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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 28, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 28, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Publications "iCE ARING rATION With Chapter 40, , notice s hereby blic hearing will be of the County House at at 10:00 19, Pose of pass ng ification as s, certain lands Y, a list of which, owner is Public Lands 8/28-9/4-2t 60' x 65' Bay, water i and partial 9. J8/28-9/4 LAKE ), water and beach and terms. tic tanks, black county boat lke. ,izakowski Purdy REALTY P.O. Box 410 857-2121 lyn• 656' on -- $5,950. Road. City limits tenths of an acre. mtage Lakeland ' x 24' cab n Ving. Will be $9,950 & k, 426-6705 days; weekends. Legal Publications WORK COMPLETED ON HARTSTENE ISLAND BRIDGE The Hartstene Island Bridge contract has been accepted as completed by the Board of Mason County Commissioners. County Engineer J. C• Bridger states that any claims must reach his office in Shelton not later than September 25, 1969. 8/28-1t NO. 4038 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County. In the Matter of the Estate of IRENE H. FORREST, Deceased• The undersigned is the appointed and qualified personal representative of said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attorney of record at the address stated below and file the same with the Clerk of this Court, together with proof of such service within four months after August 28, 1969, or the same will be forever barred. ALFRED H. CLARKE 210 South 10th Shelton, Washington 98584 ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney for Estate 1251/z N. 5th Shelton, Washington 98584 8/28,9/4, I l-3t Real Estate Brush Realty 150 acre State Christmas Tree Lease for sale. Miles of fire trails and roads are all in. Price $5,500.00 includes 1969 State rent. 9r  One of the better back lots at Lake Limerick. $4,000.00 cash or terms can be arranged. Christmas tree plantation. 451/z acres close to Shelton. $45,000•00 cash or terms can be arranged. Call Jim Roush 426-8522 mornings, before 7 a.m. or evenings after 6 p.m. 511 Grant St. 8/7tfn e-Top Quality beilt home in an excellent location. Beautifully . home is planned with every convenience you ing size master bedroom, 2 ceramic tile baths, a., 0000.ban, dispo., Plus a y , ca peteo llv, g a dining room, 2 area than you can imagine. Call now for see this fine home! Less than $30,000.00. • ESTATE -- 426-6592 anytime. BOBBLE lings -- 426-3503. HAVE IT ALL HERE try living three miles from town! le choicest Island Lake beach available in one ! into one 90 foot cleared lot at $140 per foot. uncleared at $135 per foot, remainder with 3 deally designed frame home with many $40,000. :ed driveway, beautifully landscaped, ad, fireplace, concrete foundation, two ils you'll like. as escalated in value very rapidly in the past five to do so. A solid investment for the future. call 426-4305. D-7/17-tfn DAY WEEK-ENDERS eekend so spending vith your You need of your land -- in finest of depth and t 4 good only lOts with attractive and power With only rock these. ready for cottage. water and lake for skiing, or finest Both nt depth. Iding sites. see them. on these.) the and here. dandy leisure IATZEL .... a few home, with n road. HAMMERSLEY INLET .... Very attractive 2 bedroom home on beautiful 80' waterfront- a lovely setting on a sheltered cove. Many excellent features. Ideal for permanent or summer home. $25,950. SHORECREST .... We have 5 of the very finest view lots you can imagine. Ready for summer fun. Your water is in, and the lovely community swimming pool is ready! Why wait? From $1,750 to $4,000. Many back lots available too. ARCADIA POINT .... What a layout! Nice 3 bedroom home with fireDlace, dining room, and spacious utility room. Two-car garage with workshop and plenty of storage space. Large boat house with automatic boat launch by winch and rail, Dandy 2 bedroom guest house with all of l the conveniences found in any home. Shuffle board and barbeque area near the water. The landscaping and cement work really gives the land a handsome appearance. Has 100' of the finest fine pebble beach you'll fine anywhere. There's even more got to see to believe. $52,500 with terms. LOST LAKE .... Very charming home in serene location near Camp Bishop end of the lake. Your own private road leads you to this huge landscaped setting. Freatures nearly 220' of finest waterfront, large trees for ample weather shelter, large view space on rear of land -- ideal for second home. This is a deep natural