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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 28, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 28, 1969
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Family Honored At Going Away Party IWAUP .... To say Mr, and Mrs. Pat McGrady will the Bob Erhart be leaving Aug. 28 to return to last week for a their New York home. They spent near Chicago, a the summer in their Lilliwaup Was held Aug. 17 cottage which will now be Robinson Beach occupied by Mr. and Mrs. James Erhart of tile l)urand and their two small ate Patrol, son of children. The Durands, former 'n, is one of two state Shelton and Itoodsport residents, '.n by competitive have been living in Wyoming. :for Special training .Stern Universily's CHURCH PICNIC tee Administration Mr. and Mrs. Ehner Edwards entertained twelve members of has Spent about 19 the Shelton Christian Science ate department and Church at a picnic at their as an instructor I..illiwaup home Sunday. Guests State Patrol were able to enjoy games and Periods of service visiting out on the patio, but the picnic was rained out and had to and in Skagit of his work has be enjoyed indoors. education directed BUSY SUMMER l.eonard Celestine, father of AI parents of five Celcstine, went back to his home a, Wendy, Lee, Robin and in New Orleans recently after both served as spending part of the summer with ,rs" at the local his son and daughter-in-law at their mother, their beach home. partof Other visitors included Al's brother-in-law and sister Mr. and therapy Mrs. Leonard Rohman and two Lane Terrace chiklren who were here in July. Robin is to to enter Tacoma Mrs. Celestine's mother, Mrs. asa first-year Grace Lede]] of Seattle, was also here for a visit whilc A]'s relatives and sister, were at Lilliwaup. Recent guests an Burman of were Mr. and Mrs. AubreyBrown children were of Seattle, who came up for a family farewell wcekend and took home their son, Rcggic, long-time school Members Win Many At County Fair ?'LLEy Mr. and Mrs. Arian Johnson PAT McGRADYS LEAVING friend of Jeff, who had a lO-day visit at the Celestine home. GUEST OF MeGRADYS Lima LeCron, Hollywood, story analyst for Warner Bros., was a house guest of the Pat McGradys last week. She is now visiting with friends and relatives in Tacoma. Mrs. LeCron, school friend of Mrs. McGrady, arrived on the same plane Aug. 17, as Nadine llenley, also of Ilollywood, who was to visit Mrs. McGrady's sister, Mrs. II.A. Shaffer, at her Indian Point summer home. Mrs. Shaffer's guest left Tuesday. NEW TENANTS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aldrich, and baby son, who have been living in the Lilliwaup club cottage, moved to a house owned by the John Aaro family. New tenants in the cottage are the Peter Vissers. Mrs. Visser is the daughter of Anna Johnson, who lives in Potlatch. GUESTS AT OLSONS Ed and Vivien Olson bade Godspeed to departing guests Earl and Alma Wells of Compche, Calif. Friday. Then greeted the beginning of a new contingent, E'd's sister and brother-in-law, Em and Everett Chase of Bellevue, Saturday. Everett had been lured down with tales of excellent fishing in the canal. Saturday evening netted only a ling cod - no salmon. Up at dawn, or even before, Sunday high winds failed to daunt his hopes of catching a salmon. But it was not to be. Buffeted about by white caps, and occasionally drenched with showers, they finally had to give up. Sunday David and Arlene Webb arrived, bringing with them Ray and Barbara Ilerbig with their two small sons. Ray is head of the biology department at Curtis tligh were David teaches. Ray too came to try his luck at angling. They tried the ltamma llamma for searun cutthroat as well as the salt chuck. They caught one small salmon. i I LOWREY Organs & Pianos Rent or Buy on Easy Terms Johnny's Music Box Open 'tll 8:30 p.m. Wed. & Thurs. 