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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 28, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 28, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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NOTICE TO C No. IN THE THE STATE OF FOR In the Matter CARMELITA . O'NEILL Older immaculate 3-bedroom home FAWN LAKE LOTS... FOR RENT... Ooen House at Deceased• close to shopping and school. We have 2 pretty waterfront Very comfy 2-bedroom 2-bath "~ r L The undersi! Fireplace, separate dining room, large lots here that are just waiting double-wide mobile home at J[-"Ij ~ ~kY/i I ~ 31 appointed and qua for you to enjoy• Take your Fawn Lake• Nice privacy• I Representative 01 kitchen recently remodeled• $18,500. pick -- $5,950 or $7,000. Very $125/month. VV ~ ' ;~:~°;~lhavin~ :I~ Owner will finance on EZ terms or easy terms, and so many nice new financing available, features. Cozy 2-bedroom apartment in South Puget Sound's finest weekend or year-round retreat spot -- nestled within a hillside the undersigned, 0 waterfront farm setting where you can select any combination of wooded lots View sites, or of• record; at the,i i~ ?n API~I= TI:IA~T~ the downtown area with heat, • ' s ' oetow ano must ,, ~, -- ,.v ,-~,., ............. w "er - r ..... waterfront w,th tideland . • at ano ga Page rurmsneo• copy of the claim. Extra clean 2-bedroom, large game room or family room. Take vour Dick now. These S o r r ~, n o c h i I ,t r = n to SChool• Remodeling just completed, lovely tracts just 3 miles from ¢lnn/mln'nfh He, f== ..... ~" ..... RUSTLEWOOD - the perfect spot for: d.¢, t.t~ UdtUU, ,.°ftthe~C-°=urt-wi~l Corner lot close $13,950. Terms or government financing to qualified buyers• town• Excellent area and you ...." ................... decide on size• Various prices, R DUCED TO - 19 nnn SAILORS -- Trai er your boat from your ot to the boat ramp; not an overhead wire in sight, so of this notice ol and excellentterms•Callus . - ~" . ,--- "" • leave the mast un' months after the01 nownnfh,~,, very cozy ana comfy "" of a copy of thiS• Waterfront near Arcadia Point. Approximately 2V2 acres, " ....... 3-bedroom downtown home FAMILIES-- Great bike riding on blacktop roads to the beach cabana where the kids can swim c!a,m will be barri; 2.bedroom home and outbuildings, view of Mt. Rainier, real .............. within walking distance to all waterski, shower and join you fore beach fire and barbecue' ' ~q?~) (~rl°lViSl°n' ' good solid older home, yard beautifully landSCaped. Price /~LUI-I~UHUUI~ LU/... shopping, banks, work, reduced to $39,950• Owner is retired and wants to travel. Will You could play and enjoy golfchurches, etc• This property eas run to , • Date of filing ' carry own contract with terms to suit. Make offer, every day with this lovely, will grow in value. Good terms, FISHERMEN -- An Y the popular northern tip of Harstine Island or Johnson s Point. to creditors: AugUS pretty fairway lot. And theretoo• Happiness is fresh salmon for dinner! Date of firs are building plans, too. A great , August 28, 1975. L 6 acres -- Matlock• Real secluded, V2 mile to Satsop River. place to live. Only $4,500. BEAT THIS ONE! GALS -- You II love the view from your kitchen sink overlooking Harstine Island, Mt. Rainier, /s/Thomas Ricr $4,950, $250 down, $50 per month. 