August 29, 1946 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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August 29, 1946 |
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.... .., .... .'. .: .... ' [|" DAN':'-::'------ " t:ItNU [
te,€, I ,,, ,.,, ,, ,., . .,. ,, [ Crucial 2nd Halt ;) BOWLING LEA6UES TO ROLL
'.++ _
, _ :iRP|R§ I . l V 15 L 1 li r. 5 L g 1 I Fastball Struggle S(;HEDULES FIERE I HIS YEAR
,r I u hy roll. D,C,E " [ ...a..i. q'..;;':m l:',',, l,,,',,ng l,.,:..cs two n+ro ............ -- ............ "
iil t!pP'qr-xll IH if=V:l O(II, lU ,+ I __ , '":"U'*"''m''.th,,,,,,'e',i,'r, te:d,,',gt"'.......,.. ........... ............. " ..... "'-"" .......... ." .... '+. , F. v ,, iv I
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-t::k .L-.¢fiJ] SPORT CRUMBS more rnnn t dozen years ago ana W ! rr r'l sc .(n h,s (m th,. Shelt,m ,tecrea-I' ...'J . " .... D}'
:0'. " " • " r" • . ", " ll|'ii('(,rs [o'e 11) lie nlct'lell anu
' Bill T,tylor and Stan Arnqsirorlg that means he has to be on hand Ra onier 6 1 7- 1 l(. ma b, h':v,s wr thin win- . ......
...... . v generally considered the cream of cv,13 da3 of the sixty-day season *Aetwe Cln,) ............ 1 ,(, (,3 [,-i, l(,i\\;,,,g rml., S.nmd,,y .m, ., ,.., ............ , ....... ., .,, ,,,,.
l Lee and His Orchest `''+ . . . .., , .. . y. . .............. : ........ , , ., . , ,n,. sea,,,n's ,,1,e,',,,,,,ns ,,,,,,,,,-
._ J ,'h ...... " o o'e! baseball roster for every r'c{ on T+ne o aiJy car<liB, Mor:van :umbel d q 68 6 S,I(',3" :vnin ',-' fr <ten pay :: ........ ,..77 ...u ..... .... :" i ON LAKE I SABELLA# .,,. ' _I
, ,:, ,., l.:.sent L , :" ' . " " ' . ' , " " '" ' t' " ' " ' ': a" "" , ' ' ' ' , , ' "' " '' ' $' allen's IMIIVllli IJ|'ag le nell :4
- m'o their ability to c m fast so ]ts small wonder tall:mS horses I : mhermen 'o Mere ' 5 {;7 t fins u:ts the ma m' d,,v,lopment . . . . • '
:. ,_ ved " " " " ' tin, ' ' " " ' - ' lmt 1 0 ' ' lll'l!llla]" . • • . ', ns orga|l'llional llltqttlng " Ill
_l"tSnt // company last week when they pet'- ,s same as talking hop to lure. Needh,Tn's Men's .... 2 ,, :It :,l ',! :',,l:,y .,,,+j,n5- "n, sI,,li",,n"In,,,,, s,,u',in,, ,,'i,h | BERT RAU'S ORUIt3ES'xRA |
foimed" n': outstandin, g" re'tuner ........... • Skokomish Grano'e 1 6 .' ) 71 :l o meeting n th C IV ],owl- " "'.:"" "" ,. -"" ,", s" ,"s ,.
i. ..... ,..o, ,+. 'akland ..arks chain STEPP NG UP ' To amo " ,,,,,, A:,,,,,,a,,o,, ,,,,,,,., ,.,.,,b .l.., a ,,..,,,...,,,,,,,,,. '"' ' """" '" "!1 eotor,,.O MILRE R,MES AT T.E P,ANO I"
'J o xx*- "" ................ ' - " .'+ ', .... ,,.i., si,,n ,,,,, ,on,men, e a, ,ppr,,,- | II. E. Miles O: the Drums
_A I lfll ll k.D g IL ,El *'' 'tie! pions of the Pacific Coast .N.e.gro Ma :y Shelto aians read with ap- Ganl.e Tonight . ,x<.q>l\>,,vr:l,.: .,x\\; a. c.letlt,'d" J::.s (.,.-. ,Ymtcly 7:11,1 o','l.n'k.