lake with finest swimming and fishing. Ideal just as is-- but ample room for 2 families. $39,750 with good terms. Y DUNN NUE 426-4447 Evenings Call: 426-6388 A. ROY DUNN -426-4601 Legal Publications No. 4043 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County (In Probate) IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH W. HUNTLEY, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified Administratrix of said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attorney of record at the address stated below and file the same with the Clerk of the Court, together with proof of service within four months after 14 August, or the same will be forever barred° ALICE A. HUNTLh'Y, Administratrix Address: Hidden Haven Shelton, Wash• B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorney for Estate Angle Bldg.. Shelton, Wasn. 98584 8/14,21,28-3t No. 10126 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County KELSEY TANNER and MARY • TANNER, husband and wife, Planintiffs, vs. LEATHA I. TANNER; the Unknown Heirs of Leatha I. Tanner, if deceased, the Unknown Heirs of Kelsey John Tanner, deceased, and all Other Persons Unknown, having or claiming any right, title, estate, lien, interest or equity in and to the hereinafter described real estate, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO: The said, Leatha I. Tanner; the unknown heirs of Leatha I. Tanner, if deceased, the unknown heirs of Kelsey John Tanner, deceased, and all other persons unknown, having or claiming any right, title estate, lien, interest or equity in and to the hereinafter described real estate; you and each of you are hereby summoned to appear within 60 days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: Within 60 days after the 31 day of July 1969, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for the plaintiffs at his office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the c.omolaint. which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The object of this action is to guiet the plaintiffs' title in and to the following described land situated in Mason County, Washington= The SEV4 of the SEV4, Section 2, Township 21 North, Range 5 West, W.M., and to perpetually bar and enjoin you and each of you from assertig 'any right, title, claim', equity' or interest therein and thereto and for a decree adjudging them to be the owners of the said lands. B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Attorny for Plaintiffs Office & Post Office Address= Angle Building Shelton, Washington 98584 7/31,8/7,14,21,28,9/4-6t Real Estate ....  . vA A _. -" _ D AN/ELS EALTY 1818 Olymplo Highway South 428-1600 OVER LOOKING CITY 2 building lots with small house-- Live in house and build your dream home -- $8,900. Elegant view of city -- excellent neighborhood. ONLY MINUTES FROM TOWN This waterfront lot increases in value every day  over 80 ft. waterfront -- extra deep- very private and exclusive -- excellent beach -- for the person who wants to build for retirement and investment -- under $16,500. OLD FASHION HOME The moment you walk in this home you know this is it- carpeted living room- Iove y fireplace -- oming area -- brand new kitchen so .bright and sunny -- sliding coors to a patio that has privacy -- 3 bedrooms one bath -- basement with room to have a hobby room -- charming -- gracious.- spic and span -- complezely remodeled from top to bottom -- new roof- well landscaped yard -- garage and carport -- $18,950. MT. VIEW RAMBLER 3 bedrooms -- bath and half elegant new carpet in living and dining room -- fireplace compact kitchen with built-in stove -- extra large utility/room lots of storage -- lots or room fenced yard -- extra workshop for Dad -- garage is attached with storage room -- corner lot $18,750. LOCATED ON TWO LOTS This 3 bedroom home is located on Mt. View -- close to stores- schools -- large entertaining size living room. Tamily size kitchen -- large utilizy room with lots of storage -- excellent area -- lots of room for the children to play. Only $21,000.00. We sell all of our listings, so come in and give us yours today. SUE M. DANIELS, Broker 426-1600 WALTER GEORGE 426-3530 _ Associate Broker Legal Publkations Cause No. 10097 Special Execution NOTICE of SHERIFF'S SALE In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Mason County THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff vs. LAURA M, WAGENER, widow, Defendant Under and by virtue of a writ of Special Execution issued out of the Mason Court of the State of Washington, holding terms at Shelton, in