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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 28, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 28, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE 12 For Sale COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from color negatives only, 19c. 5x7 enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 No. 2nd. 4/17tin welc o me, ............................................................ 426-4702, 4/14tin SIMPLICITY MOWERS and tillers. See now at Mike's McCulloch Sales and Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28tin ...... INDOOR--OUTDOOR CARPET, $3.99 sq. yd. Choose from 11 different colors at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. • 426-4702. 08/] tin FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells& Valley Appliance Center. 6/5tin For Sale MOBILE HOME FURNITURE ..... We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furniture you're always 4th and CASE No. 320 INDUSTRIAL loader and back hoe, new tires, power steering $2,500. Phone 426-8677. $8/14-9/4 For Sale YOUNG GRAIN fed steers cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523 S3/27tfn Cota. - ..................................... FOR SALE or trade: 500 gallon fuel tank. Want to buy 14 ft. boat trailer. 426-6286 W6/Stfn FOR FREE ESTIMATES on your heating needs -- furnace, baseboards, etc. Call Sears. 426-8201 ask for Norm. S8/14-9/4 FOR SALE -- Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426-4412.8/9tin SPOTS before your eyes -- on your new carpet -: remove them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric Services ELECTROLUX SALES & Service. Electrolux bags available. Free delivery. Call Jack Manley 426-3544. 1622 Boundary. M8/15tfn EXCAVATING, HAULING, and clearinq. Free estimates. Ph. 426-4378. Gordon B. Moore. M4/4tfn CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate. Precision rinding. Now at Saeger Motor hop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tin shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. C8/28 BATHROOM AND KITCHEN CARPET, CUSHION and ............................................ remodeling. Roofing, patios, installation - your choice of FOR SALE. BARTLETT Pears. carports. Smaller jobs also. Call high-lows, tweeds or shags for You pick $2.00 pear box also Osborne's 426-6241. O1/25tfn only $7.88 sq. yd. Call Sears Italian prunes and French prunes. 426-820[ ask for Norm. 426-6842. R8/28 SLIM-JIM. Lose inches, tone $8/14-9/4 m u s c I e s. F r e e he me RELAXAWAY, the original "Slim-Gym". World's easiest method of active exercise. For FREE KODAK FILM' Kodacolor or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it. • 426--6--I. -6..-3--5/--25-tf ...................... information Call 426-1276. M7/I 7fin FOR SALE WOOD Lathe and motor, Merry Tiller, and paint Oorayer. Reasonable. Phone odsport 877-5431. L8/21-28 TRADE tN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/14tin HAMLTON WASHER and Gas dryer. Matching set, one owner, ood condition. See at 810 So. th after 5 p.m. 426-4461. Mrs. McKinney. Mc8/7-24 ALDER, FIR, any length, delivered Shelton vicinity. Phone 426-8113. B8/7tfn 1969 MOBILE HOME 20x43 ft. Pay equity and take over contract. Phone 426-2397, Hidden Haven. W8/7-28 36 in. Chain Link fencing completely installed, $1.25 per running foot. Call Sears 426-8201 and ask for Norm. $8/J4-9/4 SLIM GYMS?? --- They're here! You've seen them on T.V. It's the "fun" way to keep in shape! Why not call Maxine for a free home demonstration? No obligation. NEW BUDDY TRAILER for sale. 12'x44', $4,000 cash or best offer. Phone 426-1410. G8/2 ]-9/11 EARLY AMERICAN Console Piano. Like new, assume low monthly payments. Phone Adjustor BR 2-5282. T8/2]-9/4 ELECTRIC STOVE $70; rug/pad $65; 1968 washer/dryer $240; oll burner $25; play pen $12; baby bed $30. 