,.W &T...,.. baseball league m an exlubtlon proval last week the promotion of No. 1---.-Aettwans vs. lgayonwr tmn ],l, s:dt lit, .?d!A tetllnt J iln i ' . 'i ........... i.'+ere,"ed in Ira-"- I
, 'arne t el m)ia Stan and Bill Tubb Graves for a uarter of a No. 2 Needham ,s. 1 rhomiMi D:mbar; Fh'e Chmi T. D. Deer . :)'" "'";"'". ..... \\;'..' ;"
;1 11.,, xgere itvite t join the Olympia centuYy head basebalqand assist- NO GAMES LABOR DAY ,,,?,,; .elm sen. vhe-p,'esi¢.lept) :!:,el ::gs(::: '::',:'i:e'g:If i::'"tt::;;:'l ''''g a Sponsored by Shelton Eagles Aerie No. 207£ I
u rw. ('?lNol}lVl'rg ,.2 Senators for the game, Stan ant basketball and football ment- Ganle.; Tiuirsday :mrvin Car..r w'>; vm:eo ro tnfl ....... Dancing 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. ]
',!rl,'TIRE_,,**,ImI smashing a pair of solid lilts or at the University of Washing- No. I. Rayonicr vs. Morgan sem.,ti!y57t," po.t,, ,!)eeeet: ..... ...... :..=-:. ...... r-;,Y,: ......... 5 ......................
m I . L l INiH)nll \\;vno 1¢:1(((1 LO Dt
..",,K-. against top-notch pitching and ton, to a new position as assistant No. 2----Aeti\\;ians vs. Gr:inge . ',': : . .7.' ', 2. ' 1'; ,: ......... ! ......... . ......... ............ ;, ..... ,. " .............................................................................. --
- :" .-i- " s,,-- Bill scintilating on the bases. WeB athletic manager ,at the Husky .... )'.ne2,.eu ,, t,l:, t!ule:, n!, ,.ttJ.da,sl i :;.,<,j;- :,r, ,,£,,,/.,,;r<,-¢,a,L,, I
21. Rr I'YIKf Rau, the former Kamilche south-institution. Continuing tbeir da.qh tin, yard mr the pu.u. ognt m' am, .y u .. a'., ': . c + ....... g -a- /uble
.... |l.'.-,--.'.* ,-- ,o,u,x,, ........................ it ..... the m eond half ne m'mt ]:"lvonier Th<, ?ire hmgucs whirh will or-I lished circuits with possibly ,,,1,' __
uu mgge,'s!mW wan y.u.Owa,;al louiS,e, ne,o,, the w, : ,u and'00ctive "Ch;b .... ',,,,+,,, , ,.,,,,..,. . ,,+ ,:,+ w,,+ h:,,'+,,', Havin ro
illvaiNmr_ulo.',¢ ........... .: ., " "' ' ............................ ) qa.i' 'tri ' it,'l d< the eight-team ettv lea.- as yet b(c determnd.
• ,.- t exce)[lonauy goofl in his ,LlnL OU vuny aueue u ., r, " ' . . " '. t; ....
