August 29, 1946 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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One Day Service
S0Clat fvf00
Shelton Women Elected
To Offices At Meet
Mrs. :IV[, C. Melcum and Mrs.
E. F. Martin were representatives
of the Shelton American Legion
Radio Electric
4th and Cota Phone 128
• .-- 119 Railroad Avenue - Phone 152
......... .__oo. ...................
Cut Price
August 29 thru
Sept. 12
Price Cosmetic Sale
All Cosmetics In Our Stock To Go
Dorothy's Beauty Shoppe
Operated by Dorothy Leonard and Effie Avery.
Graham Theatre Bldg. -- Phone 117
NOTICE--After Sept. I this business
will be owned by rs. Effie Avery.
Army Hospital
Romance Ends
In Wedding
A ru]nauee which started when
both were at the Fitzstmmons Ar-
my Hospital in Denver, Coh)., cul-
minated in the marriage of Miss
Esther Marquardt, graduate nurse
and charming daughter of Mrs.
Mabelle Marquardt of Minot, No.
Da,lmta, and Roy Albert Banner.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Banner
of Shelton.
The beautiful double ring cere-
mony was read by Reverend Hard-
wick W. Harsh,man Saturday eve-
ning, AugUst 24, at the Banner
residence on Angles;de in the pres-
ence of friends and relatives. An
improvised altar of phak roses and
white gladioli and phlox provided
the setting for tim service at six
The bride, who was given in
marriage by Ben Banner, father
of the groom, chose a yellow linen
ensemble with wlaite accessories
and wore a corsage of gardenias.
She wore,a b'acelet made by the
groom in Ne Guinea. Her only
attendant, Mrs. Thelma Banner,
wore a black and yellow print
dress with gardenia corsage. Lit-
tle Linda Banrmr. niece of the
groom, was flower girl and car-
ried a basket of pink sweet peas.
Benny Banner, brother of the
groom, wa best man.
Following the ceremony a love-
ly wedding dinner was served to
those present, with Mrs. Vern Hill
of Cushman Dam, cousin of the
groom, in charge of the wedding
For the' wedding trip the
young couple will leave for Vic-
toria,, B.C.
The bride is a graduate of the
VelVa High School in Velva, No.
Dakota. From high school she
went to nurses training in Mhmt,
No. Dakota, at the rinity Hospital
frees which she graduated. She
then went to the Fitzsimmons Ar-
my Hospital at Denver, Colo., as
a graduate nurse.
The groom graduated fom the
Irene S. Reed High School in t931.
He attended Central Washingto
College in Ellensburg where he
was outstanding in football. In
1940 he was a student in the Tri-
State College of Engineering' in
Angola, Ind. He then went into
the Army where he was with the
29th Engineer Group with rat;fig
as staff sergeant. His service ex-
perience put 'him seven months
in Alaska and 19months in tile
Philippines. It was at Manila that
he was wounded and sent to the
"1 LOST 32 LBS.I
perished lnay or lnay
amo but try this oaier reducing
plan, Vry Ftrst 1lax Must Show
lesldls or Inoney back•
No exercise, N'O laxatives. No
drugs. ]?,M, plenty. You don't cut
out meals, potatoes, etc., yell just
cut them down, Simple When you
enjoy doliloa AYDS Vitamin Candy before
ImeMs. Only $2.25 for 0 days' supply, lhone
4th & Railroad Phone 303
Methodist Young People
Enjoy Outing Sunday
Sunday afternoon, August 25,
the Voting People of the First
Methodist Church. journeyed to
the Arthur Callow summer home
on Lost Lake where they met oth-
er young, people from the Method-
ist Churches of Ehna and Satsop.
Tile afternoon's progrem was
under the direction of Reverend
Groscclose, pastor of Ehna Meth-
odist Church, and included swim-
ruing and baseball.
