;reattonal facxhtles in to the site of the dam for the Aberdeen, in one of the earliest
Forester Charles - = mA have since invited other taxin; - • _ / as Rep. Julia Butler Hansen and " ection with the dam ceremonies actions which led u to
. " ,. | . . ". " " p the
1 eald the total is lP_llidWl II districts to join with them in the nlecl Richard McConnell of the Plans are for the development Rain fell intermittently during project's construction.
i 1' greater than last " -- A -- council" . U-- ,-- U.:S Army. Corps. of Engineers• ot six camp. ground areas .with. the ceremonies and cut .several of The dam m expected to be
ti0n to th ......... I'lonlr$ 00elr The nlannin council was oi tm f Karl N office in Seattle pushed the 148 units for campers, a picnic the speeches short corn leted in the fall 1
,, .. '-uunueS r g . App n ent o • . .......... • P of 972.
h aervice' v,.;r, mm • - established in connection with the Jnhnson 37 ,-,f Ta,-,'ma "S plunger winch set off the blast area a neat £auncnlng, swimming _
K ' sacll£ . . ---- "-, -, ......... + " • • . . . , . . , . . • , IB'911b'qibqlllb'lllP411bgilP.411,lib.giD.111.,qilP'91iD,411
lli0n n whnch signified the start of the areas boat launchm ram s, vista 1
. MOlntenon¢00 comprehensive plannl g work Administrative Architect for The " ' ' g P I
nt .............. count a " construction on the project points and trails for hiking and •
bein-m ..... being done by the " y 'nd+ Evergreen State College was • ". ' " . qllllll LIRIIAIIIII LIRIBIIIIIh |
Of the ,, ane.ato Installation of new equipment city. a]mounced at a board of trustees Prime contractor for the riding. 0 iIPlIP 31kIPllilllll'/ Mk/llll I
2S I roo'.. v t .... d nla " te ante are The commission si ned an meetin in vmnia todav He project is Dravo Corp Western Forest Festival Queen Janice l ll i lll lll llllll IFlli |
,- .-e-,.-t el the an_ __nt maln__n_.. 7 .... • . g .._ O1,...,_._. .... ..._ ...... . " .. • .
,m all resour,es ...a underway at three Simpson agreement to prowde rent free will assume his duties ufflmon, euevue, WhOSe om ot v I
National 0,''" Timber Company local plywood space for the caretaker's mobile immediately. x,.sl,oul was low. . _ _ | Merle and Mar Short, owners !
'0er harvest o..e, facilities now shut down for a home at Walker Park plus water Johnson will assist with Otherswho participated in the Scientists Services i . t
"reation, vvwer"^:" ...... anal' two-week vacation period and electricity except for electric detailed planning of buildings program unday afternoon were . . V 6as 6rocenos" Produce
. ' " .... -.. heat in return for the duties after d,,si,,n concents and snace Max Schmidt Jr., manager, "Christ Jesus" is the suoject ot I t
t)ave t.arstalrs, anelton, -. r r- W " ' t s .... Scien If
h dr* . , . .. performed by the caretaker, determinations have been made ashlngton Tmberlands, for hL" Sunday s (hrlstlan " ce - - - I
re almpson s proaucnon manager Slm son Tnmber Co ere Ma or Lesson Sermon It includes these
to N.,. p portioned .... *' . . ,' ', A contract for conversion of and will serve as college " p ' • .h ,; .y ' " + • " + i Locker Beef Fresh Meats ,
lh-UOnal Forest ior wasnlngton plywood the boiler in the court house c ........... : ....... n;..,+. Harold Schmid of Aberdeen; verses fromPhilippians: "Let this , |
ltll " . " ' ." 'JxlSL,IJC¢,UH CUU,U,Itatu, .... v
,r .... .ties using the operations, reports !he work wi!i heating system to natural gas wth accordina tn I .... t Rehillinoar Wynne Maule, forest supervisor mind be In you, wbtch was also in 1 RAn Pnrknnn¢ I'.*Inn 2. WFnaa|.n l
UllC roads and continue unul the two-weeK II,,rl-,, l'n,,in ,-i-- ('o was ,--. --'-' "':- .... " .......... °-" for the c .... ; uo+:_ r. ...... ('hr;s" -s-"' For it is God • .......... "" "" .... "1 '''IP'I I
.... es = e ..... . ' tslrector of Facilities Plannino %./l.ylll3l, 'attuua£ Cunct, -. t J+Ua ..... •
vacation ends ept z - - If
,. " " ' • signed on the recommendation of ' H. Maurice Ahlquist, director of which worketh in you both to . t, n , n .nn F n
.ar's tote, At Shelton Veneer, some eight Prosecuting Attorney John C the State Department of Water will and to do of his good | arnl 1(oo111 lOCKers A|aers reeds
-- Will be ,.:. to 10,000 yards of sawdust and Ragan. Resources; Brig. Gen. Roy S. pleasure."