the "l:ound a=ainst the Larks the past week's ,stball ,{'t on t,e, bowhng on l,'r,(!ay. ::,ghts; I,!,,ty asso(:,atmn xec,,L,vo
. ', .. II.- ' - -" -- - " .... --.* ......... € to the tad of the' the eieht-teanl commereiai lgue I :omn tcee consisting' ¢1 tresi(lent
:= ....... - Proof that the Loop Field ath. r'acl'tto,ig'l'(st,f tle; (.l'ash <,, t)owli,r (,: ;Vedm:sday nights the I(c, ppcrma;1. Sec;'etary C a r t e r ' . Getting the I
, _ letic plant construction program ,,.2 .... ,; ...... ; :1£ 1:oo n "f;,iolel eight-team \\;vomen's [englle, bowl-I.Panl l're(lson, ,less lJaniels Allie .4': ,
\\;- " " '.il" s go ng right ahead is hinted ,,':,,,,i'.?"-2%"=;;;'l;orox2 loh.; ng TI (sdly nights' a Rayonier Rohinson Bill Smith and Jim 4), f? Ball Game I
among the legal pubhcatmns ,.n *ha r1, ro hfflo nf thr ]' mninrl m 1 1 +nt <' wlm'h probably wall ] I)unbar wall ,meet tlns week to
1" W O °-G:!: rinY;s fJ:;o:) erofn;ltc°'dth:':If,;::iliw(:::ll:: a i'.; c:::: ::,,t,,ne:ln,e;!::t s,::i::i,:n,SC;,;,lat?e:3.,Is of the J/% ?, • I
}j['J ca for " ing + ..... ,. h,,,+ ,; ,he to? ru£'' tit co;ripened of four mcns and four Gib F,'isken was elected presi- ++ •
the o d grandstand. The new ,";'*,':-'',''s" left tonlax/'a the w( mens 1 neups whi( : will bowl / dent of the commercial league at ",'. Leave Your Radio at the ]
I III1 ; football stands are virtually ,,,,,h o,,, ..... , t] mla,, (he ,' .... ), Thursday even ngs Ftuday pin gathering and at
'[ r completed now and boast a ........ x,,.,,, Lumber 'rew ] iy will start the week of Sep'- present is the c rcuit's only offl-
JiLIXr I-T/ press box right up under the -'27"-"'-°-'-'";':*"2" nm "ame ,;lun?" tember 16 in all leagues with the leer no vice-president being" chosen LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE I
-.+ ,,,o tands which wmC, .uu . t -. ' , 1' ...... ' .....
'* ,--l'"'..t'.t#r I roof, so the old s , ,=+ ...... L"-rid nroduc, d 't ,mr possible exception of the inter-/ and Mel Morgan, elected secretary m & Applia e S ic |1
• +o --o . '+=" °° ' • ' '" ,+++ +p++,,, +,+,,,,, ++ ,,ore t,o =+,+, ,.
__ _ __..,iI'4FA] ' are no longer needed, in fact arelin Street for a good many years, Ravonier'rolled over, the..L M., 28"week schedule. Essentially the / declining the post later, nc erv e
kRLE SAW00UJ0000 int" bef-rethe new 12 to 9,1ast Thursday whfle the ila 0
iIiil R II liB---- ,l',""' ne way as . o ..... Activians capitalized on a six-run LOCATED iN NEW HARDWARE DEPARTMENT I
............ baseball stands which w i torm "" 'rd umm s " "
RS _ Yl an I= ar?und..home plate caq.?e a 10 to 6 triumpi+ over the potent ( II-aP'Hll.dff !/ I1'/]1
|!+ constructea the present rlcKity , , r .
UMPNI Needham s Me,: s V cp., lineup.
Cl old stands must come down. , Activian /at'ry Peterson ,\\;'as rob- k'/'J-( - - " ' I ! I I I I I I I I I I
. 'lt',. . - The steel fence which will evel t- I,,, ,e .... d +he ;enr'S j(ao't s( V .+'a -. " r'
our General Motors UleSel kng,n - . r Whel hrtlllt 11--1}1w ,,r,m,,, *he flolcl i lilro Y ........... ." " .':'3 ' "'"
's " ........ '11" ..... ' ..................... nonle runs wnen a player on the I I
the transformers which are delay- Not a few local athletes have Canal Fishing Improves; Clint Mifflin
ins completion of the lighting pro-
ject, among the difficult to get
materials and won't be up during
this football season.
George Adams, the Skokomish
legislator, is not one to turn his
back on a bull session generally,
but after sixty straight days of
horse-racing (which he will com-
plete this Labor Day) one thing be
doesn't care to talk about is
horses right now. George s one
of the placing judges at Long-
acres racetrack, a position he has
-.-- i A I I "ince the track opened
'UEI, +
?0 RAnnoun c !YOpenin! ot
6 i' . e , . "
)2 " li:) "A 1324 ()LYMPIC HIGHWAY
1,000 gallons for new oil burner inst
sken Oil
ty Distributor for Associated Oil
d Amendment
ate Cbnstitutio00
the State Constitution, and the
:e hereinafter referred to,
a of the voters of the State
onstitution of the said state, as
)LUTION NO. 9 may be
the lawa of the
the Senate and standi
tves of the State the
.gislattve session And Be
d election to be
:he next
Monday in No-
roll be submitted fn)a weekly
ars of this state, where a
d ratification, or throughout the
.nt to Article VII
of the State of Passed the House
ded thereto as a
wn as scctton 3.