Following a picnic dinner of
hamburgers, watermelon, and cold
drinks, a vesper service was held
on the beach, in which Geraldine
Carlson and Georgienne Durkee,
from the Shelton group, partici-
Those making the trip from
Shelton were: Betty and Frances
Buchanan, Ethel May Sherry, Rob-
ert Price and chilch'en Bobby,
Donald, Joyce and Joan, Tmry -,
Lynn Skelsey, Virginia Pierce,
Gera:ldine Carlson, Joyce Story,
Carol Jo Lovell, Georgienne Dur-
kee, Donnagene Paulson, Delbert
Getty, Jack Valley, Lindy el-
stead, Lee Patteison, Forest Pat-
terson, Mervie Wingard and Rev.
and Mrs'. H. W. Harshnan.
Miss Hansen's Birthday
Anniversary. Honored
Mrs. Josef C. Hanse honored
the 6th biffchday tnnlversary of
her dauKhte(Charlene Saturday
afternoon at ,the Hanson home.
Refre'shments and •games were'en-
joyed during .the afternoon with
the,, assistance of Ronald DodOs
and the host:
Guests for the. party included
Joe MCConkey, 'Brooke and Borg
Andersert, Joan, Shirley, Julie and
Billy Dobbs, Andrea and Barbara
Bailey; Janet and Audi'ey Killmer,
Larry Holt, Billy' LeDrew, and
Charlehe'Hurst of Shelton; Bonnie
Jean and Dean /11o and Juanlta
and Louis'Day of Ho0dsport; Bev-
erly and Audrey Mile, Janet Gen-
dron and.Marie Arno of Seattle,
in addition to the honor guest.
Parents present included Mr.
and Mrs. Rotmld Dodds, Mr. and
Mrs. PauI Hurst, Mrs. Roy Me-
Conltey, Mrs Robert Bailey, Mrs.
Guy Hutchinson, Mrs. Harold Mile
and Mrs. Sally LeDrew.
The honor guest received many
lovely gifts.
Fltzsimmons Hospital in Denver,
Cole,, for recovery. Here he met
Miss Marquardt.
When the young couple return
from their wedding trip they will
make their new home in Seattle l
where Mr. Banner plans to re-[
sume,,, his studies in engineering l
at the University of Washington,
Members of the SheltonGarden
Club enjoyed a, p.iene luncheon
Monday sftqrnoon at"the summer
home of Mr. and' Mrs. Phil Fred-
Plans were continued during a
business meeting' for tile coming
flower show.
Mrs. George Cropper gave an
interesting report on the State
Federation of Garden Clubs meet-
ings in Seattle last week. She told
of the many displays, including
horticultural specimens, garden
craft, corsages, year books and
miniature landscaping projects.
'Marathons* offer morel Rich fur felts in pre.
Mocked and softer shape-it-yourself models.
Handsomely finished with bound edge brims,
medium width fronds.
Sport Felo 4.98
Come qulcklyl Clan plaids
the warm, brilliant all
wool everyone loves; all-
wool dress weights in
smart fall colors; Rich
Shetland types! For suits,
coats, contrasting jackets,
skirts! All Penney prised]
Dress weights .......... 1.57 yd.
Wool Plaid ................ 2.49 yd.
Auxiliary and the 8 et 40 conven-
tion which was held in Belling-
ham, August 21 to August 24. The
8 et 40 held their convention Wed-
nesday and Mrs. Martin was el-
ected state l'archiviste departmen-
tal and as she was also chairman
of the constitution and by-laws
committee. Mrs. Martin gave a re-
port of the year's work done by
the committee.
During the Legion Auxiliary
convention, Mrs. Melenm was el-
ected vice-president of the fourth
district and also was honored by
serving as a page Friday during
the meeting.
Dr. Melcum and Eugene Martin
accompanied their wives to Bell-
ingham and Wednesday they vis-
ited in Vancouver, B.C.
Graves - 01son
Nuptials Held
In Bremerton
Lola Ellen Olson. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Chris E. Olson of
Bayshore, and Earl W. Graves•
son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Grtves
of Bremerton, were married Fri-
day, August' 16, at 8:30 in the eve-
sing in the Memorial Lutheran
Church, Brenterton. Reverend lEd-
round Bentrup of Port Orchard
performed the candle lighted cere-
The church was decorated with
pastel colored gladioli and sweet
peas and ferns.
The-bride's gown was of lace
and marquisette with lohg ,pointed
sleeves and train. Her cathedral-
lengUl veil of net and lace was
held to her head with crystal
beaded star pointed crown. She
wore pearls, a gift from the bride-
groom. Her flowers were white
gladioli, centered with a single
large orchid.