426-3850. J8/21-9/1] 10x55 ft. trailer house. Clean, good condition, gas heat and cooking, front kitchen. Call 426-8028. R8/21-28 WHITE CAST-IRON bathtub with chrome fixtures, $69. 426-4694. B8/14-9/4 426-6078 before 6 o'clock. ................................................. C8/21-8/28 WALL--TO-WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom-made WOOL RUG -- brown tweed draperies. We measure, expert 12x21 ft. $60; G. E. electric installation. Your satisfaction is mixer with juicer; old standard guaranteed. Free estimates, typewriter; Heavy duty 8 inch You're always welcome at Olsen skill saw with case. Call after 5:30 Fl, nitu.ta, .4th and Cola. g,m; 42J25:168t14tt ............................................ LOWREY STARLET Organ. Smokeyfrlends Regular $675.00 now $595.00 Johnny's Music Box 205 Cots. don1 play wllh matches, 426-4302 J 7/17tin , ull i t , u FOR SALE Reconditioned Hotpoint electric range. $30.00. Underwood Golden Touch portable typewriter, $25.00. Phone 426-2778. P8/28 USED 4 cu. ft. International Harvester freezer, perfect condition. $80. Call 426-2121. LS/28tfn ONE KITCHEN electric range, double kitchen sink, miscellaneous doors and windows. Hoodsport 877-53]2. S8/28-9/18 COLOR T.V. WOOD FOR SALE. Any type or size. Call 426-1124. Delivered. J8/28tfn YARD SALE! Rummage, used furniture to refinish, books, bottles, magazines. 124 East G., Friday --- Saturday. $8/28 BLACKBERRIES FOR SALE $1.50 per gallon. Call 426-6984. J8/28 8eo at Olsen Furniture 4th dE Cots 426-4702 I I I HH, H Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT 10 Year LOWREY ELECTRIC tube organ with full dual keyboard. Very good condition. $475. Phone 426-6547. N8/28tfn Free Replaeement WASHER, wringer type, -use Warranty very little, Sears, $50.00 Canopy for truck, 6 x 8, $100,00. Tires, 7.75x14, 3 used, I mew, $35.00. 1) 426-6692. D8/28 -  lllU III I I OPEN FOR BUSINESS: DO YOU LIKE TO READ? WATEB HEATET The Hotpolnt Custom Glsssiine water beater provides the ultl. mate In outomatle, tale, effi. cleat operation. And best of. aliA It is baeked by lO year tang plaeemea t warranty. Eells & Valley Appllanoe Center 2nd & Cots St. Phone 426-4663 Complete Home Furnishing . Center Paperbacks formerly at Sorge's Grocery, Pt. Townsend, now at RED & WHITE COUNTRY STORE in Quilcene. We Buy-SelI-ExchanQe. We pay 5c each, or You Brmg 2, Take 1, or You Buy for Vz of the Cost New. Some Hardbacks -- Can Order Others. New & Used Records, Women's Clothing, Odds & Ends, What have you? Handcrafted Articles. Consignments Welcomed. Highway 101, opposite Telephone Office, P. O. Box ]33, Quilcene, Wash. 98376. Hours: 10 to 6, 7 Days a Week. Refresh men ts. 8/,28 III [ IIIIII Nye Building Supply Complete Building Supplies Weekly Specials 7'/8"x 10 Beveled Cdr Siding $155 per thousand USED CLARINET for sale with demonstration. Call 426-6707. case. Phone 426-3196. I.,8/28 W8/28-9/t8 PICKLING cucumbers ]5c lb. CHILD CARE in my home. Any Phone 426-1467. Skokomish age but prefer infant to 2 yrs. Valley. J8/28 Phone 426.]597. M8/28 COMPLETE TWIN bed in good ]DS, VIR]BrllA)r, condition. Phone 426-6423. H8/28 ASPHALT PAVING • Driveways UPRIGHT PIANO, good • Parking Lots condition, ideal for children and beginners. Call 426-3431. BOB KIMBEL CONaT. R8/28-9/18 428-4243 • eZto 2 AXLE equipment trailer. 