hired States and Passed the
umentalities, and
taxed under any
state, whenever Filed in the
as such taxation State, March
, Secretary of State of the
the above and foregoing
]se Joint Resolution No. 9,':
hington at its twenty-ninth
Joint Resolution on file in my office
zd and the seal of the State of
Real Es
..+ and Sell Dirt
- - Phone
@ @ •
You want to Buy
A cow, or
a horse, or
a pig, or
You Want to Sell
A mule, or
a goat, or
some chickens, or
You Want to Buy
A car, or a
bicycle, or
a tractor, or
You Want to Sell
Some furniture, or
some lumber, or
some clothing, or
You Want Some
Property or you"
have something
you don't need
You'll Call 100 and
try a Journal want ad
---Well there won't
be any maybes about
what'll happen!
Just try it once.
The Journal
played under the genial, humor-
loving Husky coach while many
other Sheltonians have come to
know and admire him through
personal appearances here as
speaker on various occasions. His
wit and humor made him one of
the more popular speakers of the
Northwest for sports dinners and
His promotion to the newly-
created post of assistant ath-
letic manager at Washington
was due both to his long serv-
ice with the Husky sports pic-
ture and to his ability as courf-
selor for young men.
Graves came to W'ashiiigton in
1922 as football line coach, be-
came baseball coach in 1923, and
frosh basketball coach in 1925, In
his first ten years at the Husky
baseball helm his tea ms won eight
northern division championships,
Art McLarneyl newly signed mem-
ber of the Husky coaching staff,
succeeds him as baseball tutor as
well as in the football and basket-
ball roles he held.
The August bulletin issued by
the State Game Department con-
rained two items of particular in-
terest to those who like to hunt
One reports the coming release
this fall in Klicitat County of over
100 young wild turkeys in an ex-
periment the department hopes
will lead to future hunting of that
species of fowl in this state.
The wild turkeys were hatched
from eggs donated by Samuel
Martin of Seattle, who has a
bird farm on Whidby Island.
Klickitat county was selected
for their release because it has
habitat best adapted for their
survival, the bulletin said.
The second item reports a rec-
ord production of Chinese pheas-
ants on Washington State Game
Department farms this year, a
hatch exceeding 85,000 birds, some
20,000 more than the record out-
put of 1945, when Washington
ranked at the to 2 of all the states
in the country for pheasant pro-
duction, the game department bul-
letin claims.
The game department oper-
ates ten bird farms located =at
Centralla, Ellensburg, Yaklma,
Deer Park, Kennewick, Walla
Walla, Colvllle, South Tacoma,
Auburn and the Methow Valley,
all of which produced better
than expected results this year,
according to Game Director Don
Better Chink hunting definitely
can be expected as a result of this
record, although Mason County
probably won't be effected because
this area is not well suited as
pheasant country.
-- i
Friday -- Saturday
August 30-31
Tom Breneman
I i
Sun. -- Men. -- Tues.
Sept. 1-2-3
i t t i
Wednelay Only
Sept. 4
James Masers, Lucle
Coming -- "Smoky"
other diamond interferred with
his wallop and thejmtpires made
him return "to second base.
:Morgan Lumber's two victories
were posted by a 7 to 5 margin
over Skokmnish Grange and by a
16 to 3 waltz over the L.M. The
grange crew bad a 5 to 2 edge,
thanks to Jim Rose's vicious hit-
ting which included a hmne rma
and a two-run single, going into
the last playable inning, but the
lu,mbermen sneaked five rims
home just ahead of darkness and
then pulled a double play to nip
a grange rally in the dusk of the
last half of the inning.
Blonde Johnny Hardin hit for
the cycle a home run, triple, dou-
ble and slngle--as hc led Morgan's
to a farcial victory over the L.M.
After the Merks found then:selves
down by 9 to 1. at the end of the
second inning they clowned the
rest of the ball game and provid-
ed plenty of laughs ]f nothing
DadsIo}iatch- For
Pewee Sluggers
Peewee ball players ended tbeir
1946 summer playfield season in
a blaze of glory last Friday night
by trimming their Dads 9 to 1,
after season honors for sporsman-
ship, attendance and batting were
awarded by Supervisor George
1-iormes at Loop Field.
