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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
August 28, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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August 28, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Belfair Telephone Answering Service 24-hour answering • Wake-up service • Use your phone or mine FRESH WASHINGTON PRODUCE NG TOMATOES • CANTALOUPE APPLES • PRUNES •GREEN BEANS CORN • NEW YORKER MELONS MELONS • PICKLING CUKES • DILL 1 long block from the Belfair Cafe Tires, Minor Repairs, Lubes Open 6 days a week, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. • Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. BUCK'S TOWIHG BELFAIR TEXACO Buck and Minda Church CR 5.2077 4312 Kitsap Way, Bremerton { in Lunch: 11 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. in Dinner:4 p.m. - I 1:30 p.m. ~o " Closed Sundays lo for ¢our Restaurant: ES %5531 Inn: 479-2132 ........ 7 UILDING CLEARING SEAWALLS EARTH WORK CONCRETE WORK LINCOLN 'RST INC. 373-1514 For Chevron Heating Fuels- Modern Heating Equipment-- Complete Housewarming Service... "JUST CALL" ICE FUEL CO., 479-2772 Ints Payable at Puget Sound National Bank in Belfair. Ave. Bremerton, Wa. I le Q Glasply n • Marlin • Mercury aSn~lle on all 1975 Glas Ply prices Marlin boats in stock 16 - 21 also Mercury outboards sDeeialize in MerCruiser and Mercury outboard repair. Qrn~s 275-2297 at em with Belfair Branch 275-2816 SOund National Bank The hometown bank MR. AND MRS. JESS CHILDRESS of Belfair will be honored at a reception this Sunday afternoon in the First Baptist Church in Bremerton to celebrate fifty years of marriage. Friends are invited to attend. A reception honoring the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Childress of Belfair will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 31, at the First Baptist Church, 14th and Ohio, in Bremerton. The affair is being hosted by the four children of the couple, who extend an invitation to all friends of Mr. and Mrs. Childress to attend. The couple was married Sept. Trees, shrubs, hedges, topped, trimmed, removed. 871-1366 Port Orchard 5, 1925, at the bride's home in Hoisington, Kansas. She was born in Hoisington and Mr. Childress was born in Moody, Oklahoma. They moved to Bremerton with their family in 1940 where they both were employed by PSNS until their retirement at the same time in March, 1966. They then moved to their.present home at Tiger Lake. Their four children are Naida Daly of Belfair, Delbert of Sitka, Alaska, Robert of Bremerton and Jerry of Belfair. They have nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. The couple requests "no gifts." • Lady Sunbeam Electric Shaver ........... • Hunting Hats ............. • Portable Radio .......... AM-FM, sports, weather, and police calls 215-2031 ERNIE & HAROLD ARIES Weekdays 8:30-5:30 p.m.- Sat. 8:30-5 p.m. 1; .~# I' 5: ? " It, • Vacuum% your lawn as you l~)ow, • Large capacity bag between the handles. • Self propelled Jr forward speeds. • Tough, dependable. • Fingertip controls. • Instant depth adjustments. All Shappvr n]t,~cr, mcvi A N S 1 ,.tt'h. 'r~'tifiGtllllrls All Snaplx'r mowvr~ mcct A N S I ,,afcly ,,lx'cificata'n', BELFAIR 275-2211 e Snapper V8 Mower Reg. $169.95 NOW ........... • Snapper V21 Mower Reg. $189.95 NOW ............. • Snapper Tiller, 3 HP Reg. $299.95 NOW ............ R Sm e WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL RIGHT IN BELFAIR Hours: Mon. thru Fri. 9 to 5:30, Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 275-2211 GRANT APPLICATIONS What s for lunch. ~% : • TURNED DOWN .~ ,~,~~i Two applications for grants SCHOOL MENU ~!