9% interest, 14 years. CHOICE LIMERICK At today's costs," "try to Pickering Pass or just p a n o e towering fir trees THOMAS Rl~,r if ...... ~ waterf'r~',,* duplicate thisnearly3,000 ' " O'NEILL, Perle • ~ ............. • CAMPERS -- Even you are welcome on a non-permanent basis; just plug your unit into the Representat~e Don Benson Realty DEAN DELAN 426 3361 PURDY REALTY T you any | i I Get Act,on" pubIicati°n °ft within four montn~ of the filing of ...... ~~ If Evenings-- squarewaterSUndaysfOot home on per2 lots ,n /IIMMACULATE2 Bedroom/ T" _VlEW2"bedr°°munfurmshedl,mA NeWlj ~~jpd~lt~p~l~l/15tfn If•' H ~m ~-~/i-n n ~ n ~ n-~-w..~__L jJ JOHNSTON,apepar. atT'"~ ~F isaldDeCeHeaat, Immediate possession -- large home, Lake Limerick wooaeo, remo,e, or go course"^- ^ ......... re ........ Rustlewood water, power and sewer system and enjoy waterfront living at its finest, ~toKrU~t=al~ La~ • " I LUv r~ll~Jl¢=:~lu~ a u• It ~ vwly waterfront. 4 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, family room. Architect lots ,n this dandy deveopment, = .... , ......or÷v with A desigr'md and built by local contracting firm. Asking $55,000, then check with us and take "~''.''" ~""Y~ "[ ......7, RETIRED -- Couldn't be better, Sharp looking double-wide mobile homes are okay, too. Sh~n, Washi! ,,,~,,, n;~ ~.,,m ¢2 75n =,,,4 Dearooms, z /:, u~t,,~, ,u. name your own terms. Owner anxious to sell due to divorce. ÷h=~,'~ *,=,~,,;~ ~oIf ridi" basement, dmmcj room, 2 Mason County maintains the road, water and sewer systems, so no septic tank worries. :'':.~ • "~. ...... • =_.-' "~' fireplaces, family room, Doat,ng, sw,mm,ng, etc. separate laundry, and ideal KIDS-- Lots of room to beachcomb, bike ride, waterski, swim and explore! Little Skookum waterfront with 4-bedroom home. $49,500. -n=u~ e.t-~¢),p"~i," workshop• Plush carpeting and ~=v rvn ~a~ . • • . pretty cupboards too. $42,000 YOU -- Rustlewood's most important asset is YOU and the families who have already shopped NOTICE TO Caj~F Owner will carry contract, make offer. Call Fred Brown at Yes, this property has frontage -- be{ter take a look! 426-2384. on two fine waterways. " sd ........ IN THE SUPERI0, around and dec~ded to settle on the RUSTLEWOOD hill i e at nv=f~=r Cove ~" ": Situated on a pretty wooded ,-.,,-,-,,,, ~ , ~=,,~ ~H~, site on Hammersley Inlet it r.MPI-t/~I.U I./-~n,l:: OUT; . . Wooded sites start at $4,950. Waterfront tracts start at $10,950. Owner contracts are available T#ESTAFT~ROMFAv,~ then extends to middle of Mill O wner of th is nearly with as little as 10% down -- OR --trade your way in! In the Matter p~ Creek. What a place to build a completed 2-bedroom A-frame home! And, there's water, on beach frontage has moved telephone and power right far away and cannot now use. Call Julius Stock or Pat Flynn - Grapeview - 426-6911 Arlelta - 265-3473 Dec~-al~e~" UNDEI there. $10,000 on terms, considerHe's anxiOUSyourfOrterms.a sale$16,500.and will Bremerton - 2?5-2_274 Gig Harbor - 857-2121 Taconm - 383-2404 asbeenpersonalapp°intedRepre~an GRAPEVIEW AREA... TIMRI=IaI&I~ES HOME Rustlewood is located just off Highway 3,8 miles north of Shelton, 8 miles south of Allyn, 32 dESect::sed °lacthep~ I Many top parcels of land, _.'."'"..