August 28, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 28, 1969 |
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training school. Presenting him with his
certificate is Lt. Warren Maynard, of the
Academy, while Maj. Eldon Parke looks on.
VA Reminds Veterans Of Home Loans
ERHART, center, a member 10 a.m. in the auditorium of the authorities, and other interested ''Reading Problems:
the Washington State Patrol Bonneville Power Administration persons, lndentification and Correction"
here, is congratulated on Building, 1002 N.E. ttolladay Persons unable to attend the was tile theme of the Annual
I to attend a nine-month Street, Portland. Portland hearing may submit Reading Conference held Aug. II
The hearing is to review a plan written statements to either the - 15 at Western Washington Slate
Patrol Staffer To proposed bythetwoagenciesto RegionalForester, Forest Service, College inBellingham. Altending
control log export substitution, as P.O. Box 3623, Portland 97208, from Shelton was Dell M.
provided in the amendment. The or to the State Director, Bureau Abelein, teacher at Shelton Jr.
d T i i g Sch el main provision of the of LandManagement, P.O. Box }iighSchoOl.program,
h amendment, which went into 2965, Portland 97208, within 30 'rhe sponsored by
r a n n o effect Jan I, 1969, restricted to days followingthehearing. Copies Department of Education theat
35 0 million board feet the of the proposed plan may also be WWSC, was designed to explore in
Erhart the in defraying the costs for the critical lack of police officers amount of timber that can be sold obtained from the offices listed depth the procedures for
above, analyzing reading disabilities and
illustrate techniques for their
The Veterans Administration or until March 3, 1976, whichever Thus, he said a Viet-Nam era primarily to the increasing
reminded returning veterans is later, to take advantage of their veteran with two years service, for number of young Viet-Nam era
today they are eligible for home G.I. home loan benefit, example, would have 18 years veterans, Kirsch said. tie noted
loans for 12 to 20 years after they To determine the expiration after discharge to use his G.i. Bill the G.I. interest maximum was
get out of service, date of his own eligibility, each loan guaranty entitlement, upped to 7V2 per cent in January
John B. Kirsch, Manager of the veteran who served after Jan. 31, Nationally, 25 4,383 1969 to increase the availability
Seattle VA Regional Office, 1955, can assume that he was 10 applications for VA loan of credit for veterans desirous of
explained that eligible veterans years after his discharge from guarantees were received for the owning theirownhomes.
who served after Jan. 31, 1955, active duty plus one year for each 12-month period ending June 30, Kitsch said that "while activity
will have a maximum of 20 years three months of military service, Kirsch said, adding that 3,870 last year was good, it could have
from the date of their discharge Kirsch explained, applications were received at the been much betler if more
VA Regional Office in Seattle. mortgage funds had been available
" Kirsch pointed out that the for G.I. loans."
Hearing On Log Export 1969 total of 254,383 only tic added that a continued
slightly exceeded the 253,755 shortage of mortgage fumts could
Plans ,>'- Scheduled national total for 1968 when hamper (;.I. loan activity next
2,567 loan applications were year.
A public advisory hearing on Agriculture and Interior to received at the Seattle VA
plans to implement a section of formulate a plan to prevent RegionalOffice. T "#B
the "Morse Amendment" to the purchase of National Forest or These national totals for 1968 lil ! t. il
Foreign Assistance Act of 1968, Bureau of Land Management and 1969 were the highest since
on timber export from federal timber in substitution for 1957. 5
land, will be held in Portland non-federal timber being The growing volume of
Sept. 26. exported, applications in 1969 is attributed
The Forest Service, U.S. Comments and ad ice are i] lll'i: i!
Department of Agriculture, and sought on the proposed plan, Teacher Attends
the Bureau of Land Management, which is being circulated to ,,
U.S. Department of the Interior, timber purchasers, industrial Reading Confab '::iti
will hold the hearing, beginning at associations, state officials, port
for export from federal lands west
of the 100th meridian.