426-2026. W8/7-8/28 I NSULATI ON APPL I C ATO R S A N D --'-------'------------------' SUPPLIERS of rock wool and USill Cal fiberglass blown and blanket home insulation. Call for ------------------v--_-._-_-_-_-._-_-_-_, quotation, 943-1360. Willamette 1961 FORD econoline pickup. Valley Co. $450. Call 426-4574 Monday 7/[7tin through Thursday. S8/2]tfn ........ 1950 CHEV pickup. Good Custom condition $295. Call 426-2582. N8/21tin Upholstering FOR SALE '59 Chevy station Samples shown in your wagon, 6 cyl. Phone 426-6685. home. Free pickup and K8/28-9/4 delivery. ]959 PONTIAC Station wagon, excellent condition. Phone Union Phone McCleary 495-3447 898-2311. Good family car. G8/28 SS/7,,!fn 1960 PLYMOUTH, good work car, $195. Call 426-20S5. M8/28 Bob Ogden ' ]964 COMET, 4-pd,' bLets' INSTALLATION SERVICE chromes, $350. Equity, take over payments. 426-2230 after 6 p.m. La8/28 Carpeting- Formica- ...... Ceremi© and Linoleum Used Cars Lioensed, Bonded & Insured '69 Galaxie Hardtop .... 3395 Phone 426-3155 '67 Mustang Hardtop .... 1895 3/6 tin '66 Plymouth Belvedere .1195 , .......... '66 Mere Hardtop ...... 1595 HAND SAWS '66 Ford Wagon ........ 1795 . TABLE SAWS Ma,ibu Wage. ...... ,39s SHARPENED '65 Falcon Wagon ...... 1095 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) '65 Comet Sedan ........ 995 Ph. 426-6687 H 2/17 tin '64 Rambler Sedan ...:..695 - '63 T-Bird (air) ........ l o9s LANE '62 Vauxall Wagon ...... 695 HOUSE MOVING '62 Ramber Wagon ...... 295 Houses Raised, Foundations '62 Dart Wagon ......... 695 and Leveling Boat, Motor and Phone 426-8147 Trailer ................ 695 1/27 tSn II PAINTING and DRY WALL 23 MORE CARS RESIDENT and TO CHOOSE FROM ! COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Used Trucks eo.ded and Insured CALL 426.8773 '65 F-250 Pick-up ...... 1395 7/5 tin HHN I | nHH '65 Ranchero .......... 1395 GENERAL HAULING '63 F-100 ............. 595 Sand - Pit Run - Gravel '56 Int. -Ton, 4x4 ...... 695 5-Yard Dump Truck '53 Int. Pick-up ............ and Loader - Peat Soil 8 MORE TRUCKS TO CHOOSE FROM I JIM PAULEY'S BOB -- BUS -- BILL 5th and Railroad 426-8231 i it t Services PIANO LESSONS GIVEN,' high school student with professional backing. Call Cinda Watson, 426-8239. W8/14-I0/2 s13 0 per thousand BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light grading, back filling, sewage systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893 7/22tin CHILE) CARE 3 years or over in licensed home. Downtown area. Call 426-8] 15. L8/14-9/4 5/8"x8 Beveled Cedar Siding SHERWlN-WlLLIAMS PAINTS AND WALLPAPER on the Phone 426-8224 co,e Road t , H Page 18. Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, August 28. 1969 SEWING AND IRONING done in my home. Reasonable rates. Also baby-sitting, infant to 41yoars'l Phone 426-6258. H8/21-9/ TEL. - FRANK - 426-3I 53 8/21tin II I II Smokey Saya: Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires t Wanted SHELTON JUNK COMPANY, 1st and Mill. Always buying copper, brass, radiators and batteries. Call 426-8626. S6/26tfn WANTED -- Alder Logs. 9" diameter and up. Mason Hardwood Co. formerly Smith Alder Mill. 426-1411. M4/24tf L IIII Wanfed Will Buy or Consign Good Used Furniture or Appliances Kelly Furniture 625 So. 1st 426-2411 | I Help Wanted WANTED -- Seamstresses interested in sewing for a fashion show. Call Dimitri, call Union 898-2322. Hicks South Shore Inn. V8/21,28 TELEPHONE INTERVIEWERS. Research firm needs interviewers for part-time evening telephone work. Short