-"~.'7'~ ......"" " i ncl uding com,,,a.u,.y-----' .... vi-'"~w ~zracz,ve ~-Dearoom..u,.e. on miles from Tacoma, 28 miles from Olympia and 32 miles from Bremerton. claim against the ' properties as well as someofI°vely..,waterfr°ntl~atheiStPorpi~Y oDta~ntheHUDpr~pertyrep~rtfr~mdeve~~~:)erandreac~itbef~resigninganything.HUDneitheraDpr~ves serve the cla the finest w=*=.~.-..* *-=,'t= area. iz s a great p ve, ......v,,. ......• . f the merits of the offering nor tne value of the property as an investment, if any. U n d e r s i g n e u PRO Building -- 7th & Railroad - "' '-=" fr .............. w,th so many great eatures, ~Valla~,,~ v,,,.uuu=u o,..~.~ - ...~ .~.- ~;-~.;..-'= ~-o-+1 Representative to building lots with boat ~',~=~ .... • ..... ~" a ..... T~ attorneys of record launch areas. If have ~' .... uu. I I~1 stated below and interest in this area, give us a ~^u'e^~l~ DAY .j. ~ .i. ~ executed copy of call Ve'~L~,~V ,.~.-t-- • • • OO P O Be the Clerk of the Co .... HOW about a dandy 175' Wynw d Center • • x 401 Gig Harbor, Washington 98335 (206) 857-2121 months after the A I+LU~ HUMP... baY?l Pav~k-like Rset~ngfowith • .......... bulkheaded tract on this pretty New 3-bedroom home in that ~o e y Jew. lovely Bonnie Glen area. Plush omes. $24,000. ~---------------------------------------- ............... ~. ~ notice with the carpeting, pretty built-ins,eu,-~-rr~ ~/A//I~V ......... ~'----• .... ;~'-v ~-~--~-----~--~--~v:::-~ Court, whichever hn r h family room, dishwasher, andon.-Livrv ve.t~ ...... . • the claim will be b~ I By Jo B US so many nice features. Fine 60 acres near new freeway and For Rent ~ervices Services DATE of fir 2-car garage all sealed in, pretty has Coffee Creek rambling --_-----_____ .... _-.~ ~___----. ......... __-=. ---~_-_- ............. August 28, 1975. !~ ~er..tor --+ +__w++++++re+ ......... n~; financing all aDoroved, and year-round creek. 2-BEDROOM unfurnished house, HEAVY-DUTY rotovating, MOBILE AND trailer roof sealin . B°rn;'eJean~ $34,500. -- $850/acre. deposit, references. Avai!able60-inch Howard, 55 h p tractor.Permanent seal by roof specialisgt 1120n~la September ]Sth• $120 monmly. 426-3648. H6/Stfn • " and local man. Guaranteed No• 2, Abero_ See Rod Olsen, Olsen Furniture, ~ material and labor. Free roof Washingto :. 4th & Cote• O8/21tfn PHF~FHVF TH(3~F nr~rinll¢; old inspection and estimate. Call INGRAM, ZELA~ I BUYING OR SELLING at Lake Limerick- things are really A Re1 DUNN ~~ ph'~jral)hS wi;~h"fTn"arl~co-pies. 877-9288. D8/14-9/4 G OODW/N, Attorl I moving in this fine residential/recreational community which is ,-,,.,,, ,. ~J.... .un,.~,..~ Tw¢,nfu fiv'~ v/=:r¢ -v,,=rience ,~~ iU¢ K.:~tat¢ r . --.vw..~ - ~ ~-.++..+ ~Ala~ . • I located only 6V= miles northeast of Shelton. Among the many • bachelo apartment, 8-un,t n.~n'~ ~*.rlin a/'Tffn | I ~,~ I1',,,~, ¢ .... 1,,~. i P•O• Box 1106 bUll in Newl r orated ....... I" =.~.ww ~ m.1~ ~l~lVI~.~ W shincJ I properties we have sold in the pest coupleof weaksisthe Lake " d" g. y edec - " ............""- / ~.,n, ~ ~ ~e~i~,~ I Aberdeen, a Tree Topping I Limerick Stable and the new owners, John and Boots Pyle, are 110 Illailroed 426-444/ Summer. rates from $66, including CHAIN SAW ~,,o,~,=.,,,~, ............ -vee"'~,y, / ~ TreTree ¥opp,ngR I I happily whipping the place into shape, all utilities. Simmons Apartments, ~'r.ra+== nr¢=ri