Mrs. Frank H. Woods, Jr., a
sister of the bride, was matron of
honor and she wore a peach chif-
fon gown. Her flowers were white
pore pens and pink asters.
Margie Prindle of Bremerton
and Kathryn Graves, sister of the
groom, were bridesmaids and their
gowns were of blue and pink net,
respectively. Tlteir flowers were
pink" and wlflte asters.
Joan Olson, sister of the bride,
and Maibyl Ristine, niece of the
bride, were flower girls. Maxlne
and Dolores Ristine were candle
lighters. The flower girls wore
pink and blue dresses attd their
flowers were nosegays of white
sweet peas and pink carnations.
The candlelighter wore pink car-
nations in their hair.
Edward Hoffman was best man
and Frank Woods, Jr., Fred Cook-
sey brother of the groom, Bill
Harding and Rod Alacille were
Mrs. Eno sang "O Perfect Love"
and "Because" and Jens Siewert-
sen accompanied on the organ.
Mrs. Olson wore a gray flow-
ered crepe dress with 'black acces-
sories and a pink rosebud corsage.
Mrs. Graves wore a navy blue
crepe dress with black accessories
and a corsage of pink rosebuds.
The reception was held in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pren-
dle, Bremerton. The rooms were
decorated with gladioli and sweet
peas. The bride's three-tiered
cake was topped with a miniature
bride and groom and the flowers
were pink and white cosmos.
Gladys Ristine and Mrs. Orville
Moran poured and Mrs. Bernard
Ristine served the cake. Mrs.
William Chase, Jr., was in charge
of the. gifts and Lois Schwarck
was in charge of the guest book.
For going away, the bride wore
a green tunic Suit and she wore
the orchid from her bridal bou-
uet. Following a wedding trip
y plane to Vancouver, B. C., they
will make their home at Renton.
Mrs. Graves attended the Brem-
often and Irene S. Reed High
Schools, graduating in 1945 from
the latter school and was employed
at the R¢yonier, Inc. Mr. Graves
attended the Bremerton and Port
Orchard schools and was in the
Navy for one and a half "years.
He is employed in Seattle.
Shelton guests present at the
wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Chase, 5r.. Mr. and Mrs. Or-
ville Moran and daughter, Doro-
thy, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ristine,
Max;no, Delores and Gerald Ris-
line, Lois Schwarck, Mrs. Walt
Scofield and Gladys Ristine.
Family Reunion Is
Held August 18
The Loughnan family held a re-
union Sunday, August 18 at the
summer home of Dr. and Mrs.
.Wesley Loughnan on Hungerford
Point, the occasion being the ar-
rival of Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Hil-
born of Sa Francisco for a short
vacation trip. Those present were
Mrs. Annie Loughnan and Dr.
and Mrs Wesley Loughnan of
Chehalis; Mr. and Mrs. Roy J.
Loughnan, Mr, and Mrs, 'Dick
Loughnan and Mr. and Mrs. De-
wey Loughnan of Darrington; Mr.
and Mrs. Arehie Loughnan and
small son of Seattle; Mr. and Mrs.
Conley Stone and Mr. and Mrs.
Hal'ri Loughnan of Puyallup; Mr.
and Mrs. Milton Bosell of Olympia
and Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Loughnan
and family of Shelton, and Dr.
and Mrs. Hilborn of San Franc;co.
Glenn Brokaw's Visit
and Mrs Glenn Brokaw were
Shelton visors last week,end.
They had returned from a vacation
trip of several days in Victoria,
B. C, Their home is in Tacoma.
Mrs. George Andrews, Lorraine
Andrews, Winnifred Collier and
Joan Frisk were in Spokane Fri-
day and Saturday last week at-
tending' the Grand Assembly of
Rainbow Girls. A. banquet was
hold Friday evening and aturday
night was the Grand Ball.
Mr. and Mrs. A. LaFranco and
two children, Dean and Marsha
Lee of Oakland, Calif., left Thurs-
day for their home following a
visit of the past two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wits;ors. Mrs.
LaFranco is a niece of Mr. Wit-
...... , 4V.