Carl Schwarck won the sports-
manship award, Danny Yarr the
attendance medal, and Don Cleve-
land the batting championship
with his ,500 average, as well as
captaining the team which won
the league title, The skipper pitch-
ed the victory as his team ,whip-
ped the Dads Friday. Ted Daie's
humane run featured the Peewee at-
tack, which was concentrated in
the first three innings.
Football Jamboree
SlatedFor Sept. 13
Little time for conditioning will
be allowed prep football players
on the six teams which annually
compete in the Southwest Wash-
ington football jamboree at Olym-
pic Stadium in Hoquiam, for the
date of tbe 1946 show has been
set for September 13, ust 11 days
after the opening of school next
Shelton, Montesano, Elma, Ray-
mond, Hoquiam and Aberdeen
will play two one-quarter games
eacl against rivals chosen by lot
the night of the jamboree.
There will be reserved sections
for each of the six schools but
no reserved seats with each
school and sponsor (the Kiwanis
Club here) keeping all receipts
from advance ticket sales.
Junior High Grid
Turnout Tuesday
Candidates for the junior high
school football team will waste
no time getting into training for
the coming grid season for the
new Blazer coach, Ray Patrick,
has issued a call for all boys who
expect to turn out for the squad
to be prepared for their first work-
out the opening day of school
next Tuesday.
COach Patrick will issue equip-
ment to all candidates who report
that day, and shoes will be avail-
able for those who wish to get
them at the same time, he added.
Patrick moved his family to
Shelton last week.
Pigeon Hunting
Opening Sunday
First of the approaching hunt-
ing seasons to call nimrods into
the field in :Mason county will be
the band-tailed pigeon season.
which opens next Sunday and con-
tinues through the full month of
Shooting will be permitted from
a half-hour before sunrise until
sunset with usual restrictions ap-
plying to use of shotguns. Tte
daily bag limit and possession lim-
it are 10 birds.
Pigeon hunters are warned to
check carefully areas closed to
entry because of fire hazards.
2 Shelton Boys Now
Marine Carps Airmen
Ralph Pigs, Jr,, of Shelton and
Joe Howard of Minerva Park pass-
ed the physical and mental exam-
inations and were sworn into the
U, S. Marlne Corps Air Force yes-
terday morning in Seattle.
They go to San Diego for their
boot training.
Tops Derby Ladder With 21-lb. Fish
Reports of improved fishhag conditions in Hood Canal during
the past week were accompanied by proof in the form of several
,additions to the Hood Canal Salmon Derby ]adder and two new
leaders during the week.
C]int Mifflin of Shelton boated a 21-pound. 8-ounce catch
late last week off Calm Cove to snare the tip ladder rung and
John Hart of Seattle netted a 19-pound, 10-ounce fish off Lack-
awanna to also edge Bun Leighton last week's leader, who now
holds third place,
Twenty-three fish are now.listed on the ladder, according to
Derby Chairman Wally Oliver of Hoodsport, the list follow,tag:
C. D. Mifflin Shelton 21-8 Calm Cove
John Hart Seattle 19-10 Lackawanna
Ben V. Leighton Shelton 19 Minerva Park
Jack Robinson Edmonds 18-14 +, Union
Marvin Morgan Shelton 18-11 Calm Cove
H. L. Jackson Olympia 18-5 Hidden Cove
Roy Sherry Shelton 18-1/ Minerva Park
Robert W. Burman Lilliwaup 17-10 Stetons Resort
Neil Simmons Hoodsport 17-8 Hoodspoct
Leo L. Schmidt Union 17 Madrona Lodge
G.C..Eck Shelton 16 Tillicum Beach
Fred Oletzke Olympia 15-14 Lackawanna
Bob Morris Potlatch 15-8 Hoodsport
H. L. Jackson Olympia 15-4 Hidden Cove
Archie C. Wright Shelton 14-12 Minerva Park
Charles Blomfield Shelton 11-5 Minerva Park
C. W. Ruddell Olympia 4-10 Lackawanna
Bob Erhart Litliwaup 4-8 Stetons Resort
Harry Hess Union 4-2 Calm Cove
Floyd C. Ludwig Union 3 Hoodsport
H. L. Jackson O ympia 1-11 Hidden Cove
Chas. Browner Hoodsport 1-1 Hoodsport
Harry Hess Union 1-1. Union
( Fired Slandings)
V L Yet.