and for Mason County, in said State, and dated on the 1st day of August, 1969, on a judgment rendered in said Court on the 24th day of July, 1969, in favor of the above named Plaintiff, and against the above named Defendant, for the sum for Ten Thousand, Six Hundred Twenty Four and sixty cents {$10,624.60) Dollars together w th an attorney's fee of Five hundred ($500.00) Dollars and costs of su,t and $52.25 For record search taxed at Twenty-Two and sixty cents ($22.60) Dollars, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from date thereof, or $101.52, and amounting in all to the sum of ($11,300.97) Eleven Thousand, Three Hundred and ninety-seven cents Dollars, plus costs of sale. Which said writ of Speical Execution was to me as Sheriff of Mason County, Washington, duly directed and delivered, and bv which I am commanded to sell at Public Auction, according to law the following described property, to-wit: Lots 3, 4 and 5 in Block 7 of David Shelton Second Addition to Shelton as recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, page 3; TOGETHER with vacated westerly 70 feet of alley in said block; EXCEPTING from said Lots 3 and 4, that part lying northerly of the southerly line of U. S. Route No. 101; Now, therefore, public notice is hereby given that on the 5th day of September, 1969, at 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, at The East door of the Mason County Courthouse Mason County, Washington, I will sell the above described property at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise sufficient to satisfy said last above named amount, together with increased cost and increased interest. Dated at Shelton Washington, this 1st day of August, 1969. /s/W. F• ANDERSON Sheriff of Mason County, Washington By ANN ROSE, Chief Civil Deputy Lynnch and Lynch Attorney for Plaintiff Federal Sav. and Loan Bldg. Olympia, Washington 8/14,21,28 -9/4-4t NO. 3954 NOTICE TO CREDITORS , .... IN PROBATE .......... In the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the Countyof Mason. In the Matter of the Estate of PEARL MILDRED CURL, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator of the above entitled estate; that all persons having claim's against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said Administrator of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication August 28, 1969. LOUIS E. CURL Administrator of said Estate. Address: Rt. 2, Box 326 Tahuya, Wa. 98588 8/28,9/4,11- 3t Real Estate ..ou IIIt0000--IL' ,/"- REALTY "THE ACTION OFFICE" 228 N. let St., 8hetton TREMENDOUS 200 ACRES ore available) with a I/4 mile TURAL LAKE. Some VIEWS, Just off Hiway 101 North. Access from Purdy Cut-off Road. $127,000.00. $20,000.00 dn. balance to suit. Excellent VIEW BLDG. SITE. 180' on Bayshore Road. Convenient to Shopping & Golf Course $5,200. Terms. 83' SALT WATERFRONT Lot with TIDELANDS. Beautiful MARINE VIEW. Piped water and Community moorage dock. $6,500. Terms. 65' SPENCER LAKE WATERFRONT. West Exposurer, CONCRETE BULKHEAD. Trailer, Cabana, Fenced GARDEN SPOT. Nicely situated. Excellent for OLDER COUPLE. $14,500. Terms. FOR THE SMALL INVESTOR. 6¼ to 14V acre tracts. $595 to $700 per acre. Some with COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL along railroad. COSTS DOWN, balance to suit your pocketbook! Small or Large see us FIRST for you REAL ESTATE needs! CALL 426-1141 NOW! Evenings G. John Brush, Jr., Broker 426-8858 Albert Windell, Aesoc. Broker 426-3681 "Jim" Rouah 426-8522 226 N. let St., Shelton Mr. Realy State says: "'See these / • O* I'1' Q inflation-beaters FHA Financing Available On These Four Homes South Hill -- $12,000 • 3 Bedrooms • Gas Furnace • Large Kitchen • Fenced Back Yard • Child Tested • Own Your Home !! !llilil, Immediate Possession-- $14,500 • Remodeled Downstairs • Corner Lot • 4 Bedroom Potential • 1-Car Garage • Oil Furnace Heat • New Roof Just Listed-- $11,000 • 3 Bedrooms • Family-sized kitchen • Borders on Creek • W/W Carpet • Fireplace • Large Garage Hillcrest-- $8,500 • 2 bedrooms • Homey • Work Saving • Economical Oil Heat • Concrete Foundation • Double Garage RECREATION LOTS Lake Limerick--Fun Lot 110 feet on the fish ladder. Over 250 feet deep. Nice view. Terms. Full price $5,450. Lake Limerick-- , ,.On the gol[ course,, blear lodge courts, Cleared. Large lot. $5,500. Shorecrest-- 60 x 110 lot, level, ready to build on. Near community pool. $2,750. Fawn Lake-- Nice back lot. Near access area to lake. Priced below market at $2,300. Fawn Lake-- 51 feet of waterfront. 