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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 28, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 28, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Bookmobiles from the and other library material which Timberland Regional Library can be sent by mail. system will continue to make Patrons are also reminded that their rounds during the fall, they can order books, magazines winter and spring. Loaded with and other materials by phone books, magazines, records and from the closest Timberland now posters of all kinds, the library. These can he sent also bookmobile offers library service through the mail. Check the on a three-week rotation for yellow pages for the number of people living m rural areas, your closest Timberland library. Clerks on the bookmobiles The bookmobile schedule for can also help patrons order books this area is as follows: M-i, LILLIWAUP, HOODSPORT MONDAYS - Sept. 15; Oct. 6, 27; Nov. 9; Mar. 1, 22; Apr. 12;May 3, 24; June 14 Lflliwaup A. indian Beach (by cabinet shop) B. Christensen's, Box 14 C. Donnelly's, Box 125 D. Camp Robbinswold 17; Dec. 8, 29; Jan. 19; Feb. 9:45-10:10 10:20-11:00 11:20-12:00 12:15-12:30 Lunch Hoodspor t E. Holiday Beach 1:30-2:00 F. Post Office 2:10-3:00 G. ttoodsport Hill 3:10-4:00 M 2, POTLATCH, CUSHMAN LAKE, SKOKOMISH VALLEY MONDAYS -- Sept. 2 (Tues.), 22; Oct. 13; Nov. 3, 24; Dec. 15; Jan. 5, 26: Feb. 16; Mar. 8, 29;Apr. 19;May 10,31 Weaver Creek A. Bougault's, Box 354 9:30-9:45 Potlatch B. Cushman I1 9:55-10:10 C. Dean's, Box 10 10:20-I0:50 D. Rayonier Lab. 10:55-11:15 Lake Cushman E. Sales Office 11:30-12:00 Lunch Skokomish Valley F, Ragan's, Box 345 1:15-1:30 G. Skokomish Valley Grange 1:40-1:55 H Vaughn's, Box 272 2:05-2:20 !. Freeman's, Box 288 2:25-2:55 J. Community Church 3:10-3:40 K. Adams Hatchery 3:50-4:15 15; Nov. 5, 26; Dec. 17; Jan. 7, 28; 12; June 2 M-3, UNION, SOUTH SHORE HOOD CANAL, NORTH SHORE HOOD CANAL WEDNESDAYS, Sept. 3, 24; Oct. Feb. 18: Mar. 10, 31; Apr. 21;May A. Union B. Waterwheel Southshore C. Slmmrock Point D lwanoh Falls Estates E. Sunset Grocery North Shore F Tet ra Linde Court G. Livingston's, Box 3 l0 Pear Creek H. Leatherman's. No. 669 L)~ion River I Moore. No. 760 9:45-10:45 10:55-11:40 12:00-12:20 Lunch 1:00-1:20 1:35-1:50 Catfish Lake C. Sharer's, Box 160 Grapeview D. Store E. Grapeview School Allyn F. Shell Service Station Victor G. Firehall M4. MASON LAKE, THURSI)AYS, Sept. 4, 25; Oct. 2q; Feb. 19; Mar. 1 i ; Apr. 1,22; John's Prairie A. Moore, Box 357 B. Jacot's Harstine Island C. Old Schoolhouse Picketing Pass D. Wildey's, Box 509 E. Benson Corner, Box 567 HARSTINE, AGATE 16; Nov. 6, 21 May 13; June 3 F. Timberlake Sales Office G. Stouts near Agate Store H. Agate Rd., Nelson, Box 907 M-5, BAYSHORE, GRAPEVIEW, THURSDAYS, Sept. 18; Oct. 9, 30; Nov. Feb. 12 ; Mar. 4, 25 ; Apr. 15 ; May 6, 27 Bayshole Road A. Bayshore Grocery (by Golf Course) Mason Lake B. Denny's M-6, ARCADIA LOOP FRIDAYS, Sept. 12; Oct. Mar. 19; Apr. 9, 30; May 21 A. Exceptional Manor B. Bay East C. Torten Shores D. Arcadia Shores E. Swope's 3, 24; Nov. ;June 11 F. Fir Lane 14; Dec. 5; Jan. dO de.)cetf, e n M-7, MATLOCK, LAKE NAHWATZEL MONDAYS, Sept. 8, 29; Oct. 20; Nov. 23; Mar. 15; Apr. 5,26; May 17, June 7 Matlock Road A. Hansen's, Box 32 B. Campbell's, Box 90 C. Dayton Hall D. Hickson's E. Rossmaier F. Ford's G. Portman's