SIIELTON ............ |) 1 .900
Olympia Elks ....... 7 3 .700
Cardinals ................ 47 6 .400
Hustlers .................. ,I 6 .400
Tigers ...................... 6 .400
Lumberjact:. ........ 2 S ,200
Champioship laurels be(leek the
collective brows of the Shelton
Loggers t+>(ty after the Mason
County niae staged a courageous
and stirring uphill fight to whip
the Olympia Elks, 11 to 7, in the
last game of the schedule Friday
night, thus salting away the Oly-
,mpia night league pennant.
Business Manager Guy Hnt-
chinson requests all members
of the Shclton Loggers rosUr
In turn in 1heir uniforms to
• Jack Stcwarl at lhe L.M.'s
nimrtlng goods department su
they nan he eleaned and taken
eare of for nex| season.
The Loggers c, onq)leted their
season with lasi Frhlay's game
against the Elks in Olympia.
The Loggers won nine of their
ten league contests, having the
prcwous Wednesday night edged
the Jensvold Cardinals, 3 to 2, in
another blood-racing scrap and
we do mean scrap. The only defeat
hung on the Loggers record dur-
ing the season was administered
by the Elks by a 2 to 0 count three
weeks ago.
But that titular tiff Friday was
one the large,', following of Shelton
fans who made the trip to Olym-
pia will long remember, The P31ks
got away to a six-run start in
the first inning when two boots
by Sccond-bascman Bill Levett
proved cxteremely eostly. None of
the six tallies were earned.
But from that point on Levett
played sensational ball starting
two double plays and hitting safe-
ly three times as hc led the Log-
gers in a eomeback which knotted
the score by tbe end of thesecond
inning and had the Shelton ub
in front by 9 to 6 at the end of
the fourth.
, Start Armstrong's home run
with two on base in the first wip-
ed out half the Elks lead. while
timely bingles by Bill Taylor and
Buck Armstrong drove in three
tffing rnns in the second after Jess
Philips had opened with a single.
Levett ha,mmered across two runs
which gave the Losfiefs the lead in
the third and Burt Dickinson sing-
led Stan A.rmstrmag home with an-
other in the fourth. In the eghth
the Loggers bate barked again
with Stan Armstrong squeezing
brother Buck across and later
scoring himself on Cliff Kelly's
In the meanthne, little Jack Ste-
wart was' southpawing the Elks
into ef'eetive submission with a
slow hook which had them break-
ing their ba.cks and the only earn-
ed run of the seven off his pitch-
mg came in the eighth on three
clan hits. Stewart rapped his rival
pitcher off first to save himself
some trouble in that ('ant(), too,
Besides the two double plays
Levctt started. Warren VVoods in-
itiated another from third base
md turned in an additional field-
ing game as did Taylor at short
to help Stewart out defensively..
Catcher Cliff Kelly was the btt-
ting hero of Wednesday's victory
over t]]e Cardinals. his double in
the sixth propelling Jess Phillips
and Start Ar,mstrong across the
plate wit:la the tying and winning
rams. Th Cardinals gave the crip-
pled Loggers a stiff argument all
the way with a lineup which in-
cluded five former Logger or
Highclimbcr players in Pete
Bloomfield, Tony Nelson, Joe and
Ed Brown, and George Snyder.
Bloomfield pitched the game and
was holding' a 2 to I edge until
Kelly slashed his double down the
rightficld line. The game was mar-'
red by a, couple of serious beefs
and some bad sportsmanship by
the Cardinals' manager and a fra-
cas in which a spectator injected
himself into a fight with a Logger
Jess Phillips got credit for the
Loggers victory after relieving
Stewart in the fifth. The Cardinals
had scored an unearned run off
Jack in the fourth and were lead=
ing 1 to 0 at the time.