U rego n count; u muck have been dredged out of The contract signing had been BOW|; w Kelley, division engineer North Services at The Shelton First I Formerly HowelJ's Grocery |
, 0,083,177 5 1 the peeler block pond. A new held up utter Ragan questioned Pacific Division, for the U.S. Church, 302 Alder, begin at l 1 | ,-,o, 7 n,=,... , Wol.. o+.1.,
v'[t., nJ $22,554,__9o.+,od larger.., chip bin, screening the method of financing set up by A meeting will be held Army Corps of Fngineers'+ ,, D.R. a.m. The public is welcome to + ,-- .... -v ....... ,,,___
e 27 Washin - facilities, elevator and conveying the county and Cascade Natural September 2 for old and new Bengston, project manager for the attend. oayton t;rossroaos qZt-I)ll l
_ gtu, equipment have been installed. A GasCo. members of the tlousewives ,D=-9,.,,,,.,DP.,m,9,I
new c.hlpper, added to the plant Bowling League. f'''.o,,,mo,,t.,,,"D.,m,,DoooOOo
• last winter, has been reconnected New bowlers are invited to
t0 (Justify behind the plant lathe. All the __ __,, attend the gathering which begins ! i _ .t.=+ .... " " t
.... , "9. ' . :+ v
- new chipping equipment will be lhWl[lll hdFmlllrjl at 1..30 p.m. at the Timber 0 .,t I J
'Ch. ready for the Sept. 2 startup. I'o "" "" "l 'w " Vl' Bow1. Those who would like to l A(-- ['' P.,II(II(IYI V
9 v Dnel. 6 cyl 3 be completed on future weekends Om ,,i------,,L bowl but cannot attend the l 1
_ " Z6-8905. is the addition of new controis for IglllllllGllg meeting are invited to call I . /.,4X t
each of the plant's four clippers. -- • -- 426-455,,0or 426-8135. ,V i
(erman S At League bowling starts t
,n,Wth ,-, hepherd Olympic Plywood in Sole Set o .",' .. " . ,
",kosUlaCk nose, Shelton, three worn sections of ..... ep,emner at 12:30 p.m. | I
a.G8/a_ae area. that plant's big smoke stack have rmns for getting the "swap Baoysltting service will be v |
tV been taken down The rest of the s h o p" o p e r a t e d b y t h e provided all season, if needed. |
tpaial arm saw. stack has been painted, patched Multi-Service Center in full-time l t
one4 operahon were announced this V
26-1260. and reassembled. Floor repairs, ' ...... " O
W,,'--------- general cleanup of electric motors week. . Hoodsort D, ,,',,,', I
",re a and t The frst step wnll be a P" 't J •
, r:- g nO pad ' borough house-cleaning will + ;, ' . !. . . :. I
• lLrnr "g $50 continue this week .... rwe Controlled l
b e be0 e rummage sam, to be neJu at the
[1 c, camp' stove . .- ' shop from 10 am to 7 om l If
el2 norse cart 80 At McCleary Plywood, men last " " -" " :' :
-g/1 ,$ ..... " _ . , . Thursday and Friday to clear The Department of Natural
- riuay ,pou[edit.helast concre!e to some of the items which have Resources was in charge of I
complete Irle lour stage , , • :
.... accumulated out. extinguishing a fire which started I 'i!ii ..... t
" " *- -', bcgunrepiacement' in May' oi Th]sW°°uen" week,H°°¢ingedge The rummaRe_ sale will be held at the Hoodsport dump last• week. t "
l(thoIl$ ,lui . . " .... in the swap shop located in the The department hired I
s,'" g ng equipment morea zor the basement of the Department of equipment from Simnson Timber v • |
--''-, i|oor pouring will be reinstalled '' ...... ........ C- , . -: . l v