Lake Nahwatzel H. Resort 10; Dec. 1,22;Jan. 11:10-11:40 ByKARENM. JAMES are eligible. Classes meet on tavern. With appropriate 11:55-12:15The Hood Canal Parent-Child Tuesday and Thursday mornings transportation in mind, Clarence Lunch Cooperative Preschool is nowat Hood Canal School. If there is saddled his horse and rode down 1:00-2:30 enrolling children for the 1975-76 enough interest, a class will be the hill to find that the Union school year. A public planning held for two-year-olds. For Cafe and Tavern doesn't feature 2:50-3:10 meeting for parents, guardians, further information, call Linda adequate hitching posts. and any other interested persons Wilmus, 898-2811, or Pat "George," roared Clarence, "I'm 3:30-4:00 will be held September 10 at 7:30 Wolfson, 877-5243. out here. Bring it out, or I'm p.m. in the Hood Canal School Bicentennial fever of a sort going home." Innkeep George faculty lounge, hit Union. During a recent visit by complied and Clarence enjoyed 16; Feb. 6,27; The preschool serves the several relatives, Clarence Fanning his beverage leaning on the Canal area and the Skokomish wearied of the talk and decided to saddlehorn. Thirst quenched, Valley. Boys and girls, ages 3 to 5, cool his throat at George Matson's 9:15-9:30 9:50-10:20 10:30-10:50 11:00-11:20 11:30-11:50 Lunch 1:00-2:00 12;Feb. 2, 9:30-9:45 9:55-10:25 10:35-11:05 11:25-11:45 Lunch 12:45-1:15 1:25-1:55 2:10-2:30 2:45-3:10 M-8, KAMILCHE AREA, HIGHWAY 101 WEDNESDAYS, Sept. 10; Oct. 1, 22; Nov. 12; Dec. 3, 19 (Fri.); Jan. 14; Feb. 4, 25; Mar. 17; Apr. 7, 28; May 19; June 9 A. Hoiman Street - off Arcadia Rd. 9:15-9:45 B. Smith's, Walker Park Rd. 10:00-10:20 C. Morken's, Highway 101 10:30-10:50 D. Union 76 11:00-11:15 E. Highland Estates 11:25-12:00 Lunch Kamilche Road F. Wagner's, Box 362 1:00-1:20 G. Holiday Valley 1:40-2:20 H. Whitt's, No. 351 2:35-3:05 !. Lost Lake Road, No. 640 3:35-4:00 Bryant resigns Canal Bill Bryant, after 16 years as Canal School District. teacher-coach in the Hood Canal Greg Segai, a graduate of School District, last week resigned Seattle University in social 2:15-2:35 to work full-time in privatestudies, language arts and P.E., 2:45-3:35 business, has been employed to replace Bryant was one of the first Bryant in the Hood Canal Junior 4:00-4:20 teachers employed after the High. 4:30-4:45 consolidation of Lower Segai's special hobby is Skokomish, Union, Middle competitive amateur golf. Segai Skokomish and Hoodsport lettered in varsity golf for four (Fri.);Dec. 18;Jan. 8, Schools into what is now Hood years. 12:45-1:15 1:30-1:50 • WATER HEATERS • CEILING TILE I g IM < _J O 2:15-3:15 3: 30-3:45 ~5-4:25 LtInch 5: 15-5:45 5:55-6:55 7:05-7:30 MASON LAKE, ALLYN, VICTOR at 20; Dec. I I" Jan. 2 (Fri.),22; v ' q0t Avoid the crowds, enjoy the scenery 9:15-9:45 10:15-10:45 Close Out Specials Large Bowl Coral with hand Handmade Candles carved snake head stand 50% Off TURQUOISE and SILVER JEWELRY from Shipro& N.M. Pieces by Navajo, Hopi, Zuni bracelets, rings, pendants, necklaces. squash blossoms and belt buckles CERAMIC FLOOR TILE MI at m i&, Ut < .d O L O Z I/t Lu g < .4 G. LU n~ OLYMPIC OVERCOAT is a revolutionary new acrylic coating--like some paints--but so good we refuse to even call paint! It goes on easy, usually covers in one coat and dries fast to a beautiful flat finish that lasts and lasts Try it! We guarantee OVERCOAT is better than