Betty Attwood, Byron McClanahan Wed
Friday At Lovely Methodist Ceremony
The First Methodist Church
was.once again the setting for a
lovely wedding, when Miss Betty
Jane Attwood. daugbter of Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard' Attwood. be-
came the bride of Byron "Barney"
McClanahan. son nf :Mr. and Mrs.
James McClanahan of Shelton.
Reverend Hardwick %V. Harsh-
man read the beautiful single ring
ceremony at eight o'clock Friday
evening, Angust 23.
Pastel shades of asters, gladi-
oli and sweet peas made a lovely
setting for the candelighted set'-
vice. The aisle used for the en-
trance of the bridal party was
arked off with white tulle which
was caught to the pews With min-
iature bouquets of tiny flowers.
Lighted tapers also marked the
The bride was lovely in a gown
of white satin and net. fashioned
with long sleeves pointed at the
wrists. Matching satin bows were
caught onto the net skirt which
ended in a long train. Her finger-
tip veil was caught to her hair by
a coronet. An orchid, circled by
sweet peas and gardenias, formed
the bride's bouquet. Her only
piece of jewelry was a strand of
pearls, a gift of the groom.
Miss Alice Attwood, sister of
the bride, was maid of honor, and
wore a blue taffeta gown with a
net skirt. She car;red a bouquet of
salmon colored glad;oils.
The two°bridesmaids; Miss Dor-
othy Gruver and Mrs. - Ernest
Agate Home Is
Wedding Scene
The home of the Elmer Jnlians
in the Agate district became the
attractive setting' for the wedding
Monday evening, August 26, of
Miss Helen Jeannie McCaughan
and Pet. Dennis Dale Julian.
Reverend Hardwick W. Harsh-
man of the First MethodlS
Church read the single ring ser-
vice at eight o'clock in the pros-
once of relatives and friends.
Miss McCaughan, lovely daugh-
ter of Mrs. Helen King of San
Francisco, Calif., chose a royal
blue suit for her wedding and wore
white accessories. Her only at-
tendant was Mrs. Hazel Julian.
mother of the groom. The groom's
father was best man.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Julian. He is a gradu-
ate of the Kelso High School and
after spending nine months in the
Merchant M'ine returned to Shel-
ton prior to is induction in the
Army, The bride is a graduate of
the Irene S. Reed High School and,
has been working in San Fran:
cisco since her graduation.
Mrs. Angus McNeil Is
Honored With Shower
Mrs. Angus McNeil was llonored
at a bridal shower Monday, Au-
gust 19, hostesses being Mrs.
Claude Strobe and Mrs. Bruce Mc-
Lean. The party was given at
Mrs. Strobe's summer cottage on
Spencer Lake.
Swimming and games were en-
joyed, with Mrs. Janes Pauiey
winning the prize.
Mrs. McNeil's husband being an
enthusiastic fisherman, the bride
was given a fishpole with which
to fish for her shower gifts, and
her "fish" were many lovely pre-
sents for her new home.
The invited guests included;
Mrs. Frank Pauley, Mrs. James
Pauley, Mrs. Roger Snelgrove,
Mrs Susie Pauley, Mrs. Naomi
Cilase, Mrs, Riland Gerhardt, Mrs.
Ethel Ftatner, Mrs. George Smith,
Mrs. Max Myers Miss Marion
Magnoche, Miss E. Tegtmeyer, the
hostesses, and the honored guest.
Mr. and Mrs. McNeil were mar-
ried recently in Glendale, Califor-
Seattle Couple Are
Married In Shelton
The sanctuary of the First
Methodist Church was the setting
for the wedding Sunday afternoon,
August 25, when Bertha Frances
Carey became tile bride of William
Logan Murray, both of Seattle.
The Reverend Hardwick W.
Harsh,man performed the single
ring ceremony at 1:30 before the
altar which was decorated with
white gladioli, roses and greenery.
The bride gore a black crepe
dress with black accessories and
a corsage of white gladioli. She
was. attended by Mrs. Jessie Stiles
who was attired in a blue crepe
dress with white accessories "and
a beautiful corsage of salmon
gladioli. Tolbert Stiles was best
Following the ceremony the
couple left for a wedding trip to
California where they will visit
relatives. They plan to make their
'new home in Shelton.