term assignment. No selling. Experience helpful but not required. Private line preferred. Please mail reply giving phone number, county, and qualifications to: RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, Box 222, Silver Spring, Maryland 20907. M8/28 HELP WANTED -- Custodian, start $440. per month. Apply district office, Evergreen Elementary school to Bruce Jaros, assistant superintendent or Frank Willard, director of special services at Reed Building. S8/28-9/4 CAREER OPPORTUNITY, will train man for sales position, Shelton area. Fringe benefits. 2 year finance plan. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Call 352-0581, eves. 491-2127. K8/728 JANITOR NEEDED Mary M. Knight school. 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. weekdays. 5 hours Saturdays. Also need assistant-cook. Call for interviews. 426-6767. K8/28 SELL BAUM TOYS -- Party Plan! Car necessary. No Del. We train. Excellent comm. 426-3397 MC7/1Otis Pets, Livestock THOROUGHBRED MARE. Excellent trail horse, good with children. $200. Call after 6 p.m. 426:4563. Z8/7-28 K-9 Klips, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment, 426-8988.8/3[tin GOING ON VACATION? Leave our dog with us if over 20 Ibs. eI-Ru Kennels 426-2387. N8/14tfn FOR A WELL mannered obedient dog, enroll in Companion Dog Training School. Beginners obedience classes starting Sept. 10 and Oct. 7. Confirmation open and utility classes. Knowledgeable instructor former German Shepherd Club training director. All breeds welcome. Es 7-]647 or TR 6-8939. L8/28-10/2 FEMALE and male green parakeet and cage for $10 or best offer. 426-8688. C8/28 QUARTER Horse type mare, 5 years old. Gentle, $200. Saddle $50. Phone 426-6838. H8/28 Sporting Goods % .%%" -'%%%%%%%% OMC and MER CRUISER stern drives. Evinrude and Homelite motors. Factory-trained mechanics. Hood Canal Marina, Union. 898-2252.4/3tin GLASSPAR, GLASTRON, Fiber Form, Boston Whaler, Schock sailboats, Evinrude, Homelite. Uppy's Hood Canal Marina, Union 898-2252. 2/15tin ]6 ft. BOAT, motor and trailer. 426-4870 evenings. E8/14tfn 160 CB, 1965 Honda, mirrors, licensed, helmet, black, excellent condition, $295. Call 426-4858. L8/21-28 18 ft. BRYANT Convertible, 2 18 hp. Evinrude motors with trailer. McCulloch chain saw, 42" and 36" bar. 426-5190. S8/28tfn 1966 SUZUKI X-6. Rebuilt engine and transmission, good shape, $400 with 2 helmets. Hoodsport 877-5336. $8/28 Personal CONFIDENTIAL care for unwed pregnant teen-age girls. UGN Agency. Collect calls accepted. Florence Crittenton Home, PA 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, Wa. 98178.8/28tin INSTRUCTION MEN WANTED to train for HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS AND MECHANICS You will get your training with a qualified contractor. Operate the D-8, Tournapulls and Grader. The only training of its kind in the northwest. Fill in coupon NOW. West Coast Training Service, Write Box xlO0 c/o The Journal For Rent $7.95 RENTS a new piano. Sherman-Clay, South Sound Center, Lacey. Phone OLympia 491-3370. S8/22tfn For Rent. One upstairs apartment for single, quiet person. Inquire 526 Franklin. B7/24 tin FOR RENT 2 bedroom, un[urnished apartment. Holly Hill Apartment. 426-6593. BT/lOtfn FOR RENT ..... Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. M 10/8tin FOR RENT One bedroom furnished apartment, close to downtown, adults only. References $75. month. 