The amendment also
authorized the Secretaries of
To Sp ak
is one of training program.
selected to Attending the 1969-70 class
Police will be police officers from 19
Program states, one county, and 19
lc Institute, municipal law enforcement
aiversity. Chief agencies in the United States and
that three foreign officials from
his ninth Argentina, Thailand, and
11 at the Honduras.
nSton, II1. James M. Slavin, Director of
also announced the Institute, announced the
,'ived a $1,500 selection of the 55 officers,
the Insurance noting that "The correct training
Safety of police officers is of the utmost
department importance at this time. There is a
throughout the nation and until
recruitment problems are solved
by the addition of more
manpower, the best we can do is
to make present police personnel
more knowledgeable and thus
able to perform in many areas of
police work.
the class your ideas of what you
"Like industry, the police field
is also experiencing a
mid die-management crisis.
Departments throughout the
nation need men trained,
knowledgeable and experienced in
the administration process so they
can act as effective liaison
Elvin D. Irwin, an Assemblies
of God missionary approved for
reappointment to Brazil, will be
guest speaker Aug. 31, at 7 p.m.
at the Shelton Assembly of God,
1521 Monroe Street.
Irwin and his wife Earline
II School between senior command and served previously in missionary
• officers in the field, work in Brazil where they were
"The Traffic Police active in evangelism and Bible
n.t ti Administration Training Program teaching.
erie a on structured to provide police Irwin graduated from
S-te r" I officers with the tech:iques and Northwest College of the
rI y procedures involved in Assemblies of God in Kirkland,
administration of training, and received his B.A. in social
administration of traffic science and med degrees from
Canal School
have teacher
|Y; August 29th
teeting will be
Junior High
the middle of
lot area is
PPed by Bob
The area
SUrfacing in the
:tion and when
as a play area
:tter to Mrs.
:hird grade
: Dear
to meet
mg forward
you seen
Do you
any bench
o share with
might find on the moon. We will
be seeing you on September 2nd.
The entire gym floor of the
Hood Canal Gym was given two
coats of varnish this summer and
looks like new again. Even though
the students took good care of
the floor, normal wear made the
refinishing necessary.
Parents or guardians of
kindergarten youngsters are asked
to come with your child to the
foyer of the gym to register him
and to stay for a short orientation
period. The child will need the
large kindergarten crayons and a
paint shirt (an old blouse or shirt
turned backwards.) The work fee
of $1.20 may also be paid at this
time if so desired. Please bring
birth certificates or other legal
document. The child should be
five years old by September 1st.
Experienced outdoor men
know there's nothing like
comfortable boots when
you've a rough day
of hiking ahead.
Features include
oil-tanned water
repellent leather up-
pers, Traction-Tred
wedge crepe soles.
programs, and police
administration. The men who
complete this program can thus
contribute more effectively for
their departments and their
Erhart, a member of the staff
of the State Patrol Academy here,
is a Shelton High School graduate.
He and his wife and five
children left recently for Illinois
to make their home while he is
attending school.
the University of Portland,
Oregon. Mrs. Irwin attended
Northwest College of the
Assemblies of God in Klrkland.
While studying at the
University of Portland, Irwin
served as commissioner and
counselor for the family court of
Vancouver and Clark County.
Slides and curios will be
featured during this special
missions rally. The public is
welcome to attend.
Hurry! Supplies may be limited!
Prices good Thursday through Saturday Only
pack of 500 sheets lhlhUgil
i ,o°,, ,i,;, /
I CX126. ,2exposure. $1 10 I
Regularly $L40 NOW II. • 1
,ncludes:notebook, themebook $2 98
and class notebook. •
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5th & Franklin
from $23.95
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Sash, Shower and Tub Doors,
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Replacements of all kinds
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Call for Free Estimates
Prices start at
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Thursday, August 28, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13