~:: ~,",,~ which were presented to the Sept. 2 Scpl. 5 :qiT: :{~ Mason County Commissioners at their meeting last week by TUESDAY: th)t dog, late,r ~:ii::, ~i County Planner James Connolly tots, nfixed vegetables, applesauce for approval by the board were and milk. ~i~ turned down when a motion WEDNESDAY: Beef noodle ~i?~{{g~!~. made by County Commissioner casserole, buttered peas, Iqscui: @~i!:~::~ Martin Auseth, that both with butter, cantaloupe and milk :~ )i applications be signed by the chairman, died for lack of a THURSDAY: bleat loat, r ~F ~, ~ ii sec°nd" One applicati°n was f°r mashed p°tat°es and gravy" /'1 $7,500, a Washington Partnership broccoli, hot roll with butter Demonstration Grant, to be used whipped Jello and milk. for implementation of a FRIDAY: Fishwich, tossed comprehensive planning program salad, French fries, pudding and in preparation for the anticipated milk. impact of the Trident Support Site complex on Mason County. NITA AND WALLY BASELT of North Shore will be The other was for a $5,000 ] I I CHRIST LUTHERANI honored at a silver anniversary open house on Aug. 30, 4 to 6 p.m., at their home. Hosting the affair will be their children, who extend an invitation to all friends of the couple to attend. Open house Wally and Nita Baseh of North Shore will be honored at an open house hosted by their four children on Aug. 30 to celebrate the couple's 25th wedding anniversary. The reception, set from 4 to 6 p.m., will be held at the Baselt home. All friends are invited to attend. The Baselts were married Sept. 1, 1950, in the First Christian Church in Bremerton. Mr. Baselt was born in Seattle but had moved to East Bremerton at age four; his bride, the former Nita Eddy, had lived all her life in Belfair. Within a year of their SOME WOODED SOME PASTURE 5 ACRES & LARGER REID REALTY BELFAIR SHELTON 275-2868 426-6572 to honor couple marriage they moved to Belfair and have resided here ever since. They have two daughters and two sons, Nancy, Connie, Alan and Brad, all of whom live in Belfair. Mr. Baselt is employed in the pipe shop at PSNS and Mrs. Baselt is secretary at North Mason Upper Elementary School. Sunday Services 8:30 a.m .... Morning Worship t0 a.m .... 2nd Morn. Worship 10 a.m ....... Sunday School 7:00 p.m .... Evening Worship BELFAIR COMMUNITY P.O. BOX 407 John Senn, Pastor Church phone- CR 5-6262 Coastal Zone Management Grant for upgrading the Mason County Shoreline Master Program, to inventory federal lands, etc. Both grants required 1 [3matching funds from the county. CHICKEN BARBECUE The public is invited to attend a chicken barbecue dinner, with corn on the cob, this Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. at the Union City Masonic Temple located at Valley Center on Highway 101 just north of the Highway 106 junction. The dinner is sponsored by the Canal Court of Amaranth. Church at Belfair Service of Worship & Sunday School 10 A.M. COME AS YOU ARE Lower Elementary School Gym Nursery Provided CR 5-3354 CLIP COUPON Z D O O. -I tO Money Saving Coupon 1¢ off per lb. on side of r~ r" r~ O C O at 5 miles down South Shore Expires Sept. 1 lth 1975 CLIP COUPON over an building ... Summer's will . don't one more day...! PATIO 1 2x 1 2, colored ¢ PLASTIC 4 inch, flexible 8 ft., econemy ea 8x50 ............... ,.,, $4.95 10x50 .............. ,o,, $6.25 12x50 ,o,, $7.50 UTILITY OLYMPIC Ibs. 5O 8x I O, oil wood w/floor Buy 4 gallons PATIO BLOCKS ,,=i. ,=r,,, ,,. 30¢ CONCRETE MIX ............................... ,.. $1.39 MORTAR MIX ................................ $1.69, ASPHALT ROOF COATING s ~ .................. $9.95 %x4x8 PARTICLE BOARD ..................... $2.45 %x4x8 PARTICLE BOARD ...................... $2.75 BOYSEN 12 ft. sheets, No. 2 SALE ON EXTERIOR OFF sq. ft. Southpark Only August 28, 1975 - Hucklebe~ ~y Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Paqe 3 J 4,i