426-4000. W8/14tfn UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom home, electric heat 1613 Summit Drive. Available Sept. I $70. Two apartments one 2 bedroom unfurnished, $125. and one 1 bedroom unfurnished, $100. per month. References required. Corner of Cascade and Olympic Hiway. Inquire Thriftway Store. W8/2 ]-9/11 GATEWAY APARTMENTS -- Furnished modern apartment downtown. Water and Heat furnished -- Adults. 119 E. Cedar St. 426-4895 or 426-4481. G8/21tin FOR RENT -- NEW duplex, fireplace, garage, near school, view. References. 426-4428. J8/21-9/[ I 4 BEDROOM, 2 bath. Sound view, Rt 3, Box 4]6, Arcadia Pt. Shelton. TA4-6210 TA4-3790 owner -- Agent on premises weekends. 6 month lease. $150 per me. H8/28 DOWNTOWN 2 bedroom apartment. Fireplace, rugs, drapes, stove and refrigerator. $110. per month. 426-2707 or 426-2692. E8/28tfn SEPT. I to June 1 -- 2 bedroom home circulating fireplace, electric heat, completely furnished, 200 ft. 12 ft. salt waterfront. Yard, 2 acres wooded roperty. 426-3732 or LE 1-0919 acoma. N8/28 WATERFRONT 2 bedroom house, partly furnished. Lilliwaup. 877-5528. A8/28 WATERFRONT rental on Lost Lake. Modern, furnished, 2 bedroom house with hardwood floors and fireplace. $125 per month. Damage deposit required. Phone 426-8859. Adults Only. B8/28-9/4 COZY ONE bedroom completely furnished apartment. All new furniture. Prefer teacher or one adult. No children, no pets. 426-2409 after 3 p.m. L8/28 NEW HOOD CANAL waterfront one bedroom apartment. Prefer single employed person, available Sept. 15. References required. 877-5312. S8/28tfn FOR RENT -- Small house, unfurnished, also bachelor apartment (furnished). Both close schools. Inquire 722 Pine. P8/28tfn RENT TWO bedroom ]Ox50 .mobile home on private lot. Adults only. No pets. $90. Deposit required. Hoodsport. 877-5738. T8/28 NICE LIGHT one bedroom furnished Apartment with fireplace. Downtown. Call at 712 Pine. 426-1205. D8/28tfn WATERFRONT HOME for rent. 3 bedroom, furnished. Potlatch. $155. per month. Kirkland VA 2-1218. Inquire Standard Station, Potlatch. M8/28 $70. LARGE 2 bedroom, furnished. Gas heat. Water, sewer, garbage paid. Deposit required. 426-4719. P8/28-9/18 , m i 1 - 2 BR Apartments $110 Appliances, Drapes, Carpet, Water, G=wbage, Ample Parking No PetB JEFFERSON APTS. On Mt. View Phone 426-8665 12/5 t.fn MT, VIEW ELWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED Available NOW. No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 or 426-6155 P. O. Box 430, .-..-_-..----- - - - , Shelton, Wash. 98584 Name ........... Age ....... Real Estate Wanted Address .................... Phone ..................... City ............ State ...... EXCHANGE -- What you have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Hrs. lworka.m ..... p.m ........ Realtor-exchangor, 426-6592. 8/14-9/11 8/18tfn RATES 15 words or leu -- il.N) • 10 cent for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) Insertions for the prioe of THREE (3). • Clauifled deadline: 3 p.m. TundaY. Real Estate THREE BEDROOM houses, close in. One bedroom country house. Must have some cash. 426-8113 or inquire 311 Cookson St. B7/24tfn FOR QUICK sale -- large Puget Sound view lot. Community beach privileges. Ideal for summer cabin, fisherman's paradise. Just $3,500, low down, easy terms, by appointment. 426-4228. B8/2[-28 ON BEAUTIFUL Lake Spencer, for rent or for sale. 60'x270' with trailer and cabana. Water and lights furnished. Couple desired. No dogs. 426-6745. C8/21-28 2 BEDROOM HOUSE 4 years old. Drive by 2009 Stevens. Call Essex 7-8161. E8/14tfn 5 ACRES. Nice three bedroom home 7 years old. Fireplace, 1Vz baths, $]6,000. 426-4084. G8/14-9/2 50 ft. Island Lake frontage, beautiful wooded lot, nice beach. 