house patnt If YOU re not convinced iu'st return the remainder of ~,our hrsT gallon with any ur~opened cans and we II refund your ~t~or~ey! Choose from 22 colors Buy 4 ~atlons now and we fl give you a bth gallon FREE! 95 NOTE Specta/ly marked $3 off Outside White cans not included in this FREE offer .J L W at m O < .J < W Z X m < a_ OPEN Friday 'til 8 p.m. Sunday 10 'til 4 qJ > m Z --I 3g m > --I O "!! m 191 q~ > ¢1 The Treasure at Hoodsport al presc ool enrolls Program For Local Service, a allowance at the end of 12 the volunteer can select an agency statewide volunteer program for months of service, that sounds interesting and then Washington State residents PLS volunteers supplementnegotiate a placement with that between the ages of 18 and 26, is and extend the services of such agency that is mutually agreeable. now accepting applications from sponsoring agencies as the Mason Those interested need not have prospective volunteers and County Senior Center, Head Start any particular work experience or sponsoring agencies, and the Squaxin Island Indian educational background. Program For Local ServiceProgram. A n y o n e i n t e r e s t e d in (PLS), administered by the Their activities must relate to becoming a volunteer or Washington State Employment specific community problemssponsoring agency should contact Security Department, is designed dealing with human, social or Program For Local Service at to give young persons a chance to environmental needs, particularly (206) 753-1197 or toll-free at become involved full-time tot a those related to poverty. Some of 1.800-562-8986. full year with social service the activities performed by last agencies in the Shelton area. year's volunteers were paralegal In return for their service, assistant, special education tutor, It all comes back volunteers receive a $50 a week outreach worker to senior Whoever degrades another living allowance. In addition, each citizens, activities coordinator for degrades me, volunteer receives a $70 vacation handicapped persons, and And whatever is done or said allowance, comprehensive medical counselor aide for family planning returns at last to me. insurance, emergency dental and mental health agencies. Walt Whitman coverage, and a $300 termination A unique aspect of PLS is that Clarence turned the hill road. "I hope I don't drunken tourists weren't they had Margaret and and Ellen and enjoyed joint 35th wedding month. The party at the Stillwells' Rebman's 35th, joined Ellen and around the loop. Madronna, anniversary night was a non-stop, performed chairpeople Burns, Howie and Dave and dancers, regulate the lovely clear believed to be potluck burning their roared in container. Why settle for second best! Now you can earn the highest insured interest, without sacrificing any safety whatsoever.* And, at the same time, enjoy the peace of mind knowing your money is invested right here in town with people you know and trust. Building our community. Creating jobs. Help yourself, your community and your country. Fight inflation by saving here with us. You'll be building your future as well! (*Substantial penalty for premature withdrawal) Daily 10 a.m. 'til 8 p.m. TH URSTON FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION P3qe 18 Shelton-Mason County Journal Th ursday. August m aL 28, 1 • GAR[ P75 )OLS • WATER HEI PERS • :ILING TILE • \ OLYMPIA • SHELTON • LACEY •