Cardinals ab r IH Logger, all r
Erieksson If " 2 ]I Levett 2b ........ 4 0 0
Konh) 3b . 3 0 11Phillips 3b-t) 4 1 1
Bloomfield p 3 0 1[ B Armstng If 4 0
J Brown cf.... 4 0 0] S Armstrng ef 4 1
Snyder e ...... 4 0 0 C, arlson ss .... 2 0
Nelson sT .... 4 0 0tKelly c .......... 4 0 3
Winne 2b ...... 4 0 1 Dieken,on lb 2 0
Nortou rf .... 3 0 0/Wilson rf .... 3 1 0
E 13rown 11) 3 0,0] Stewart p .... J 0 0
Wooda 31) ...... 2 0 0
Totals ........ 81 2 4 Totals ....... 30 3 7
Cardinals ............ 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0--2
Loffgers .... ............ () 0 E O i 0 1 2 {) 0 0--3
Errors: Dickenson. Brown, Win-
he, J. Brown. Ituns batted in: Bloom-
field, Kelly. 2. Stolen bases: Bloom-
field, Phllhps 1, Woods. Double plays:
Levett to Dickenson. Left on base.:
Cardinals 5. Loggers 6, Baaes on balls:
Bh)onffield 2. Nelson 0: Stewart 0,
Phillips 1. Strike-outs: Blootnfleld 8,
Nelson 1: Stewart u. Phillips 6, ttit
off: Bloomfield 5 for 3 runs in 8 inn-
ings; Nelsou 2 for 0 runs in 1 tun-
ing Stewart ] for I run in 4 inning.;
Phillips 3 for :l run ht 5 innings. Hit
by intcher, by: Bloomfield, Carlson,
Phillips, Erickson. Wild ])itches :
Blopnd'ield 3. W|nning pitcher: Phil-
ips: Losing ])li.eher. Bh)omfield, Ulu-
pires: Hsrris, Costa.
Elks ab r h Sbe]tea Ill) r h
Contes qb .... ,t 0 2 Taylor us ...... 5 "1 2
GrOSSp,sh,skilf cl .... "" ,l I [|2 } Levett 2b ........ 54 1
Hudson 2b .... 3 l
= 2 ] Armstng If 5 o
S Al'mstng cf 3 3
Simmons rf.+. 5 woods 3b .... q 0
Watkias ss .. 5 I 2 Kelly c ........ 5 0 2
J. Ray ]1) .. 3 1 Dlel:enm)n 11) 5 0
Heikes e 3 l Phillips rf.... 4 2 2
Amans p .... 4 0 Stewart p . 3 9 0
aBard If ........ 1 0 0
bRohr c ........ 1 1 ]1
Totals ...... 37 711t Totals .... 41 11 16
aBard for Gros in 8th
bRohr for Heikes in 8th
Elks .................... 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-- 7
Shelton .............. 3 .q 2 I 0 0 0 2 0--11
Errors: Taylor, Levett 2+ Kelly, Hel-
ke.. Contes, Hudson 2. Runs batted
in: Amahs 2. Simmons, Heikes 2, Con-
tes S. Armstrong 9, Taylor, 1=1 Arm-
strong, I.evett 2. Dickenson, Kelley.
Two-1)ase hits: °Hudson, Amans. Lev-
oLL B, Al'nlNtl'l)ng, HOllle FIUI..q. ,
Armstrong. Stolen bases: Watkins,
Taylor Lewtt 2, B. Arm.irons 2,
D ckenson 2, Sacrifices : Stewart.
Woods, S, Armstrong, D0uhle plays:
Levett to Taylor to Dlckenson; Woods
to Levett to Diekenson: Levett to
Taylor to Dicken.on, Left on bases:
Elks $, Loggers 8. Ba:+es on balls:
Antans 0. S(ewart 4. Strike-outs: Am-
ans 9. Stewart 5. Hits off Amana 15
for 11 runs in 9 innings: Stewart 11
for 7 rtum in 9 innings. Hit halters:
thlllips I)5' Amens, Iu(lson by Stew.
Beer, the light
beverage of milhons
temperate people...
Olympia Brewln Company
New Motors
@ Direct from Factory-
@ Not Rebuilt
@ Not Reconditioned
Chrysler- Plymouth - Internationa!
306 Olympic Highway
Last Dance
Un on
SAT.--AUG. 31
Dancing 9:30 P. M. to 1.:30 A. M.