..:)_ , .... I'UDIlC Assistance OlllCe DUn(ling. o. an(l LaKe Cusnman I •
rROUND and plant cleanup and fire The entrance is °n the alley in Devel°pment C°' t° help in L '
-APPLICATION protection work will be done back of the buildin controllin the fire I
0331 .... g. g ' t
.SHING-rm Plans are, George Magee, About 60 department men , I J ) ,mlll . __11
i,UOFwA'' director of the Multi-Service were involved in the fire control I I J l l[ n" • 1 J / J I
• Gra evJew" Center said, to have the swap effort. A helicopterwasalsoused. [ /'V 1111111I1 r V lFlll • l t
+ P shop open every day. t ' , it
1[112i:) R € / I "1" V01utteers to work in the swap , + ........... , ..... |
.-O'CH WA-rER ocnooI /O shop .... areded,.he commented. : ,,,'" .,,/,--+nam I. i , l
Ir, t Ta h ...... Anyone interested can contact i --. ,... ,,,.
:ly:¢0 29, Yd,69 /'/' T..,,-h--. the Multi-Service Center, Army Specialist Four Terrance I • • t
E:¢r'_ r Permit to r'.,ll .s;,4,,, ,s,, 426-2568 or 426-2571. D. Hart, 21, son of Mrs. Robert if | IB II -- lB, lB lB- r l I- •
t[q:gclitL.waters ........ Those who have items they are V. Jordan, Fountain Valley, • r • • • 11 I
O nvn Lot nne new scnool year tor pupils ......
I' f Madron -. ........ interested in swapping can bring Cube., was assigned July 29 to the | IB IV" I[-_l[ _l _II4B T
-----wN.mber Two a bintn:t P:Vnneth?cn::n.,w them in and exchange them for 199th Light Infantry Brigade in | -- -- -- -- V VV -- l I
nsi 2 , ' ,,. ' ......... v, • • '
'1 • p 2 N ................. something they can use. If they Vietnam as a personnel .
'a ", n Mason ept. z. Luncn wm not oe serve(] " ma e t "
l'aou + ............................... do not have anything to swap, nag men specialist, t I
t rK ui DO the l,[.',t uay smt;e omy a nalz uay " 's f "
t SUbie t + ............... ., ,_ they can purchase items for a HL ather, Rodney G. ltart, l
dnousl" c. tu t,t classes nt=neuuu. .n s lives in Belfair l
Pur y' each operation for the first time in the small co t. • Remember the Roller Coaster at the Western The don't want to cha i "r 0
EJ pose of I ......... Y take ____rices w th thin
II|'SUpply district will be a third room, grade ' , ........ washington Fair? How mucn run 0t was.+ hard-earned money The,.'vo n ..... "+ ++,at the,, ,'an I
lS.must be three taught by Mrs. Elaine . . | All those exciting dips and dives. Well, todav our earn as much as most blehi'"+',ri'+'i+ nay'And
t fe tw° dollar Krueger, a spring graduate of .... . ,:: !- ..... T economy is acting in much the same way - thee enter knowin their m ..... = ....... =- "-'" "a |
and f led • -:.: .... :::.: ' .... : . . . . , •. . . , . g oney ts safe, msured d y
nt of w" Western Washington State J: , ............... I And 0t can be exc0tn , nf ou don t mind takin b an a eric of
ater g Y a and m ht y the fed r
E3169, irty (30) ays+,..+,.h,,.ad College Mrs. ........ Norman Olson ....... will.+ /'::' ...... :: +,+.:... : ! " " " w g "g Y g e al government, t
lot of risks and chances. Wh0ch s hy so many wse Sure, roller coasters are a lot of fun But not when
€1 anh .... ,..y,, ,+....,,, . .... .u, a.. - ltr'm ! " savers are beginning to invest more and more with us, you have your future ridin on them. " !