Herb Grell, forestry director of
Mason county, reported the t
Thursday, August 26, a brush fire
was reported near Island Lake
covering about a quarter of an
acre, which was put out before
any damage was done. It was
caused by sparks flying from a
portable incinerator the county is
using, to burn brush in.
The home of Mrs. E. W. Wha-
ley was the setting for a double
slmwer on Wednesday afternoon,
August 21, when she and Mrs.
John Hitchcock entertained for
he r granddauglaters, Gertrude
Whaley Beese and Edna Whaley
The rooms were beautifully
decorated with flowers and the
lace covered table was centered
Wfth a pink and blue crepe paper
umbrella with streamers, The
gifts were in identical basinettes
with pink bows and contained
many beautiful and[ useful articles.
Those present included: Mrs.
Roy Whaley, Mrs. John Vander-
wal, Mrs. Pete Vanderwal, Mrs,
Thatcher Vanderwal, Mrs. Wylie
Pringle, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. May
Troy, Mrs. Clive roy, the honor-
ed 'guests, Mrs. Beese and Mrs.
Riehards and the hostesses, Mrs.
Whaley and Mrs. Hitchcock,
Pierce .wore identicnl gowns of
pink taffeta sLyled with nel skirts
and carried matching k)enquet: ef
Clmsen as eandlelight(,rs were
Mrs, l-b)bert Kcir ata Mrs. lich-
ard (:Jarduer %v]lo wore aqua gOWllS
of brot,.a(hL Eula. Fisher. c()tlsin
of the groom, acted as lhe best
nlan, Ttl( usllcrs Were DIIi', Me.-
Clanahan. brother of the grooln,
Kenneth I,atham, Max Sehmidl;
and Kenneth Fredson.
The bridc's mother. Mrs. Art-
wood, wore a grey wool suit with
black accessories and It. e, orsage
of pink rosebuds. Mrs. MeClana-
han, the mother of the groom,
chose for the wedding a taupe suit
with brown accessories and her
corsage was of yelh)w rosebuds.
Before the entrance of the bri-
dal party, Kcmmth BIanehard,
bass soloist, s an g "Becansc."-
While the wedding 1)arty gathered
around the, altar, im sang "Ti/1
the End of Time." Josephine For-
sythe's "The Lord's Prayer" was
sung while the couple knelt be-
fore the lighted cross during the
closing prayer. Mrs. Earl Jordm
played the accompaniments and
the bridal music.
The bridal party received guests
in tim reception rooms of the Col-
onial House immediately following
the ceremony. White glad;oils and
sweet peas enhanced the setting
for the reception.
A tiered cake centered the
brides table which was attractive
in a setting of crystal and flow- j
ors. Presiding at the urns were
Mrs. Richard Attwood, aunt of the
bride frmn TaComa, and Mrs. J.
H. M:cClanahan. aunt of the
groom from Hoodsport. Mrs. Max
Sehmidt cut and seFced the wed-
ding cake and Mrs. Dorothy Hill-
ier was in charge of the gucst
For her going away the new
Mrs. McClanahan clmse a suit of
black wool with white accessor-
ies and wore the orchid from her
bride's bouquet for her corsage.
AfLer spending their honeymoon
iu Victoria the young couple plan
to make their new home in Shcl-
The bride was educated in Shel-
ton and graduated with the class
of 1942 from the Irene S. Reed
High School. She then went to
the Olympia Secretarial Scimol
and has for the past several years
been employed .at the Ell;oil
Spring Accountant firm in Shel-
The groom graduated from the
local high school iu 1940 and at-
tended the University of Wash-
ingles studying in the department
of chemistry. He then went into
the Army Air Force where he
was 'assigned to the 12th Bomber
Group. He spent 33 months over
seas with service in Africa, Sic-
ily, Italy and the China-Burma-
India theatres of war. Since his
diicharge from the scrviee he has
been connected with Rayonier In-
corporated and plans to resume
his studies in chemistry thin win-
Children and
and All
2 to 6 pro1,
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st 29, 1946.
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Cold Waves For Every Type Hair and
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