205 Cota 42e-4302 ii tI _. The Valley nlany ribbons for es at the Mason Of filting esquitation, and Lanship. Among were Patli and two whitc, Sharhm and one white, - One 131, and two ]$O WOn reserve rl Junior fitting Lz evens one otte led, and blue and one Vacation Bible its program lasl and at the close a reception was )f Rev. and Mrs. tlar meeting of last Friday Was draped in and children of Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson anti family of Milton spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson. • Ted Richcrt, Arthur Johnson, and ('heslcr Valley made a business trip to Centralia last Saturday. The Tahnadge Wilson family left New York July 18 and after sailing for 20 days aboard the 'ltellenic !lero' they reached ('apetwn, Africa. The voyage was pleasanl although rough at times, no one was seasick. The children enjoyed very inuch watching the 'flying fish' some ten to fourteen feet long. ('apetown is a modern city of about one million people and is nine hours ahead of our time. There was another stop at Fort F, lizabeth and then on to their destination, Durban. i BUD KNUTZEN is featuring a 1961 CADILLAC SEDAN DeVlLLE Power Steering, Power Brakes, Power Windows, Power Seat, Radio and Hydromatic. A NEW LOW $575.00 at Kimbel Motors AUTHORIZED DEALER Chrysler- Plymouth- International 707 S. 1st Days 426-3433, Eves. 426-4780 i tnenlbers who last meeling. Pulsifer, Fred It was e With the next members may anniversary James Hunter Vacation trip. hey spent the I'ark, eier National Announcement The appointment of Dr. James E. Tostevin to the staff of the Olympic Research Division of ITT Rayonier Incorporated was recently announced by Dr. Edwin L. Lovell, Manager of the Division. Dr. Tostevin is a native of North Dakota. He is a graduate of Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota and obtained his Ph.D. from the Institute of Paper Chemistry in Appleton, Wisconsin. He was employed in the cellulose industry in Canada before coming to Shelton. Dr. Tostevin and his wife Patricia enjoy outdoor activities- especially hiking and mountain climbing. Their two year old son, Carl, shows promise of similar interests but does part of his hiking on his father's back. A major hobby of Dr. Tostevin is photography and one of his first projects in their new home on Mountain View is to build a dark room. Mrs. Tostevin was a librarian at the Institute of Paper Chemistry. ITT RAYONIER INC. I OLYMPIC.RESEARCH DIVISION Another visitor at the Olsons, a more or less permanent addition to the sun-deck set, is "Nutsy" the squirrel, lte has taken over where the hummingbirds left off and makes several trips daily to lap up syrup, lie also enjoyed the Texas pecans left over from last years trip to Waco, but when they ran out, he turned up his pert little nose at any of the other goodies provided by his host. Peanuts, raisins, bread and peanut butter, oatmeal, he'd have none of any of it. A thoroughly spoiled squirrel, all he wanted was pecans. So the Olsons are hoping this will be a good year for pecans in Waco so daughter Nancy can mail a big box of them up to "Nutsy." You Should Kno .'.q CLINT WlLLOUR | Is it not ridiculous for a human being to make himself valuable, and then just when that value is greatest to himself and his family, to have it disappear entirely because of death? 1717 Olympic Highway North : N/W NATIONAL Ph. 426-8139 , Life Insurance for II II t,l00lllttl) tll00l00 GRADE AA iAormel FulW Cooked per lb. tin Sl00ItiktSS 00lltlttg$ O¢ °s ,=na egUlOr Doz. S (Limit 3 Dozen at this Price) POTATO CHIPS Freshie Brand 9½ oz Box (Limit 2 Boxes at this price) BAG BOX SHASTA POP All Flavors including mixers 28 OZ. PAPER NAPKINS Silk Brand Asst. Colors (1st. 4 pkgs) 60 ct. btl. pkg. Large Sweet SUNKIST Campfire Brand 16 oz pkg Marshmallows I I IIIIII I I III I Nut Lunch Brand 13 oz pkg Mixed Nuts IIII III I Snoboy Frozen 10 oz pkg Strawberries I Haley's Brand No. 2½ tin Pork & Beans 4/89' RELISH SPREADS .o...n0,o.wo,, 5/$ 4 Varieties 10V4 oz jar I NALLEY'S PICKLES o0., o,,, o. or,- 2/89 quetDill 30ozjar COCKTAIL SHRIMP e.o.*o,, o.t, 2/89  DESSERT TOPPING °"w"°o,,,ze 82  COCOA MIX Hershey'slnstant21btin 77 MUSTARD French's 1K 9 oz jar PLANTERS PEANUTS Dry Roasted,.,,, o,,o, 77 € CORNED BEEF HASH Nalley'sBrand 44€ 15 oz tin SALAD DRESSING Kraft Catalina, oo,,, 66  SALAD DRESSING Kraft Roka16 oz bt' 77 € PRUNE JUICE Sunsweet Brand 65  40 oz tin FOLGERS COFFEE "''°''°°' " $1 ,O.n.,, '° 98 (2 Ib tin $1.35) tln ,, HIGHLAND COFFEE ''°r'n':" -,b$ ,'"°-,,  1 89 (2 Ib tin $1.28) tin PAPER PLATES White9 inch width .o0 ct p. 58  WAREHOUSE DIRECT PRICES . WHY PAY MORE! * LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED STORE HOURS Mon. thru Thurs.: .... 11 a.m.. 6 p.m. Friday: ...................... 9 a.m.- 7 p.m. Saturday: ................... 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday, August 28. 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15