2V cleared back lots. 426-3265. P8/14-9/4 NEW 3 BEDROOM home, .occupancy in 2 weeks. Fireplace, fully carpeted. Will accept trade as full down payment, no cash needed. Phone collect, Aberdeen 532-6362 or 426-6592. Mann Real Estate. C8/21-9/11 SPECIAL Angloside corner lot 60'xt00' Enough wood for 10 years. Water, sewer available. Bargain Price $875 ANGLE AGENCY- 426-8272 8/21-28 VERY NICE -- 2 bedrooms, W/W carpeting, new kitchen, utility, ]35' on Goldsborough Creek. FHA Terms. CASE INLET -- 225' of beautiful beach plus 2 acres upland. Reasonable price and terms. Owner will carry contract. *** Three Acres -- very nice view property, all cleared. $6,600. iNVESTORS We have 150 commercial and Investment listings throughout the state. Some real money makers here. Call us for information. WANTED-I to 5 acres with or without buildings. Wanted -- 40 to 50 acres suitable for Christmas trees. Savage Services, Inca Star Route 2, Box 189 Phone 4-8sa4 ANGLE AGENCY HAMMERSLEY INLET SPECIAL *GOOD INVEST .MENT* 2 -- low bank waterfront lots located close-in on the bay !ncluding tidelands. These lots are m sheltered cove and finest left on this bay. Priced at $190.00 per ft. So get a friend or two and snap up this property while it is available. Terms are 20% down at 7Vz% interest. CAN YOU USE 5 bedrooms? NICE LARGE YARD 5-bedroom home with 2V baths, full basement, recreation room, 3 car garage, hotwater heat, large fireplace, basket ball court, fruit trees and everything to make it a very livable family home. Selling price $30,000. Please contact this office for terms and interest, rate. A GOOD VALUE AND WORTH THE PRICE. = SEE IT AND BUY IT = . Older 3 bedroom house, part basement, oil heat, fenced yard and 'garage. This older home can be renovated and made very livable. Located on corner lot worth $2,500 with excellent view of City and waterfront. Priced to sell at $6,500. Terms may be arranged. 2-acres of good land with 3 bedroom modern home located close-in on good highway. Has a number of merchantable trees on property. Check on it today as it s a good value. Priced at $7,750.00. FOR SALE OR TRADE 3 bedroom home with one down and 2 up, electric heat, convenient kitchen with nook. Utility room, shop space and garage. Also small building on property suitable for playhouse, additional room or storage or even a shop. Includes items of household goods. All well kept and owner will accept home in trade paying additional if necessary. Priced at $13,500. .ANGLE AGENCY Since 1890 Real Estate & Insurance HERB ANGLE DICK ANGLE JACK STEWART PAUL WOOO Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426-8272 I t I I FOR SALE: home. furnished 426-2544 A] large lot, fireplace for ASSUME family, basement garage. some to schools, $]2,700. P, assume payments pncipal, irisuranc( Olympia FOR house. corner Io shop sol I terms. Way. C8/7-28 MODERN bordering. bedroom, 1V bathS, ,Birch cuP Large firel: workshOP. Will carry con rac Near McCleary CHILDREN? Even if we bedrooms, kitchen, large 2 baths, 2 car well-landsca View area. assumed. , ....  ' REDUCED This 2 Hillcrest renewed panelling, bath an aluminum quickly at $ 4 BEDROOM %- ARCADIA ROA On 1.6 setting road. separa built-ins. course. CLOSE TO A ft. living room, in 1600 sq. another Hot and 5 ACRES Close in comfort acreage future I and term WANNA Tf Here's a to move on an and at the i shrubs ar houSes a (Value has fire car It's financU FAWN LA 61' fr Water, lot. mobile will tall( LITTLE Yes seclu acre on needs livable 2 Retir this will bedrOC :UrS rnished" 121 R .R'/ 8OI