/ay of" uvTicial Artnur Lene grades tour, rive, and '7: J : ri ht here in M on Co g
L..-" August, six,, I. : i " g as unty. t
-tLor ER A new 67-passenger bus will be W[IN]lgf ' +! :J! 1 ! 0 t
rManagemen t on the route, however, the llll : .... " : : |
...... ater schedule will remain essentlan ::i' ::::: + '
Re Y +.: ........................... ..................... : t
SOurces ,
:: /28-9/4 ", the same as last year with the first !i: iilil :i I I A
"'" stop at Mason Lake about 7a.m. ,. JiB i: i :!iJ:l I / 1 II lm v
I-. J- __ ! / 1 "/A And to help you put your monev tO work, )
BIII iilr t 1 i V National Bank of Mason County offers you a 0
qFP'V ,llJ I i t 11 I B' I varie'- of savin I s F " ' the J
s =.. ::j j • ty gs p an. irst, there s .
€00A00111=€ , I regular passbook savings account. No restric-
,,,, - -v v -.. y i tions on withdrawals and add in anv amount T
Where The Action is" il %+ ; r plus your savings paid on monthly lance. '
['When Company Comes... : ! P i
Are I Say "Welcome" with a Cheerful Fire t
IIB .--.,,, .,, [ Cracklin and friendly . a fire on the hearth endows I
# r00rmln00 [every party wi(h an easy irformality. The warmth of this I m..--.... I . --.
,. -- . . [[°ld'fashi°nedof all your friends.fireplace hospitality lives on in the memories | 1 FI L I I
Now! I Your fireplace plays'such an important role in your ' ldl _ ,
- -- [ home, and your life..,be sure it is furnished with a beauti- t I To make your money work the hardest, ,
I, [fully designed, properly fitted screen...ready to use with i ? National Bank of Mason Coun has ti !
[ pleasure and safety. V -- i . ty me l
.,... /''.' [ Glassfyr# ' CLassic in black and polished brass shown above i ' V certificates and investment certificates earning
\\; -.:'. • • .
'ii/_ O U 1 the highest legal bank rate. Come In and let us I
Illes I)s "- I l pj .-s,,- - way.Sh°w you how simple it is to earn this easy |i
or Ladies. I + t
Plim • • ........ I .+¢:.: :'+ <J" "%
e or N|_qht,me Lea ques • - 2 .. .- . .. #+ ++ "% _ _ __ I
v v Glamffvr ..... ,+epsgi ..... )n+ph+'terqmrk Glassfyre screens ,,re mm|e for c:,'r: .... V M'i" Oft|tin .++++ I1.,1:...,1 D..5 n4 ++' +,:%::, "% Ilrammk Ollim- I
.._. pro.tecuon..+tt mnoKIn a.. prevent tmwn drafts nel, 3+faced, arch+ op and stun, ard • ............ I" +':" INI ?d/lilllil llllll Ill '? .:'.:+?::+++:;:: :!+: ............. •
rk_ ,,,- ,.. .,, , g' fireplaces. I k-h,.. . nllilUima IMllli M/ if: i : I--I1--t- i
-'-'" " m$ONCOUNT00 + -" '
un orr ...........
)1 42m8234 ,, ........ , .:,b .",, ,,: ,:;:'.'.:,&S " I
CR S..2816 '++:+++++++
eor ar me ....vo.-... , ,++ +, +', ¢ I
-- " .... : i.;!..`:.`:::i:.:.:;?:`.:`.!.;?::..ii!:::: ii!i #ili!ii':iliii.:.! ii! • I
R BOWL : °° . ,
• !
426-8452 7th & Park 426-3344 t Your Home-Owned Full Servnce Bank I
-T-rsdayi-Augus¼-2-8-1l§6-9on-Mason County Journal- Page 1"]"