233 feet deep. Secluded. Assume owners contract. Full price $6,500. Star Lake-- 45 feet on channel, just off main lake. Cleared and ready for building, Give away price of only $2,500 and owner will consider terms. Franio Beach-- Near the new bridge to Harstine. Two nice large wooded back lots. Purchaser also gets interest in waterfront access lot. One lot priced at $2,200 the other $1,600. Would make excellent investments. Quality Angleside Home-- Move up to this well constructed 3 bedroom home. Extra large living room with two way fireplace and view of the Olympics. The full basement is partly finished with a den and half bath. Could be finished or left as is for storage and play area for the kids. Good sized lot, also. Call for an appointment. Priced at $24,000. 1,600 Square Feet This fine home will not hem you in. Located just our of town on an acre of ground. 3 bedrooms and a bath and a half. Nice fireplace, dining room and kitchen with lots of built-ins deck the inside. Outside there is a big double garage and heavy shake roof. All this can be yours for $23,900. New Listingll You should see this suburban 3 bedroom home just off the Cole Road. It's something special and when you see it, you'll know what we mean. Located on a gooo-sized lot just minutes from town and priced right at $22,500.. Brand Newll How about a brand new home at Woodland Manor for just $17,500. Here is a well-planned 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with carpeting that will be ready for you to move into in 60 days. There s even an attached garaqe for future expansion. $700.00 Per Acre-17V2fineAgateacresfor sale. This ground is level, lightly wooded and has good county road frontage. Would make a dandy spot or your secluded hideaway, or lust for investment. Good terms. 4 1/2 Acres-Spencer Lake Area $600 down is all it would take to buy this parUy wooded tract. The full price is $4 500. The corners are all set and power qoes by the property along the county road. Perfect p ace for your mobile home. We will be glad to run you out to see it anytime. Fantastic Price- Over 250 feet of tow-bank rip-rap protected Hammersley Inlet waterfront and first class tidelands. Ready for building. Even terms can be arranged. Call to find out just how fantasticly low the price is. See or Ca#... Arcadia Road- This 4 bedroom home is just waiting for a new owner. The location is terrific --just outside of town. It's located on 5 beautiful acres, partly fenced and mostly cleared. It's just a wonderful spot for a horse. The price is $18,000 so let's trade in your smaller home in town on this wonderful spot in the country. Nice Location- This pleasant 2 bedroom home is as neat as a pin, and it's located on a big lot on Mt• View, close to shopping, etc. There is a nice garden spot, a big garage and real nice landscaping. It's partially furnished, too, at just $10,500. Call us. Even A View- Two big bedrooms, a huge comfortable livirg room and a homey kitchen• The location is east Hiltcrest on a big double lot. Here's very comfortable living for a retired couple or a "first" home and the price is just $11,700. Call us!! Vacant- Near Schoolll A particularly nice 3 bedroom home in a modest price range. Just $13,350! One half block puts you at the corner of the school and you can see the children every step of the way. Imagine such charm and convenience just when you're looking now and you can move right in, too! Lots of Elbow Room- Half an acre of it in fact plus a 4year old 3 bedroom home fitted perfectly to the setting Wonderfully private patio area and for dad and the boys -- a dream of a workshoo. All for $22,500. "Piped" Muskll That's one of the features -- an excellent intercom system. A master bath with private vanity area. Lovely carpeting, beautiful woodwork, fireplace, built-in kitchen and a real family room. Even a place planned for an outdoor ool It's aver P • y desireable family home in every way• Let your eyes tell you the rest -- see it today!! Mt. View Rambler- That just sounds like another house doesn't it? We expect to surprise you however, so put this 3 bedroom home on your ist. It has some very special features -- some not found in the ordinary house. $24,500 with good terms available. DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- "SKIP" NESS 426-3049 DAVE THACHER 426-8635  CARL JOHNSON 426-8407 DICK BOLLING, Closing Broker 426-862 VINCE HIMLIE, Broker 426-650! 426-2646 I I 1717 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY NORTH I II I III IIIII I II Thursday, August 28, 1969- Shelton-Mason County Journal, Page 19